blob: 5e8d94d7a28fcc0d7b90bbd62b8065b3677db2ef [file] [log] [blame]
# These functions are included in shared libraries.
# We do not build a Thumb multilib for Linux because the definition of
# CLEAR_INSN_CACHE in linux-gas.h does not work in Thumb mode.
# Use a version of div0 which raises SIGFPE.
LIB1ASMFUNCS := $(filter-out _dvmd_tls,$(LIB1ASMFUNCS)) _dvmd_lnx
# Multilib the standard Linux files. Don't include crti.o or crtn.o,
# which are provided by glibc.
EXTRA_MULTILIB_PARTS=crtbegin.o crtend.o crtbeginS.o crtendS.o crtbeginT.o