blob: 8f19a859f15644f1cab0ff8125ff66cef3b069e2 [file] [log] [blame]
##=== - Report for PA Compile Time ---*- perl -*-===##
# This file defines a report to be generated for the pool allocator compile-time
# tests.
# Sort by program name
$SortCol = 0;
$TrimRepeatedPrefix = 1;
@LatexColumns = (1, 8, 10);
my $FREEBENCH = 'MultiSource/Benchmarks/FreeBench';
my $PTRDIST = 'MultiSource/Benchmarks/Ptrdist';
@LatexRowMapOrder = (
"anagram/anagram" => 'anagram',
"bc/bc" => 'bc',
"ft/ft" => 'ft',
"ks/ks" => 'ks',
"yacr2/yacr2" => 'yacr2',
'-' => '-',
'164.gzip/164.gzip' => '164.gzip',
'175.vpr/175.vpr' => '175.vpr',
'181.mcf/181.mcf' => '181.mcf',
'186.crafty/186.crafty' => '186.crafty',
'197.parser/197.parser' => '197.parser',
'197.parser.hacked/197.parser.hacked' => '197.parser(b)',
'255.vortex/255.vortex' => '255.vortex',
'256.bzip2/256.bzip2' => '256.bzip2',
'300.twolf/300.twolf' => '300.twolf',
'-' => '-',
"analyzer" => 'analyzer',
"llu" => 'llu-bench',
# These are the columns for the report. The first entry is the header for the
# column, the second is the regex to use to match the value. Empty list create
# seperators, and closures may be put in for custom processing.
my $USERSYSTTIME = '([0-9.]+)[ 0-9.]+\([^)]+\)[ 0-9.]+\([^)]+\) +';
# Name
["Name:" , '\'([^\']+)\' Program'],
["LOC" , 'LOC:\s*([0-9]+)'],
# DSA Times
["LOC", "${USERSYSTTIME}Local"],
["BU", "${USERSYSTTIME}Bottom-up"],
["TD", "${USERSYSTTIME}Top-down"],
["DSASUM", sub { return SumCols(@_, 3); }],
["COM", "${USERSYSTTIME}'Complete'"],
["EQ", "${USERSYSTTIME}Equivalence"],
["EBUSUM", sub { return SumCols(@_, 2); }],
["PA Time", "${USERSYSTTIME}Pool allocate"],