blob: 7daa294a0d4e74b27277627da802990db7e29e86 [file] [log] [blame]
//===---- IsolateCommonClass.h - User visible classes with isolates -------===//
// JnJVM
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#error "Never use <IsolateCommonClass.h> directly, but include <JavaClass.h>"
#include "mvm/Object.h"
#include "JavaConstantPool.h"
namespace jnjvm {
class ArrayUInt8;
class AssessorDesc;
class CommonClass;
class Class;
class ClassArray;
class ClassPrimitive;
class JavaConstantPool;
class JavaField;
class JavaMethod;
class JavaObject;
class Jnjvm;
class JnjvmClassLoader;
class UserClass;
class UserClassArray;
class UserConstantPool;
class UTF8;
enum JavaState;
class UserCommonClass : public mvm::Object {
// Do not reorder these fields or add new ones! the LLVM runtime assumes that
// classes have the following beginning layout.
/// virtualSize - The size of instances of this class. Array classes do
/// not need this information, but to simplify accessing this field in
/// the JIT, we put this in here.
uint32 virtualSize;
/// virtualVT - The virtual table of instances of this class. Like the
/// virtualSize field, array classes do not need this information. But we
/// simplify JIT generation to set it here.
VirtualTable* virtualVT;
/// display - The class hierarchy of supers for this class. Array classes
/// do not need it.
UserCommonClass** display;
/// depth - The depth of this class in its class hierarchy.
/// display[depth] contains the class. Array classes do not need it.
uint32 depth;
/// status - The loading/resolve/initialization state of the class.
JavaState status;
/// ctpInfo - The private constant pool of this class.
UserConstantPool* ctpInfo;
JavaObject* staticInstance;
// New fields can be added from now, or reordered.
JnjvmClassLoader* classLoader;
JavaObject* delegatee;
CommonClass* classDef;
UserClass* super;
std::vector<UserClass*> interfaces;
bool inheritName(const UTF8* Tname);
bool isOfTypeName(const UTF8* name);
bool isAssignableFrom(UserCommonClass* cl);
/// subclassOf - If this class is a regular class, is it a subclass of the
/// given class?
bool subclassOf(UserCommonClass* cl);
bool isArray() {
return classDef->isArray();
bool isPrimitive() {
return classDef->isPrimitive();
bool isInterface() {
return classDef->isInterface();
bool isReady() {
return status >= inClinit;
bool isResolved() {
return status >= resolved;
uint8 getAccess() {
return classDef->access;
const UTF8* getName() {
return classDef->name;
void getDeclaredConstructors(std::vector<JavaMethod*>& res, bool publicOnly) {
classDef->getDeclaredConstructors(res, publicOnly);
void getDeclaredFields(std::vector<JavaField*>& res, bool publicOnly) {
classDef->getDeclaredFields(res, publicOnly);
void getDeclaredMethods(std::vector<JavaMethod*>& res, bool publicOnly) {
classDef->getDeclaredMethods(res, publicOnly);
void initialiseClass(Jnjvm* vm);
JavaObject* getClassDelegatee(Jnjvm* vm, JavaObject* pd = 0);
void resolveClass();
UserClass* getSuper() {
return super;
std::vector<UserClass*>* getInterfaces() {
return &interfaces;
CommonClass::field_map* getStaticFields() {
return classDef->getStaticFields();
CommonClass::field_map* getVirtualFields() {
return classDef->getVirtualFields();
CommonClass::method_map* getStaticMethods() {
return classDef->getStaticMethods();
CommonClass::method_map* getVirtualMethods() {
return classDef->getVirtualMethods();
void resolveStaticClass() {
JavaMethod* lookupMethodDontThrow(const UTF8* name, const UTF8* type,
bool isStatic, bool recurse,
UserClass*& methodCl);
JavaMethod* lookupMethod(const UTF8* name, const UTF8* type,
bool isStatic, bool recurse, UserClass*& methodCl);
JavaField* lookupField(const UTF8* name, const UTF8* type,
bool isStatic, bool recurse,
UserCommonClass*& fieldCl);
JavaField* lookupFieldDontThrow(const UTF8* name, const UTF8* type,
bool isStatic, bool recurse,
UserCommonClass*& fieldCl);
uint32 getVirtualSize() {
return virtualSize;
VirtualTable* getVirtualVT() {
return virtualVT;
void setInterfaces(std::vector<UserClass*> Is) {
interfaces = Is;
void setSuper(UserClass* S) {
super = S;
bool instantiationOfArray(UserClassArray* cl);
bool implements(UserCommonClass* cl);
/// constructMethod - Add a new method in this class method map.
JavaMethod* constructMethod(const UTF8* name, const UTF8* type,
uint32 access) {
return classDef->constructMethod(name, type, access);
/// constructField - Add a new field in this class field map.
JavaField* constructField(const UTF8* name, const UTF8* type,
uint32 access) {
return classDef->constructField(name, type, access);
UserClass* lookupClassFromMethod(JavaMethod* meth);
UserCommonClass* getUserClass(CommonClass* cl);
/// lockVar - When multiple threads want to initialize a class,
/// they must be synchronized so that it is only performed once
/// for a given class.
mvm::Lock* lockVar;
/// condVar - Used to wake threads waiting on the initialization
/// process of this class, done by another thread.
mvm::Cond* condVar;
/// acquire - Acquire this class lock.
void acquire() {
/// release - Release this class lock.
void release() {
/// waitClass - Wait for the class to be loaded/initialized/resolved.
void waitClass() {
/// broadcastClass - Unblock threads that were waiting on the class being
/// loaded/initialized/resolved.
void broadcastClass() {
/// ownerClass - Is the current thread the owner of this thread?
bool ownerClass() {
return mvm::Lock::selfOwner(lockVar);
const UTF8* getSuperUTF8(){
return classDef->superUTF8;
std::vector<const UTF8*>* getInterfacesUTF8(){
return &classDef->interfacesUTF8;
virtual void print(mvm::PrintBuffer *buf) const;
class UserClass : public UserCommonClass {
static VirtualTable* VT;
virtual void TRACER;
UserClass(JnjvmClassLoader* JCL, const UTF8* name, ArrayUInt8* bytes);
UserClass() {}
JavaObject* doNew(Jnjvm* vm);
std::vector<UserClass*> innerClasses;
UserClass* outerClass;
std::vector<UserClass*>* getInnerClasses() {
return &innerClasses;
UserClass* getOuterClass() {
return outerClass;
bool innerOuterResolved;
void resolveInnerOuterClasses();
void setInnerAccess(uint32 access) {
JavaObject* getStaticInstance() {
return staticInstance;
void setStaticInstance(JavaObject* obj) {
staticInstance = obj;
UserConstantPool* getConstantPool() {
return ctpInfo;
uint32 getStaticSize() {
return ((Class*)classDef)->getStaticSize();
VirtualTable* getStaticVT() {
return ((Class*)classDef)->getStaticVT();
/// loadParents - Loads and resolves the parents, i.e. super and interfarces,
/// of the class.
void loadParents();
Attribut* lookupAttribut(const UTF8* Att) {
return ((Class*)classDef)->lookupAttribut(Att);
ArrayUInt8* getBytes() {
return ((Class*)classDef)->bytes;
class UserClassArray : public UserCommonClass {
static VirtualTable* VT;
UserCommonClass* _baseClass;
AssessorDesc* _funcs;
virtual void TRACER;
UserClassArray(JnjvmClassLoader* JCL, const UTF8* name);
UserClassArray() {}
void resolveComponent();
UserCommonClass* baseClass() {
if (_baseClass == 0)
return _baseClass;
AssessorDesc* funcs() {
if (_funcs == 0)
return _funcs;
class UserClassPrimitive : public UserCommonClass {
static VirtualTable* VT;
virtual void TRACER;
UserClassPrimitive(JnjvmClassLoader* JCL, const UTF8* name, uint32 nb);
class UserConstantPool : public mvm::Object {
static VirtualTable* VT;
/// ctpRes - Objects resolved dynamically, e.g. UTF8s, classes, methods,
/// fields, strings.
void* ctpRes[1];
/// resolveMethod - Resolve the class and the signature of the method. May
/// perform class loading. This function is called just in time, ie when
/// the method call is actually made and not yet resolved.
void resolveMethod(uint32 index, UserCommonClass*& cl,
const UTF8*& utf8, Signdef*& sign);
/// resolveField - Resolve the class and signature of the field. May
/// perform class loading. This function is called just in time, ie when
/// the field is accessed and not yet resolved.
void resolveField(uint32 index, UserCommonClass*& cl, const UTF8*& utf8,
Typedef*& sign);
UserClass* getClass() const {
return (UserClass*)ctpRes[0];
JavaConstantPool* getSharedPool() const {
return ((Class*)(getClass()->classDef))->ctpInfo;
/// UTF8At - Get the UTF8 referenced from this string entry.
const UTF8* UTF8AtForString(uint32 entry) const {
return getSharedPool()->UTF8AtForString(entry);
/// loadClass - Loads the class and returns it. This is called just in time,
/// ie when the class will be used and not yet resolved.
UserCommonClass* loadClass(uint32 index);
void* operator new(size_t sz, JavaAllocator* alloc, uint32 size);
UserConstantPool(UserClass* cl) {
ctpRes[0] = cl;
UserCommonClass* isClassLoaded(uint32 entry);
virtual void print(mvm::PrintBuffer *buf) const;
} // end namespace jnjvm