blob: 6983f52e02c02caef402e3880c798d7348f9b860 [file] [log] [blame]
# Micro-VM Allocator
# by Charles Clément, corrected by Gaël Thomas.
I Memory layout
1 Exponantial area
2 Linear area
3 Mmap area
II Structure
1 Referencing memory chunks
2 Harsh tables
III Internal memory management
I Memory layout
Based on the size of the objects to allocate, the allocator chooses between
three distincts area.
i) The exponantial area for objects less than max_exp bytes
ii) The linear area for x in max_exp < x < max_lin bytes
iii) The mmap area for LIN bytes < x
Max_exp and max_lin are actually defined to 32 and 8192 bytes.
I.1 Exponantial area:
Objects stored in that area are allocated 2^n bytes, the smallest power of two
in which the object can fit.
| Size to allocate | reserved space |
1 2
2 2
3 4
4 4
{5,6,7,8} 8
{9-16} 16
{17-32} 32
-> Size of allocated chunk in this area grows exponantially.
With max_exp = 32 bytes
I.2 Linear area:
In the linear area, the size needed to be allocated is rounded to the next
max_exp multiple. This is to reduce memory loss, as otherwise, with the
previous technique allocating 260 bytes would induce to occupy a 512 bytes
| 32 | 64 | 96 | 128 | ...
max_exp*1 *2 *3 *4
-> Size of allocated chunk in this area grows linearly.
I.3 Mmap area:
For objects larger than 2^13 (8192) bytes, a number of physical page is
associated, thus a multiplier of 4096 bytes.
II Descriptors
II.1 Hash tables:
In order to keep track of allocated memory adresses, we need to store the
adresses that we allocated. This is a requirement for the garbage collector, as
the compatibility with the C ABI implies that a memory reference is
indistinguishable from a value. Hence, every page descriptor is inserted in a
hash table when allocated.
This has a limitation, as it is not possible to make the difference between a
value in the heap that would point to an actual allocated space in memory if
translated into a pointer.
II.2 Referencing memory chunks:
Here is the representation of an adress in memory :
Pointer: | Table Entry | Page Descriptor | Index |
| __ | |
| | | | |
| |__| | |
| | | GCHashSet \|/ |
| |__| __ __ __ __ __ __ |
--->| |----->|__|__|__|__|__|__| |
|__| | |
| | | GCPage \|/
|__| | __ __ __ __ __ __
GCHash ---->|__|__|__|__|__|__| Headers
Memory is separated in spaces. Each space contains memory chunk of the same
size. When the allocator needs to allocate n bytes, it choose a memory space
in an exponential, linear or mmaped space and round n to the size of this
space. This technique is used to construct a performant hashtable of all
allocated memory chunks, which is used to identify pointer during a collection
(the garbage collector is only conservative).
The first bits of a memory chunk pointer reference an entry in GCHash, and
the next bits reference an entry in GCHashSet. Each entry in GCHashSet is a
GCPage structure, which describes a set of contiguous pages (a memory space).
The GCPage Class holds a field (GCChunkNode*)_headers containing the list to
all headers of free chunks of the space. It also holds the size of the space
in _chunk_nbb. This size is the rounded size (exp or linear) of all memory
chunks managed in this space.
This is not the case for space allocated in the mmap area, whose page
descriptor holds directly the header itself.
A header is described by the class GCChunkNode. It holds the size _nbb_mark of
memory chunks in the last 29 bits (the 3 last ones are used by the garbage
collector to set the *color* of the chunk). GCChunkNode are stored in a
circular double linked list.
III Internal memory management
The allocator has to allocate its memmory structures itself. It is responsible
to allocate the memory for the micro-vm and the structures needed to manage
and access the allocated areas.