blob: d36d528b51ff11f4c77435b6eb625359c05721cb [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- sc - SAFECode Compiler Tool ---------------------------------------===//
// The SAFECode Project
// This file was developed by the LLVM research group and is distributed
// under the University of Illinois Open Source License. See LICENSE.TXT for
// details.
// This program is a tool to run the SAFECode passes on a bytecode input file.
#include "safecode/SAFECode.h"
#include "safecode/SAFECodeConfig.h"
#include "safecode/InsertChecks/RegisterBounds.h"
#include "safecode/InsertChecks/RegisterRuntimeInitializer.h"
#include "safecode/Support/AllocatorInfo.h"
#include "llvm/Module.h"
#include "llvm/LLVMContext.h"
#include "llvm/Bitcode/ReaderWriter.h"
#include "llvm/PassManager.h"
#include "llvm/Pass.h"
#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
#include "llvm/Support/PluginLoader.h"
#include "llvm/Support/FileUtilities.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ManagedStatic.h"
#include "llvm/Target/TargetData.h"
#include "llvm/Target/TargetMachine.h"
#include "llvm/Transforms/IPO.h"
#include "llvm/Transforms/Scalar.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/Verifier.h"
#include "llvm/System/Signals.h"
#include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/UnifyFunctionExitNodes.h"
#include "poolalloc/PoolAllocate.h"
#include "ABCPreProcess.h"
#include "InsertPoolChecks.h"
#include "IndirectCallChecks.h"
#include "safecode/BreakConstantGEPs.h"
#include "safecode/BreakConstantStrings.h"
#include "safecode/CStdLib.h"
#include "safecode/DebugInstrumentation.h"
#include "safecode/DetectDanglingPointers.h"
#include "safecode/DummyUse.h"
#include "safecode/OptimizeChecks.h"
#include "safecode/RewriteOOB.h"
#include "safecode/SpeculativeChecking.h"
#include "safecode/LowerSafecodeIntrinsic.h"
#include "safecode/FaultInjector.h"
#include "safecode/CodeDuplication.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
namespace llvm {
extern ModulePass * createSteensgaardPass();
using namespace llvm;
using namespace NAMESPACE_SC;
// General options for sc.
static cl::opt<std::string>
InputFilename(cl::Positional, cl::desc("<input bytecode>"), cl::init("-"));
static cl::opt<std::string>
OutputFilename("o", cl::desc("Output filename"), cl::value_desc("filename"));
static cl::opt<bool>
Force("f", cl::desc("Overwrite output files"));
static cl::opt<bool>
DisableDebugInfo("disable-debuginfo", cl::init(false),
cl::desc("Disable Debugging Info in Run-time Errors"));
static cl::opt<bool>
DisableCStdLib("disable-cstdlib", cl::init(true), cl::desc("Disable transformations that secure C standard library calls"));
static cl::opt<bool>
EnableFastCallChecks("enable-fastcallchecks", cl::init(false),
cl::desc("Enable fast indirect call checks"));
static cl::opt<bool>
DisableMonotonicLoopOpt("disable-monotonic-loop-opt", cl::init(false), cl::desc("Disable optimization for checking monotonic loops"));
enum CheckingRuntimeType {
enum CheckingRuntimeType DefaultRuntime = RUNTIME_DEBUG;
static cl::opt<enum CheckingRuntimeType>
CheckingRuntime("runtime", cl::init(DefaultRuntime),
cl::desc("The runtime API used by the program"),
clEnumVal(RUNTIME_PA, "Pool Allocation runtime no checks)"),
clEnumVal(RUNTIME_DEBUG, "Debugging Tool runtime"),
clEnumVal(RUNTIME_SINGLETHREAD, "Single Thread runtime (Production version)"),
clEnumVal(RUNTIME_PARALLEL, "Parallel Checking runtime (Production version)"),
clEnumVal(RUNTIME_QUEUE_OP, "Parallel no-op Checking runtime (For testing queue performance)"),
clEnumVal(RUNTIME_SVA, "Runtime for SVA"),
static cl::opt<bool>
EnableProtectingMetaData("protect-metadata", cl::init(false),
cl::desc("Instrument store instructions to protect the meta data"));
static cl::opt<bool>
EnableCodeDuplication("code-duplication", cl::init(false),
cl::desc("Enable Code Duplication for SAFECode checking"));
#define NOT_FOR_SVA(X) do { if (!SCConfig.svaEnabled()) X; } while (0);
static void addLowerIntrinsicPass(PassManager & Passes, CheckingRuntimeType type);
static void addStaticGEPCheckingPass(PassManager & Passes);
static void addPoolAllocationPass(PassManager & Passes);
// GetFileNameRoot - Helper function to get the basename of a filename.
static inline std::string
GetFileNameRoot(const std::string &InputFilename) {
std::string IFN = InputFilename;
std::string outputFilename;
int Len = IFN.length();
if ((Len > 2) &&
IFN[Len-3] == '.' && IFN[Len-2] == 'b' && IFN[Len-1] == 'c') {
outputFilename = std::string(IFN.begin(), IFN.end()-3); // s/.bc/.s/
} else {
outputFilename = IFN;
return outputFilename;
// AllocatorInfo
namespace {
// vmalloc
SimpleAllocatorInfo AllocatorVMalloc("vmalloc", "vfree", 1, 1);
// kmalloc
SimpleAllocatorInfo AllocatorKMalloc("__kmalloc", "kfree", 1, 1);
// __alloc_bootmem
SimpleAllocatorInfo AllocatorBootmem("__alloc_bootmem", "", 1, 1);
// pool allocator used by user space programs
SimpleAllocatorInfo AllocatorPoolAlloc("poolalloc", "poolfree", 2, 2);
// main - Entry point for the sc compiler.
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
LLVMContext &Context = getGlobalContext();
llvm_shutdown_obj ShutdownObject;
try {
cl::ParseCommandLineOptions(argc, argv, "SAFECode Compiler\n");
// Load the module to be compiled...
std::auto_ptr<Module> M;
std::string ErrorMessage;
if (MemoryBuffer *Buffer
= MemoryBuffer::getFileOrSTDIN(InputFilename, &ErrorMessage)) {
M.reset(ParseBitcodeFile(Buffer, Context, &ErrorMessage));
delete Buffer;
if (M.get() == 0) {
std::cerr << argv[0] << ": bytecode didn't read correctly.\n";
return 1;
// The type of DSA depends on which pool allocation pass is used.
if (SCConfig.svaEnabled()) {
} else {
// Build up all of the passes that we want to do to the module...
PassManager Passes;
Passes.add(new TargetData(M.get()));
// Merge constants. We do this here because merging constants *after*
// running SAFECode may cause incorrect registration of global objects
// (e.g., two global object registrations may register the same object
// because the globals are identical constant strings).
Passes.add (createConstantMergePass());
// Remove all constant GEP expressions
NOT_FOR_SVA(Passes.add(new BreakConstantGEPs()));
// Ensure that all malloc/free calls are changed into LLVM instructions
// Remove indirect calls to malloc and free functions. This can be done
// here because none of the SAFECode transforms will add indirect calls to
// malloc() and free().
// Ensure that all malloc/free calls are changed into LLVM instructions
// Ensure that all functions have only a single return instruction. We do
// this to make stack-to-heap promotion easier (with a single return
// instruction, we know where to free all of the promoted alloca's).
// Convert Unsafe alloc instructions first. This does not rely upon
// pool allocation and has problems dealing with cloned functions.
if (CheckingRuntime != RUNTIME_PA) {
Passes.add(new ArrayBoundsCheckLocal());
NOT_FOR_SVA(Passes.add(new ConvertUnsafeAllocas()));
#if 0
// Schedule the Bottom-Up Call Graph analysis before pool allocation. The
// Bottom-Up Call Graph pass doesn't work after pool allocation has
// been run, and PassManager schedules it after pool allocation for
// some reason.
NOT_FOR_SVA(Passes.add(new BottomUpCallGraph()));
NOT_FOR_SVA(Passes.add(new ParCheckingCallAnalysis()));
// Run pool allocation.
#if 0
// Convert Unsafe alloc instructions first. This version relies upon
// pool allocation,
Passes.add(new PAConvertUnsafeAllocas());
// Disable this pass for now. We don't really use it, and it generates
// lots of compiler warnings.
#if 0
Passes.add(new EmbeCFreeRemoval());
// Instrument the code so that memory objects are registered into the
// correct pools. Note that user-space SAFECode requires a few additional
// transforms to do this.
Passes.add(new RegisterGlobalVariables());
if (!SCConfig.svaEnabled()) {
Passes.add(new RegisterMainArgs());
Passes.add(new RegisterRuntimeInitializer());
Passes.add(new RegisterFunctionByvalArguments());
// Register all customized allocators, such as vmalloc() / kmalloc() in
// kernel, or poolalloc() in pool allocation
Passes.add(new RegisterCustomizedAllocation());
// Use static analysis to determine which indexing operations (GEPs) do not
// require run-time checks. This is scheduled right before the check
// insertion pass because it seems that the PassManager will invalidate the
// results if they are not consumed immediently.
Passes.add(new InsertPoolChecks());
Passes.add(new ExactCheckOpt());
NOT_FOR_SVA(Passes.add(new RegisterStackObjPass()));
NOT_FOR_SVA(Passes.add(new InitAllocas()));
if (EnableFastCallChecks)
if (!DisableCStdLib) {
NOT_FOR_SVA(Passes.add(new StringTransform()));
if (!DisableMonotonicLoopOpt)
Passes.add(new MonotonicLoopOpt());
if (CheckingRuntime == RUNTIME_PARALLEL) {
Passes.add(new SpeculativeCheckingInsertSyncPoints());
if (EnableProtectingMetaData) {
Passes.add(new SpeculativeCheckStoreCheckPass());
// Do post processing required for Out of Bounds pointer rewriting.
// Note that the RewriteOOB pass is always required for user-space
// SAFECode because it is how we handle the C standard allowing pointers to
// move one beyond the end of an object as long as the pointer is not
// dereferenced.
// Try to optimize the checks first as the RewriteOOB pass may make
// optimization impossible.
if (CheckingRuntime == RUNTIME_DEBUG) {
Passes.add (new OptimizeChecks());
Passes.add(new RewriteOOB());
Passes.add (new DummyUse());
#if 0
// Run the LICM pass to hoist checks out of loops.
Passes.add (createLICMPass());
// Remove special attributes for loop hoisting that were added by previous
// SAFECode passes.
Passes.add (createClearCheckAttributesPass());
if (EnableCodeDuplication)
Passes.add(new DuplicateLoopAnalysis());
// Attempt to optimize the checks. Do not optimize object registration
// in debug mode because we need to use pool_unregister to detect invalid
// frees.
Passes.add (new OptimizeChecks());
if (DisableDebugInfo) {
Passes.add (new PoolRegisterElimination());
} else {
Passes.add (new DebugPoolRegisterElimination());
Passes.add(new UnusedCheckElimination());
// Instrument the code so that dangling pointers are detected.
Passes.add(new DetectDanglingPointers());
if (!DisableDebugInfo)
Passes.add (new DebugInstrument());
// Lower the checking intrinsics into appropriate runtime function calls.
// It should be the last pass
addLowerIntrinsicPass(Passes, CheckingRuntime);
// Make all strings non-constant so that the linker doesn't try to merge
// them together.
Passes.add(new BreakConstantStrings());
// Verify the final result
// Figure out where we are going to send the output...
std::ostream *Out = 0;
if (OutputFilename != "") {
if (OutputFilename != "-") {
// Specified an output filename?
if (!Force && std::ifstream(OutputFilename.c_str())) {
// If force is not specified, make sure not to overwrite a file!
std::cerr << argv[0] << ": error opening '" << OutputFilename
<< "': file exists!\n"
<< "Use -f command line argument to force output\n";
return 1;
Out = new std::ofstream(OutputFilename.c_str());
// Make sure that the Out file gets unlinked from the disk if we get a
} else {
Out = &std::cout;
} else {
if (InputFilename == "-") {
OutputFilename = "-";
Out = &std::cout;
} else {
OutputFilename = GetFileNameRoot(InputFilename);
OutputFilename += ".sc.bc";
if (!Force && std::ifstream(OutputFilename.c_str())) {
// If force is not specified, make sure not to overwrite a file!
std::cerr << argv[0] << ": error opening '" << OutputFilename
<< "': file exists!\n"
<< "Use -f command line argument to force output\n";
return 1;
Out = new std::ofstream(OutputFilename.c_str());
if (!Out->good()) {
std::cerr << argv[0] << ": error opening " << OutputFilename << "!\n";
delete Out;
return 1;
// Make sure that the Out file gets unlinked from the disk if we get a
// Add the writing of the output file to the list of passes
Passes.add (CreateBitcodeWriterPass(*Out));
// Run our queue of passes all at once now, efficiently.*M.get());
// Delete the ostream if it's not a stdout stream
if (Out != &std::cout) delete Out;
return 0;
} catch (const std::string & msg) {
std::cerr << argv[0] << ": " << msg << "\n";
} catch (...) {
std::cerr << argv[0] << ": Unexpected unknown exception occurred.\n";
return 1;
static void addStaticGEPCheckingPass(PassManager & Passes) {
switch (SCConfig.staticCheckType()) {
case SAFECodeConfiguration::ABC_CHECK_NONE:
Passes.add(new ArrayBoundsCheckDummy());
case SAFECodeConfiguration::ABC_CHECK_LOCAL:
Passes.add(new ArrayBoundsCheckStruct());
Passes.add(new ArrayBoundsCheckLocal());
case SAFECodeConfiguration::ABC_CHECK_FULL:
#if 0
Passes.add(new ABCPreProcess());
Passes.add(new ArrayBoundsCheckStruct());
Passes.add(new ArrayBoundsCheck());
assert (0 && "Omega pass is not working right now!");
static void addLowerIntrinsicPass(PassManager & Passes, CheckingRuntimeType type) {
/// Mapping between check intrinsics and implementation
typedef LowerSafecodeIntrinsic::IntrinsicMappingEntry IntrinsicMappingEntry;
static IntrinsicMappingEntry RuntimePA[] =
{ {"sc.lscheck", "__sc_no_op_poolcheck" },
{"sc.lscheckui", "__sc_no_op_poolcheck" },
{"sc.lscheckalign", "__sc_no_op_poolcheckalign" },
{"sc.lscheckalignui", "__sc_no_op_poolcheckalign" },
{"sc.boundscheck", "__sc_no_op_boundscheck" },
{"sc.boundscheckui", "__sc_no_op_boundscheck" },
{"sc.exactcheck", "__sc_no_op_exactcheck" },
{"sc.exactcheck2", "__sc_no_op_exactcheck2" },
{"poolregister", "__sc_no_op_poolregister" },
{"poolunregister", "__sc_no_op_poolunregister" },
{"poolalloc", "__sc_barebone_poolalloc"},
{"poolfree", "__sc_barebone_poolfree"},
{"pooldestroy", "__sc_barebone_pooldestroy"},
{"pool_init_runtime", "__sc_barebone_pool_init_runtime"},
{"poolinit", "__sc_barebone_poolinit"},
{"poolrealloc", "__sc_barebone_poolrealloc"},
{"poolcalloc", "__sc_barebone_poolcalloc"},
{"poolstrdup", "__sc_barebone_poolstrdup"},
{"sc.get_actual_val", "pchk_getActualValue" },
static IntrinsicMappingEntry RuntimeSingleThread[] =
{ {"sc.lscheck", "sc.lscheck" },
{"sc.lscheckui", "__sc_no_op_poolcheck" },
{"sc.lscheckalign", "poolcheckalign" },
{"sc.lscheckalignui", "poolcheckalignui" },
{"sc.boundscheck", "boundscheck" },
{"sc.boundscheckui", "boundscheckui" },
{"sc.exactcheck", "exactcheck" },
{"sc.exactcheck2", "exactcheck2" },
{"sc.pool_register", "poolregister" },
{"sc.pool_unregister", "poolunregister" },
{"sc.init_pool_runtime", "__sc_bc_pool_init_runtime"},
{"poolalloc", "__sc_bc_poolalloc"},
{"poolfree", "__sc_bc_poolfree"},
{"pooldestroy", "__sc_bc_pooldestroy"},
{"poolinit", "__sc_bc_poolinit"},
{"poolrealloc", "__sc_bc_poolrealloc"},
{"poolcalloc", "__sc_bc_poolcalloc"},
{"poolstrdup", "__sc_bc_poolstrdup"},
{"sc.get_actual_val", "pchk_getActualValue" },
static IntrinsicMappingEntry RuntimeDebug[] =
{ {"sc.lscheck", "poolcheck" },
{"sc.lscheckui", "poolcheckui" },
{"sc.lscheckalign", "poolcheckalign" },
{"sc.lscheckalignui", "poolcheckalignui" },
{"sc.boundscheck", "boundscheck" },
{"sc.boundscheckui", "boundscheckui" },
{"sc.exactcheck", "exactcheck" },
{"sc.exactcheck2", "exactcheck2" },
{"sc.funccheck", "__sc_dbg_funccheck" },
{"sc.get_actual_val", "pchk_getActualValue" },
{"sc.pool_register", "__sc_dbg_poolregister" },
{"sc.pool_unregister", "__sc_dbg_poolunregister" },
{"sc.pool_unregister_stack", "__sc_dbg_poolunregister_stack" },
{"sc.pool_unregister_debug", "__sc_dbg_poolunregister_debug" },
{"sc.pool_unregister_stack_debug", "__sc_dbg_poolunregister_stack_debug" },
{"poolalloc", "__pa_bitmap_poolalloc"},
{"sc.init_pool_runtime", "pool_init_runtime"},
{"sc.pool_register_debug", "__sc_dbg_src_poolregister"},
{"sc.pool_register_stack_debug", "__sc_dbg_src_poolregister_stack"},
{"sc.pool_register_stack", "__sc_dbg_poolregister_stack"},
{"sc.pool_register_global", "__sc_dbg_poolregister_global"},
{"sc.pool_register_global_debug", "__sc_dbg_poolregister_global_debug"},
{"sc.lscheck_debug", "poolcheck_debug"},
{"sc.lscheckalign_debug", "poolcheckalign_debug"},
{"sc.boundscheck_debug", "boundscheck_debug"},
{"sc.exactcheck2_debug", "exactcheck2_debug"},
{"sc.pool_argvregister", "__sc_dbg_poolargvregister"},
{"poolinit", "__sc_dbg_poolinit"},
{"poolalloc_debug", "__sc_dbg_src_poolalloc"},
{"poolfree_debug", "__sc_dbg_src_poolfree"},
// These functions register objects in the splay trees
{"poolcalloc_debug", "__sc_dbg_src_poolcalloc"},
{"poolcalloc", "__sc_dbg_poolcalloc"},
{"poolstrdup", "__sc_dbg_poolstrdup"},
{"poolstrdup_debug", "__sc_dbg_poolstrdup_debug"},
{"poolrealloc", "__sc_dbg_poolrealloc"},
static IntrinsicMappingEntry RuntimeParallel[] =
{ {"sc.lscheck", "__sc_par_poolcheck" },
{"sc.lscheckui", "__sc_no_op_poolcheck" },
{"sc.lscheckalign", "__sc_par_poolcheckalign" },
{"sc.lscheckalignui", "__sc_par_poolcheckalignui" },
{"sc.boundscheck", "__sc_par_boundscheck" },
{"sc.boundscheckui", "__sc_par_boundscheckui" },
{"sc.exactcheck", "exactcheck" },
{"sc.exactcheck2", "exactcheck2" },
{"sc.lscheck.serial", "__sc_bc_poolcheck" },
{"sc.lscheckui.serial", "__sc_no_op_poolcheck" },
{"sc.lscheckalign.serial","poolcheckalign" },
{"sc.lscheckalignui.serial","poolcheckalignui" },
{"sc.boundscheck.serial", "__sc_bc_boundscheck" },
{"sc.boundscheckui.serial", "__sc_bc_boundscheckui" },
{"sc.exactcheck.serial", "exactcheck" },
{"sc.exactcheck2.serial", "exactcheck2" },
{"poolargvregister", "__sc_par_poolargvregister" },
{"poolregister", "__sc_par_poolregister" },
{"poolunregister", "__sc_par_poolunregister" },
{"poolalloc", "__sc_par_poolalloc"},
{"poolfree", "__sc_par_poolfree"},
{"pooldestroy", "__sc_par_pooldestroy"},
{"pool_init_runtime", "__sc_par_pool_init_runtime"},
{"poolinit", "__sc_par_poolinit"},
{"poolrealloc", "__sc_par_poolrealloc"},
{"poolcalloc", "__sc_par_poolcalloc"},
{"poolstrdup", "__sc_par_poolstrdup"},
const char * queueOpFunction = "__sc_par_enqueue_1";
static IntrinsicMappingEntry RuntimeQueuePerformance[] =
{ {"sc.lscheck", queueOpFunction},
{"sc.lscheckui", queueOpFunction},
{"sc.lscheckalign", queueOpFunction},
{"sc.lscheckalignui", queueOpFunction},
{"sc.boundscheck", queueOpFunction},
{"sc.boundscheckui", queueOpFunction},
{"sc.exactcheck", "exactcheck" },
{"sc.exactcheck2", "exactcheck2" },
{"poolregister", queueOpFunction},
{"poolunregister", queueOpFunction},
{"poolalloc", "__sc_barebone_poolalloc"},
{"poolfree", "__sc_barebone_poolfree"},
{"pooldestroy", "__sc_barebone_pooldestroy"},
{"pool_init_runtime", "__sc_par_pool_init_runtime"},
{"poolinit", "__sc_barebone_poolinit"},
{"poolrealloc", "__sc_barebone_poolrealloc"},
{"poolcalloc", "__sc_barebone_poolcalloc"},
{"poolstrdup", "__sc_barebone_poolstrdup"},
static IntrinsicMappingEntry RuntimeSVA[] =
{ {"sc.lscheck", "poolcheck" },
{"sc.lscheckui", "poolcheck_i" },
{"sc.lscheckalign", "poolcheckalign" },
{"sc.lscheckalignui", "poolcheckalign_i" },
{"sc.boundscheck", "pchk_bounds" },
{"sc.boundscheckui", "pchk_bounds_i" },
{"sc.exactcheck", "exactcheck" },
{"sc.exactcheck2", "exactcheck2" },
{"sc.pool_register", "pchk_reg_obj" },
{"sc.pool_unregister", "pchk_drop_obj" },
{"poolinit", "__sva_pool_init" },
switch (type) {
Passes.add(new LowerSafecodeIntrinsic(RuntimePA, RuntimePA + sizeof(RuntimePA) / sizeof(IntrinsicMappingEntry)));
Passes.add(new LowerSafecodeIntrinsic(RuntimeDebug, RuntimeDebug + sizeof(RuntimeDebug) / sizeof(IntrinsicMappingEntry)));
Passes.add(new LowerSafecodeIntrinsic(RuntimeSingleThread, RuntimeSingleThread + sizeof(RuntimeSingleThread) / sizeof(IntrinsicMappingEntry)));
Passes.add(new LowerSafecodeIntrinsic(RuntimeParallel, RuntimeParallel + sizeof(RuntimeParallel) / sizeof(IntrinsicMappingEntry)));
Passes.add(new LowerSafecodeIntrinsic(RuntimeQueuePerformance, RuntimeQueuePerformance+ sizeof(RuntimeQueuePerformance) / sizeof(IntrinsicMappingEntry)));
Passes.add(new LowerSafecodeIntrinsic(RuntimeSVA, RuntimeSVA + sizeof(RuntimeSVA) / sizeof(IntrinsicMappingEntry)));
assert (0 && "Invalid Runtime!");
static void addPoolAllocationPass(PassManager & Passes) {
switch (SCConfig.getPAType()) {
case SAFECodeConfiguration::PA_SINGLE:
Passes.add(new PoolAllocateSimple(true, true, false));
case SAFECodeConfiguration::PA_SIMPLE:
Passes.add(new PoolAllocateSimple(true, true, true));
case SAFECodeConfiguration::PA_MULTI:
Passes.add(new PoolAllocateMultipleGlobalPool());
case SAFECodeConfiguration::PA_APA:
Passes.add(new PoolAllocate(true, true));