blob: 8512fd7c89f10a3c1272ab346748abb7da7b42d7 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--------------- PrintBuffer.h - Printing objects ----------------------===//
// The Micro Virtual Machine
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include <cstdio> // sprintf
#include <cstring> // memcpy
#include "types.h"
#include "mvm/Object.h"
namespace mvm {
/// NativeString - This class is the equivalent of a char*, but allocated
/// by the GC, hence has a virtual table.
class NativeString : public gc {
/// VT - The virtual table of this class.
static VirtualTable VT;
/// cString - Returns the C equivalent of the NativeString.
inline char *cString() { return (char *)(this + 1); }
/// readString - Copies the C string to a newly allocated NativeString.
inline static NativeString *readString(char *cStr) {
size_t nbb = strlen(cStr);
NativeString * res = alloc(nbb + 1);
memcpy(res->cString(), cStr, nbb + 1);
return res;
/// alloc - Allocates a NativeString of size len.
static inline NativeString *alloc(size_t len) {
return (NativeString *)gc::operator new(len + sizeof(VirtualTable*), &VT);
/// realloc - Reallocate a native string of size len.
inline NativeString *realloc(size_t len) {
return (NativeString *)gc::realloc(len + sizeof(VirtualTable*));
/// setAt - Sets the char c at position pos in the NativeString.
inline void setAt(int pos, char c) {
cString()[pos] = c;
/// print - Just prints the NativeString.
virtual void print(PrintBuffer *buf) const;
/// PrintBuffer - This class is a buffered string.
class PrintBuffer : public gc {
/// _contents - The buffer.
NativeString* _contents;
/// capacity - The capacity of the current buffer.
uint32 capacity;
/// writePosition - The position in the buffer where the next write will
/// happen.
uint32 writePosition;
/// VT - The virtual table of this class.
static VirtualTable VT;
/// contents - Returns the buffer.
NativeString* contents() {
return _contents;
/// setContents - Sets the buffer.
void setContents(NativeString* n) {
_contents = n;
/// write - Writes to this PrintBuffer.
inline PrintBuffer *write(const char *string) {
size_t len= strlen(string);
if ((writePosition + len + 1) >= capacity) {
while ((writePosition + len + 1) >= capacity)
capacity*= 4;
strcpy(contents()->cString() + writePosition, string);
writePosition+= len;
return this;
/// writeChar - Writes a char.
inline PrintBuffer *writeChar(char v) {
char buf[32];
sprintf(buf, "%c", v);
return write(buf);
/// writeChar - Writes a int32.
inline PrintBuffer *writeS4(int v) {
char buf[32];
sprintf(buf, "%d", v);
return write(buf);
/// writes8 - Writes a int64.
inline PrintBuffer *writeS8(sint64 v) {
char buf[32];
sprintf(buf, "%lld", (long long int)v);
return write(buf);
/// writeFP - Writes a double.
inline PrintBuffer *writeFP(double v) {
char buf[32];
sprintf(buf, "%f", v);
return write(buf);
/// writePtr - Writes a pointer.
inline PrintBuffer *writePtr(void *p) {
char buf[32];
sprintf(buf, "%p", p);
return write(buf);
/// writeBytes - Writes len bytes in the buffer bytes.
inline PrintBuffer *writeBytes(unsigned char *bytes, size_t len) {
for (size_t idx= 0; idx < len; ++idx) {
if (idx > 0)
write(" ");
char buf[32];
sprintf(buf, "%d", bytes[idx]);
return this;
/// writeObj - Writes an Object to the buffer.
PrintBuffer *writeObj(const Object *);
/// alloc - Allocates a default PrintBuffer.
static PrintBuffer *alloc(void) {
PrintBuffer* pbf = (PrintBuffer*)gc::operator new(sizeof(PrintBuffer), &VT);
pbf->capacity= 32;
pbf->writePosition= 0;
return pbf;
/// tracer - Traces this PrintBuffer.
static void staticTracer(PrintBuffer* obj) {
} // end namespace mvm