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//===-- HLVM Memory Pool Implementation -------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// High Level Virtual Machine (HLVM)
// Copyright (C) 2006 Reid Spencer. All Rights Reserved.
// This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
// under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at
// your option) any later version.
// This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
// more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with this library in the file named LICENSE.txt; if not, write to the
// Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
// MA 02110-1301 USA
/// @file hlvm/Base/Pool.cpp
/// @author Reid Spencer <> (original author)
/// @date 2006/06/01
/// @since 0.1.0
/// @brief Defines the hlvm::Pool class
#include <hlvm/Base/Pool.h>
#include <hlvm/Base/Assert.h>
#include <llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h>
// Set up the maximum amount of APR pool debugging if we're in debug mode
// This must be set before including apr_pools.h
#include <apr-1/apr_pools.h>
namespace {
/// Base class for all pool implementations
class PoolBase : public hlvm::Pool {
const std::string& name, Pool* parent, const char * where
: Pool(name,parent)
if (parent)
allocator = 0;
if (APR_SUCCESS != apr_allocator_create(&allocator))
hlvm::panic("Can't create APR allocator");
if (APR_SUCCESS != apr_pool_create_ex_debug(&pool,
(parent?static_cast<const PoolBase*>(parent->getParent())->pool:0),
aborter, allocator, where))
if (APR_SUCCESS != apr_pool_create_ex(&pool,
(parent?static_cast<const PoolBase*>(parent->getParent())->pool:0),
aborter, allocator))
hlvm::panic("Can't create APR pool");
virtual void* getAprPool() {
return pool;
static int aborter(int retcode) {
std::string msg("Pool abort: retcode=");
msg += llvm::itostr(retcode);
return 0;
apr_pool_t* pool;
apr_allocator_t* allocator;
/// A non-deallocating pool. This is fast, but should only be used for pools
/// where it doesn't matter if the objects in the pool can be deallocated.
class ConstPool : public PoolBase {
/// @name Constructors
/// @{
ConstPool(const std::string& name, Pool* parent, const char * where)
: PoolBase(name,parent,where)
/// @}
/// @name Allocators
/// @{
virtual void* allocate(size_t block_size, const char* where) {
return 0;
virtual void* callocate(size_t block_siz, const char* where ) {
return 0;
virtual void deallocate(void* block, const char* where) {
virtual void clear(const char* where) {
/// @}
/// A very efficient pool for creating lots of small objects in a range of
/// sizes from tiny to moderate. This re-uses deallocated blocks of a similar
/// size so a new allocation is not needed. Handles memory churn of small
/// objects well.
class SmallPool : public PoolBase {
/// @name Constructors
/// @{
SmallPool(const std::string& name, Pool* parent,
uint32_t max_size, uint32_t increment, const char * where)
: PoolBase(name,parent,where)
/// @}
/// @name Allocators
/// @{
virtual void* allocate(size_t block_size, const char* where) {
return 0;
virtual void* callocate(size_t block_siz, const char* where ) {
return 0;
virtual void deallocate(void* block, const char* where) {
virtual void clear(const char* where) {
/// @}
/// A simple allocator/deallocator similar to malloc. General purpose, nothing
/// fancy.
class SimplePool : public PoolBase {
/// @name Constructors
/// @{
SimplePool(const std::string& name, Pool* parent, const char * where)
: PoolBase(name,parent,where)
/// @}
/// @name Allocators
/// @{
virtual void* allocate(size_t block_size, const char* where) {
return 0;
virtual void* callocate(size_t block_siz, const char* where ) {
return 0;
virtual void deallocate(void* block, const char* where) {
virtual void clear(const char* where) {
/// @}
} // end anonymous namespace
namespace hlvm {
// Just to get the vtable in this file
// The interface to creating one of the pool classes
const std::string& name,
Pool* parent,
bool no_dealloc,
uint32_t max_elem_size,
uint32_t increment,
const char* where
// If they don't want to deallocate, they always get a ConstPool
if (no_dealloc)
return new ConstPool(name,parent,where);
// If they've specified an elem size and increment then if that combination
// yields a table of less than 16K entries the we allocate a SmallPool. This
// keeps the SmallPool's entry table under 64KBytes on a 32-bit machine.
if (max_elem_size > 0 && increment > 0 && max_elem_size / increment <= 16384)
return new SmallPool(name,parent,max_elem_size,increment,where);
// Just use a standard pool
return new SimplePool(name,parent,where);
void Pool::destroy(Pool* p, const char* where)
delete p;
} // end hlvm namespace