blob: 767ac700d267f32c12ddd1d8a7116c6c2c020cb9 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- StructureFieldVisitor.h - Macroscopic DS inspector ------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file was developed by the LLVM research group and is distributed under
// the University of Illinois Open Source License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file defines the public interface to the LatticeValue and
// StructureFieldVisitor classes.
#include <set>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
namespace llvm {
class Type;
class Constant;
class Instruction;
class LoadInst;
class CallInst;
class StoreInst;
class EquivClassGraphs;
class DSNode;
class DSGraph;
namespace Macroscopic {
/// FindAllDataStructures - Inspect the program specified by ECG, adding to
/// 'Nodes' all of the data structures node in the program that contain the
/// "IncludeFlags" and do not contain "ExcludeFlags" node flags. If
/// OnlyHomogenous is true, only type-homogenous nodes are considered.
void FindAllDataStructures(std::set<DSNode*> &Nodes, unsigned IncludeFlags,
unsigned ExcludeFlags, bool OnlyHomogenous,
EquivClassGraphs &ECG);
/// Visit types - This describes an enum specifying which methods are
/// overloaded in the concrete implementation of the LatticeValue class.
namespace Visit {
enum {
Loads = 1,
Stores = 2,
Allocs = 4,
Deallocs = 8,
// ...
/// LatticeValue - Describe.
class LatticeValue {
DSNode *Node;
std::vector<unsigned> Idxs; // The index path to get to this field.
const Type *FieldTy; // The type of this field.
LatticeValue(DSNode *N, const std::vector<unsigned> &I,
const Type *Ty) : Node(N), Idxs(I), FieldTy(Ty) {}
virtual ~LatticeValue() {}
DSNode *getNode() const { return Node; }
DSGraph &getParentGraph() const;
const std::vector<unsigned> &getIndices() const { return Idxs; }
const Type *getFieldType() const { return FieldTy; }
/// getFieldOffset - Get the byte offset of this field from the start of the
/// node.
unsigned getFieldOffset() const;
/// dump - Print debugging information about this class.
virtual void dump() const;
/// mergeInValue - Merge the information from the RHS lattice value (which is
/// guaranteed to be the same dynamic type as 'this') into this lattice value.
/// If the resultant value hits bottom, return true. This is used for
/// interprocedural analysis.
virtual bool mergeInValue(const LatticeValue *RHS) {
return true;
// Visitation methods - These methods update the current lattice state
// based on the information in the operation. If the lattice value reaches
// bottom, the method implementation should return true so that analysis
// can be stopped as early as possible. Visitation methods are grouped by
// their Visitation class.
// All lattice values must implement these.
/// visitRecognizedCall - The node for this lattice value is passed into some
/// external function that is "known" by the Local analysis pass (e.g. atoi).
/// By default, this stops any analysis of the node.
virtual bool visitRecognizedCall(Instruction &I) {
return true;
// Load Vistation methods.
virtual bool visitLoad(LoadInst &);
// Store Visitation methods.
virtual bool visitStore(StoreInst &);
virtual bool visitGlobalInit(Constant *InitVal);
virtual bool visitMemSet(CallInst &I) {
return visitRecognizedCall((Instruction&)I);
/// CombinedLatticeValue - Describe.
template<typename L1, typename L2>
class CombinedLatticeValue : public LatticeValue {
L1 LV1; L2 LV2;
bool LV1Bottom, LV2Bottom;
CombinedLatticeValue(DSNode *Node, const std::vector<unsigned> &Idxs,
const Type *FieldTy)
: LatticeValue(Node, Idxs, FieldTy), LV1(Node, Idxs, FieldTy),
LV2(Node, Idxs, FieldTy), LV1Bottom(false), LV2Bottom(false) {}
static unsigned getInterestingEvents() {
return L1::getInterestingEvents() | L2::getInterestingEvents();
static CombinedLatticeValue *create(DSNode *Node,
const std::vector<unsigned> &Idxs,
const Type *FieldTy) {
return new CombinedLatticeValue(Node, Idxs, FieldTy);
void dump() const {
if (!LV1Bottom) LV1.dump();
if (!LV2Bottom) LV2.dump();
virtual bool mergeInValue(const LatticeValue *RHSLV) {
const CombinedLatticeValue *RHS =
static_cast<const CombinedLatticeValue *>(RHSLV);
LV1Bottom |= RHS->LV1Bottom;
LV2Bottom |= RHS->LV2Bottom;
if (!LV1Bottom) LV1Bottom = LV1.mergeInValue(&RHS->LV1);
if (!LV2Bottom) LV2Bottom = LV2.mergeInValue(&RHS->LV2);
return LV1Bottom & LV2Bottom;
virtual bool visitRecognizedCall(Instruction &I) {
if (!LV1Bottom) LV1Bottom = LV1.visitRecognizedCall(I);
if (!LV2Bottom) LV2Bottom = LV2.visitRecognizedCall(I);
return LV1Bottom & LV2Bottom;
// Load Vistation methods.
virtual bool visitLoad(LoadInst &LI) {
if (!LV1Bottom && (L1::getInterestingEvents() & Visit::Loads))
LV1Bottom = LV1.visitLoad(LI);
if (!LV2Bottom && (L2::getInterestingEvents() & Visit::Loads))
LV2Bottom = LV2.visitLoad(LI);
return LV1Bottom & LV2Bottom;
// Store Visitation methods.
virtual bool visitStore(StoreInst &SI) {
if (!LV1Bottom && (L1::getInterestingEvents() & Visit::Stores))
LV1Bottom = LV1.visitStore(SI);
if (!LV2Bottom && (L2::getInterestingEvents() & Visit::Stores))
LV2Bottom = LV2.visitStore(SI);
return LV1Bottom & LV2Bottom;
virtual bool visitGlobalInit(Constant *InitVal) {
if (!LV1Bottom && (L1::getInterestingEvents() & Visit::Stores))
LV1Bottom = LV1.visitGlobalInit(InitVal);
if (!LV2Bottom && (L2::getInterestingEvents() & Visit::Stores))
LV2Bottom = LV2.visitGlobalInit(InitVal);
return LV1Bottom & LV2Bottom;
virtual bool visitMemSet(CallInst &I) {
if (!LV1Bottom && (L1::getInterestingEvents() & Visit::Stores))
LV1Bottom = LV1.visitMemSet(I);
if (!LV2Bottom && (L2::getInterestingEvents() & Visit::Stores))
LV2Bottom = LV2.visitMemSet(I);
return LV1Bottom & LV2Bottom;
/// StructureFieldVisitorBase - This implements all of the heavy lifting
/// for the StructureFieldVisitor class. This class should not be used
/// directly, see it (below) for usage.
class StructureFieldVisitorBase {
unsigned Callbacks; // Bitfield containing bits from Macroscopic::Visit
EquivClassGraphs &ECG;
std::map<DSGraph*, std::multimap<DSNode*,LatticeValue*> > CalleeFnFacts;
// createLatticeValue - Provide a virtual ctor for the concrete lattice value.
virtual LatticeValue* createLatticeValue(DSNode *Node,
const std::vector<unsigned> &Idxs,
const Type *FieldTy) = 0;
// Only allow this to be subclassed.
StructureFieldVisitorBase(unsigned CB, EquivClassGraphs &ecg)
: Callbacks(CB), ECG(ecg) {}
virtual ~StructureFieldVisitorBase() {}
std::set<LatticeValue*> visitNodes(const std::set<DSNode*> &Nodes);
void visitFields(std::set<LatticeValue*> &Fields);
void visitGraph(DSGraph &DSG, std::multimap<DSNode*, LatticeValue*> &NodeLVs);
std::multimap<DSNode*, LatticeValue*> &getCalleeFacts(DSGraph &DSG);
void AddLatticeValuesForFields(DSNode *N, const Type *Ty,
const std::vector<unsigned> &Idxs,
std::set<LatticeValue*> &Values);
void AddLatticeValuesForNode(DSNode *N, std::set<LatticeValue*> &Values);
void ProcessNodesReachableFromGlobals(DSGraph &DSG,
std::multimap<DSNode*,LatticeValue*> &NodeLVs);
/// FIXME: Describe
template<typename ConcLatticeVal>
class StructureFieldVisitor : public StructureFieldVisitorBase {
// FIXME: We really want to be able to infer which methods LatticeVal
// overloads from the base class using template metaprogramming techniques.
StructureFieldVisitor(EquivClassGraphs &ECG)
: StructureFieldVisitorBase(ConcLatticeVal::getInterestingEvents(), ECG) {}
/// visit - Visit the specified set of data structure nodes, recursively
/// visiting all accesses to structure fields defined in those nodes. This
/// method returns a set of lattice values that have not reached bottom.
std::set<ConcLatticeVal*> visit(const std::set<DSNode*> &Nodes) {
std::set<LatticeValue*> ResultVals = visitNodes(Nodes);
// Convert the result set to the appropriate lattice type.
std::set<ConcLatticeVal*> Result;
while (!ResultVals.empty()) {
return Result;
private: // Virtual method implementations for the base class.
virtual LatticeValue* createLatticeValue(DSNode *N,
const std::vector<unsigned> &Idxs,
const Type *FieldTy) {
return ConcLatticeVal::create(N, Idxs, FieldTy);
} // End Macroscopic namespace
} // End llvm namespace