blob: e9079ee02a6082ae468a35e17260257075e991b7 [file] [log] [blame]
* This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (
* This file is licensed to You under the Eclipse Public License (EPL);
* You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You
* may obtain a copy of the License at
* See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information
* regarding copyright ownership.
package org.mmtk.plan.poisoned;
import org.mmtk.plan.marksweep.MSMutator;
import org.mmtk.vm.VM;
import org.vmmagic.pragma.*;
import org.vmmagic.unboxed.Address;
import org.vmmagic.unboxed.ObjectReference;
import org.vmmagic.unboxed.Offset;
import org.vmmagic.unboxed.Word;
* This class implements a poisoned collector, that is essentially a test
* case for read and write barriers in the VM.
public class PoisonedMutator extends MSMutator {
* Write and read barriers. By default do nothing, override if
* appropriate.
* A new reference is about to be created. Take appropriate write
* barrier actions.<p>
* <b>By default do nothing, override if appropriate.</b>
* @param src The object into which the new reference will be stored
* @param slot The address into which the new reference will be
* stored.
* @param tgt The target of the new reference
* @param metaDataA A value that assists the host VM in creating a store
* @param metaDataB A value that assists the host VM in creating a store
* @param mode The context in which the store occurred
public void writeBarrier(ObjectReference src, Address slot, ObjectReference tgt, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode) {
VM.barriers.performRawWriteInBarrier(src, slot, Poisoned.poison(tgt), metaDataA, metaDataB, mode);
* Attempt to atomically exchange the value in the given slot
* with the passed replacement value. If a new reference is
* created, we must then take appropriate write barrier actions.<p>
* <b>By default do nothing, override if appropriate.</b>
* @param src The object into which the new reference will be stored
* @param slot The address into which the new reference will be
* stored.
* @param old The old reference to be swapped out
* @param tgt The target of the new reference
* @param metaDataA A value that assists the host VM in creating a store
* @param metaDataB A value that assists the host VM in creating a store
* @param mode The context in which the store occurred
* @return True if the swap was successful.
public boolean tryCompareAndSwapWriteBarrier(ObjectReference src, Address slot, ObjectReference old, ObjectReference tgt,
Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode) {
return VM.barriers.tryRawCompareAndSwapWriteInBarrier(src, slot, Poisoned.poison(old), Poisoned.poison(tgt), metaDataA, metaDataB, mode);
* A number of references are about to be copied from object
* <code>src</code> to object <code>dst</code> (as in an array
* copy). Thus, <code>dst</code> is the mutated object. Take
* appropriate write barrier actions.<p>
* @param src The source of the values to be copied
* @param srcOffset The offset of the first source address, in
* bytes, relative to <code>src</code> (in principle, this could be
* negative).
* @param dst The mutated object, i.e. the destination of the copy.
* @param dstOffset The offset of the first destination address, in
* bytes relative to <code>tgt</code> (in principle, this could be
* negative).
* @param bytes The size of the region being copied, in bytes.
* @return True if the update was performed by the barrier, false if
* left to the caller (always false in this case).
public boolean writeBarrier(ObjectReference src, Offset srcOffset, ObjectReference dst, Offset dstOffset, int bytes) {
// TODO: Currently, read barriers implies that this is never used, perhaps
// we might want to use it sometime anyway?
if (VM.VERIFY_ASSERTIONS) VM.assertions._assert(false);
return false;
* Read a reference. Take appropriate read barrier action, and
* return the value that was read.<p> This is a <b>substituting<b>
* barrier. The call to this barrier takes the place of a load.<p>
* @param src The object reference holding the field being read.
* @param slot The address of the slot being read.
* @param metaDataA A value that assists the host VM in creating a load
* @param metaDataB A value that assists the host VM in creating a load
* @param mode The context in which the load occurred
* @return The reference that was read.
public ObjectReference readBarrier(ObjectReference src, Address slot, Word metaDataA, Word metaDataB, int mode) {
return Poisoned.depoison(VM.barriers.performRawReadInBarrier(src, slot, metaDataA, metaDataB, mode));