blob: b5f06b65d975741b9f09ade0ed964189036a30e3 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- StructureFieldVisitor.cpp - Implement StructureFieldVisitor -------===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file was developed by the LLVM research group and is distributed under
// the University of Illinois Open Source License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file implements the StructureFieldVisitor and related classes.
#include "StructureFieldVisitor.h"
#include "llvm/Constants.h"
#include "llvm/DerivedTypes.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/DataStructure/DataStructure.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/DataStructure/DSGraph.h"
#include "llvm/Intrinsics.h"
#include "llvm/Support/InstVisitor.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
using namespace llvm::Macroscopic;
using namespace llvm;
/// FindAllDataStructures - Inspect the program specified by ECG, adding to
/// 'Nodes' all of the data structures node in the program that contain the
/// "IncludeFlags" and do not contain "ExcludeFlags" node flags. If
/// OnlyHomogenous is true, only type-homogenous nodes are considered.
void FindAllDataStructures(std::set<DSNode*> &Nodes, unsigned IncludeFlags,
unsigned ExcludeFlags, bool OnlyHomogenous,
EquivClassGraphs &ECG) {
// Loop over all of the graphs in ECG, finding nodes that are not incomplete
// and do not have any of the flags specified by Flags.
ExcludeFlags |= DSNode::Incomplete;
/// FIXME: nodes in the global graph should not be marked incomplete in main!!
for (hash_map<const Function*, DSGraph*>::iterator GI = ECG.DSInfo.begin(),
E = ECG.DSInfo.end(); GI != E; ++GI) {
assert(GI->second && "Null graph pointer?");
DSGraph &G = *GI->second;
for (DSGraph::node_iterator I = G.node_begin(), E = G.node_end();
I != E; ++I)
// If this node matches our constraints, include it.
if ((I->getNodeFlags() & IncludeFlags) == IncludeFlags &&
(I->getNodeFlags() & ExcludeFlags) == 0)
if (!OnlyHomogenous || !I->isNodeCompletelyFolded())
// LatticeValue class implementation
DSGraph &LatticeValue::getParentGraph() const {
DSGraph *PG = getNode()->getParentGraph();
assert(PG && "Node doesn't have a parent, is it a GlobalGraph node?");
return *PG;
/// getFieldOffset - Return the offset of this field from the start of the node.
unsigned LatticeValue::getFieldOffset() const {
const TargetData &TD = getNode()->getParentGraph()->getTargetData();
unsigned Offset = 0;
const Type *Ty = Node->getType();
for (unsigned i = 0, e = Idxs.size(); i != e; ++i)
if (const StructType *STy = dyn_cast<StructType>(Ty)) {
const StructLayout *SL = TD.getStructLayout(STy);
Offset += SL->MemberOffsets[Idxs[i]];
Ty = STy->getElementType(Idxs[i]);
} else {
const SequentialType *STy = cast<SequentialType>(Ty);
Ty = STy->getElementType();
--i; // This doesn't index a struct.
return Offset;
void LatticeValue::dump() const {
std::cerr << "\nFunction: " << Node->getParentGraph()->getFunctionNames()
<< "\n";
if (!Idxs.empty()) {
std::cerr << "Field: ";
for (unsigned i = 0, e = Idxs.size(); i != e; ++i)
std::cerr << Idxs[i] << ".";
std::cerr << "\n";
bool LatticeValue::visitLoad(LoadInst &) {
std::cerr << "ERROR: Client requested load visitation, but did not "
<< "overload visitLoad!\n";
return true;
bool LatticeValue::visitStore(StoreInst &) {
std::cerr << "ERROR: Client requested store visitation, but did not "
<< "overload visitStore!\n";
return true;
bool LatticeValue::visitGlobalInit(Constant *) {
std::cerr << "ERROR: Client requested store visitation, but did not "
<< "overload visitGlobalInit!\n";
return true;
// SFVInstVisitor class implementation
namespace {
/// SFVInstVisitor - This visitor is used to do the actual visitation of
/// memory instructions in the program.
struct SFVInstVisitor : public InstVisitor<SFVInstVisitor, bool> {
DSGraph &DSG;
const unsigned Callbacks;
std::multimap<DSNode*, LatticeValue*> &NodeLVs;
// DirectCallSites - When we see call sites, we don't process them, but we
// do remember them if they are direct calls.
std::set<Instruction*> DirectCallSites;
SFVInstVisitor(DSGraph &dsg, unsigned CBs,
std::multimap<DSNode*, LatticeValue*> &LVs)
: DSG(dsg), Callbacks(CBs), NodeLVs(LVs) {}
// Methods used by visitation methods.
LatticeValue *getLatticeValueForField(Value *Ptr);
bool RemoveLatticeValueAtBottom(LatticeValue *LV);
/// Visitation methods - These methods should return true when a lattice
/// value is driven to 'bottom' and removed from NodeLVs.
bool visitLoadInst(LoadInst &LI);
bool visitStoreInst(StoreInst &SI);
/// These are not implemented yet.
bool visitGetElementPtrInst(GetElementPtrInst &GEPI) { return false; }
bool visitMallocInst(MallocInst &MI) { return false; }
bool visitAllocaInst(AllocaInst &AI) { return false; }
bool visitFreeInst(FreeInst &FI) { return false; }
bool visitPHINode(PHINode &PN) { return false; }
bool visitSelectInst(SelectInst &SI) { return false; }
bool visitSetCondInst(SetCondInst &SCI) { return false; }
bool visitCastInst(CastInst &CI) { return false; }
bool visitReturnInst(ReturnInst &RI) { return false; }
// visitCallInst/visitInvokeInst - Call and invoke are handled specially, so
// they are just noops here.
bool visitCallInst(CallInst &CI) { return visitCallSite(CI); }
bool visitInvokeInst(InvokeInst &II) { return visitCallSite(II); }
bool visitCallSite(Instruction &I) {
// Remember direct function calls.
if (isa<Function>(I.getOperand(0))) DirectCallSites.insert(&I);
return false;
bool visitInstruction(Instruction &I) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
// Check to make sure this instruction really isn't using anything we the
// client needs to know about.
assert(getLatticeValueForField(&I) == 0 && "Inst should be handled!");
for (unsigned i = 0, e = I.getNumOperands(); i != e; ++i)
assert(getLatticeValueForField(I.getOperand(i)) == 0 &&
"Inst should be handled by visitor!");
return false;
static void ComputeStructureFieldIndices(const Type *Ty, unsigned Offset,
std::vector<unsigned> &Idxs,
const TargetData &TD) {
if (Ty->isFirstClassType()) {
assert(Offset == 0 && "Illegal structure index!");
if (const SequentialType *STy = dyn_cast<SequentialType>(Ty)) {
ComputeStructureFieldIndices(STy->getElementType(), Offset, Idxs, TD);
} else if (const StructType *STy = dyn_cast<StructType>(Ty)) {
const StructLayout *SL = TD.getStructLayout(STy);
std::vector<uint64_t>::const_iterator SI =
std::upper_bound(SL->MemberOffsets.begin(), SL->MemberOffsets.end(),
assert(SI != SL->MemberOffsets.begin() && "Offset not in structure type!");
assert(*SI <= Offset && "upper_bound didn't work");
assert((SI == SL->MemberOffsets.begin() || *(SI-1) < Offset) &&
(SI+1 == SL->MemberOffsets.end() || *(SI+1) > Offset) &&
"Upper bound didn't work!");
Offset -= *SI; // Skip over the offset to this structure field.
unsigned Idx = SI - SL->MemberOffsets.begin();
assert(Idx < STy->getNumElements() && "Illegal structure index");
ComputeStructureFieldIndices(STy->getElementType(Idx), Offset, Idxs, TD);
} else {
assert(0 && "Unknown type to index into!");
LatticeValue *SFVInstVisitor::getLatticeValueForField(Value *Ptr) {
if (!isa<PointerType>(Ptr->getType()) ||
isa<ConstantPointerNull>(Ptr)) return 0;
const DSNodeHandle *NH = &DSG.getNodeForValue(Ptr);
DSNode *Node = NH->getNode();
assert(Node && "Pointer doesn't have node??");
std::multimap<DSNode*, LatticeValue*>::iterator I = NodeLVs.find(Node);
if (I == NodeLVs.end()) return 0; // Not a node we are still tracking.
// Okay, next convert the node offset to a field index expression.
std::vector<unsigned> Idxs;
ComputeStructureFieldIndices(Node->getType(), NH->getOffset(), Idxs,
for (; I != NodeLVs.end() && I->first == Node; ++I)
if (I->second->getIndices() == Idxs)
return I->second;
return 0;
/// RemoveLatticeValueAtBottom - When analysis determines that LV hit bottom,
/// this method is used to remove it from the NodeLVs map. This method always
/// returns true to simplify caller code.
bool SFVInstVisitor::RemoveLatticeValueAtBottom(LatticeValue *LV) {
for (std::multimap<DSNode*, LatticeValue*>::iterator I
= NodeLVs.find(LV->getNode());; ++I) {
assert(I != NodeLVs.end() && "Lattice value not in map??");
if (I->second == LV) {
return true;
bool SFVInstVisitor::visitLoadInst(LoadInst &LI) {
if ((Callbacks & Visit::Loads) == 0) return false;
if (LatticeValue *LV = getLatticeValueForField(LI.getOperand(0)))
if (LV->visitLoad(LI))
return RemoveLatticeValueAtBottom(LV);
return false;
bool SFVInstVisitor::visitStoreInst(StoreInst &SI) {
if ((Callbacks & Visit::Stores) == 0) return false;
if (LatticeValue *LV = getLatticeValueForField(SI.getOperand(1)))
if (LV->visitStore(SI))
return RemoveLatticeValueAtBottom(LV);
return false;
// StructureFieldVisitorBase class implementation
void StructureFieldVisitorBase::
AddLatticeValuesForFields(DSNode *Node, const Type *Ty,
const std::vector<unsigned> &Idxs,
std::set<LatticeValue*> &Values) {
if (Ty->isFirstClassType()) {
if (LatticeValue *LV = createLatticeValue(Node, Idxs, Ty))
const StructType *STy = dyn_cast<StructType>(Ty);
if (STy == 0) return; // Not handling arrays yet!
std::vector<unsigned> NextIdxs(Idxs);
for (unsigned i = 0, e = STy->getNumElements(); i != e; ++i) {
NextIdxs.back() = i;
AddLatticeValuesForFields(Node, STy->getElementType(i), NextIdxs, Values);
void StructureFieldVisitorBase::
AddLatticeValuesForNode(DSNode *N, std::set<LatticeValue*> &Values) {
if (N->isNodeCompletelyFolded() ||
N->getType() == Type::VoidTy) return; // Can't analyze node.
std::vector<unsigned> Idxs;
AddLatticeValuesForFields(N, N->getType(), Idxs, Values);
/// visitNodes - This is a simple wrapper around visitFields that creates a
/// lattice value for every field in the specified collection of nodes.
std::set<LatticeValue*> StructureFieldVisitorBase::
visitNodes(const std::set<DSNode*> &Nodes) {
std::set<LatticeValue*> Result;
// Create lattice values for all of the fields in these nodes.
for (std::set<DSNode*>::const_iterator I = Nodes.begin(), E = Nodes.end();
I != E; ++I)
AddLatticeValuesForNode(*I, Result);
// Now that we have the lattice values, just use visitFields to do the grunt
// work.
return Result;
/// VisitGlobalInit - The specified lattice value corresponds to a field (or
/// several) in the specified global. Merge all of the overlapping initializer
/// values into LV (up-to and until it becomes overdefined).
static bool VisitGlobalInit(LatticeValue *LV, Constant *Init,
unsigned FieldOffset) {
const TargetData &TD = LV->getParentGraph().getTargetData();
if (Init->isNullValue())
return LV->visitGlobalInit(Constant::getNullValue(LV->getFieldType()));
if (isa<UndefValue>(Init))
return LV->visitGlobalInit(UndefValue::get(LV->getFieldType()));
if (LV->getNode()->isArray() &&
TD.getTypeSize(Init->getType()) > LV->getNode()->getSize()) {
ConstantArray *CA = cast<ConstantArray>(Init);
for (unsigned i = 0, e = CA->getNumOperands(); i != e; ++i)
if (VisitGlobalInit(LV, CA->getOperand(i), FieldOffset))
return true;
return false;
NextStep: // Manual tail recursion
if (Init->isNullValue())
return LV->visitGlobalInit(Constant::getNullValue(LV->getFieldType()));
if (isa<UndefValue>(Init))
return LV->visitGlobalInit(UndefValue::get(LV->getFieldType()));
if (Init->getType()->isFirstClassType()) {
assert(FieldOffset == 0 && "GV Init mismatch!");
return LV->visitGlobalInit(Init);
if (const StructType *STy = dyn_cast<StructType>(Init->getType())) {
const StructLayout *SL = TD.getStructLayout(STy);
unsigned Field = SL->getElementContainingOffset(FieldOffset);
FieldOffset -= SL->MemberOffsets[Field];
Init = cast<ConstantStruct>(Init)->getOperand(Field);
goto NextStep;
} else if (const ArrayType *ATy = dyn_cast<ArrayType>(Init->getType())) {
unsigned ElSz = TD.getTypeSize(ATy->getElementType());
unsigned Idx = FieldOffset / ElSz;
FieldOffset -= Idx*ElSz;
Init = cast<ConstantArray>(Init)->getOperand(Idx);
goto NextStep;
} else {
assert(0 && "Unexpected initializer type!");
return true;
/// visitFields - Visit all uses of the specified fields, updating the lattice
/// values as appropriate.
void StructureFieldVisitorBase::visitFields(std::set<LatticeValue*> &Fields) {
// Now that we added all of the initial nodes, find out what graphs these
// nodes are rooted in. For efficiency, handle batches of nodes in the same
// function together at the same time. To do this, pull everything out of
// Fields and put it into FieldsByGraph.
std::multimap<DSGraph*, LatticeValue*> FieldsByGraph;
while (!Fields.empty()) {
LatticeValue *LV = *Fields.begin();
FieldsByGraph.insert(std::make_pair(&LV->getParentGraph(), LV));
// Now that everything is grouped by graph, process a graph worth of nodes at
// a time, moving the results back to Fields if they are not overdefined.
while (!FieldsByGraph.empty()) {
// NodeLVs - Inspect all of the lattice values that are active in this
// graph.
std::multimap<DSNode*, LatticeValue*> NodeLVs;
DSGraph &DSG = *FieldsByGraph.begin()->first;
// Pull out all nodes in this graph, putting them into NodeLVs.
while (FieldsByGraph.begin()->first == &DSG) {
LatticeValue *LV = FieldsByGraph.begin()->second;
NodeLVs.insert(std::make_pair(LV->getNode(), LV));
// Visit all operations in this graph, looking at how these lattice values
// are used!
visitGraph(DSG, NodeLVs);
if (NodeLVs.empty()) continue;
// If any of the nodes have globals, and if we are inspecting stores, make
// sure to notice the global variable initializers.
if (Callbacks & Visit::Stores) {
for (std::multimap<DSNode*, LatticeValue*>::iterator I = NodeLVs.begin();
I != NodeLVs.end(); ) {
// If this node has globals, incorporate them.
bool LVisOverdefined = false;
std::vector<GlobalValue*> GVs;
for (unsigned i = 0, e = GVs.size(); i != e; ++i)
if (GlobalVariable *GV = dyn_cast<GlobalVariable>(GVs[i])) {
assert(GV->hasInitializer() && "Should not be analyzing this GV!");
if (VisitGlobalInit(I->second, GV->getInitializer(),
I->second->getFieldOffset())) {
LVisOverdefined = true;
if (LVisOverdefined)
if (NodeLVs.empty()) continue;
// Okay, final check. If we have any dataflow facts about nodes that are
// reachable from global variable nodes, we must make sure to check every
// function in the program that uses the global for uses of the node.
// Because of the globals graph, we might not have all of the information we
// need with our (potentially) truncated call graph traversal.
ProcessNodesReachableFromGlobals(DSG, NodeLVs);
// Everything that survived goes into Fields now that we processed it.
while (!NodeLVs.empty()) {
/// ComputeInverseGraphFrom - Perform a simple depth-first search of the
/// DSGraph, recording the inverse of all of the edges in the graph.
static void ComputeInverseGraphFrom(DSNode *N,
std::set<std::pair<DSNode*,DSNode*> > &InverseGraph) {
for (DSNode::edge_iterator I = N->edge_begin(), E = N->edge_end(); I != E;++I)
if (DSNode *Target = I->getNode())
if (InverseGraph.insert(std::make_pair(Target, N)).second)
ComputeInverseGraphFrom(Target, InverseGraph);
/// ComputeNodesReacahbleFrom - Compute the set of nodes in the specified
/// inverse graph that are reachable from N. This is a simple depth first
/// search.
static void ComputeNodesReachableFrom(DSNode *N,
std::set<std::pair<DSNode*,DSNode*> > &InverseGraph,
hash_set<const DSNode*> &Reachable) {
if (!Reachable.insert(N).second) return; // Already visited!
std::set<std::pair<DSNode*,DSNode*> >::iterator I =
InverseGraph.lower_bound(std::make_pair(N, (DSNode*)0));
for (; I != InverseGraph.end() && I->first == N; ++I)
ComputeNodesReachableFrom(I->second, InverseGraph, Reachable);
/// ProcessNodesReachableFromGlobals - If we inferred anything about nodes
/// reachable from globals, we have to make sure that we incorporate data for
/// all graphs that include those globals due to the nature of the globals
/// graph.
void StructureFieldVisitorBase::
ProcessNodesReachableFromGlobals(DSGraph &DSG,
std::multimap<DSNode*,LatticeValue*> &NodeLVs){
// Start by marking all nodes reachable from globals.
DSScalarMap &SM = DSG.getScalarMap();
if (SM.global_begin() == SM.global_end()) return;
hash_set<const DSNode*> Reachable;
for (DSScalarMap::global_iterator GI = SM.global_begin(),
E = SM.global_end(); GI != E; ++GI)
if (Reachable.empty()) return;
// If any of the nodes with dataflow facts are reachable from the globals
// graph, we have to do the GG processing step.
bool MustProcessThroughGlobalsGraph = false;
for (std::multimap<DSNode*, LatticeValue*>::iterator I = NodeLVs.begin(),
E = NodeLVs.end(); I != E; ++I)
if (Reachable.count(I->first)) {
MustProcessThroughGlobalsGraph = true;
if (!MustProcessThroughGlobalsGraph) return;
// Compute the mapping from DSG to the globals graph.
DSGraph::NodeMapTy DSGToGGMap;
// Most of the times when we find facts about things reachable from globals we
// we are in the main graph. This means that we have *all* of the globals
// graph in this DSG. To be efficient, we compute the minimum set of globals
// that can reach any of the NodeLVs facts.
// I'm not aware of any wonderful way of computing the set of globals that
// points to the set of nodes in NodeLVs that is not N^2 in either NodeLVs or
// the number of globals, except to compute the inverse of DSG. As such, we
// compute the inverse graph of DSG, which basically has the edges going from
// pointed to nodes to pointing nodes. Because we only care about one
// connectedness properties, we ignore field info. In addition, we only
// compute inverse of the portion of the graph reachable from the globals.
std::set<std::pair<DSNode*,DSNode*> > InverseGraph;
for (DSScalarMap::global_iterator GI = SM.global_begin(),
E = SM.global_end(); GI != E; ++GI)
ComputeInverseGraphFrom(SM[*GI].getNode(), InverseGraph);
// Okay, now that we have our bastardized inverse graph, compute the set of
// globals nodes reachable from our lattice nodes.
for (std::multimap<DSNode*, LatticeValue*>::iterator I = NodeLVs.begin(),
E = NodeLVs.end(); I != E; ++I)
ComputeNodesReachableFrom(I->first, InverseGraph, Reachable);
// Now that we know which nodes point to the data flow facts, figure out which
// globals point to the data flow facts.
std::set<GlobalValue*> Globals;
for (hash_set<const DSNode*>::iterator I = Reachable.begin(),
E = Reachable.end(); I != E; ++I)
Globals.insert((*I)->globals_begin(), (*I)->globals_end());
// Finally, loop over all of the DSGraphs for the program, computing
// information for the graph if not done already, mapping the result into our
// context.
for (hash_map<const Function*, DSGraph*>::iterator GI = ECG.DSInfo.begin(),
E = ECG.DSInfo.end(); GI != E; ++GI) {
DSGraph &FG = *GI->second;
// Graphs can contain multiple functions, only process the graph once.
if (GI->first != FG.retnodes_begin()->first ||
// Also, do not bother reprocessing DSG.
&FG == &DSG)
bool GraphUsesGlobal = false;
for (std::set<GlobalValue*>::iterator I = Globals.begin(),
E = Globals.end(); I != E; ++I)
if (FG.getScalarMap().count(*I)) {
GraphUsesGlobal = true;
// If this graph does not contain the global at all, there is no reason to
// even think about it.
if (!GraphUsesGlobal) continue;
// Otherwise, compute the full set of dataflow effects of the function.
std::multimap<DSNode*, LatticeValue*> &FGF = getCalleeFacts(FG);
//std::cerr << "Computed: " << FG.getFunctionNames() << "\n";
#if 0
for (std::multimap<DSNode*, LatticeValue*>::iterator I = FGF.begin(),
E = FGF.end(); I != E; ++I)
// Compute the mapping of nodes in the globals graph to the function's
// graph. Note that this function graph may not have nodes (or may have
// fragments of full nodes) in the globals graph, and we don't want this to
// pessimize the analysis.
std::multimap<const DSNode*, std::pair<DSNode*,int> > GraphMap;
DSGraph::NodeMapTy GraphToGGMap;
// "Invert" the mapping. We compute the mapping from the start of a global
// graph node to a place in the graph's node. Note that not all of the GG
// node may be present in the graphs node, so there may be a negative offset
// involved.
while (!GraphToGGMap.empty()) {
DSNode *GN = const_cast<DSNode*>(GraphToGGMap.begin()->first);
DSNodeHandle &GGNH = GraphToGGMap.begin()->second;
std::make_pair(GN, -GGNH.getOffset())));
// Loop over all of the dataflow facts that we have computed, mapping them
// to the globals graph.
for (std::multimap<DSNode*, LatticeValue*>::iterator I = NodeLVs.begin(),
E = NodeLVs.end(); I != E; ) {
bool FactHitBottom = false;
assert(I->first->getParentGraph() == &DSG);
assert(I->second->getNode()->getParentGraph() == &DSG);
// Node is in the GG?
DSGraph::NodeMapTy::iterator DSGToGGMapI = DSGToGGMap.find(I->first);
if (DSGToGGMapI != DSGToGGMap.end()) {
DSNodeHandle &GGNH = DSGToGGMapI->second;
const DSNode *GGNode = GGNH.getNode();
unsigned DSGToGGOffset = GGNH.getOffset();
// See if there is a node in FG that corresponds to this one. If not,
// no information will be computed in this scope, as the memory is not
// accessed.
std::multimap<const DSNode*, std::pair<DSNode*,int> >::iterator GMI =
// LatticeValOffset - The offset from the start of the GG Node to the
// start of the field we are interested in.
unsigned LatticeValOffset = I->second->getFieldOffset()+DSGToGGOffset;
// Loop over all of the nodes in FG that correspond to this single node
// in the GG.
for (; GMI != GraphMap.end() && GMI->first == GGNode; ++GMI) {
// Compute the offset to the field in the user graph.
unsigned FieldOffset = LatticeValOffset - GMI->second.second;
// If the field is within the amount of memory accessed by this scope,
// then there must be a corresponding lattice value.
DSNode *FGNode = GMI->second.first;
if (FieldOffset < FGNode->getSize()) {
LatticeValue *CorrespondingLV = 0;
std::multimap<DSNode*, LatticeValue*>::iterator FGFI =
for (; FGFI != FGF.end() && FGFI->first == FGNode; ++FGFI)
if (FGFI->second->getFieldOffset() == FieldOffset) {
CorrespondingLV = FGFI->second;
// Finally, if either there was no corresponding fact (because it
// hit bottom in this scope), or if merging the two pieces of
// information makes it hit bottom, remember this.
if (CorrespondingLV == 0 ||
FactHitBottom = true;
if (FactHitBottom) {
delete I->second;
if (NodeLVs.empty()) return;
} else {
/// getCalleeFacts - Compute the data flow effect that calling one of the
/// functions in this graph has on the caller. This information is cached after
/// it is computed for a function the first time.
std::multimap<DSNode*, LatticeValue*> &
StructureFieldVisitorBase::getCalleeFacts(DSGraph &DSG) {
// Already computed?
std::map<DSGraph*, std::multimap<DSNode*,LatticeValue*> >::iterator
I = CalleeFnFacts.find(&DSG);
if (I != CalleeFnFacts.end())
return I->second; // We already computed stuff for this fn!
std::multimap<DSNode*, LatticeValue*> &Result = CalleeFnFacts[&DSG];
std::set<LatticeValue*> LVs;
for (DSGraph::node_iterator NI = DSG.node_begin(), E = DSG.node_end();
NI != E; ++NI)
AddLatticeValuesForNode(NI, LVs);
while (!LVs.empty()) {
Result.insert(std::make_pair((*LVs.begin())->getNode(), *LVs.begin()));
if (!Result.empty())
visitGraph(DSG, Result);
return Result;
/// NodeCanPossiblyBeInteresting - Return true if the specified node can
/// potentially be interesting to a client that is only interested in
/// VisitFlags events. This is used to reduce the cost of interprocedural
/// analysis by not traversing the call graph through portions that the DSGraph
/// can answer immediately.
static bool NodeCanPossiblyBeInteresting(const DSNode *N, unsigned VisitFlags) {
// No fields are accessed in this context.
if (N->getType() == Type::VoidTy) return false;
// This node is possibly interesting if we are looking for reads and it is
// read, we're looking for writes and it is modified, etc.
if ((VisitFlags & Visit::Loads) && N->isRead()) return true;
if ((VisitFlags & Visit::Stores) && N->isModified()) return true;
assert((VisitFlags & ~(Visit::Loads|Visit::Stores)) == 0 &&
"Unknown visitation type!");
// Otherwise, this node is not interesting to the current client.
return false;
/// visitGraph - Visit the functions in the specified graph, updating the
/// specified lattice values for all of their uses.
void StructureFieldVisitorBase::
visitGraph(DSGraph &DSG, std::multimap<DSNode*, LatticeValue*> &NodeLVs) {
assert(!NodeLVs.empty() && "No lattice values to compute!");
// To visit a graph, first step, we visit the instruction making up each
// function in the graph, but ignore calls when processing them. We handle
// call nodes explicitly by looking at call nodes in the graph if needed. We
// handle instructions before calls to avoid interprocedural analysis if we
// can drive lattice values to bottom early.
SFVInstVisitor IV(DSG, Callbacks, NodeLVs);
for (DSGraph::retnodes_iterator FI = DSG.retnodes_begin(),
E = DSG.retnodes_end(); FI != E; ++FI)
for (Function::iterator BB = FI->first->begin(), E = FI->first->end();
BB != E; ++BB)
for (BasicBlock::iterator I = BB->begin(), E = BB->end(); I != E; ++I)
if (IV.visit(*I) && NodeLVs.empty())
return; // Nothing left to analyze.
// Keep track of which actual direct callees are handled.
std::set<Function*> CalleesHandled;
// Once we have visited all of the instructions in the function bodies, if
// there are lattice values that have not been driven to bottom, see if any of
// the nodes involved are passed into function calls. If so, we potentially
// have to recursively traverse the call graph.
for (DSGraph::fc_iterator CS = DSG.fc_begin(), E = DSG.fc_end();
CS != E; ++CS) {
// Figure out the mapping from a node in the caller (potentially several)
// nodes in the callee.
DSGraph::NodeMapTy CallNodeMap;
Instruction *TheCall = CS->getCallSite().getInstruction();
// If this is an indirect function call, assume nothing gets passed through
// it. FIXME: THIS IS BROKEN! Just get the ECG for the fn ptr if it's not
// direct.
if (CS->isIndirectCall())
// If this is an external function call, it cannot be involved with this
// node, because otherwise the node would be marked incomplete!
if (CS->getCalleeFunc()->isExternal())
// If we can handle this function call, remove it from the set of direct
// calls found by the visitor.
std::vector<DSNodeHandle> Args;
DSGraph *CG = &ECG.getDSGraph(*CS->getCalleeFunc());
CG->getFunctionArgumentsForCall(CS->getCalleeFunc(), Args);
if (!CS->getRetVal().isNull())
DSGraph::computeNodeMapping(Args[0], CS->getRetVal(), CallNodeMap);
for (unsigned i = 0, e = CS->getNumPtrArgs(); i != e; ++i) {
if (i == Args.size()-1) break;
DSGraph::computeNodeMapping(Args[i+1], CS->getPtrArg(i), CallNodeMap);
// The mapping we just computed maps from nodes in the callee to nodes in
// the caller, so we can't query it efficiently. Instead of going through
// the trouble of inverting the map to do this (linear time with the size of
// the mapping), we just do a linear search to see if any affected nodes are
// passed into this call.
bool CallCanModifyDataFlow = false;
for (DSGraph::NodeMapTy::iterator MI = CallNodeMap.begin(),
E = CallNodeMap.end(); MI != E; ++MI)
if (NodeLVs.count(MI->second.getNode()))
// Okay, the node is passed in, check to see if the call might do
// something interesting to it (i.e. if analyzing the call can produce
// anything other than "top").
if ((CallCanModifyDataFlow = NodeCanPossiblyBeInteresting(MI->first,
// If this function call cannot impact the analysis (either because the
// nodes we are tracking are not passed into the call, or the DSGraph for
// the callee tells us that analysis of the callee can't provide interesting
// information), ignore it.
if (!CallCanModifyDataFlow)
// Okay, either compute analysis results for the callee function, or reuse
// results previously computed.
std::multimap<DSNode*, LatticeValue*> &CalleeFacts = getCalleeFacts(*CG);
// Merge all of the facts for the callee into the facts for the caller. If
// this reduces anything in the caller to 'bottom', remove them.
for (DSGraph::NodeMapTy::iterator MI = CallNodeMap.begin(),
E = CallNodeMap.end(); MI != E; ++MI) {
// If we have Lattice facts in the caller for this node in the callee,
// merge any information from the callee into the caller.
// If the node is not accessed in the callee at all, don't update.
if (MI->first->getType() == Type::VoidTy)
// If there are no data-flow facts live in the caller for this node, don't
// both processing it.
std::multimap<DSNode*, LatticeValue*>::iterator NLVI =
if (NLVI == NodeLVs.end()) continue;
// Iterate over all of the lattice values that have corresponding fields
// in the callee, merging in information as we go. Be careful about the
// fact that the callee may get passed the address of a substructure and
// other funny games.
//if (CalleeFacts.count(const_cast<DSNode*>(MI->first)) == 0) {
DSNode *CalleeNode = const_cast<DSNode*>(MI->first);
unsigned CalleeNodeOffset = MI->second.getOffset();
while (NLVI->first == MI->second.getNode()) {
// Figure out what offset in the callee this field would land.
unsigned FieldOff = NLVI->second->getFieldOffset()+CalleeNodeOffset;
// If the field is not within the callee node, ignore it.
if (FieldOff >= CalleeNode->getSize()) {
// Okay, check to see if we have a lattice value for the field at offset
// FieldOff in the callee node.
const LatticeValue *CalleeLV = 0;
std::multimap<DSNode*, LatticeValue*>::iterator CFI =
for (; CFI != CalleeFacts.end() && CFI->first == CalleeNode; ++CFI)
if (CFI->second->getFieldOffset() == FieldOff) {
CalleeLV = CFI->second; // Found it!
// If we don't, the lattice value hit bottom and we should remove the
// lattice value in the caller.
if (!CalleeLV) {
delete NLVI->second; // The lattice value hit bottom.
// Finally, if we did find a corresponding entry, merge the information
// into the caller's lattice value and keep going.
if (NLVI->second->mergeInValue(CalleeLV)) {
// Okay, merging these two caused the caller value to hit bottom.
// Remove it.
delete NLVI->second; // The lattice value hit bottom.
++NLVI; // We successfully merged in some information!
// If we ran out of facts to prove, just exit.
if (NodeLVs.empty()) return;
// The local analysis pass inconveniently discards many local function calls
// from the graph if they are to known functions. Loop over direct function
// calls not handled above and visit them as appropriate.
while (!IV.DirectCallSites.empty()) {
Instruction *Call = *IV.DirectCallSites.begin();
// Is this one actually handled by DSA?
if (CalleesHandled.count(cast<Function>(Call->getOperand(0))))
// Collect the pointers involved in this call.
std::vector<Value*> Pointers;
if (isa<PointerType>(Call->getType()))
for (unsigned i = 1, e = Call->getNumOperands(); i != e; ++i)
if (isa<PointerType>(Call->getOperand(i)->getType()))
// If this is an intrinsic function call, figure out which one.
unsigned IID = cast<Function>(Call->getOperand(0))->getIntrinsicID();
for (unsigned i = 0, e = Pointers.size(); i != e; ++i) {
// If any of our lattice values are passed into this call, which is
// specially handled by the local analyzer, inform the lattice function.
DSNode *N = DSG.getNodeForValue(Pointers[i]).getNode();
for (std::multimap<DSNode*, LatticeValue*>::iterator LVI =
NodeLVs.lower_bound(N); LVI != NodeLVs.end() && LVI->first == N;) {
bool AtBottom = false;
switch (IID) {
AtBottom = LVI->second->visitRecognizedCall(*Call);
case Intrinsic::memset:
if (Callbacks & Visit::Stores)
AtBottom = LVI->second->visitMemSet(*cast<CallInst>(Call));
if (AtBottom) {
delete LVI->second;
} else {