blob: 28a8a3f7838e7a88954973b9bcc4806d4538aec0 [file] [log] [blame]
! Test alternate entry points for functions when the result types
! of all entry points match
function f1 (a)
integer a, b
integer, pointer :: f1, e1
allocate (f1)
f1 = 15 + a
entry e1 (b)
allocate (e1)
e1 = 42 + b
end function
function f2 ()
real, pointer :: f2, e2
entry e2 ()
allocate (e2)
e2 = 45
end function
function f3 ()
double precision, pointer :: f3, e3
entry e3 ()
allocate (f3)
f3 = 47
end function
function f4 (a) result (r)
double precision a, b
double precision, pointer :: r, s
allocate (r)
r = 15 + a
entry e4 (b) result (s)
allocate (s)
s = 42 + b
end function
function f5 () result (r)
integer, pointer :: r, s
entry e5 () result (s)
allocate (r)
r = 45
end function
function f6 () result (r)
real, pointer :: r, s
entry e6 () result (s)
allocate (s)
s = 47
end function
program entrytest
function f1 (a)
integer a
integer, pointer :: f1
end function
function e1 (b)
integer b
integer, pointer :: e1
end function
function f2 ()
real, pointer :: f2
end function
function e2 ()
real, pointer :: e2
end function
function f3 ()
double precision, pointer :: f3
end function
function e3 ()
double precision, pointer :: e3
end function
function f4 (a)
double precision a
double precision, pointer :: f4
end function
function e4 (b)
double precision b
double precision, pointer :: e4
end function
function f5 ()
integer, pointer :: f5
end function
function e5 ()
integer, pointer :: e5
end function
function f6 ()
real, pointer :: f6
end function
function e6 ()
real, pointer :: e6
end function
end interface
double precision d
if (f1 (6) .ne. 21) call abort ()
if (e1 (7) .ne. 49) call abort ()
if (f2 () .ne. 45) call abort ()
if (e2 () .ne. 45) call abort ()
if (f3 () .ne. 47) call abort ()
if (e3 () .ne. 47) call abort ()
d = 17
if (f4 (d) .ne. 32) call abort ()
if (e4 (d) .ne. 59) call abort ()
if (f5 () .ne. 45) call abort ()
if (e5 () .ne. 45) call abort ()
if (f6 () .ne. 47) call abort ()
if (e6 () .ne. 47) call abort ()