blob: 3a399e9861c524c6800f302a7682acdf1bca1f20 [file] [log] [blame]
* This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (
* This file is licensed to You under the Eclipse Public License (EPL);
* You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You
* may obtain a copy of the License at
* See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information
* regarding copyright ownership.
package org.mmtk.utility.alloc;
import org.mmtk.policy.BaseLargeObjectSpace;
import org.mmtk.utility.Constants;
import org.vmmagic.unboxed.*;
import org.vmmagic.pragma.*;
* This abstract class implements core functionality for a generic
* large object allocator. The shared VMResource used by each instance
* is the point of global synchronization, and synchronization only
* occurs at the granularity of aquiring (and releasing) chunks of
* memory from the VMResource. Subclasses may require finer grained
* synchronization during a marking phase, for example.<p>
* This is a first cut implementation, with plenty of room for
* improvement...
public abstract class LargeObjectAllocator extends Allocator implements Constants {
* Instance variables
protected final BaseLargeObjectSpace space;
* Initialization
* Constructor
* @param space The space with which this large object allocator
* will be associated.
public LargeObjectAllocator(BaseLargeObjectSpace space) { = space;
* Return the space this allocator is currently bound to.
* @return The Space.
protected final BaseLargeObjectSpace getSpace() {
* Allocation
* Allocate space for an object
* @param bytes The number of bytes allocated
* @param align The requested alignment.
* @param offset The alignment offset.
* @return The address of the first byte of the allocated cell Will
* not return zero.
public final Address alloc(int bytes, int align, int offset) {
Address cell = allocSlow(bytes, align, offset);
return alignAllocation(cell, align, offset);
* Allocate a large object. Large objects are directly allocted and
* freed in page-grained units via the vm resource. This routine
* returned zeroed memory.
* @param bytes The required size of this space in bytes.
* @param offset The alignment offset.
* @param align The requested alignment.
* @return The address of the start of the newly allocated region at
* least <code>bytes</code> bytes in size.
protected final Address allocSlowOnce(int bytes, int align, int offset) {
int header = space.getHeaderSize();
int maxbytes = getMaximumAlignedSize(bytes + header, align);
int pages = (maxbytes + BYTES_IN_PAGE - 1) >> LOG_BYTES_IN_PAGE;
Address sp = space.acquire(pages);
if (sp.isZero()) return sp;
Address cell =;
return cell;
* Miscellaneous
public void show() {