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//===-- AST Constant Values -------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// High Level Virtual Machine (HLVM)
// Copyright (C) 2006 Reid Spencer. All Rights Reserved.
// This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
// under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at
// your option) any later version.
// This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
// more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with this library in the file named LICENSE.txt; if not, write to the
// Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
// MA 02110-1301 USA
/// @file hlvm/AST/Constants.h
/// @author Reid Spencer <> (original author)
/// @date 2006/05/25
/// @since 0.1.0
/// @brief Declares the AST Constant Expression Operators
#include <hlvm/AST/Node.h>
namespace hlvm
/// This abstract base class represents a constant value in the HLVM Abstract
/// Syntax Tree. All Constants are immutable values of a specific type.
/// Constants do not have a storage location nor an address nor do they
/// participate in linking. However, as they are values they may be used as
/// the operand of instructions or as the initializers of variables. Constants
/// do not participate in linking and are always internal to the bundle in which
/// they appear. To create a linkable constant, declare a variable that is
/// constant and initialize it with a Constant. There are many kinds of
/// constants including simple literal values (numbers an text), complex
/// constant expressions (constant computations), and aggregate constants that
/// represent constant arrays, vectors, pointers and structures.
/// @see hlvm/AST/Constants.h
/// @brief AST Abstract Constant Node
class Constant : public Value
/// @name Constructors
/// @{
Constant(NodeIDs id) : Value(id), name() {}
virtual ~Constant();
/// @}
/// @name Accessors
/// @{
/// Get the name of the Constant
const std::string& getName() const { return name; }
bool hasName() const { return !name.empty(); }
static inline bool classof(const Constant*) { return true; }
static inline bool classof(const Node* N) { return N->isConstant(); }
/// @}
/// @name Mutators
/// @{
/// Set the name of the Constant
void setName(const std::string& n) { name = n; }
/// @}
/// @name Data
/// @{
std::string name; ///< The name of this value.
/// @}
friend class AST;
/// This is an abstract base class in the Abstract Syntax Tree that represents
/// a constant value used in the program.
/// @brief AST Constant Value Node
class ConstantValue: public Constant
/// @name Constructors
/// @{
ConstantValue(NodeIDs id) : Constant(id) {}
virtual ~ConstantValue();
/// @}
/// @name Accessors
/// @{
static inline bool classof(const ConstantValue*) { return true; }
static inline bool classof(const Node* N) { return N->isConstantValue(); }
/// @}
friend class AST;
/// This class provides an Abstract Syntax Tree node that yields a
/// constant any value.
/// @brief AST Constant Any Value Node
class ConstantAny: public ConstantValue
/// @name Constructors
/// @{
ConstantAny(ConstantValue* val) : ConstantValue(ConstantAnyID) {
value = val; }
virtual ~ConstantAny();
/// @}
/// @name Accessors
/// @{
ConstantValue* getValue() const { return value; }
static inline bool classof(const ConstantAny*) { return true; }
static inline bool classof(const Node* N)
{ return N->is(ConstantAnyID); }
/// @}
/// @name Data
/// @{
ConstantValue* value;
/// @}
friend class AST;
/// This class provides an Abstract Syntax Tree node that yields a
/// constant boolean value.
/// @brief AST Constant Boolean Node
class ConstantBoolean: public ConstantValue
/// @name Constructors
/// @{
ConstantBoolean(bool val) : ConstantValue(ConstantBooleanID) {
flags = val; }
virtual ~ConstantBoolean();
/// @}
/// @name Accessors
/// @{
bool getValue() const { return flags != 0; }
static inline bool classof(const ConstantBoolean*) { return true; }
static inline bool classof(const Node* N)
{ return N->is(ConstantBooleanID); }
/// @}
friend class AST;
/// This class provides an Abstract Syntax Tree node that yields a
/// constant character value.
/// @brief AST Constant Character Node
class ConstantCharacter: public ConstantValue
/// @name Constructors
/// @{
ConstantCharacter(const std::string& val)
: ConstantValue(ConstantCharacterID) { value = val; }
virtual ~ConstantCharacter();
/// @}
/// @name Accessors
/// @{
const std::string& getValue() const { return value; }
static inline bool classof(const ConstantCharacter*) { return true; }
static inline bool classof(const Node* N)
{ return N->is(ConstantCharacterID); }
/// @}
/// @name Data
/// @{
std::string value;
/// @}
friend class AST;
/// This class provides an Abstract Syntax Tree node that yields a
/// constant octet value.
/// @brief AST Constant Octet Node
class ConstantEnumerator: public ConstantValue
/// @name Constructors
/// @{
ConstantEnumerator(const std::string& val)
: ConstantValue(ConstantEnumeratorID) { value = val; }
virtual ~ConstantEnumerator();
/// @}
/// @name Accessors
/// @{
const std::string& getValue() const { return value; }
static inline bool classof(const ConstantEnumerator*) { return true; }
static inline bool classof(const Node* N)
{ return N->is(ConstantEnumeratorID); }
/// @}
/// @name Data
/// @{
std::string value;
/// @}
friend class AST;
/// This class provides an Abstract Syntax Tree node that yields a
/// constant integer value. This kind of constant can represent integer valued
/// constants of any of the signed or unsigned integer types of any bitsize.
/// @see IntegerType
/// @brief AST Constant Integer Node
class ConstantInteger: public ConstantValue
/// @name Constructors
/// @{
ConstantInteger(uint16_t base) : ConstantValue(ConstantIntegerID) {}
virtual ~ConstantInteger();
/// @}
/// @name Accessors
/// @{
const std::string& getValue() const { return value; }
uint16_t getBase() const { return flags; }
static inline bool classof(const ConstantInteger*) { return true; }
static inline bool classof(const Node* N)
{ return N->is(ConstantIntegerID); }
/// @}
/// @name Mutators
/// @{
void setValue(const std::string& v) { value = v; }
void setBase(uint16_t base) { flags = base; }
/// @}
/// @name Data
/// @{
std::string value;
/// @}
friend class AST;
/// This class provides an Abstract Syntax Tree node that yields a constant
/// real number value. This kind of constant can represent a constant real
/// number value of any mantissa or exponent size.
/// @see RealType
/// @brief AST Constant Real Node
class ConstantReal : public ConstantValue
/// @name Constructors
/// @{
ConstantReal() : ConstantValue(ConstantRealID) {}
virtual ~ConstantReal();
/// @}
/// @name Accessors
/// @{
const std::string& getValue() const { return value; }
static inline bool classof(const ConstantReal*) { return true; }
static inline bool classof(const Node* N)
{ return N->is(ConstantRealID); }
/// @}
/// @name Accessors
/// @{
void setValue(const std::string& v ) { value = v; }
/// @}
/// @name Data
/// @{
std::string value;
/// @}
friend class AST;
/// This class provides an Abstract Syntax Tree node that yields a constant
/// string value. The constant value is encoded in UTF-8 with a null terminator.
/// @see StringType
/// @brief AST Constant String Node
class ConstantString : public ConstantValue
/// @name Constructors
/// @{
ConstantString() : ConstantValue(ConstantStringID) {}
virtual ~ConstantString();
/// @}
/// @name Accessors
/// @{
const std::string& getValue() const{ return value; }
static inline bool classof(const ConstantString*) { return true; }
static inline bool classof(const Node* N)
{ return N->is(ConstantStringID); }
/// @}
/// @name Accessors
/// @{
void setValue(const std::string& v ) { value = v; }
/// @}
/// @name Data
/// @{
std::string value;
/// @}
friend class AST;
/// This class provides an Abstract Syntax Tree node that yields a constant
/// pointer value.
/// @brief AST Constant Pointer Node
class ConstantPointer : public ConstantValue
/// @name Constructors
/// @{
ConstantPointer(const Constant* cv)
: ConstantValue(ConstantPointerID) { value = cv; }
virtual ~ConstantPointer();
/// @}
/// @name Accessors
/// @{
const Constant* getValue() const { return value; }
static inline bool classof(const ConstantPointer*) { return true; }
static inline bool classof(const Node* N)
{ return N->is(ConstantPointerID); }
/// @}
/// @name Data
/// @{
const Constant* value;
/// @}
friend class AST;
/// This class provides an Abstract Syntax Tree node that yields a constant
/// aggregate. This can be used to specify constant values of aggregate types
/// such as arrays, vectors, structures and continuations. It simply contains
/// a list of other elements which themselves must be constants.
/// @brief AST Constant Array Node.
class ConstantAggregate : public ConstantValue
/// @name Types
/// @{
typedef std::vector<const ConstantValue*> ElementsList;
typedef ElementsList::iterator iterator;
typedef ElementsList::const_iterator const_iterator;
/// @}
/// @name Constructors
/// @{
ConstantAggregate(NodeIDs id) : ConstantValue(id), elems() {}
virtual ~ConstantAggregate();
/// @}
/// @name Accessors
/// @{
static inline bool classof(const ConstantAggregate*) { return true; }
static inline bool classof(const Node* N)
{ return N->isConstantAggregate(); }
/// @}
/// @name Mutators
/// @{
void addConstant(const ConstantValue* val) { elems.push_back(val); }
virtual void insertChild(Node* n);
virtual void removeChild(Node* n);
/// @}
/// @name Iterators
/// @{
iterator begin() { return elems.begin(); }
const_iterator begin() const { return elems.begin(); }
iterator end () { return elems.end(); }
const_iterator end () const { return elems.end(); }
size_t size () const { return elems.size(); }
bool empty() const { return elems.empty(); }
const ConstantValue* front() const { return elems.front(); }
const ConstantValue* back() const { return elems.back(); }
/// @}
/// @name Data
/// @{
ElementsList elems; ///< The contained types
/// @}
friend class AST;
/// This class provides an Abstract Syntax Tree node that yields a constant
/// array value.
/// @brief AST Constant Array Node
class ConstantArray : public ConstantAggregate
/// @name Constructors
/// @{
ConstantArray() : ConstantAggregate(ConstantArrayID) {}
virtual ~ConstantArray();
/// @}
/// @name Accessors
/// @{
const Type* getElementType() const;
static inline bool classof(const ConstantArray*) { return true; }
static inline bool classof(const Node* N) { return N->is(ConstantArrayID); }
/// @}
friend class AST;
/// This class provides an Abstract Syntax Tree node that yields a constant
/// array value.
/// @brief AST Constant Vector Node
class ConstantVector : public ConstantAggregate
/// @name Constructors
/// @{
ConstantVector() : ConstantAggregate(ConstantVectorID) {}
virtual ~ConstantVector();
/// @}
/// @name Accessors
/// @{
static inline bool classof(const ConstantVector*) { return true; }
static inline bool classof(const Node* N) { return N->is(ConstantVectorID);}
/// @}
friend class AST;
/// This class provides an Abstract Syntax Tree node that yields a constant
/// array value.
/// @brief AST Constant Vector Node
class ConstantStructure : public ConstantAggregate
/// @name Constructors
/// @{
ConstantStructure() : ConstantAggregate(ConstantStructureID) {}
virtual ~ConstantStructure();
/// @}
/// @name Accessors
/// @{
static inline bool classof(const ConstantStructure*) { return true; }
static inline bool classof(const Node* N) {
return N->is(ConstantStructureID);
/// @}
friend class AST;
/// This class provides an Abstract Syntax Tree node that yields a constant
/// continuation value.
/// @brief AST Constant Vector Node
class ConstantContinuation : public ConstantAggregate
/// @name Constructors
/// @{
ConstantContinuation() : ConstantAggregate(ConstantContinuationID) {}
virtual ~ConstantContinuation();
/// @}
/// @name Accessors
/// @{
static inline bool classof(const ConstantContinuation*) { return true; }
static inline bool classof(const Node* N) {
return N->is(ConstantContinuationID);
/// @}
friend class AST;
/// This class provides an Abstract Syntax Tree node that yields a constant
/// expression. The expression uses a limited set of operator identifiers that
/// can yield constants such as arithmetic or comparison operators.
/// @brief AST Constant Expression Node.
class ConstantExpression : public ConstantValue
/// @name Constructors
/// @{
ConstantExpression(NodeIDs exprOp) : ConstantValue(ConstantExpressionID)
{ flags = exprOp; }
virtual ~ConstantExpression();
/// @}
/// @name Accessors
/// @{
static inline bool classof(const ConstantExpression*) { return true; }
static inline bool classof(const Node* N)
{ return N->is(ConstantExpressionID); }
/// @}
friend class AST;
} // end hlvm namespace