blob: 4c01eef13709203f27459561291b4c5dcc098994 [file] [log] [blame]
//===---------------- - Mvm allocator --------------------------===//
// Mvm
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "gcchunk.h"
GCHashSet *GCHash::sets[GCHashConst::nb_set_per_hash];
unsigned int GCHash::used[GCHashConst::nb_set_per_hash];
GCHashSet GCHash::empty;
bool GCHash::inited = 0;
size_t GCHash::nb_link = 0;
GCChunkNode GCPage::empty;
GCPage GCHashSet::empty;
void GCHashSet::hash(GCPage *d, void *base, size_t nbb, size_t nbb_map, unsigned int *c) {
register unsigned int entry = GCHashConst::desc_entry(base);
register unsigned int pbase = entry << PAGE_SHIFT;
register unsigned int top_del = (pbase + nbb) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
register unsigned int top_add = (pbase + nbb_map) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
// printf(" %p Hash from %d to %d and to %d\n", this, entry, top_add, top_del);
for(; entry<top_add; entry++) {
pages[entry] = d;
for(; entry<top_del; entry++) {
pages[entry] = &empty;
void GCHash::hash_unprotected(GCPage *desc, void *base, unsigned int nbb, unsigned int nbb_map) {
uintptr_t entry = GCHashConst::set_entry(base);
uintptr_t cur_sz = GCHashConst::set_entry_2_ptr(entry + 1) - (uintptr_t)base; /* taille restante */
cur_sz = ((cur_sz < nbb) ? cur_sz : nbb); /* on prends le min avec nbb */
// printf("Hash %p (%p %p %d) in entry %d with %d/%d\n", desc, desc->area(), base, desc->nbb(), entry, cur_sz, nbb_map);
while(cur_sz) {
if(sets[entry] == &empty)
sets[entry] = new GCHashSet();
sets[entry]->hash(desc, base, cur_sz, (nbb_map > cur_sz) ? cur_sz : nbb_map, used + entry);
if(!used[entry]) {
delete sets[entry];
sets[entry] = &empty;
base = (void *)((uintptr_t)base + cur_sz);
nbb -= cur_sz;
nbb_map = (nbb_map < cur_sz) ? 0 : nbb_map - cur_sz;
cur_sz = (nbb < GCHashConst::set_nbb) ? nbb : GCHashConst::set_nbb;
void GCPage::initialise() {
empty.initialise(0, 0);
GCHashSet::GCHashSet() {
unsigned int i;
for(i=0; i<GCHashConst::nb_desc_per_set; i++)
pages[i] = &empty;
void GCHash::initialise() {
if(!inited) {
inited = 1;
unsigned int i;
for(i=0; i<GCHashConst::nb_set_per_hash; i++) {
sets[i] = &empty;
used[i] = 0;
void GCHash::destroy() {
if(inited) {
gcwarning2("Can't destroy GC hash map: you have clients connected on it\n");
else {
inited = 0;
unsigned int i;
for(i=0; i<GCHashConst::nb_set_per_hash; i++)
if(sets[i] != &empty)
delete sets[i];
void *GCHashSet::operator new(size_t sz) {
return (void *)GCMappedArea::do_mmap(sz);
void GCHashSet::operator delete(void *ptr, size_t sz) {
GCMappedArea::do_munmap(ptr, sz);