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//===-- LLVM Code Emitter Interface -----------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// High Level Virtual Machine (HLVM)
// Copyright (C) 2006 Reid Spencer. All Rights Reserved.
// This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
// under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at
// your option) any later version.
// This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
// more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with this library in the file named LICENSE.txt; if not, write to the
// Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
// MA 02110-1301 USA
/// @file hlvm/CodeGen/LLVMEmitter.h
/// @author Reid Spencer <> (original author)
/// @date 2006/07/09
/// @since 0.2.0
/// @brief Declares the interface for emitting LLVM code
// Include the LLVM classes that we use
#include <llvm/Module.h>
#include <llvm/PassManager.h>
#include <llvm/BasicBlock.h>
#include <llvm/Function.h>
#include <llvm/GlobalVariable.h>
#include <llvm/Instructions.h>
#include <llvm/DerivedTypes.h>
#include <llvm/TypeSymbolTable.h>
#include <llvm/Constants.h>
#include <llvm/CallingConv.h>
#include "llvm/Support/DataTypes.h"
#include <vector>
namespace hlvm {
/// A simple list of LLVM Modules
typedef std::vector<llvm::Module*> ModuleList;
/// A List of LLVM Branch Instructions. These are used to record unconditional
/// branches that need to be fixed up later with LLVMEmitter::ResolveBranches.
typedef std::vector<llvm::BranchInst*> BranchList;
/// A list of LLVM Blocks, presumably used in a push/pop stack fashion.
typedef std::vector<llvm::BasicBlock*> BlockStack;
/// A list of LLVM Values, used for argument lists
typedef std::vector<llvm::Value*> ArgList;
/// A list of LLVM types, used for function types
typedef std::vector<const llvm::Type*> TypeList;
/// This class provides utility functions for emitting LLVM code. It has no
/// concept of how to translate HLVM into LLVM, that logic is in LLVMGenerator
/// class. This class just keeps track of things in the LLVM world and provides
/// a group of methods to take care of the details of emitting LLVM code. The
/// main purpose for this class is simply to unclutter LLVMGenerator.
class LLVMEmitter
/// @name Constructors
/// @{
/// @}
/// @name Function Emission
/// @{
// Start a new modules
llvm::Module* StartModule(const std::string& ID);
// Finish the started module
llvm::Module* FinishModule();
/// Start a new function. This sets up the context of the emitter to start
/// generating code for function \p F.
void StartFunction(llvm::Function* F);
/// Finish the function previously started. This must be called after a call
/// to StartFunction. Mostly this just checks that the generated function is
/// sane.
void FinishFunction();
/// Add a type to the module
void AddType(const llvm::Type* Ty, const std::string& name)
TheModule->addTypeName(name, Ty);
/// Add a Function to the module
llvm::Function* NewFunction(
const llvm::FunctionType* Ty,
llvm::GlobalValue::LinkageTypes LT,
const std::string& name)
return new llvm::Function(Ty, LT, name, TheModule);
/// Add a global variable to the module
llvm::GlobalVariable* NewGVar(
const llvm::Type* Ty,
llvm::GlobalValue::LinkageTypes LT,
llvm::Constant* init,
const std::string& name)
return new llvm::GlobalVariable(Ty, false, LT, init, name, TheModule);
/// Add a global constant to the module
llvm::GlobalVariable* NewGConst(
const llvm::Type* Ty,
llvm::Constant* init,
const std::string& name)
return new llvm::GlobalVariable(Ty, true,
llvm::GlobalValue::InternalLinkage, init, name, TheModule);
/// Create a new AllocaInst in the entry block with the given name and type.
/// The Type must have a fixed/constant size.
llvm::AllocaInst* NewAutoVar(const llvm::Type* Ty, const std::string& name)
return new llvm::AllocaInst(Ty, 0, name, EntryInsertionPoint);
/// Add the specified basic block to the end of the function. If
/// the previous block falls through into it, add an explicit branch. Also,
/// manage fixups for EH info.
void EmitBlock(llvm::BasicBlock *BB);
/// Create a new LLVM block with the given \p name and push it onto the
/// block stack.
llvm::BasicBlock* pushBlock(const std::string& name);
/// Pop a block off the block stack and return it.
llvm::BasicBlock* popBlock();
/// Replace the top of the block stack with a new block with the given
/// \p name
llvm::BasicBlock* newBlock(const std::string& name);
/// @}
/// @name Simple Helper Functions
/// @{
/// Get the current module we're building
llvm::Module* getModule() const { return TheModule; }
/// Get the current function we're building
llvm::Function* getFunction() const { return TheFunction; }
/// Get the current block we are filling
llvm::BasicBlock* getBlock() const { return TheBlock; }
/// Get the name of the current block we're inserting into
std::string getBlockName() const {
return TheBlock->getName();
// Get the terminating instruction of the current block
llvm::Instruction* getBlockTerminator() const {
return TheBlock->getTerminator();
// Get the return type of the current function
const llvm::Type* getReturnType() const {
return TheFunction->getReturnType();
/// Return the total number of elements in the Type, examining recursively,
/// any nested aggregate types.
unsigned getNumElements(const llvm::Type *Ty);
/// Return a constant expression for indexing into the first element of
/// a constant global variable.
llvm::Constant* getFirstElement(llvm::GlobalVariable* GV);
/// If V is a PointerType then load its value unless the referent type is
/// not first class type
llvm::Value* Pointer2Value(llvm::Value* V) const;
/// Convert the value V into a Boolean value.
llvm::Value* ConvertToBoolean(llvm::Value* V) const;
/// Run through the \p list and set the first operand of each branch
/// instruction found there to the \p exit block. This presumes that the
/// branch instruction is unconditional.
void ResolveBreaks(llvm::BasicBlock* exit);
void ResolveContinues(llvm::BasicBlock* entry);
/// Return true if a cast from V to Ty does not change any bits.
static bool IsNoopCast(llvm::Value *V, const llvm::Type *Ty);
/// Cast the \p V to \p Ty if it is not already that type.
llvm::Value *CastToType(llvm::Value *V, bool isSigned,
const llvm::Type *Ty, bool isSigned,
const std::string& newName);
static void TwoZeroIndices(ArgList& indices) {
/// Convert a non-first-class type into a first-class type by constructing
/// a pointer to the original type.
const llvm::Type* getFirstClassType(const llvm::Type* Ty) {
if (!Ty->isFirstClassType())
return llvm::PointerType::get(Ty);
return Ty;
/// Get an LLVM FunctionType for the corresponding arguments. This handles
/// the details of converting non-first-class arguments and results into
/// the appropriate pointers to those types and making the first function
/// argument a pointer to the result storage, if necessary.
llvm::FunctionType* getFunctionType(
const std::string& name, ///< The name to give the function type
const llvm::Type* resultTy, ///< The type of the function's result
const TypeList& args, ///< The list of the function's arguments
bool varargs ///< Whether its a varargs function or not
llvm::Type* getTextType();
llvm::Type* getStreamType();
llvm::Type* getBufferType();
llvm::FunctionType* getProgramType();
/// @}
/// @name Simple Value getters
/// @{
llvm::Constant* getTrue() const { return llvm::ConstantInt::getTrue(); }
llvm::Constant* getFalse() const { return llvm::ConstantInt::getFalse(); }
llvm::Constant* getZero() const {
return llvm::ConstantInt::getNullValue(llvm::Type::Int32Ty);
llvm::Constant* getFOne() const {
return llvm::ConstantFP::get(llvm::Type::FloatTy,1.0);
llvm::Constant* getDOne() const {
return llvm::ConstantFP::get(llvm::Type::DoubleTy,1.0);
llvm::Constant* getFPOne(const llvm::Type* Ty) const {
return llvm::ConstantFP::get(Ty,1.0);
llvm::Constant* getOne(const llvm::Type* Ty) const {
return llvm::ConstantInt::get(Ty,1);
llvm::Constant* getSVal(const llvm::Type* Ty, int64_t val) const {
return llvm::ConstantInt::get(Ty,val);
llvm::Constant* getUVal(const llvm::Type* Ty, uint64_t val) const {
return llvm::ConstantInt::get(Ty,val);
llvm::Constant* getNullValue(const llvm::Type* Ty) const {
return llvm::Constant::getNullValue(Ty);
llvm::Constant* getAllOnes(const llvm::Type* Ty) const {
return llvm::ConstantInt::getAllOnesValue(Ty);
/// @}
/// @name Simple emitters
/// @{
llvm::CmpInst* emitNE(llvm::Value* V1, llvm::Value* V2);
llvm::CmpInst* emitEQ(llvm::Value* V1, llvm::Value* V2);
llvm::CmpInst* emitLT(llvm::Value* V1, llvm::Value* V2, bool sign = false);
llvm::CmpInst* emitGT(llvm::Value* V1, llvm::Value* V2, bool sign = false);
llvm::CmpInst* emitLE(llvm::Value* V1, llvm::Value* V2, bool sign = false);
llvm::CmpInst* emitGE(llvm::Value* V1, llvm::Value* V2, bool sign = false);
llvm::LoadInst* emitLoad(llvm::Value* V, const std::string& name) const {
return new llvm::LoadInst(V, name, TheBlock);
llvm::StoreInst* emitStore(llvm::Value* from, llvm::Value* to) const {
return new llvm::StoreInst(from, to, TheBlock);
llvm::BinaryOperator* emitNeg(llvm::Value* V) const {
return llvm::BinaryOperator::createNeg(V,"neg",TheBlock);
llvm::BinaryOperator* emitCmpl(llvm::Value* V) const {
return llvm::BinaryOperator::create(llvm::Instruction::Xor,
V, getAllOnes(V->getType()), "cmpl", TheBlock);
llvm::Constant* emitSizeOf(llvm::Value* V1) {
return llvm::ConstantExpr::getSizeOf(V1->getType());
llvm::Constant* emitSizeof(llvm::Type* Ty) {
return llvm::ConstantExpr::getSizeOf(Ty);
llvm::BinaryOperator* emitAdd(llvm::Value* V1, llvm::Value* V2) {
return llvm::BinaryOperator::createAdd(V1, V2, "add", TheBlock);
llvm::BinaryOperator* emitSub(llvm::Value* V1, llvm::Value* V2) {
return llvm::BinaryOperator::createSub(V1, V2, "sub", TheBlock);
llvm::BinaryOperator* emitMul(llvm::Value* V1, llvm::Value* V2) {
return llvm::BinaryOperator::createMul(V1, V2, "mul", TheBlock);
llvm::BinaryOperator* emitSDiv(llvm::Value* V1, llvm::Value* V2) const {
return llvm::BinaryOperator::createSDiv(V1, V2, "div", TheBlock);
llvm::BinaryOperator* emitUDiv(llvm::Value* V1, llvm::Value* V2) const {
return llvm::BinaryOperator::createUDiv(V1, V2, "div", TheBlock);
llvm::BinaryOperator* emitSRem(llvm::Value* V1, llvm::Value* V2) const {
return llvm::BinaryOperator::createSRem(V1, V2, "mod", TheBlock);
llvm::BinaryOperator* emitURem(llvm::Value* V1, llvm::Value* V2) const {
return llvm::BinaryOperator::createURem(V1, V2, "mod", TheBlock);
llvm::BinaryOperator* emitBAnd(llvm::Value*V1, llvm::Value* V2) const {
return llvm::BinaryOperator::createAnd(V1, V2, "band", TheBlock);
llvm::BinaryOperator* emitBOr(llvm::Value*V1, llvm::Value* V2) const {
return llvm::BinaryOperator::createOr(V1, V2, "bor", TheBlock);
llvm::BinaryOperator* emitBXor(llvm::Value*V1, llvm::Value* V2) const {
return llvm::BinaryOperator::createXor(V1, V2, "bxor", TheBlock);
llvm::BinaryOperator* emitBNor(llvm::Value* V1, llvm::Value* V2) const {
llvm::BinaryOperator* bor =
llvm::BinaryOperator::createOr(V1, V2, "bnor", TheBlock);
return llvm::BinaryOperator::createNot(bor,"bnor",TheBlock);
llvm::BinaryOperator* emitNot(llvm::Value* V1) const {
return llvm::BinaryOperator::createNot(
llvm::BinaryOperator* emitAnd(llvm::Value* V1, llvm::Value* V2) const {
return llvm::BinaryOperator::create(llvm::Instruction::And,
ConvertToBoolean(V1), ConvertToBoolean(V2), "and", TheBlock);
llvm::BinaryOperator* emitOr(llvm::Value* V1, llvm::Value* V2) const {
return llvm::BinaryOperator::create(llvm::Instruction::Or,
ConvertToBoolean(V1), ConvertToBoolean(V2), "or", TheBlock);
llvm::BinaryOperator* emitXor(llvm::Value*V1, llvm::Value* V2) const {
return llvm::BinaryOperator::create(llvm::Instruction::Xor,
ConvertToBoolean(V1), ConvertToBoolean(V2), "xor", TheBlock);
llvm::BinaryOperator* emitNor(llvm::Value* V1, llvm::Value* V2) const {
llvm::BinaryOperator* op = llvm::BinaryOperator::create(
llvm::Instruction::Or, ConvertToBoolean(V1), ConvertToBoolean(V2),
"nor", TheBlock);
return llvm::BinaryOperator::createNot(op,"nor",TheBlock);
llvm::SelectInst* emitSelect(llvm::Value* V1, llvm::Value* V2,
llvm::Value* V3, const std::string& name) {
return new llvm::SelectInst(V1,V2,V3,name,TheBlock);
llvm::BranchInst* emitBranch(llvm::BasicBlock* blk) {
return new llvm::BranchInst(blk,TheBlock);
llvm::BranchInst* emitBreak() {
llvm::BranchInst* brnch = new llvm::BranchInst(TheBlock,TheBlock);
return brnch;
llvm::BranchInst* emitContinue() {
llvm::BranchInst* brnch = new llvm::BranchInst(TheBlock,TheBlock);
return brnch;
llvm::ReturnInst* emitReturn(llvm::Value* V);
llvm::CallInst* emitCall(llvm::Function* F, const ArgList& args);
llvm::GetElementPtrInst* emitGEP(llvm::Value* V, const ArgList& indices) {
return new llvm::GetElementPtrInst(V, &indices[0], indices.size(), "",
llvm::GetElementPtrInst* emitGEP(llvm::Value* V, llvm::Value* index) {
llvm::Value* indices[2];
indices[0] = llvm::Constant::getNullValue(llvm::Type::Int32Ty);
indices[1] = index;
return new llvm::GetElementPtrInst(V, indices, 2, "",TheBlock);
/// This method implements an assignment of a src value to a pointer to a
/// destination value. It handles all cases from a simple store instruction
/// for first class types, to construction of temporary global variables
/// for assignment of constant aggregates to variables.
void emitAssign(llvm::Value* dest, llvm::Value* src);
/// Copy one aggregate to another. This method will use individual load and
/// store instructions for small aggregates or the llvm.memcpy intrinsic for
/// larger ones.
void emitAggregateCopy(
llvm::Value *DestPtr, ///< Pointer to destination aggregate
llvm::Value *SrcPtr ///< Pointer to source aggregate
/// Emit an llvm.memcpy.i64 intrinsic
void emitMemCpy(
llvm::Value *dest, ///< A Pointer type value to receive the data
llvm::Value *src, ///< A Pointer type value that is the data source
llvm::Value *size ///< A ULong Type value to specify # of bytes to copy
/// Emit an llvm.memmove.i64 intrinsic
void emitMemMove(
llvm::Value *dest, ///< A Pointer type value to receive the data
llvm::Value *src, ///< A Pointer type value that is the data source
llvm::Value *size ///< A ULong Type value to specify # of bytes to move
/// Emit an llvm.memset.i64 intrinsic
void emitMemSet(
llvm::Value *dest, ///< A Pointer type value to receive the data
llvm::Value *val, ///< An integer type that specifies the byte to set
llvm::Value *size ///< A ULong Type value to specif # of bytes to set
/// @}
/// @name Emitters for Stream Operations
/// @{
llvm::CallInst* emitOpen(llvm::Value* strm);
llvm::CallInst* emitClose(llvm::Value* strm);
llvm::CallInst* emitRead(llvm::Value* strm,llvm::Value* V2,llvm::Value* V3);
llvm::CallInst* emitWrite(llvm::Value* strm,llvm::Value*V2);
/// @}
/// @name Emitters for Math functions
/// @{
llvm::CallInst* emitIsPInf(llvm::Value* V);
llvm::CallInst* emitIsNInf(llvm::Value* V);
llvm::CallInst* emitIsNan(llvm::Value* V);
llvm::CallInst* emitTrunc(llvm::Value* V);
llvm::CallInst* emitRound(llvm::Value* V);
llvm::CallInst* emitFloor(llvm::Value* V);
llvm::CallInst* emitCeiling(llvm::Value* V);
llvm::CallInst* emitLogE(llvm::Value* V);
llvm::CallInst* emitLog2(llvm::Value* V);
llvm::CallInst* emitLog10(llvm::Value* V);
llvm::CallInst* emitSquareRoot(llvm::Value* V);
llvm::CallInst* emitCubeRoot(llvm::Value* V);
llvm::CallInst* emitFactorial(llvm::Value* V);
llvm::CallInst* emitPower(llvm::Value* V1,llvm::Value*V2);
llvm::CallInst* emitRoot(llvm::Value* V1,llvm::Value*V2);
llvm::CallInst* emitGCD(llvm::Value* V1,llvm::Value*V2);
llvm::CallInst* emitLCM(llvm::Value* V1,llvm::Value*V2);
/// @}
/// @name Other miscellaneous functions
/// @{
/// Return the unique ID of the specified basic
/// block for uses that take the address of it.
llvm::Constant *getIndirectGotoBlockNumber(llvm::BasicBlock *BB);
/// Get (and potentially lazily create) the indirect
/// goto block.
llvm::BasicBlock *getIndirectGotoBlock();
/// Zero the elements of DestPtr.
void EmitAggregateZero(llvm::Value *DestPtr);
/// Emit an unconditional branch to the specified basic block, running
/// cleanups if the branch exits scopes. The argument specify
/// how to handle these cleanups.
void EmitBranchInternal(llvm::BasicBlock *Dest, bool IsExceptionEdge);
/// Add the specified unconditional branch to the fixup list for the
/// outermost exception scope, merging it if there is already a fixup that
/// works.
void AddBranchFixup(llvm::BranchInst *BI, bool isExceptionEdge);
/// @}
/// @name Data Members
/// @{
BlockStack blocks; ///< The stack of nested blocks
BranchList breaks; ///< The list of breaks to fix up later
BranchList continues; ///< The list of continues to fix up later
llvm::Module *TheModule; ///< The module that we are compiling into.
llvm::Function * TheFunction; ///< The function we're constructing
llvm::BasicBlock* TheEntryBlock;///< The function's entry block
llvm::BasicBlock* TheExitBlock; ///< The function's exit (return) block
llvm::Instruction* EntryInsertionPoint; ///< Insertion point for entry stuff
llvm::BasicBlock* TheBlock; ///< The current block we're building
/// @}
extern LLVMEmitter* new_LLVMEmitter();
} // end hlvm namespace