blob: 03f0cef7aaa8e7dd584960bbef682546bd8b8ef5 [file] [log] [blame]
* This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (
* This file is licensed to You under the Common Public License (CPL);
* You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You
* may obtain a copy of the License at
* See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information
* regarding copyright ownership.
package org.vmmagic.unboxed;
import org.vmmagic.Unboxed;
import org.vmmagic.pragma.RawStorage;
* (Mistakes in) comments by Robin Garner
* @see Address
@RawStorage(lengthInWords = true, length = 1)
public final class Word {
* Convert an into to a word. On 64-bit machines, sign-extend the
* high order bit.
* @param val
* @return A word instance whose value is val, sign-extended on 64 bit machines
public static Word fromIntSignExtend(int val) {
return null;
* Convert an int to a word. On 64-bit machines, zero-extend the
* high order bit.
* @param val
* @return A word instance whose value is val, zero-extended on 64 bit machines
public static Word fromIntZeroExtend(int val) {
return null;
* Convert a long to a word. On 64-bit this is a no-op.
* TODO document behaviour on 32-bit. Truncate ?
* @param val
* @return A word instance whose value is val on 32 bit machine this truncates the upper 32 bits.
public static Word fromLong(long val) {
return null;
* The Word constant 0.
* Equivalent to Word.fromIntSignExtend(0), but more readable.
* @return the Word constant 0.
public static Word zero() {
return null;
* The Word constant 1.
* Equivalent to Word.fromIntSignExtend(1), but more readable.
* @return the Word constant 1.
public static Word one() {
return null;
* The maximum representable Word value. Words are unsigned, so this is
* a word full of 1s, 32/64-bit safe.
* @return the maximum representable Word value
public static Word max() {
return null;
* Type-cast to an int, truncating on 64-bit platforms.
* @return an int, with the same value as the word on 32 bit platforms; truncates on 64 bit platforms.
public int toInt() {
return 0;
* Type-cast to a long, zero-extending on a 32-bit platform.
* @return a long, with the same value as the word (zero extends on 32 bit platforms).
public long toLong() {
return 0L;
/** Type-cast to an address. */
public Address toAddress() {
return null;
/** Type-cast to an offset */
public Offset toOffset() {
return null;
/** Type-cast to an extent */
public Extent toExtent() {
return null;
* Add two words
* @param w2
* @return The word whose value is this+w2
public Word plus(Word w2) {
return null;
* Add an offset to a word
* @param w2
* @return The word whose value is this+w2
public Word plus(Offset w2) {
return null;
* Add an extent to a word
* @param w2
* @return The word whose value is this+w2
public Word plus(Extent w2) {
return null;
* Subtract two words
* @param w2
* @return The word whose value is this-w2
public Word minus(Word w2) {
return null;
* Subtract an offset from a word
* @param w2
* @return The word whose value is this-w2
public Word minus(Offset w2) {
return null;
* Subtract an extent from a word.
* @param w2
* @return The word whose value is this-w2
public Word minus(Extent w2) {
return null;
* Test for zero. Equivalent to .EQ(
* @return return true if this is equal to, false otherwise
public boolean isZero() {
return false;
* Test for zero. Equivalent to .EQ(Word.max())
* @return true if this is equal to Word.max(), false otherwise
public boolean isMax() {
return false;
* Less-than comparison
* @param addr2
* @return true if this <code>Word</code> instance is <i>less than</i> <code>addr2</code>
public boolean LT(Word addr2) {
return false;
* Less-than or equal comparison
* @param w2
* @return true if this <code>Word</code> instance is <i>less than or equal to</i> <code>w2</code>
public boolean LE(Word w2) {
return false;
* Greater-than comparison
* @param w2
* @return true if this <code>Word</code> instance is <i>greater than</i> <code>w2</code>
public boolean GT(Word w2) {
return false;
* Greater-than or equal comparison
* @param w2
* @return true if this <code>Word</code> instance is <i>greater than or equal to</i> <code>w2</code>
public boolean GE(Word w2) {
return false;
* Equality comparison
* @param w2
* @return true if this <code>Word</code> instance is <i>equal to</i> <code>w2</code>
public boolean EQ(Word w2) {
return false;
* Not-equal comparison
* @param w2
* @return true if this <code>Word</code> instance is <i>not equal to</i> <code>w2</code>
public boolean NE(Word w2) {
return false;
* Bit-wise and of two words.
* @param w2
* @return The word whose value is the bitwise and of this and w2
public Word and(Word w2) {
return null;
* Bit-wise or of two words.
* @param w2
* @return The word whose value is the bitwise not of this and w2
public Word or(Word w2) {
return null;
* Bit-wise complement of a word.
* @return the bitwise complement of this
public Word not() {
return null;
* Bit-wise exclusive or of two words.
* @param w2
* @return The word whose value is the bitwise xor of this and w2
public Word xor(Word w2) {
return null;
* Left-shift a word. Shifts of a size greater than the Word are undefined and
* have an architecture and compiler specific behaviour. On Intel the shift
* amount ignores the most significant bits, for example for a 32bit Word 1
* &lt;&lt; 32 == 1, the result will be 0 on PowerPC. Shifts may or may not be
* combined by the compiler, this yields differing behaviour, for example for a
* 32bit Word 1 &lt;&lt;32 may or may not equal 1 &lt;&lt; 16 &lt;&lt; 16.
* @param amt the amount to shift by
* @return new Word shifted by the given amount
public Word lsh(int amt) {
return null;
* Logical right-shift a word. Shifts of a size greater than the Word are undefined and
* have an architecture and compiler specific behaviour see also {@link #lsh(int)}.
* @param amt the amount to shift by
* @return new Word shifted by the given amount
public Word rshl(int amt) {
return null;
* Arithmetic right-shift a word. Shifts of a size greater than the Word are undefined and
* have an architecture and compiler specific behaviour see also {@link #lsh(int)}.
* Arithmetic right-shift a word. Equivalent to the integer <code>&gt;&gt;</code> operator
* @param amt the amount to shift by
* @return new Word shifted by the given amount
public Word rsha(int amt) {
return null;