blob: 939e988e7f3f4c81988ae86bd224628423eb368d [file] [log] [blame]
//===--------- JavaThread.cpp - Java thread description -------------------===//
// The VMKit project
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "mvm/Threads/Locks.h"
#include "mvm/Threads/Thread.h"
#include "JavaClass.h"
#include "JavaObject.h"
#include "JavaThread.h"
#include "JavaUpcalls.h"
#include "Jnjvm.h"
using namespace j3;
const unsigned int JavaThread::StateRunning = 0;
const unsigned int JavaThread::StateWaiting = 1;
const unsigned int JavaThread::StateInterrupted = 2;
JavaThread::JavaThread(JavaObject* thread, JavaObject* vmth, Jnjvm* isolate) {
llvm_gcroot(thread, 0);
llvm_gcroot(vmth, 0);
javaThread = thread;
vmThread = vmth;
MyVM = isolate;
interruptFlag = 0;
state = StateRunning;
pendingException = 0;
internalPendingException = 0;
lastKnownFrame = 0;
jniEnv = isolate->jniEnv;
localJNIRefs = new JNILocalReferences();
currentAddedReferences = 0;
#ifdef SERVICE
eipIndex = 0;
replacedEIPs = new void*[100];
if (isolate->upcalls->newThrowable) {
ServiceException = isolate->upcalls->newThrowable->doNew(isolate);
JavaThread::~JavaThread() {
delete localJNIRefs;
#ifdef SERVICE
delete replacedEIPs;
// We define these here because gcc compiles the 'throw' keyword
// differently, whether these are defined in a file or not. Since many
// cpp files import JavaThread.h, they couldn't use the keyword.
extern "C" void* __cxa_allocate_exception(unsigned);
extern "C" void __cxa_throw(void*, void*, void*);
void JavaThread::throwException(JavaObject* obj) {
llvm_gcroot(obj, 0);
JavaThread* th = JavaThread::get();
assert(th->pendingException == 0 && "pending exception already there?");
th->pendingException = obj;
void* exc = __cxa_allocate_exception(0);
// 32 = sizeof(_Unwind_Exception) in libgcc...
th->internalPendingException = (void*)((uintptr_t)exc - 32);
__cxa_throw(exc, 0, 0);
void JavaThread::throwPendingException() {
JavaThread* th = JavaThread::get();
void* exc = __cxa_allocate_exception(0);
th->internalPendingException = (void*)((uintptr_t)exc - 32);
__cxa_throw(exc, 0, 0);
void JavaThread::startJNI(int level) {
// Start uncooperative mode.
uint32 JavaThread::getJavaFrameContext(void** buffer) {
mvm::StackWalker Walker(this);
uint32 i = 0;
while (mvm::MethodInfo* MI = Walker.get()) {
if (MI->MethodType == 1) {
JavaMethod* M = (JavaMethod*)MI->getMetaInfo();
buffer[i++] = M;
return i;
JavaMethod* JavaThread::getCallingMethodLevel(uint32 level) {
mvm::StackWalker Walker(this);
uint32 index = 0;
while (mvm::MethodInfo* MI = Walker.get()) {
if (MI->MethodType == 1) {
if (index == level) {
return (JavaMethod*)MI->getMetaInfo();
return 0;
UserClass* JavaThread::getCallingClassLevel(uint32 level) {
JavaMethod* meth = getCallingMethodLevel(level);
if (meth) return meth->classDef;
return 0;
JavaObject* JavaThread::getNonNullClassLoader() {
JavaObject* obj = 0;
llvm_gcroot(obj, 0);
mvm::StackWalker Walker(this);
while (mvm::MethodInfo* MI = Walker.get()) {
if (MI->MethodType == 1) {
JavaMethod* meth = (JavaMethod*)MI->getMetaInfo();
JnjvmClassLoader* loader = meth->classDef->classLoader;
obj = loader->getJavaClassLoader();
if (obj) return obj;
return 0;
void JavaThread::printJavaBacktrace() {
mvm::StackWalker Walker(this);
while (mvm::MethodInfo* MI = Walker.get()) {
if (MI->MethodType == 1)
MI->print(Walker.ip, Walker.addr);
JavaObject** JNILocalReferences::addJNIReference(JavaThread* th,
JavaObject* obj) {
llvm_gcroot(obj, 0);
if (length == MAXIMUM_REFERENCES) {
JNILocalReferences* next = new JNILocalReferences();
th->localJNIRefs = next;
next->prev = this;
return next->addJNIReference(th, obj);
} else {
localReferences[length] = obj;
return &localReferences[length++];
void JNILocalReferences::removeJNIReferences(JavaThread* th, uint32_t num) {
if (th->localJNIRefs != this) {
delete th->localJNIRefs;
th->localJNIRefs = this;
if (num > length) {
assert(prev && "No prev and deleting too much local references");
prev->removeJNIReferences(th, num - length);
} else {
length -= num;