blob: c3cb1edbc53f9db7d81c1ad7f766047e52239422 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- DSNode.h - Node definition for datastructure graphs ------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file was developed by the LLVM research group and is distributed under
// the University of Illinois Open Source License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// Data structure graph nodes and some implementation of DSNodeHandle.
#include "dsa/DSSupport.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ilist_node.h"
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include "dsa/sv/set.h"
#include "dsa/sv/super_set.h"
#include "DSGraph.h"
namespace llvm {
template<typename BaseType>
class DSNodeIterator; // Data structure graph traversal iterator
/// DSNode - Data structure node class
/// This class represents an untyped memory object of Size bytes. It keeps
/// track of any pointers that have been stored into the object as well as the
/// different types represented in this object.
class DSNode : public ilist_node<DSNode> {
typedef std::map<unsigned, SuperSet<const Type*>::setPtr> TyMapTy;
typedef std::map<unsigned, DSNodeHandle> LinkMapTy;
friend struct ilist_sentinel_traits<DSNode>;
DSNode() : NumReferrers(0), Size(0), NodeType(0) {}
/// NumReferrers - The number of DSNodeHandles pointing to this node... if
/// this is a forwarding node, then this is the number of node handles which
/// are still forwarding over us.
unsigned NumReferrers;
/// ForwardNH - This NodeHandle contain the node (and offset into the node)
/// that this node really is. When nodes get folded together, the node to be
/// eliminated has these fields filled in, otherwise ForwardNH.getNode() is
/// null.
DSNodeHandle ForwardNH;
/// Size - The current size of the node. This should be equal to the size of
/// the current type record.
unsigned Size;
/// ParentGraph - The graph this node is currently embedded into.
DSGraph *ParentGraph;
/// TyMap - Keep track of the loadable types and offsets those types are seen
// at.
TyMapTy TyMap;
/// Links - Contains one entry for every byte in this memory
/// object.
LinkMapTy Links;
/// Globals - The list of global values that are merged into this node.
sv::set<const GlobalValue*> Globals;
void operator=(const DSNode &); // DO NOT IMPLEMENT
DSNode(const DSNode &); // DO NOT IMPLEMENT
enum NodeTy {
ShadowNode = 0, // Nothing is known about this node...
AllocaNode = 1 << 0, // This node was allocated with alloca
HeapNode = 1 << 1, // This node was allocated with malloc
GlobalNode = 1 << 2, // This node was allocated by a global var decl
ExternFuncNode = 1 << 3, // This node contains external functions
ExternGlobalNode = 1 << 4, // This node contains external globals
UnknownNode = 1 << 5, // This node points to unknown allocated memory
IncompleteNode = 1 << 6, // This node may not be complete
ModifiedNode = 1 << 7, // This node is modified in this context
ReadNode = 1 << 8, // This node is read in this context
ArrayNode = 1 << 9, // This node is treated like an array
CollapsedNode = 1 << 10, // This node is collapsed
ExternalNode = 1 << 11, // This node comes from an external source
IntToPtrNode = 1 << 12, // This node comes from an int cast
PtrToIntNode = 1 << 13, // This node excapes to an int cast
VAStartNode = 1 << 14, // This node excapes to an int cast
//#ifndef NDEBUG
DeadNode = 1 << 15, // This node is dead and should not be pointed to
Composition = AllocaNode | HeapNode | GlobalNode | UnknownNode
/// NodeType - A union of the above bits. "Shadow" nodes do not add any flags
/// to the nodes in the data structure graph, so it is possible to have nodes
/// with a value of 0 for their NodeType.
unsigned short NodeType;
/// DSNode ctor - Create a node of the specified type, inserting it into the
/// specified graph.
explicit DSNode(DSGraph *G);
/// DSNode "copy ctor" - Copy the specified node, inserting it into the
/// specified graph. If NullLinks is true, then null out all of the links,
/// but keep the same number of them. This can be used for efficiency if the
/// links are just going to be clobbered anyway.
DSNode(const DSNode &, DSGraph *G, bool NullLinks = false);
#if 0
~DSNode() {
assert(hasNoReferrers() && "Referrers to dead node exist!");
// Iterator for graph interface... Defined in DSGraphTraits.h
typedef DSNodeIterator<DSNode> iterator;
typedef DSNodeIterator<const DSNode> const_iterator;
inline iterator begin();
inline iterator end();
inline const_iterator begin() const;
inline const_iterator end() const;
/// type_* - Provide iterators for accessing types. Some types may be null
typedef TyMapTy::iterator type_iterator;
typedef TyMapTy::const_iterator const_type_iterator;
type_iterator type_begin() { return TyMap.begin(); }
type_iterator type_end() { return TyMap.end(); }
const_type_iterator type_begin() const { return TyMap.begin(); }
const_type_iterator type_end() const { return TyMap.end(); }
/// edge_* - Provide iterators for accessing outgoing edges. Some outgoing
/// edges may be null.
typedef LinkMapTy::iterator edge_iterator;
typedef LinkMapTy::const_iterator const_edge_iterator;
edge_iterator edge_begin() { return Links.begin(); }
edge_iterator edge_end() { return Links.end(); }
const_edge_iterator edge_begin() const { return Links.begin(); }
const_edge_iterator edge_end() const { return Links.end(); }
// Accessors
/// getSize - Return the maximum number of bytes occupied by this object...
unsigned getSize() const { return Size; }
/// hasNoReferrers - Return true if nothing is pointing to this node at all.
bool hasNoReferrers() const { return getNumReferrers() == 0; }
/// getNumReferrers - This method returns the number of referrers to the
/// current node. Note that if this node is a forwarding node, this will
/// return the number of nodes forwarding over the node!
unsigned getNumReferrers() const { return NumReferrers; }
DSGraph *getParentGraph() const { return ParentGraph; }
void setParentGraph(DSGraph *G) { ParentGraph = G; }
/// getForwardNode - This method returns the node that this node is forwarded
/// to, if any.
DSNode *getForwardNode() const { return ForwardNH.getNode(); }
/// isForwarding - Return true if this node is forwarding to another.
bool isForwarding() const { return !ForwardNH.isNull(); }
/// stopForwarding - When the last reference to this forwarding node has been
/// dropped, delete the node.
void stopForwarding() {
assert(isForwarding() &&
"Node isn't forwarding, cannot stopForwarding()!");
ForwardNH.setTo(0, 0);
assert(ParentGraph == 0 &&
"Forwarding nodes must have been removed from graph!");
delete this;
void growSize(unsigned NSize) {
assert(NSize > Size && "Cannot shrink");
assert(!isCollapsedNode() && "growing a collapsed node");
Size = NSize;
/// hasLink - Return true if this memory object has a link in slot LinkNo
bool hasLink(unsigned Offset) const {
assert(Offset < getSize() && "Link index is out of range!");
return Links.find(Offset) != Links.end();
/// getLink - Return the link at the specified offset.
DSNodeHandle &getLink(unsigned Offset) {
assert(Offset < getSize() && "Link index is out of range!");
assert(!isForwarding() && "Link on a forwarding node");
return Links[Offset];
const DSNodeHandle &getLink(unsigned Offset) const {
assert(hasLink(Offset) && "No Link");
assert(!isForwarding() && "Link on a forwarding node");
return Links.find(Offset)->second;
//unsigned getNumLinks() const {
// assert(!isForwarding() && "Link on a forwarding node");
// return Links.size();
// }
/// mergeTypeInfo - This method merges the specified type into the current
/// node at the specified offset. This may update the current node's type
/// record if this gives more information to the node, it may do nothing to
/// the node if this information is already known, or it may merge the node
/// completely (and return true) if the information is incompatible with what
/// is already known.
/// FIXME: description
void mergeTypeInfo(const Type *Ty, unsigned Offset);
void mergeTypeInfo(const TyMapTy::mapped_type TyIt, unsigned Offset);
void mergeTypeInfo(const DSNode* D, unsigned Offset);
// Types records might exist without types in them
bool hasNoType() {
type_iterator ii = type_begin(), ee = type_end();
while (ii != ee) {
if (ii->second) return false;
return true;
/// foldNodeCompletely - If we determine that this node has some funny
/// behavior happening to it that we cannot represent, we fold it down to a
/// single, completely pessimistic, node. This node is represented as a
/// single byte with a single TypeEntry of "void" with isArray = true.
void foldNodeCompletely();
/// isNodeCompletelyFolded - Return true if this node has been completely
/// folded down to something that can never be expanded, effectively losing
/// all of the field sensitivity that may be present in the node.
bool isNodeCompletelyFolded() const;
/// setLink - Set the link at the specified offset to the specified
/// NodeHandle, replacing what was there. It is uncommon to use this method,
/// instead one of the higher level methods should be used, below.
void setLink(unsigned Offset, const DSNodeHandle &NH) {
assert(Offset < getSize() && "Link index is out of range!");
Links[Offset] = NH;
/// addEdgeTo - Add an edge from the current node to the specified node. This
/// can cause merging of nodes in the graph.
void addEdgeTo(unsigned Offset, const DSNodeHandle &NH);
/// mergeWith - Merge this node and the specified node, moving all links to
/// and from the argument node into the current node, deleting the node
/// argument. Offset indicates what offset the specified node is to be merged
/// into the current node.
/// The specified node may be a null pointer (in which case, nothing happens).
void mergeWith(const DSNodeHandle &NH, unsigned Offset);
/// addGlobal - Add an entry for a global value to the Globals list. This
/// also marks the node with the 'G' flag if it does not already have it.
void addGlobal(const GlobalValue *GV);
void addFunction(const Function* F);
/// removeGlobal - Remove the specified global that is explicitly in the
/// globals list.
void removeGlobal(const GlobalValue *GV);
void mergeGlobals(const DSNode& RHS);
void clearGlobals() { Globals.clear(); }
bool isEmptyGlobals() const { return Globals.empty(); }
unsigned numGlobals() const { return Globals.size(); }
/// addFullGlobalsList - Compute the full set of global values that are
/// represented by this node. Unlike getGlobalsList(), this requires fair
/// amount of work to compute, so don't treat this method call as free.
void addFullGlobalsList(std::vector<const GlobalValue*> &List) const;
/// addFullFunctionList - Identical to addFullGlobalsList, but only return the
/// functions in the full list.
void addFullFunctionList(std::vector<const Function*> &List) const;
/// globals_iterator/begin/end - Provide iteration methods over the global
/// value leaders set that is merged into this node. Like the getGlobalsList
/// method, these iterators do not return globals that are part of the
/// equivalence classes for globals in this node, but aren't leaders.
typedef sv::set<const GlobalValue*>::const_iterator globals_iterator;
globals_iterator globals_begin() const { return Globals.begin(); }
globals_iterator globals_end() const { return Globals.end(); }
/// maskNodeTypes - Apply a mask to the node types bitfield.
void maskNodeTypes(unsigned Mask) {
NodeType &= Mask;
void mergeNodeFlags(unsigned RHS) {
NodeType |= RHS;
/// getNodeFlags - Return all of the flags set on the node. If the DEAD flag
/// is set, hide it from the caller.
unsigned getNodeFlags() const { return NodeType & ~DeadNode; }
/// clearNodeFlags - Useful for completely resetting a node,
/// used in external recognizers
DSNode* clearNodeFlags() { NodeType = 0; return this; }
bool isAllocaNode() const { return NodeType & AllocaNode; }
bool isHeapNode() const { return NodeType & HeapNode; }
bool isGlobalNode() const { return NodeType & GlobalNode; }
bool isExternFuncNode() const { return NodeType & ExternFuncNode; }
bool isUnknownNode() const { return NodeType & UnknownNode; }
bool isModifiedNode() const { return NodeType & ModifiedNode; }
bool isReadNode() const { return NodeType & ReadNode; }
bool isArrayNode() const { return NodeType & ArrayNode; }
bool isCollapsedNode() const { return NodeType & CollapsedNode; }
bool isIncompleteNode() const { return NodeType & IncompleteNode;}
bool isCompleteNode() const { return !isIncompleteNode(); }
bool isDeadNode() const { return NodeType & DeadNode; }
bool isExternalNode() const { return NodeType & ExternalNode; }
bool isIntToPtrNode() const { return NodeType & IntToPtrNode; }
bool isPtrToIntNode() const { return NodeType & PtrToIntNode; }
bool isVAStartNode() const { return NodeType & VAStartNode; }
DSNode* setAllocaMarker() { NodeType |= AllocaNode; return this; }
DSNode* setHeapMarker() { NodeType |= HeapNode; return this; }
DSNode* setGlobalMarker() { NodeType |= GlobalNode; return this; }
DSNode* setExternFuncMarker() { NodeType |= ExternFuncNode; return this; }
DSNode* setExternGlobalMarker() { NodeType |= ExternGlobalNode; return this; }
DSNode* setUnknownMarker() { NodeType |= UnknownNode; return this; }
DSNode* setModifiedMarker() { NodeType |= ModifiedNode; return this; }
DSNode* setReadMarker() { NodeType |= ReadNode; return this; }
DSNode* setArrayMarker() { NodeType |= ArrayNode; return this; }
DSNode* setCollapsedMarker() { NodeType |= CollapsedNode; return this; }
DSNode* setIncompleteMarker() { NodeType |= IncompleteNode; return this; }
DSNode* setExternalMarker() { NodeType |= ExternalNode; return this; }
DSNode* setIntToPtrMarker() { NodeType |= IntToPtrNode; return this; }
DSNode* setPtrToIntMarker() { NodeType |= PtrToIntNode; return this; }
DSNode* setVAStartMarker() { NodeType |= VAStartNode; return this; }
void makeNodeDead() {
assert(hasNoReferrers() && "Dead node shouldn't have refs!");
NodeType = DeadNode;
/// forwardNode - Mark this node as being obsolete, and all references to it
/// should be forwarded to the specified node and offset.
void forwardNode(DSNode *To, unsigned Offset);
void cleanEdges();
void print(llvm::raw_ostream &O, const DSGraph *G) const;
void dump() const;
void assertOK() const;
void dropAllReferences() {
if (isForwarding())
ForwardNH.setTo(0, 0);
/// remapLinks - Change all of the Links in the current node according to the
/// specified mapping.
void remapLinks(std::map<const DSNode*, DSNodeHandle> &OldNodeMap);
/// markReachableNodes - This method recursively traverses the specified
/// DSNodes, marking any nodes which are reachable. All reachable nodes it
/// adds to the set, which allows it to only traverse visited nodes once.
void markReachableNodes(llvm::DenseSet<const DSNode*> &ReachableNodes) const;
friend class DSNodeHandle;
// static mergeNodes - Helper for mergeWith()
static void MergeNodes(DSNodeHandle& CurNodeH, DSNodeHandle& NH);
// Define inline DSNodeHandle functions that depend on the definition of DSNode
inline DSNode *DSNodeHandle::getNode() const {
// Disabling this assertion because it is failing on a "magic" struct
// in named (from bind). The fourth field is an array of length 0,
// presumably used to create struct instances of different sizes.
// In a variable length struct, Offset could exceed Size when getNode()
// is called before such a node is folded. In this case, the DS Analysis now
// correctly folds this node after calling getNode.
/* assert((!N ||
N->isNodeCompletelyFolded() ||
(N->Size == 0 && Offset == 0) ||
(int(Offset) >= 0 && Offset < N->Size) ||
(int(Offset) < 0 && -int(Offset) < int(N->Size)) ||
N->isForwarding()) && "Node handle offset out of range!");
if (N == 0 || !N->isForwarding())
return N;
return HandleForwarding();
inline void DSNodeHandle::setTo(DSNode *n, unsigned NewOffset) const {
assert((!n || !n->isForwarding()) && "Cannot set node to a forwarded node!");
if (N) getNode()->NumReferrers--;
N = n;
Offset = NewOffset;
if (N) {
if (Offset >= N->Size) {
assert((Offset == 0 || N->Size == 1) &&
"Pointer to non-collapsed node with invalid offset!");
Offset = 0;
assert(!N || ((N->NodeType & DSNode::DeadNode) == 0));
assert((!N || Offset < N->Size || (N->Size == 0 && Offset == 0) ||
N->isForwarding()) && "Node handle offset out of range!");
inline bool DSNodeHandle::hasLink(unsigned Num) const {
assert(N && "DSNodeHandle does not point to a node yet!");
return getNode()->hasLink(Num+Offset);
/// getLink - Treat this current node pointer as a pointer to a structure of
/// some sort. This method will return the pointer a mem[this+Num]
inline const DSNodeHandle &DSNodeHandle::getLink(unsigned Off) const {
assert(N && "DSNodeHandle does not point to a node yet!");
return getNode()->getLink(Offset+Off);
inline DSNodeHandle &DSNodeHandle::getLink(unsigned Off) {
assert(N && "DSNodeHandle does not point to a node yet!");
return getNode()->getLink(Off+Offset);
inline void DSNodeHandle::setLink(unsigned Off, const DSNodeHandle &NH) {
assert(N && "DSNodeHandle does not point to a node yet!");
getNode()->setLink(Off+Offset, NH);
/// addEdgeTo - Add an edge from the current node to the specified node. This
/// can cause merging of nodes in the graph.
inline void DSNodeHandle::addEdgeTo(unsigned Off, const DSNodeHandle &Node) {
assert(N && "DSNodeHandle does not point to a node yet!");
getNode()->addEdgeTo(Off+Offset, Node);
/// mergeWith - Merge the logical node pointed to by 'this' with the node
/// pointed to by 'N'.
inline void DSNodeHandle::mergeWith(const DSNodeHandle &Node) const {
if (!isNull())
getNode()->mergeWith(Node, Offset);
else { // No node to merge with, so just point to Node
Offset = 0;
DSNode *NN = Node.getNode();
setTo(NN, Node.getOffset());
} // End llvm namespace