blob: d6da3cb692e94613fc57617cf769dc442fdc9fc9 [file] [log] [blame]
* This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (
* This file is licensed to You under the Eclipse Public License (EPL);
* You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You
* may obtain a copy of the License at
* See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information
* regarding copyright ownership.
package org.mmtk.vm;
import org.vmmagic.unboxed.*;
import org.vmmagic.pragma.*;
* Class that supports scanning Objects or Arrays for references
* during tracing, handling those references, and computing death times
@Uninterruptible public abstract class TraceInterface {
* Public Methods
* Returns if the VM is ready for a garbage collection.
* @return True if the VM is ready for GC, false otherwise.
public abstract boolean gcEnabled();
* This adjusts the offset into an object to reflect what it would look like
* if the fields were laid out in memory space immediately after the object
* pointer.
* @param isScalar If this is a pointer store to a scalar object
* @param src The address of the source object
* @param slot The address within <code>src</code> into which
* the update will be stored
* @return The easy to understand offset of the slot
public abstract Offset adjustSlotOffset(boolean isScalar,
ObjectReference src,
Address slot);
* This skips over the frames added by the tracing algorithm, outputs
* information identifying the method the containts the "new" call triggering
* the allocation, and returns the address of the first non-trace, non-alloc
* stack frame.
*@param typeRef The type reference (tib) of the object just allocated
* @return The frame pointer address for the method that allocated the object
public abstract Address skipOwnFramesAndDump(ObjectReference typeRef);
* Wrapper methods
public abstract void updateDeathTime(ObjectReference obj);
public abstract void setDeathTime(ObjectReference ref, Word time_);
public abstract void setLink(ObjectReference ref, ObjectReference link);
public abstract void updateTime(Word time_);
public abstract Word getOID(ObjectReference ref);
public abstract Word getDeathTime(ObjectReference ref);
public abstract ObjectReference getLink(ObjectReference ref);
public abstract Address getBootImageLink();
public abstract Word getOID();
public abstract void setOID(Word oid);
public abstract int getHeaderSize();
public abstract int getHeaderEndOffset();