blob: 2388d60085b55b2231aa3a4c1b763fa50b0deaf1 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "wx/image.h"
#include "GraphDrawer.h"
#include "TVTreeItem.h"
#include "llvm/Support/FileUtilities.h"
#include <unistd.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace llvm;
// GraphDrawer shared implementation
extern void FatalErrorBox (const std::string msg);
wxImage *GraphDrawer::buildwxImageFromDotFile (const std::string &filename) {
sys::Path File (filename);
if (! File.canRead ())
FatalErrorBox ("buildwxImageFromDotFile() got passed a bogus filename: '"
+ filename + "'");
// We have a dot file, turn it into something we can load.
std::string cmd = "dot -Tpng " + filename + " -o image.png";
if (system (cmd.c_str ()) != 0)
FatalErrorBox ("buildwxImageFromDotFile() failed when calling dot");
unlink (filename.c_str ());
wxImage *img = new wxImage;
if (!img->LoadFile (wxString("image.png", wxConvUTF8)))
FatalErrorBox("buildwxImageFromDotFile() produced a non-loadable PNG file");
unlink ("image.png");
return img;
void GraphDrawer::displayItem (TVTreeItemData *item) {
wxImage *graphImage = item->graphOn (this);
if (!graphImage) {
// If we're drawing into a window, don't leave behind an embarrassing
// empty window AND an error message. (But don't destroy the window,
// because TVApp will get around to destroying it later.)
if (wxFrame *frame = dynamic_cast<wxFrame *>(myPictureCanvas->GetParent ()))
frame->Show (false);
std::string errMsg = "Sorry, you can't draw that kind of graph on "
+ item->getTitle() + ".";
wxMessageBox (wxString(errMsg.c_str(), wxConvUTF8),
wxString("Error", wxConvUTF8));
myPictureCanvas->SetImage (graphImage);