blob: 3317f813896d939d19d673638b25322e1f41073e [file] [log] [blame]
* This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (
* This file is licensed to You under the Eclipse Public License (EPL);
* You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You
* may obtain a copy of the License at
* See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information
* regarding copyright ownership.
package org.mmtk.vm.gcspy;
import org.mmtk.utility.Log;
import org.mmtk.utility.gcspy.drivers.AbstractDriver;
import org.vmmagic.unboxed.*;
import org.vmmagic.pragma.*;
* Abstract class for the GCspy Space abstraction.
* Implementing classes will largely forward calls to the gcspy C library.
@Uninterruptible public abstract class ServerSpace {
* Class variables
protected static final String DEFAULT_UNUSED_STRING = "NOT USED"; // The "unused" string
* Instance variables
protected int spaceId; // the space's ID
protected Address driver; // a pointer to the C driver, gcspy_gc_drivert *driver;
protected static final boolean DEBUG = false;
* Get a pointer to the native driver
* @return The address of the C driver, gcspy_gc_drivert *, used in all calls
* to the C library.
Address getDriverAddress() {
return driver;
* Tell the native driver the tile name.
* @param i the number of the tile
* @param start the starting address of the tile
* @param end the end address
public abstract void setTilename(int i, Address start, Address end);
* Tell the native driver the tile name.
* @param i the number of the tile
* @param format the name of the tile, a format string
* @param value The value for the format string
public abstract void setTilename(int i, Address format, long value);
* Tell the native driver the tile names.
* @param i the number of the tile
* @param format The name, including format tags
* @param value The value for the format string
public abstract void setTilename(int i, String format, long value);
* Tell the C driver to resize
* @param size the new driver size
public abstract void resize(int size);
* Start a transmission
public abstract void startCommunication();
* Add a stream to the native driver
* @param id the stream's ID
* @return the address of the C gcspy_gc_stream_t
public abstract Address addStream(int id);
* Start transmitting a stream.
* @param id The stream's ID
* @param len The number of items in the stream
public abstract void stream(int id, int len);
* Send a byte
* @param value The byte
public abstract void streamByteValue(byte value);
* Send a short
* @param value The short
public abstract void streamShortValue(short value);
* Send an int
* @param value The int
public abstract void streamIntValue(int value);
* End of this stream
public abstract void streamEnd();
* Start to send a summary
* @param id The stream's ID
* @param len The number of items to be sent
public abstract void summary(int id, int len);
* Send a summary value
* @param val The value
public abstract void summaryValue(int val);
* End the summary
public abstract void summaryEnd();
* Send all the control info for the space
* @param space The GCspy driver for this space
* @param tileNum The number of tiles
public abstract void sendControls(AbstractDriver space, int tileNum);
* Send info for this space
* @param info A pointer to the information (held as C string)
public abstract void spaceInfo(Address info);
* End the transmission (for this event)
public void endCommunication() {
if (DEBUG) Log.write("endComm\n");