blob: a2a0e3b684a19a003797e3cf3981f4d75b16c530 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- DataStructure.cpp - Implement the core data structure analysis -----===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file was developed by the LLVM research group and is distributed under
// the University of Illinois Open Source License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file implements the core data structure functionality.
#include "dsa/DSGraphTraits.h"
#include "dsa/DataStructure.h"
#include "dsa/DSGraph.h"
#include "dsa/DSSupport.h"
#include "dsa/DSNode.h"
#include "llvm/Constants.h"
#include "llvm/Function.h"
#include "llvm/GlobalVariable.h"
#include "llvm/Instructions.h"
#include "llvm/DerivedTypes.h"
#include "llvm/Target/TargetData.h"
#include "llvm/Assembly/Writer.h"
#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DepthFirstIterator.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SCCIterator.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Statistic.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Timer.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace llvm;
namespace {
STATISTIC (NumCallNodesMerged, "Number of call nodes merged");
STATISTIC (NumDNE , "Number of nodes removed by reachability");
STATISTIC (NumTrivialDNE , "Number of nodes trivially removed");
STATISTIC (NumTrivialGlobalDNE, "Number of globals trivially removed");
/// getFunctionNames - Return a space separated list of the name of the
/// functions in this graph (if any)
std::string DSGraph::getFunctionNames() const {
switch (getReturnNodes().size()) {
case 0: return "Globals graph";
case 1: return retnodes_begin()->first->getName();
std::string Return;
for (DSGraph::retnodes_iterator I = retnodes_begin();
I != retnodes_end(); ++I)
Return += I->first->getNameStr() + " ";
Return.erase(Return.end()-1, Return.end()); // Remove last space character
return Return;
DSGraph::DSGraph(DSGraph* G, EquivalenceClasses<const GlobalValue*> &ECs,
SuperSet<const Type*>& tss,
unsigned CloneFlags)
: GlobalsGraph(0), ScalarMap(ECs), TD(G->TD), TypeSS(tss) {
PrintAuxCalls = false;
cloneInto(G, CloneFlags);
DSGraph::~DSGraph() {
// Drop all intra-node references, so that assertions don't fail...
for (node_iterator NI = node_begin(), E = node_end(); NI != E; ++NI)
// Free all of the nodes.
// dump - Allow inspection of graph in a debugger.
void DSGraph::dump() const { print(errs()); }
void DSGraph::removeFunctionCalls(Function& F) {
for (std::list<DSCallSite>::iterator I = FunctionCalls.begin(),
E = FunctionCalls.end(); I != E; ++I)
if (I->isDirectCall() && I->getCalleeFunc() == &F) {
for (std::list<DSCallSite>::iterator I = AuxFunctionCalls.begin(),
E = AuxFunctionCalls.end(); I != E; ++I)
if (I->isDirectCall() && I->getCalleeFunc() == &F) {
/// addObjectToGraph - This method can be used to add global, stack, and heap
/// objects to the graph. This can be used when updating DSGraphs due to the
/// introduction of new temporary objects. The new object is not pointed to
/// and does not point to any other objects in the graph.
DSNode *DSGraph::addObjectToGraph(Value *Ptr, bool UseDeclaredType) {
assert(isa<PointerType>(Ptr->getType()) && "Ptr is not a pointer!");
DSNode *N = new DSNode(this);
assert(ScalarMap[Ptr].isNull() && "Object already in this graph!");
ScalarMap[Ptr] = N;
if (GlobalValue *GV = dyn_cast<GlobalValue>(Ptr)) {
// } else if (isa<MallocInst>(Ptr)) {
// N->setHeapMarker();
} else if (isa<AllocaInst>(Ptr)) {
} else {
assert(0 && "Illegal memory object input!");
return N;
/// cloneInto - Clone the specified DSGraph into the current graph. The
/// translated ScalarMap for the old function is filled into the ScalarMap
/// for the graph, and the translated ReturnNodes map is returned into
/// ReturnNodes.
/// The CloneFlags member controls various aspects of the cloning process.
void DSGraph::cloneInto( DSGraph* G, unsigned CloneFlags) {
assert(G != this && "Cannot clone graph into itself!");
NodeMapTy OldNodeMap;
// Remove alloca or mod/ref bits as specified...
unsigned BitsToClear = ((CloneFlags & StripAllocaBit)? DSNode::AllocaNode : 0)
| ((CloneFlags & StripModRefBits)? (DSNode::ModifiedNode | DSNode::ReadNode) : 0)
| ((CloneFlags & StripIncompleteBit)? DSNode::IncompleteNode : 0);
BitsToClear |= DSNode::DeadNode; // Clear dead flag...
for (node_const_iterator I = G->node_begin(), E = G->node_end(); I != E; ++I) {
assert(!I->isForwarding() &&
"Forward nodes shouldn't be in node list!");
DSNode *New = new DSNode(*I, this);
OldNodeMap[I] = New;
#ifndef NDEBUG
// Rewrite the links in the new nodes to point into the current graph now.
// Note that we don't loop over the node's list to do this. The problem is
// that remaping links can cause recursive merging to happen, which means
// that node_iterator's can get easily invalidated! Because of this, we
// loop over the OldNodeMap, which contains all of the new nodes as the
// .second element of the map elements. Also note that if we remap a node
// more than once, we won't break anything.
for (NodeMapTy::iterator I = OldNodeMap.begin(), E = OldNodeMap.end();
I != E; ++I)
// Copy the scalar map... merging all of the global nodes...
for (DSScalarMap::const_iterator I = G->ScalarMap.begin(),
E = G->ScalarMap.end(); I != E; ++I) {
DSNodeHandle &MappedNode = OldNodeMap[I->second.getNode()];
DSNodeHandle &H = ScalarMap.getRawEntryRef(I->first);
DSNode *MappedNodeN = MappedNode.getNode();
if (!(CloneFlags & DontCloneCallNodes)) {
// Copy the function calls list.
for (fc_iterator I = G->fc_begin(), E = G->fc_end(); I != E; ++I)
FunctionCalls.push_back(DSCallSite(*I, OldNodeMap));
if (!(CloneFlags & DontCloneAuxCallNodes)) {
// Copy the auxiliary function calls list.
for (afc_iterator I = G->afc_begin(), E = G->afc_end(); I != E; ++I)
AuxFunctionCalls.push_back(DSCallSite(*I, OldNodeMap));
// Map the return node pointers over...
for (retnodes_iterator I = G->retnodes_begin(),
E = G->retnodes_end(); I != E; ++I) {
const DSNodeHandle &Ret = I->second;
DSNodeHandle &MappedRet = OldNodeMap[Ret.getNode()];
DSNode *MappedRetN = MappedRet.getNode();
/// spliceFrom - Logically perform the operation of cloning the RHS graph into
/// this graph, then clearing the RHS graph. Instead of performing this as
/// two seperate operations, do it as a single, much faster, one.
void DSGraph::spliceFrom(DSGraph* RHS) {
assert(this != RHS && "Splicing self");
// Change all of the nodes in RHS to think we are their parent.
for (NodeListTy::iterator I = RHS->Nodes.begin(), E = RHS->Nodes.end();
I != E; ++I)
// Take all of the nodes.
Nodes.splice(Nodes.end(), RHS->Nodes);
// Take all of the calls.
FunctionCalls.splice(FunctionCalls.end(), RHS->FunctionCalls);
AuxFunctionCalls.splice(AuxFunctionCalls.end(), RHS->AuxFunctionCalls);
// Take all of the return nodes.
if (ReturnNodes.empty()) {
} else {
ReturnNodes.insert(RHS->ReturnNodes.begin(), RHS->ReturnNodes.end());
// Merge the scalar map in.
/// getFunctionArgumentsForCall - Given a function that is currently in this
/// graph, return the DSNodeHandles that correspond to the pointer-compatible
/// function arguments. The vector is filled in with the return value (or
/// null if it is not pointer compatible), followed by all of the
/// pointer-compatible arguments.
void DSGraph::getFunctionArgumentsForCall(const Function *F,
std::vector<DSNodeHandle> &Args) const {
for (Function::const_arg_iterator AI = F->arg_begin(), E = F->arg_end();
AI != E; ++AI)
if (isa<PointerType>(AI->getType())) {
assert(!Args.back().isNull() && "Pointer argument w/o scalarmap entry!?");
namespace {
// HackedGraphSCCFinder - This is used to find nodes that have a path from the
// node to a node cloned by the ReachabilityCloner object contained. To be
// extra obnoxious it ignores edges from nodes that are globals, and truncates
// search at RC marked nodes. This is designed as an object so that
// intermediate results can be memoized across invocations of
// PathExistsToClonedNode.
struct HackedGraphSCCFinder {
ReachabilityCloner &RC;
unsigned CurNodeId;
std::vector<const DSNode*> SCCStack;
std::map<const DSNode*, std::pair<unsigned, bool> > NodeInfo;
HackedGraphSCCFinder(ReachabilityCloner &rc) : RC(rc), CurNodeId(1) {
// Remove null pointer as a special case.
NodeInfo[0] = std::make_pair(0, false);
std::pair<unsigned, bool> &VisitForSCCs(const DSNode *N);
bool PathExistsToClonedNode(const DSNode *N) {
return VisitForSCCs(N).second;
bool PathExistsToClonedNode(const DSCallSite &CS) {
if (PathExistsToClonedNode(CS.getRetVal().getNode()))
return true;
if (CS.isDirectCall() || PathExistsToClonedNode(CS.getCalleeNode()))
return true;
for (unsigned i = 0, e = CS.getNumPtrArgs(); i != e; ++i)
if (PathExistsToClonedNode(CS.getPtrArg(i).getNode()))
return true;
return false;
std::pair<unsigned, bool> &HackedGraphSCCFinder::
VisitForSCCs(const DSNode *N) {
std::map<const DSNode*, std::pair<unsigned, bool> >::iterator
NodeInfoIt = NodeInfo.lower_bound(N);
if (NodeInfoIt != NodeInfo.end() && NodeInfoIt->first == N)
return NodeInfoIt->second;
unsigned Min = CurNodeId++;
unsigned MyId = Min;
std::pair<unsigned, bool> &ThisNodeInfo =
std::make_pair(N, std::make_pair(MyId, false)))->second;
// Base case: if we find a global, this doesn't reach the cloned graph
// portion.
if (N->isGlobalNode()) {
ThisNodeInfo.second = false;
return ThisNodeInfo;
// Base case: if this does reach the cloned graph portion... it does. :)
if (RC.hasClonedNode(N)) {
ThisNodeInfo.second = true;
return ThisNodeInfo;
// Otherwise, check all successors.
bool AnyDirectSuccessorsReachClonedNodes = false;
for (DSNode::const_edge_iterator EI = N->edge_begin(), EE = N->edge_end();
EI != EE; ++EI)
if (DSNode * Succ = EI->second.getNode()) {
std::pair<unsigned, bool> &SuccInfo = VisitForSCCs(Succ);
if (SuccInfo.first < Min) Min = SuccInfo.first;
AnyDirectSuccessorsReachClonedNodes |= SuccInfo.second;
if (Min != MyId)
return ThisNodeInfo; // Part of a large SCC. Leave self on stack.
if (SCCStack.back() == N) { // Special case single node SCC.
ThisNodeInfo.second = AnyDirectSuccessorsReachClonedNodes;
return ThisNodeInfo;
// Find out if any direct successors of any node reach cloned nodes.
if (!AnyDirectSuccessorsReachClonedNodes)
for (unsigned i = SCCStack.size() - 1; SCCStack[i] != N; --i)
for (DSNode::const_edge_iterator EI = N->edge_begin(), EE = N->edge_end();
EI != EE; ++EI)
if (DSNode * N = EI->second.getNode())
if (NodeInfo[N].second) {
AnyDirectSuccessorsReachClonedNodes = true;
goto OutOfLoop;
// If any successor reaches a cloned node, mark all nodes in this SCC as
// reaching the cloned node.
if (AnyDirectSuccessorsReachClonedNodes)
while (SCCStack.back() != N) {
NodeInfo[SCCStack.back()].second = true;
ThisNodeInfo.second = true;
return ThisNodeInfo;
/// mergeInCallFromOtherGraph - This graph merges in the minimal number of
/// nodes from G2 into 'this' graph, merging the bindings specified by the
/// call site (in this graph) with the bindings specified by the vector in G2.
/// The two DSGraphs must be different.
void DSGraph::mergeInGraph(const DSCallSite &CS,
std::vector<DSNodeHandle> &Args,
const DSGraph &Graph, unsigned CloneFlags) {
assert((CloneFlags & DontCloneCallNodes) &&
"Doesn't support copying of call nodes!");
// If this is not a recursive call, clone the graph into this graph...
if (&Graph == this) {
// Merge the return value with the return value of the context.
// Resolve all of the function arguments.
for (unsigned i = 0, e = CS.getNumPtrArgs(); i != e; ++i) {
if (i == Args.size()-1)
// Add the link from the argument scalar to the provided value.
// Clone the callee's graph into the current graph, keeping track of where
// scalars in the old graph _used_ to point, and of the new nodes matching
// nodes of the old graph.
ReachabilityCloner RC(this, &Graph, CloneFlags);
// Map the return node pointer over.
if (!CS.getRetVal().isNull())
RC.merge(CS.getRetVal(), Args[0]);
// Map over all of the arguments.
for (unsigned i = 0, e = CS.getNumPtrArgs(); i != e; ++i) {
if (i == Args.size()-1)
// Add the link from the argument scalar to the provided value.
RC.merge(CS.getPtrArg(i), Args[i+1]);
// We generally don't want to copy global nodes or aux calls from the callee
// graph to the caller graph. However, we have to copy them if there is a
// path from the node to a node we have already copied which does not go
// through another global. Compute the set of node that can reach globals and
// aux call nodes to copy over, then do it.
std::vector<const DSCallSite*> AuxCallToCopy;
std::vector<const GlobalValue*> GlobalsToCopy;
// NodesReachCopiedNodes - Memoize results for efficiency. Contains a
// true/false value for every visited node that reaches a copied node without
// going through a global.
HackedGraphSCCFinder SCCFinder(RC);
if (!(CloneFlags & DontCloneAuxCallNodes))
for (afc_const_iterator I = Graph.afc_begin(), E = Graph.afc_end(); I!=E; ++I)
if (SCCFinder.PathExistsToClonedNode(*I))
// else if (I->isIndirectCall()){
// //If the call node doesn't have any callees, clone it
// std::vector< Function *> List;
// I->getCalleeNode()->addFullFunctionList(List);
// if (!List.size())
// AuxCallToCopy.push_back(&*I);
// }
const DSScalarMap &GSM = Graph.getScalarMap();
for (DSScalarMap::global_iterator GI = GSM.global_begin(),
E = GSM.global_end(); GI != E; ++GI) {
DSNode *GlobalNode = Graph.getNodeForValue(*GI).getNode();
for (DSNode::edge_iterator EI = GlobalNode->edge_begin(),
EE = GlobalNode->edge_end(); EI != EE; ++EI)
if (SCCFinder.PathExistsToClonedNode(EI->second.getNode())) {
// Copy aux calls that are needed.
for (unsigned i = 0, e = AuxCallToCopy.size(); i != e; ++i)
AuxFunctionCalls.push_back(DSCallSite(*AuxCallToCopy[i], RC));
// Copy globals that are needed.
for (unsigned i = 0, e = GlobalsToCopy.size(); i != e; ++i)
/// mergeInGraph - The method is used for merging graphs together. If the
/// argument graph is not *this, it makes a clone of the specified graph, then
/// merges the nodes specified in the call site with the formal arguments in the
/// graph.
void DSGraph::mergeInGraph(const DSCallSite &CS, const Function &F,
const DSGraph &Graph, unsigned CloneFlags) {
// Set up argument bindings.
std::vector<DSNodeHandle> Args;
Graph.getFunctionArgumentsForCall(&F, Args);
mergeInGraph(CS, Args, Graph, CloneFlags);
/// getCallSiteForArguments - Get the arguments and return value bindings for
/// the specified function in the current graph.
DSCallSite DSGraph::getCallSiteForArguments(const Function &F) const {
std::vector<DSNodeHandle> Args;
for (Function::const_arg_iterator I = F.arg_begin(), E = F.arg_end(); I != E; ++I)
if (isa<PointerType>(I->getType()))
return DSCallSite(CallSite(), getReturnNodeFor(F), &F, Args);
/// getDSCallSiteForCallSite - Given an LLVM CallSite object that is live in
/// the context of this graph, return the DSCallSite for it.
DSCallSite DSGraph::getDSCallSiteForCallSite(CallSite CS) const {
DSNodeHandle RetVal;
Instruction *I = CS.getInstruction();
if (isa<PointerType>(I->getType()))
RetVal = getNodeForValue(I);
std::vector<DSNodeHandle> Args;
// Calculate the arguments vector...
for (CallSite::arg_iterator I = CS.arg_begin(), E = CS.arg_end(); I != E; ++I)
if (isa<PointerType>((*I)->getType())) {
if (isa<ConstantPointerNull>(*I))
// Add a new function call entry...
if (Function *F = CS.getCalledFunction())
return DSCallSite(CS, RetVal, F, Args);
return DSCallSite(CS, RetVal,
getNodeForValue(CS.getCalledValue()).getNode(), Args);
// markIncompleteNodes - Mark the specified node as having contents that are not
// known with the current analysis we have performed. Because a node makes all
// of the nodes it can reach incomplete if the node itself is incomplete, we
// must recursively traverse the data structure graph, marking all reachable
// nodes as incomplete.
static void markIncompleteNode(DSNode *N) {
// Stop recursion if no node, or if node already marked...
if (N == 0 || N->isIncompleteNode()) return;
// Actually mark the node
// Recursively process children...
for (DSNode::edge_iterator ii = N->edge_begin(), ee = N->edge_end();
ii != ee; ++ii)
static void markIncomplete(DSCallSite &Call) {
// Then the return value is certainly incomplete!
// All objects pointed to by function arguments are incomplete!
for (unsigned i = 0, e = Call.getNumPtrArgs(); i != e; ++i)
// markIncompleteNodes - Traverse the graph, identifying nodes that may be
// modified by other functions that have not been resolved yet. This marks
// nodes that are reachable through three sources of "unknownness":
// Global Variables, Function Calls, and Incoming Arguments
// For any node that may have unknown components (because something outside the
// scope of current analysis may have modified it), the 'Incomplete' flag is
// added to the NodeType.
void DSGraph::markIncompleteNodes(unsigned Flags) {
// Mark any incoming arguments as incomplete.
if (Flags & DSGraph::MarkFormalArgs)
for (ReturnNodesTy::iterator FI = ReturnNodes.begin(), E =ReturnNodes.end();
FI != E; ++FI) {
const Function &F = *FI->first;
for (Function::const_arg_iterator I = F.arg_begin(), E = F.arg_end();
I != E; ++I)
if (isa<PointerType>(I->getType()))
// Mark stuff passed into functions calls as being incomplete.
if (!shouldPrintAuxCalls())
for (std::list<DSCallSite>::iterator I = FunctionCalls.begin(),
E = FunctionCalls.end(); I != E; ++I)
for (std::list<DSCallSite>::iterator I = AuxFunctionCalls.begin(),
E = AuxFunctionCalls.end(); I != E; ++I)
#if 0
// Mark stuff passed into external functions as being incomplete.
// External functions may not appear in Aux during td, so process
// them specially
for (std::list<DSCallSite>::iterator I = FunctionCalls.begin(),
E = FunctionCalls.end(); I != E; ++I)
if(I->isDirectCall() && I->getCalleeFunc()->isDeclaration())
// Mark all global nodes as incomplete.
for (DSScalarMap::global_iterator I = ScalarMap.global_begin(),
E = ScalarMap.global_end(); I != E; ++I)
if (const GlobalVariable *GV = dyn_cast<GlobalVariable>(*I))
if (!GV->hasInitializer() || // Always mark external globals incomp.
(!GV->isConstant() && (Flags & DSGraph::IgnoreGlobals) == 0))
// Mark any node with the VAStart flag as incomplete.
if (Flags & DSGraph::MarkVAStart) {
for (node_iterator i=node_begin(); i != node_end(); ++i) {
static inline void killIfUselessEdge(DSNodeHandle &Edge) {
if (DSNode * N = Edge.getNode()) // Is there an edge?
if (N->getNumReferrers() == 1) // Does it point to a lonely node?
// No interesting info?
if ((N->getNodeFlags() & ~DSNode::IncompleteNode) == 0
&& N->hasNoType()
&& !N->isNodeCompletelyFolded())
Edge.setTo(0, 0); // Kill the edge!
static void removeIdenticalCalls(std::list<DSCallSite> &Calls) {
// Remove trivially identical function calls
Calls.sort(); // Sort by callee as primary key!
// Scan the call list cleaning it up as necessary...
DSNodeHandle LastCalleeNode;
#if 0
Function *LastCalleeFunc = 0;
unsigned NumDuplicateCalls = 0;
bool LastCalleeContainsExternalFunction = false;
unsigned NumDeleted = 0;
for (std::list<DSCallSite>::iterator I = Calls.begin(), E = Calls.end();
I != E;) {
DSCallSite &CS = *I;
std::list<DSCallSite>::iterator OldIt = I++;
if (!CS.isIndirectCall()) {
LastCalleeNode = 0;
} else {
DSNode *Callee = CS.getCalleeNode();
// If the Callee is a useless edge, this must be an unreachable call site,
// eliminate it.
if (Callee->getNumReferrers() == 1 && Callee->isCompleteNode() &&
Callee->isEmptyGlobals()) { // No useful info?
DEBUG(errs() << "WARNING: Useless call site found.\n");
// If the last call site in the list has the same callee as this one, and
// if the callee contains an external function, it will never be
// resolvable, just merge the call sites.
if (!LastCalleeNode.isNull() && LastCalleeNode.getNode() == Callee) {
LastCalleeContainsExternalFunction = Callee->isExternFuncNode();
std::list<DSCallSite>::iterator PrevIt = OldIt;
// No need to keep this call anymore.
} else {
LastCalleeNode = Callee;
// If the return value or any arguments point to a void node with no
// information at all in it, and the call node is the only node to point
// to it, remove the edge to the node (killing the node).
for (unsigned a = 0, e = CS.getNumPtrArgs(); a != e; ++a)
#if 0
// If this call site calls the same function as the last call site, and if
// the function pointer contains an external function, this node will
// never be resolved. Merge the arguments of the call node because no
// information will be lost.
if ((CS.isDirectCall() && CS.getCalleeFunc() == LastCalleeFunc) ||
(CS.isIndirectCall() && CS.getCalleeNode() == LastCalleeNode)) {
if (NumDuplicateCalls == 1) {
if (LastCalleeNode)
LastCalleeContainsExternalFunction =
LastCalleeContainsExternalFunction = LastCalleeFunc->isExternal();
// It is not clear why, but enabling this code makes DSA really
// sensitive to node forwarding. Basically, with this enabled, DSA
// performs different number of inlinings based on which nodes are
// forwarding or not. This is clearly a problem, so this code is
// disabled until this can be resolved.
#if 1
if (LastCalleeContainsExternalFunction
#if 0
// This should be more than enough context sensitivity!
// FIXME: Evaluate how many times this is tripped!
NumDuplicateCalls > 20
) {
std::list<DSCallSite>::iterator PrevIt = OldIt;
// No need to keep this call anymore.
} else {
if (CS.isDirectCall()) {
LastCalleeFunc = CS.getCalleeFunc();
LastCalleeNode = 0;
} else {
LastCalleeNode = CS.getCalleeNode();
LastCalleeFunc = 0;
NumDuplicateCalls = 0;
if (I != Calls.end() && CS == *I) {
LastCalleeNode = 0;
// Resort now that we simplified things.
// Now that we are in sorted order, eliminate duplicates.
std::list<DSCallSite>::iterator CI = Calls.begin(), CE = Calls.end();
if (CI != CE)
while (1) {
std::list<DSCallSite>::iterator OldIt = CI++;
if (CI == CE) break;
// If this call site is now the same as the previous one, we can delete it
// as a duplicate.
if (*OldIt == *CI) {
DEBUG(errs() << "Deleteing " << CI->getCallSite().getInstruction() << "\n");
CI = OldIt;
//Calls.erase(std::unique(Calls.begin(), Calls.end()), Calls.end());
// Track the number of call nodes merged away...
NumCallNodesMerged += NumDeleted;
if (NumDeleted)
DEBUG(errs() << "Merged " << NumDeleted << " call nodes.\n");
// removeTriviallyDeadNodes - After the graph has been constructed, this method
// removes all unreachable nodes that are created because they got merged with
// other nodes in the graph. These nodes will all be trivially unreachable, so
// we don't have to perform any non-trivial analysis here.
void DSGraph::removeTriviallyDeadNodes() {
/// NOTE: This code is disabled. This slows down DSA on 177.mesa
/// substantially!
// Loop over all of the nodes in the graph, calling getNode on each field.
// This will cause all nodes to update their forwarding edges, causing
// forwarded nodes to be delete-able. Further, reclaim any memory used by
// useless edge or type entries
for (node_iterator NI = node_begin(), E = node_end(); NI != E; ++NI)
for (DSNode::edge_iterator ii = NI->edge_begin(), ee = NI->edge_end();
ii != ee; ++ii) {
// Likewise, forward any edges from the scalar nodes. While we are at it,
// clean house a bit.
for (DSScalarMap::iterator I = ScalarMap.begin(), E = ScalarMap.end();
I != E; ++I)
bool isGlobalsGraph = !GlobalsGraph;
for (NodeListTy::iterator NI = Nodes.begin(), E = Nodes.end(); NI != E; ) {
DSNode &Node = *NI;
// Do not remove *any* global nodes in the globals graph.
// This is a special case because such nodes may not have I, M, R flags set.
if (Node.isGlobalNode() && isGlobalsGraph) {
if (Node.isCompleteNode() && !Node.isModifiedNode() && !Node.isReadNode()) {
// This is a useless node if it has no mod/ref info (checked above),
// outgoing edges (which it cannot, as it is not modified in this
// context), and it has no incoming edges. If it is a global node it may
// have all of these properties and still have incoming edges, due to the
// scalar map, so we check those now.
if (Node.getNumReferrers() == Node.numGlobals()) {
// Loop through and make sure all of the globals are referring directly
// to the node...
for (DSNode::globals_iterator j = Node.globals_begin(), e = Node.globals_end();
j != e; ++j) {
DSNode *N = getNodeForValue(*j).getNode();
assert(N == &Node && "ScalarMap doesn't match globals list!");
// Make sure NumReferrers still agrees, if so, the node is truly dead.
if (Node.getNumReferrers() == Node.numGlobals()) {
for (DSNode::globals_iterator j = Node.globals_begin(), e = Node.globals_end();
j != e; ++j)
if (ScalarMap.find(*j) != ScalarMap.end())
if ((Node.getNodeFlags() == 0 && Node.hasNoReferrers())
|| (isGlobalsGraph && Node.hasNoReferrers() && !Node.isGlobalNode())){
// This node is dead!
NI = Nodes.erase(NI); // Erase & remove from node list.
} else {
// CanReachAliveNodes - Simple graph walker that recursively traverses the graph
// looking for a node that is marked alive. If an alive node is found, return
// true, otherwise return false. If an alive node is reachable, this node is
// marked as alive...
static bool CanReachAliveNodes(DSNode *N, DenseSet<const DSNode*> &Alive,
DenseSet<const DSNode*> &Visited,
bool IgnoreGlobals) {
if (N == 0) return false;
assert(N->isForwarding() == 0 && "Cannot mark a forwarded node!");
// If this is a global node, it will end up in the globals graph anyway, so we
// don't need to worry about it.
if (IgnoreGlobals && N->isGlobalNode()) return false;
// If we know that this node is alive, return so!
if (Alive.count(N)) return true;
// Otherwise, we don't think the node is alive yet, check for infinite
// recursion.
if (Visited.count(N)) return false; // Found a cycle
Visited.insert(N); // No recursion, insert into Visited...
for (DSNode::edge_iterator I = N->edge_begin(),E = N->edge_end(); I != E; ++I)
if (CanReachAliveNodes(I->second.getNode(), Alive, Visited, IgnoreGlobals)) {
return true;
return false;
// CallSiteUsesAliveArgs - Return true if the specified call site can reach any
// alive nodes.
static bool CallSiteUsesAliveArgs(const DSCallSite &CS,
DenseSet<const DSNode*> &Alive,
DenseSet<const DSNode*> &Visited,
bool IgnoreGlobals) {
if (CanReachAliveNodes(CS.getRetVal().getNode(), Alive, Visited,
return true;
if (CS.isIndirectCall() &&
CanReachAliveNodes(CS.getCalleeNode(), Alive, Visited, IgnoreGlobals))
return true;
for (unsigned i = 0, e = CS.getNumPtrArgs(); i != e; ++i)
if (CanReachAliveNodes(CS.getPtrArg(i).getNode(), Alive, Visited,
return true;
return false;
// removeDeadNodes - Use a more powerful reachability analysis to eliminate
// subgraphs that are unreachable. This often occurs because the data
// structure doesn't "escape" into it's caller, and thus should be eliminated
// from the caller's graph entirely. This is only appropriate to use when
// inlining graphs.
void DSGraph::removeDeadNodes(unsigned Flags) {
DEBUG(AssertGraphOK(); if (GlobalsGraph) GlobalsGraph->AssertGraphOK());
// Reduce the amount of work we have to do... remove dummy nodes left over by
// merging...
// FIXME: Merge non-trivially identical call nodes...
// Alive - a set that holds all nodes found to be reachable/alive.
DenseSet<const DSNode*> Alive;
std::vector<std::pair<const Value*, DSNode*> > GlobalNodes;
// Copy and merge all information about globals to the GlobalsGraph if this is
// not a final pass (where unreachable globals are removed).
// Strip all alloca bits since the current function is only for the BU pass.
// Strip all incomplete bits since they are short-lived properties and they
// will be correctly computed when rematerializing nodes into the functions.
ReachabilityCloner GGCloner(GlobalsGraph, this, DSGraph::StripAllocaBit |
// Mark all nodes reachable by (non-global) scalar nodes as alive...
for (DSScalarMap::iterator I = ScalarMap.begin(), E = ScalarMap.end();
I != E; ++I)
if (isa<GlobalValue > (I->first)) { // Keep track of global nodes
assert(!I->second.isNull() && "Null global node?");
assert(I->second.getNode()->isGlobalNode() && "Should be a global node!");
GlobalNodes.push_back(std::make_pair(I->first, I->second.getNode()));
// Make sure that all globals are cloned over as roots.
if (!(Flags & DSGraph::RemoveUnreachableGlobals) && GlobalsGraph) {
DSGraph::ScalarMapTy::iterator SMI =
if (SMI != GlobalsGraph->getScalarMap().end())
GGCloner.merge(SMI->second, I->second);
} else {
// The return values are alive as well.
for (ReturnNodesTy::iterator I = ReturnNodes.begin(), E = ReturnNodes.end();
I != E; ++I)
// Mark any nodes reachable by primary calls as alive...
for (fc_iterator I = fc_begin(), E = fc_end(); I != E; ++I)
// Now find globals and aux call nodes that are already live or reach a live
// value (which makes them live in turn), and continue till no more are found.
bool Iterate;
DenseSet<const DSNode*> Visited;
std::set<const DSCallSite*> AuxFCallsAlive;
do {
// If any global node points to a non-global that is "alive", the global is
// "alive" as well... Remove it from the GlobalNodes list so we only have
// unreachable globals in the list.
Iterate = false;
if (!(Flags & DSGraph::RemoveUnreachableGlobals))
for (unsigned i = 0; i != GlobalNodes.size(); ++i)
if (CanReachAliveNodes(GlobalNodes[i].second, Alive, Visited,
Flags & DSGraph::RemoveUnreachableGlobals)) {
std::swap(GlobalNodes[i--], GlobalNodes.back()); // Move to end to...
GlobalNodes.pop_back(); // erase efficiently
Iterate = true;
// Mark only unresolvable call nodes for moving to the GlobalsGraph since
// call nodes that get resolved will be difficult to remove from that graph.
// The final unresolved call nodes must be handled specially at the end of
// the BU pass (i.e., in main or other roots of the call graph).
for (afc_iterator CI = afc_begin(), E = afc_end(); CI != E; ++CI)
if (!AuxFCallsAlive.count(&*CI) &&
|| CallSiteUsesAliveArgs(*CI, Alive, Visited,
Flags & DSGraph::RemoveUnreachableGlobals))) {
Iterate = true;
} while (Iterate);
// Move dead aux function calls to the end of the list
for (std::list<DSCallSite>::iterator CI = AuxFunctionCalls.begin(),
E = AuxFunctionCalls.end(); CI != E; )
if (AuxFCallsAlive.count(&*CI))
else {
// Copy and merge global nodes and dead aux call nodes into the
// GlobalsGraph, and all nodes reachable from those nodes. Update their
// target pointers using the GGCloner.
if (!(Flags & DSGraph::RemoveUnreachableGlobals))
GlobalsGraph->AuxFunctionCalls.push_back(DSCallSite(*CI, GGCloner));
// We are finally done with the GGCloner so we can destroy it.
// At this point, any nodes which are visited, but not alive, are nodes
// which can be removed. Loop over all nodes, eliminating completely
// unreachable nodes.
std::vector<DSNode*> DeadNodes;
for (NodeListTy::iterator NI = Nodes.begin(), E = Nodes.end(); NI != E;) {
DSNode *N = NI++;
assert(!N->isForwarding() && "Forwarded node in nodes list?");
if (!Alive.count(N)) {
assert(!N->isForwarding() && "Cannot remove a forwarding node!");
// Remove all unreachable globals from the ScalarMap.
// If flag RemoveUnreachableGlobals is set, GlobalNodes has only dead nodes.
// In either case, the dead nodes will not be in the set Alive.
for (unsigned i = 0, e = GlobalNodes.size(); i != e; ++i)
if (!Alive.count(GlobalNodes[i].second))
assert((Flags & DSGraph::RemoveUnreachableGlobals) && "non-dead global");
// Delete all dead nodes now since their referrer counts are zero.
for (unsigned i = 0, e = DeadNodes.size(); i != e; ++i)
delete DeadNodes[i];
DEBUG(AssertGraphOK(); GlobalsGraph->AssertGraphOK());
void DSGraph::AssertNodeContainsGlobal(const DSNode *N, const GlobalValue *GV) const {
assert(std::find(N->globals_begin(),N->globals_end(), GV) !=
N->globals_end() && "Global value not in node!");
void DSGraph::AssertCallSiteInGraph(const DSCallSite &CS) const {
if (CS.isIndirectCall()) {
#if 0
if (CS.getNumPtrArgs() && CS.getCalleeNode() == CS.getPtrArg(0).getNode() &&
CS.getCalleeNode() && CS.getCalleeNode()->getGlobals().empty())
for (unsigned j = 0, e = CS.getNumPtrArgs(); j != e; ++j)
void DSGraph::AssertCallNodesInGraph() const {
for (fc_iterator I = fc_begin(), E = fc_end(); I != E; ++I)
void DSGraph::AssertAuxCallNodesInGraph() const {
for (afc_const_iterator I = afc_begin(), E = afc_end(); I != E; ++I)
void DSGraph::AssertGraphOK() const {
for (node_const_iterator NI = node_begin(), E = node_end(); NI != E; ++NI)
for (ScalarMapTy::const_iterator I = ScalarMap.begin(),
E = ScalarMap.end(); I != E; ++I) {
assert(!I->second.isNull() && "Null node in scalarmap!");
if (const GlobalValue *GV = dyn_cast<GlobalValue>(I->first)) {
assert(I->second.getNode()->isGlobalNode() &&
"Global points to node, but node isn't global?");
AssertNodeContainsGlobal(I->second.getNode(), GV);
// Check that all pointer arguments to any functions in this graph have
// destinations.
for (ReturnNodesTy::const_iterator RI = ReturnNodes.begin(),
E = ReturnNodes.end();
RI != E; ++RI) {
const Function &F = *RI->first;
for (Function::const_arg_iterator AI = F.arg_begin(); AI != F.arg_end(); ++AI)
if (isa<PointerType>(AI->getType()))
assert(!getNodeForValue(AI).isNull() &&
"Pointer argument must be in the scalar map!");
/// computeNodeMapping - Given roots in two different DSGraphs, traverse the
/// nodes reachable from the two graphs, computing the mapping of nodes from the
/// first to the second graph. This mapping may be many-to-one (i.e. the first
/// graph may have multiple nodes representing one node in the second graph),
/// but it will not work if there is a one-to-many or many-to-many mapping.
void DSGraph::computeNodeMapping(const DSNodeHandle &NH1,
const DSNodeHandle &NH2, NodeMapTy &NodeMap,
bool StrictChecking) {
DSNode *N1 = NH1.getNode(), *N2 = NH2.getNode();
if (N1 == 0 || N2 == 0) return;
DSNodeHandle &Entry = NodeMap[N1];
if (!Entry.isNull()) {
// Termination of recursion!
if (StrictChecking) {
assert(Entry.getNode() == N2 && "Inconsistent mapping detected!");
assert((Entry.getOffset() == (NH2.getOffset()-NH1.getOffset()) ||
Entry.getNode()->isNodeCompletelyFolded()) &&
"Inconsistent mapping detected!");
Entry.setTo(N2, NH2.getOffset()-NH1.getOffset());
// Loop over all of the fields that N1 and N2 have in common, recursively
// mapping the edges together now.
int N2Idx = NH2.getOffset()-NH1.getOffset();
unsigned N2Size = N2->getSize();
if (N2Size == 0) return; // No edges to map to.
for (unsigned i = 0, e = N1->getSize(); i < e; ++i) {
const DSNodeHandle &N1NH = N1->getLink(i);
// Don't call N2->getLink if not needed (avoiding crash if N2Idx is not
// aligned right).
if (!N1NH.isNull()) {
if (unsigned(N2Idx)+i < N2Size)
computeNodeMapping(N1NH, N2->getLink(N2Idx+i), NodeMap);
N2->getLink(unsigned(N2Idx+i) % N2Size), NodeMap);
/// computeGToGGMapping - Compute the mapping of nodes in the global graph to
/// nodes in this graph.
void DSGraph::computeGToGGMapping(NodeMapTy &NodeMap) {
DSGraph &GG = *getGlobalsGraph();
DSScalarMap &SM = getScalarMap();
for (DSScalarMap::global_iterator I = SM.global_begin(),
E = SM.global_end(); I != E; ++I)
DSGraph::computeNodeMapping(SM[*I], GG.getNodeForValue(*I), NodeMap);
/// computeGGToGMapping - Compute the mapping of nodes in the global graph to
/// nodes in this graph. Note that any uses of this method are probably bugs,
/// unless it is known that the globals graph has been merged into this graph!
void DSGraph::computeGGToGMapping(InvNodeMapTy &InvNodeMap) {
NodeMapTy NodeMap;
while (!NodeMap.empty()) {
/// computeCalleeCallerMapping - Given a call from a function in the current
/// graph to the 'Callee' function (which lives in 'CalleeGraph'), compute the
/// mapping of nodes from the callee to nodes in the caller.
void DSGraph::computeCalleeCallerMapping(DSCallSite CS, const Function &Callee,
DSGraph &CalleeGraph,
NodeMapTy &NodeMap) {
DSCallSite CalleeArgs =
computeNodeMapping(CalleeArgs.getRetVal(), CS.getRetVal(), NodeMap);
unsigned NumArgs = CS.getNumPtrArgs();
if (NumArgs > CalleeArgs.getNumPtrArgs())
NumArgs = CalleeArgs.getNumPtrArgs();
for (unsigned i = 0; i != NumArgs; ++i)
computeNodeMapping(CalleeArgs.getPtrArg(i), CS.getPtrArg(i), NodeMap);
// Map the nodes that are pointed to by globals.
DSScalarMap &CalleeSM = CalleeGraph.getScalarMap();
DSScalarMap &CallerSM = getScalarMap();
if (CalleeSM.global_size() >= CallerSM.global_size()) {
for (DSScalarMap::global_iterator GI = CallerSM.global_begin(),
E = CallerSM.global_end(); GI != E; ++GI)
if (CalleeSM.global_count(*GI))
computeNodeMapping(CalleeSM[*GI], CallerSM[*GI], NodeMap);
} else {
for (DSScalarMap::global_iterator GI = CalleeSM.global_begin(),
E = CalleeSM.global_end(); GI != E; ++GI)
if (CallerSM.global_count(*GI))
computeNodeMapping(CalleeSM[*GI], CallerSM[*GI], NodeMap);
/// updateFromGlobalGraph - This function rematerializes global nodes and
/// nodes reachable from them from the globals graph into the current graph.
void DSGraph::updateFromGlobalGraph() {
ReachabilityCloner RC(this, GlobalsGraph, 0);
// Clone the non-up-to-date global nodes into this graph.
for (DSScalarMap::global_iterator I = getScalarMap().global_begin(),
E = getScalarMap().global_end(); I != E; ++I) {
DSScalarMap::iterator It = GlobalsGraph->ScalarMap.find(*I);
if (It != GlobalsGraph->ScalarMap.end())
RC.merge(getNodeForValue(*I), It->second);