blob: bea04f118aad968533bdfc64dfd31e7213726477 [file] [log] [blame]
* This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (
* This file is licensed to You under the Eclipse Public License (EPL);
* You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You
* may obtain a copy of the License at
* See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information
* regarding copyright ownership.
package org.mmtk.utility.deque;
import org.mmtk.plan.Plan;
import org.mmtk.utility.Constants;
import org.mmtk.vm.VM;
import org.vmmagic.pragma.*;
import org.vmmagic.unboxed.*;
* This class implements a local (<i>unsynchronized</i>) sequential
* store buffer. An SSB is strictly FIFO (although this class does
* not implement dequeuing).<p>
* Each instance stores word-sized values into a local buffer. When
* the buffer is full, or if the <code>flushLocal()</code> method is
* called, the buffer enqueued at the tail of a
* <code>SharedDeque</code>. This class provides no mechanism for
* dequeing.<p>
* The implementation is intended to be as efficient as possible, in
* time and space, as it is used in critical code such as the GC work
* queue and the write buffer used by many "remembering"
* collectors. Each instance has just two fields: a bump pointer and a
* pointer to the <code>SharedDeque</code><p>
* Preconditions: Buffers are always aligned on buffer-size address
* boundaries.<p>
* Invariants: Buffers are filled such that tuples (of the specified
* arity) are packed to the low end of the buffer. Thus buffer
* overflows on inserts and pops (underflow actually) will always arise
* when then cursor is buffer-size aligned.
@Uninterruptible class LocalSSB extends Deque implements Constants {
* Public instance methods
* Constructor
* @param queue The shared queue to which this local ssb will append
* its buffers (when full or flushed).
LocalSSB(SharedDeque queue) {
this.queue = queue;
* Flush the buffer and add it to the shared queue (this will
* make any entries in the buffer visible to any consumer associated
* with the shared queue).
public void flushLocal() {
if (tail.NE(Deque.TAIL_INITIAL_VALUE)) {
tailBufferEnd = Deque.TAIL_INITIAL_VALUE;
public void reset() {
* Protected instance methods and fields
protected Address tail; // the location in the buffer
protected Address tailBufferEnd; // the end of the buffer
protected final SharedDeque queue; // the shared queue
* Reset the local buffer (throwing away any local entries).
public void resetLocal() {
tailBufferEnd = Deque.TAIL_INITIAL_VALUE;
* Check whether there is space in the buffer for a pending insert.
* If there is not sufficient space, allocate a new buffer
* (dispatching the full buffer to the shared queue if not null).
* @param arity The arity of the values stored in this SSB: the
* buffer must contain enough space for this many words.
protected final void checkTailInsert(int arity) {
if (bufferOffset(tail).isZero())
else if (VM.VERIFY_ASSERTIONS) VM.assertions._assert(bufferOffset(tail).sGE(Word.fromIntZeroExtend(arity).lsh(LOG_BYTES_IN_ADDRESS).toOffset()));
* Insert a value into the buffer. This is <i>unchecked</i>. The
* caller must first call <code>checkInsert()</code> to ensure the
* buffer can accommodate the insertion.
* @param value the value to be inserted.
protected final void uncheckedTailInsert(Address value) {
if (VM.VERIFY_ASSERTIONS) VM.assertions._assert(bufferOffset(tail).sGE(Offset.fromIntZeroExtend(BYTES_IN_ADDRESS)));
tail = tail.minus(BYTES_IN_ADDRESS);;
// if (Interface.VerifyAssertions) enqueued++;
* In the case where a buffer must be flushed before being
* filled (either to the queue or to the head), the entries must be
* slid to the base of the buffer in order to preserve the invariant
* that all non-tail buffers will have entries starting at the base
* (which allows a simple test against the base to be used when
* popping entries). This is <i>expensive</i>, so should be
* avoided.
* @param arity The arity of the buffer in question
* @return The last slot in the normalized buffer that contains an entry
protected final Address normalizeTail(int arity) {
Address src = tail;
Address tgt = bufferFirst(tail);
Address last =;
while (tgt.LE(last)) {;
src =;
tgt =;
return last;
* Return the sentinel offset for a buffer of a given arity. This is used
* both to compute the address at the end of the buffer.
* @param arity The arity of this buffer
* @return The sentinel offset value for a buffer of the given arity.
protected final Offset bufferSentinel(int arity) {
return bufferLastOffset(arity).plus(BYTES_IN_ADDRESS);
* Private instance methods
* Buffer space has been exhausted, allocate a new buffer and enqueue
* the existing buffer (if any).
* @param arity The arity of this buffer (used for sanity test only).
private void tailOverflow(int arity) {
if (VM.VERIFY_ASSERTIONS) VM.assertions._assert(arity == queue.getArity());
if (tail.NE(Deque.TAIL_INITIAL_VALUE)) {
tail = queue.alloc().plus(bufferSentinel(arity));
tailBufferEnd = tail;
Plan.checkForAsyncCollection(); // possible side-effect of alloc()
* Close the tail buffer (normalizing if necessary), and enqueue it
* at the tail of the shared buffer queue.
* @param arity The arity of this buffer.
private void closeAndEnqueueTail(int arity) {
Address last;
if (!bufferOffset(tail).isZero()) {
// prematurely closed
last = normalizeTail(arity);
} else {
// a full tail buffer
last = tailBufferEnd.minus(BYTES_IN_ADDRESS);
queue.enqueue(, arity, true);
* Return true if this SSB is locally empty
* @return true if this SSB is locally empty
public final boolean isFlushed() {
return tail.EQ(Deque.TAIL_INITIAL_VALUE);