blob: 60e4680b9472f2053327b5bd9a3f4c12b7e31582 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- TVApplication.cpp - Main application class for llvm-tv ------------===//
// The gui for llvm-tv.
#include "CodeViewer.h"
#include "TVFrame.h"
#include "llvm-tv/Support/FileUtils.h"
#include "llvm-tv/Config.h"
#undef _DEBUG
#undef __WXDEBUG__
#include "TVApplication.h"
#include "wxUtils.h"
#include <wx/image.h>
#include <cerrno>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <functional>
#include <signal.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
static TVApplication *TheApp;
void sigHandler(int sigNum) {
void TVApplication::ReceivedSignal () {
// Whenever we catch our prearranged signal, refresh the snapshot list.
/// FatalErrorBox - pop up an error message and quit.
void FatalErrorBox (const std::string msg) {
wxMessageBox(wxS(msg), wxT("Fatal Error"), wxOK | wxICON_ERROR);
exit (1);
static void setUpMenus (wxFrame *frame) {
wxMenuBar *menuBar = new wxMenuBar ();
wxMenu *fileMenu = new wxMenu (wxT(""), 0);
fileMenu->Append (wxID_OPEN, wxT("Add module..."));
fileMenu->Append (LLVM_TV_REFRESH, wxT("Refresh list"));
fileMenu->Append (wxID_EXIT, wxT("Quit"));
menuBar->Append (fileMenu, wxT("File"));
wxMenu *viewMenu = new wxMenu (wxT(""), 0);
viewMenu->Append (LLVM_TV_CALLGRAPHVIEW, wxT("View call graph"));
viewMenu->Append (LLVM_TV_CFGVIEW, wxT("View control-flow graph"));
viewMenu->Append (LLVM_TV_BUDS_VIEW, wxT("View BU datastructure graph"));
viewMenu->Append (LLVM_TV_TDDS_VIEW, wxT("View TD datastructure graph"));
viewMenu->Append (LLVM_TV_LOCALDS_VIEW, wxT("View Local datastructure graph"));
viewMenu->Append (LLVM_TV_CODEVIEW, wxT("View code (interactive)"));
menuBar->Append (viewMenu, wxT("View"));
wxMenu *helpMenu = new wxMenu (wxT(""), 0);
helpMenu->Append (wxID_HELP_CONTENTS, wxT("Help with LLVM-TV"));
helpMenu->Append (wxID_ABOUT, wxT("About LLVM-TV"));
menuBar->Append (helpMenu, wxT("Help"));
frame->SetMenuBar (menuBar);
/// saveMyPID - Save my process ID into a temporary file.
static void saveMyPID () {
EnsureDirectoryExists (llvmtvPath);
std::ofstream pidFile (llvmtvPID.c_str ());
if (pidFile.good () && pidFile.is_open ()) {
pidFile << getpid ();
pidFile.close ();
} else {
std::cerr << "Warning: could not save PID into " << llvmtvPID << "\n";
// eraseMyPID - Erase the PID file created by saveMyPID.
static void eraseMyPID () {
unlink (llvmtvPID.c_str ());
void TVApplication::GoodbyeFrom (wxWindow *dyingWindow) {
std::vector<wxWindow *>::iterator where =
find (allMyWindows.begin(), allMyWindows.end(), dyingWindow);
if (where != allMyWindows.end ())
allMyWindows.erase (where);
void TVApplication::Quit () {
// Destroy all the picture windows, then the toplevel window.
for_each (allMyWindows.begin (), allMyWindows.end (),
std::mem_fun (&wxWindow::Destroy));
myFrame->Destroy ();
bool TVApplication::OnInit () {
// Save my PID into the file where the snapshot-making pass knows to
// look for it.
saveMyPID ();
atexit (eraseMyPID);
wxInitAllImageHandlers ();
// Build top-level window.
myFrame = new TVFrame (this, "LLVM Visualizer");
SetTopWindow (myFrame);
// Build top-level window's menu bar.
setUpMenus (myFrame);
// Read the snapshot list out of the given directory,
// and load the snapshot list view into the frame.
EnsureDirectoryExists (snapshotsPath);
snapshotList = new TVSnapshotList(snapshotsPath);
// Set up signal handler so that we can get notified when
// the -snapshot pass hands us new snapshot bytecode files.
TheApp = this;
signal(SIGUSR1, sigHandler);
return true;