blob: 54a885831c5c665088aaa9bcb19003e6781ad257 [file] [log] [blame]
##===- poolalloc/test/TEST.pacompiletime.Makefile ----------*- Makefile -*-===##
# This test figures out how much time we spend in DSA and the pool allocator
# compiling a program.
CFLAGS = -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing
CURDIR := $(shell cd .; pwd)
PROGDIR := $(shell cd $(LLVM_SRC_ROOT)/projects/llvm-test; pwd)/
RELDIR := $(subst $(PROGDIR),,$(CURDIR))
# Pool allocator pass shared object
PA_SO := $(PROJECT_DIR)/Release/lib/libpoolalloc$(SHLIBEXT)
# Command to run opt with the pool allocator pass loaded
OPT_PA := $(LOPT) -load $(PA_SO)
# OPT_PA_STATS - Run opt with the -stats and -time-passes options, capturing the
# output to a file.
OPT_PA_STATS = $(OPT_PA) -info-output-file=$(CURDIR)/$ -time-passes
# This rule runs the pool allocator on the .llvm.bc file to produce a new .bc
# file
$(PROGRAMS_TO_TEST:%=Output/%.$(TEST).poolalloc.bc): \
Output/%.$(TEST).poolalloc.bc: Output/%.llvm.bc $(PA_SO) $(LOPT)
-@rm -f $(CURDIR)/$
-$(OPT_PA_STATS) -poolalloc $(EXTRA_PA_FLAGS) $< -o $@ -f 2>&1 > $@.out
# This rule wraps everything together to build the actual output the report is
# generated from.
$(PROGRAMS_TO_TEST:%=Output/%.$(TEST).report.txt): \
Output/%.$(TEST).report.txt: Output/%.$(TEST).poolalloc.bc Output/%.LOC.txt
@echo > $@
printf "LOC: " >> $@
cat Output/$*.LOC.txt >> $@
@echo >> $@
@printf "LOCTIME: " >> $@
@-grep "Local Data Structure" Output/$*.$(TEST) >>$@
@printf "BUTIME: " >> $@
@-grep " Bottom-up Data Struc" Output/$*.$(TEST) >>$@
@printf "TDTIME: " >> $@
@-grep "Top-down Data Structur" Output/$*.$(TEST) >>$@
@printf "COMTIME: " >> $@
@-grep "'Complete' Bottom-up D" Output/$*.$(TEST) >>$@
@printf "EQTIME: " >> $@
@-grep "Equivalence-class Bott" Output/$*.$(TEST) >>$@
@printf "PATIME: " >> $@
@-grep "Pool allocate disjoint" Output/$*.$(TEST) >>$@
$(PROGRAMS_TO_TEST:%=test.$(TEST).%): \
test.$(TEST).%: Output/%.$(TEST).report.txt
@echo "---------------------------------------------------------------"
@echo ">>> ========= '$(RELDIR)/$*' Program"
@echo "---------------------------------------------------------------"
@cat $<