blob: f35dc19a517215c29fa11398f8bc33d679f79b87 [file] [log] [blame]
/* APPLE LOCAL file 4696522 */
/* Test that c-style cast of objective-c pointer to objects works. */
/* APPLE LOCAL radar 4894756 */
#include "../objc/execute/Object2.h"
static int res = 1;
@protocol foo
- (void) callMe;
typedef id<foo> fooPtr;
@interface MyObject : Object
- (void) callMe;
@implementation MyObject
- (void) callMe
res = 0;
int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {
MyObject * pool = [[MyObject alloc] init];
[(fooPtr)(pool) callMe];
[pool free];
return res;