blob: a0e998131628310324ce89702af2262f19a765ee [file] [log] [blame]
//===------- MethodInfo.cpp - Runtime information for methods -------------===//
// The VMKit project
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "mvm/Allocator.h"
#include "mvm/MethodInfo.h"
#include "MvmGC.h"
#include <dlfcn.h>
#if defined(__MACH__)
#define SELF_HANDLE 0
using namespace mvm;
void CamlMethodInfo::scan(void* TL, void* ip, void* addr) {
if (!CF && InstructionPointer) {
MethodInfo* MI = VirtualMachine::SharedStaticFunctions.IPToMethodInfo(ip);
if (MI != &DefaultMethodInfo::DM) {
CF = ((CamlMethodInfo*)MI)->CF;
if (CF) {
//uintptr_t spaddr = (uintptr_t)addr + CF->FrameSize + sizeof(void*);
uintptr_t spaddr = ((uintptr_t*)addr)[0];
for (uint16 i = 0; i < CF->NumLiveOffsets; ++i) {
Collector::scanObject((void**)(spaddr + CF->LiveOffsets[i]));
void StaticCamlMethodInfo::print(void* ip, void* addr) {
fprintf(stderr, "; %p in %s static method\n", ip, name);
void DefaultMethodInfo::print(void* ip, void* addr) {
Dl_info info;
int res = dladdr(ip, &info);
if (res != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "; %p in %s\n", ip, info.dli_sname);
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "; %p in Unknown method\n", ip);
DefaultMethodInfo DefaultMethodInfo::DM;
void DefaultMethodInfo::scan(void* TL, void* ip, void* addr) {
MethodInfo* StartFunctionMap::IPToMethodInfo(void* ip) {
std::map<void*, MethodInfo*>::iterator E = Functions.end();
std::map<void*, MethodInfo*>::iterator I = Functions.find(ip);
MethodInfo* MI = 0;
if (I == E) {
Dl_info info;
int res = dladdr(ip, &info);
if (res != 0) {
I = Functions.find(info.dli_saddr);
if (I == E) {
// The method is static, and we have no information for it.
// Just return the Default MethodInfo object.
MI = &DefaultMethodInfo::DM;
} else {
MI = I->second;
} else {
// The method is jitted, and no-one has intercepted its compilation.
// Just return the Default MethodInfo object.
MI = &DefaultMethodInfo::DM;
// Add it to the map, so that we don't need to call dladdr again.
Functions.insert(std::make_pair(ip, MI));
} else {
MI = I->second;
return MI;
MethodInfo* VirtualMachine::IPToMethodInfo(void* ip) {
MethodInfo* MI = RuntimeFunctions.IPToMethodInfo(ip);
if (MI) return MI;
MI = SharedRuntimeFunctions.IPToMethodInfo(ip);
if (MI) return MI;
MI = StaticFunctions.IPToMethodInfo(ip);
if (MI != &DefaultMethodInfo::DM) return MI;
MI = SharedStaticFunctions.IPToMethodInfo(ip);
return MI;
void SharedStartFunctionMap::initialize() {
CamlFrame* currentFrame =
(CamlFrame*)dlsym(SELF_HANDLE, "camlVmkitoptimized__frametable");
Dl_info info;
void* previousPtr = 0;
const char* previousName = 0;
CamlFrame* previousFrame = currentFrame;
StaticAllocator = new BumpPtrAllocator();
if (currentFrame) {
while (true) {
if (!currentFrame->ReturnAddress) break;
int res = dladdr(currentFrame->ReturnAddress, &info);
if (res) {
if (previousPtr && info.dli_saddr != previousPtr) {
StaticCamlMethodInfo* MI =
new(*StaticAllocator, "StaticCamlMethodInfo")
StaticCamlMethodInfo(previousFrame, previousPtr, previousName);
addMethodInfo(MI, previousPtr);
previousName = info.dli_sname;
previousFrame = currentFrame;
previousPtr = info.dli_saddr;
currentFrame = (CamlFrame*) ((char*)currentFrame +
(currentFrame->NumLiveOffsets % 2) * sizeof(uint16_t) +
currentFrame->NumLiveOffsets * sizeof(uint16_t) +
sizeof(void*) + sizeof(uint16_t) + sizeof(uint16_t));
CamlMethodInfo::CamlMethodInfo(CamlFrame* C, void* ip) {
InstructionPointer = ip;
CF = C;
StartEndFunctionMap VirtualMachine::SharedRuntimeFunctions;
SharedStartFunctionMap VirtualMachine::SharedStaticFunctions;