blob: e94f2ee6bee2227645e3169712ca64ec86477705 [file] [log] [blame]
* This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (
* This file is licensed to You under the Eclipse Public License (EPL);
* You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You
* may obtain a copy of the License at
* See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information
* regarding copyright ownership.
package org.j3.mmtk;
import org.jikesrvm.SizeConstants;
import org.jikesrvm.Magic;
import org.j3.runtime.VM;
import org.vmmagic.unboxed.*;
import org.vmmagic.pragma.*;
public class Barriers extends org.mmtk.vm.Barriers implements SizeConstants {
* Perform the actual write of a boolean write barrier.
* @param objref The object that has the boolean field
* @param value The value that the slot will be updated to
* @param offset The offset from the ref
* @param location The FieldReference index to assist the store
* @param mode The context in which the write is occurring
public final void booleanWrite(ObjectReference objref, boolean value, Word offset, Word location, int mode) {
Magic.setBooleanAtOffset(objref.toObject(), offset.toOffset(), value, location.toInt());
* Perform the actual read of a boolean read barrier.
* @param objref The object that has the boolean field
* @param offset The offset from the ref
* @param unused Unused
* @param mode The context in which the write is occurring
* @return the read value
public final boolean booleanRead(ObjectReference objref, Word offset, Word location, int mode) {
return Magic.getByteAtOffset(objref.toObject(), offset.toOffset()) == 0;
* Perform the actual write of a byte write barrier.
* @param objref The object that has the byte field
* @param value The value that the slot will be updated to
* @param offset The offset from the ref
* @param location The FieldReference index to assist the store
* @param mode The context in which the write is occurring
public final void byteWrite(ObjectReference objref, byte value, Word offset, Word location, int mode) {
Magic.setByteAtOffset(objref.toObject(), offset.toOffset(), value, location.toInt());
* Perform the actual read of a byte read barrier.
* @param objref The object that has the byte field
* @param offset The offset from the ref
* @param unused Unused
* @param mode The context in which the write is occurring
* @return the read value
public final byte byteRead(ObjectReference objref, Word offset, Word location, int mode) {
return Magic.getByteAtOffset(objref.toObject(), offset.toOffset());
* Perform the actual write of a char write barrier.
* @param objref The object that has the char field
* @param value The value that the slot will be updated to
* @param offset The offset from the ref
* @param location The FieldReference index to assist the store
* @param mode The context in which the write is occurring
public final void charWrite(ObjectReference objref, char value, Word offset, Word location, int mode) {
Magic.setCharAtOffset(objref.toObject(), offset.toOffset(), value, location.toInt());
* Perform the actual read of a char read barrier.
* @param objref The object that has the char field
* @param offset The offset from the ref
* @param unused Unused
* @param mode The context in which the write is occurring
* @return the read value
public final char charRead(ObjectReference objref, Word offset, Word location, int mode) {
return Magic.getCharAtOffset(objref.toObject(), offset.toOffset());
* Perform the actual write of a short write barrier.
* @param objref The object that has the short field
* @param value The value that the slot will be updated to
* @param offset The offset from the ref
* @param location The FieldReference index to assist the store
* @param mode The context in which the write is occurring
public final void shortWrite(ObjectReference objref, short value, Word offset, Word location, int mode) {
Magic.setShortAtOffset(objref.toObject(), offset.toOffset(), value, location.toInt());
* Perform the actual read of a short read barrier.
* @param objref The object that has the short field
* @param offset The offset from the ref
* @param unused Unused
* @param mode The context in which the write is occurring
* @return the read value
public final short shortRead(ObjectReference objref, Word offset, Word location, int mode) {
return Magic.getShortAtOffset(objref.toObject(), offset.toOffset());
* Perform the actual write of a int write barrier.
* @param objref The object that has the int field
* @param value The value that the slot will be updated to
* @param offset The offset from the ref
* @param location The FieldReference index to assist the store
* @param mode The context in which the write is occurring
public final void intWrite(ObjectReference objref, int value, Word offset, Word location, int mode) {
Magic.setIntAtOffset(objref.toObject(), offset.toOffset(), value, location.toInt());
* Perform the actual read of a int read barrier.
* @param objref The object that has the int field
* @param offset The offset from the ref
* @param unused Unused
* @param mode The context in which the write is occurring
* @return the read value
public final int intRead(ObjectReference objref, Word offset, Word location, int mode) {
return Magic.getIntAtOffset(objref.toObject(), offset.toOffset());
* Attempt an atomic compare and exchange in a write barrier sequence.
* @param objref The object that has the int field
* @param expected The old int to be swapped out
* @param newValue the new int
* @param offset The offset from the ref
* @param unused Unused
* @param mode The context in which the write is occurring
* @return True if the compare and swap was successful
public boolean intTryCompareAndSwap(ObjectReference objref, int expected, int newValue, Word offset, Word unused, int mode) {
int oldValue;
do {
oldValue = Magic.prepareInt(objref, offset.toOffset());
if (oldValue != expected) return false;
} while (!Magic.attemptInt(objref, offset.toOffset(), oldValue, newValue));
return true;
* Perform the actual write of a long write barrier.
* @param objref The object that has the long field
* @param value The value that the slot will be updated to
* @param offset The offset from the ref
* @param location The FieldReference index to assist the store
* @param mode The context in which the write is occurring
public final void longWrite(ObjectReference objref, long value, Word offset, Word location, int mode) {
Magic.setLongAtOffset(objref.toObject(), offset.toOffset(), value, location.toInt());
* Perform the actual read of a long read barrier.
* @param objref The object that has the long field
* @param offset The offset from the ref
* @param unused Unused
* @param mode The context in which the write is occurring
* @return the read value
public final long longRead(ObjectReference objref, Word offset, Word location, int mode) {
return Magic.getLongAtOffset(objref.toObject(), offset.toOffset());
* Attempt an atomic compare and exchange in a write barrier sequence.
* @param objref The object that has the long field
* @param expected The old long to be swapped out
* @param newValue the new long
* @param offset The offset from the ref
* @param unused Unused
* @param mode The context in which the write is occurring
* @return True if the compare and swap was successful
public boolean longTryCompareAndSwap(ObjectReference objref, long expected, long newValue, Word offset, Word unused, int mode) {
long oldValue;
do {
oldValue = Magic.prepareLong(objref, offset.toOffset());
if (oldValue != expected) return false;
} while (!Magic.attemptLong(objref, offset.toOffset(), oldValue, newValue));
return true;
* Perform the actual write of a float write barrier.
* @param objref The object that has the float field
* @param value The value that the slot will be updated to
* @param offset The offset from the ref
* @param location The FieldReference index to assist the store
* @param mode The context in which the write is occurring
public final void floatWrite(ObjectReference objref, float value, Word offset, Word location, int mode) {
Magic.setFloatAtOffset(objref.toObject(), offset.toOffset(), value, location.toInt());
* Perform the actual read of a float read barrier.
* @param objref The object that has the float field
* @param offset The offset from the ref
* @param unused Unused
* @param mode The context in which the write is occurring
* @return the read value
public final float floatRead(ObjectReference objref, Word offset, Word location, int mode) {
return Magic.getFloatAtOffset(objref.toObject(), offset.toOffset());
* Perform the actual write of a double write barrier.
* @param objref The object that has the double field
* @param value The value that the slot will be updated to
* @param offset The offset from the ref
* @param location The FieldReference index to assist the store
* @param mode The context in which the write is occurring
public final void doubleWrite(ObjectReference objref, double value, Word offset, Word location, int mode) {
Magic.setDoubleAtOffset(objref.toObject(), offset.toOffset(), value, location.toInt());
* Perform the actual read of a double read barrier.
* @param objref The object that has the double field
* @param offset The offset from the ref
* @param unused Unused
* @param mode The context in which the write is occurring
* @return the read value
public final double doubleRead(ObjectReference objref, Word offset, Word location, int mode) {
return Magic.getDoubleAtOffset(objref.toObject(), offset.toOffset());
* Perform the actual write of an object reference write barrier.
* @param objref The object that has the reference field
* @param value The value that the slot will be updated to
* @param offset The offset from the ref
* @param location The index of the FieldReference
* @param mode The context in which the write is occurring
public final void objectReferenceWrite(ObjectReference objref, ObjectReference value, Word slot, Word location, int mode) {
* Perform the actual read of an object reference read barrier.
* @param objref The object that has the reference field
* @param offset The offset from the ref
* @param location The index of the FieldReference
* @param mode The context in which the write is occurring
* @return the object reference read value
public final ObjectReference objectReferenceRead(ObjectReference objref, Word offset, Word location, int mode) {
return ObjectReference.fromObject(Magic.getObjectAtOffset(objref.toObject(), offset.toOffset(), location.toInt()));
* Perform the actual write of the non-heap write barrier. This is
* used when the store is not to an object, but to a non-heap location
* such as statics or the stack.
* @param target The value that the slot will be updated to
* @param unusedA The offset from the ref
* @param unusedB Unused
* @param ref The object that has the reference field
public final void objectReferenceNonHeapWrite(Address slot, ObjectReference target, Word unusedA, Word unusedB) {;
* Atomically write a reference field of an object or array and return
* the old value of the reference field.
* @param objref The object that has the reference field
* @param target The value that the slot will be updated to
* @param offset The offset from the ref
* @param unused Unused
* @param mode The context in which the write is occurring
* @return The value that was replaced by the write.
public final ObjectReference objectReferenceAtomicWrite(ObjectReference objref, ObjectReference target, Word offset, Word unused, int mode) {
Object obj = objref.toObject();
Object newObject = target.toObject();
Object oldObject;
do {
oldObject = Magic.prepareObject(obj, offset.toOffset());
} while (!Magic.attemptObject(obj, offset.toOffset(), oldObject, newObject));
return ObjectReference.fromObject(oldObject);
* Attempt an atomic compare and exchange in a write barrier sequence.
* @param objref The object that has the reference field
* @param old The old reference to be swapped out
* @param target The value that the slot will be updated to
* @param offset The offset from the ref
* @param unused Unused
* @param mode The context in which the write is occurring
* @return True if the compare and swap was successful
public final boolean objectReferenceTryCompareAndSwap(ObjectReference objref, ObjectReference old, ObjectReference target, Word offset, Word unused, int mode) {
Object oldValue;
do {
oldValue = Magic.prepareObject(objref, offset.toOffset());
if (oldValue != old) return false;
} while (!Magic.attemptObject(objref, offset.toOffset(), oldValue, target));
return true;
* Perform the actual write of the write barrier, writing the value as a raw Word.
* @param ref The object that has the Word field
* @param target The value that the slot will be updated to
* @param offset The offset from the ref
* @param location The index of the FieldReference
* @param mode The context in which the write is occurring
public final void wordWrite(ObjectReference ref, Word target,
Word slot, Word location, int mode) {
* Atomically write a raw reference field of an object or array and return
* the old value of the reference field.
* @param ref The object that has the Word field
* @param target The value that the slot will be updated to
* @param offset The offset from the ref
* @param unused Unused
* @param mode The context in which the write is occurring
* @return The value that was replaced by the write.
public final Word wordAtomicWrite(ObjectReference ref, Word target,
Word offset, Word unused, int mode) {
Word oldValue;
do {
oldValue = Magic.prepareWord(ref.toObject(), offset.toOffset());
} while (!Magic.attemptWord(ref.toObject(), offset.toOffset(), oldValue, target));
return oldValue;
* Attempt an atomic compare and exchange in a write barrier sequence.
* @param ref The object that has the Word field
* @param old The old Word to be swapped out
* @param target The value that the slot will be updated to
* @param offset The offset from the ref
* @param unused Unused
* @param mode The context in which the write is occurring
* @return True if the compare and swap was successful
public final boolean wordTryCompareAndSwap(ObjectReference ref, Word old, Word target,
Word offset, Word unused, int mode) {
do {
Word currentValue = Magic.prepareWord(ref, offset.toOffset());
if (currentValue != old) return false;
} while (!Magic.attemptWord(ref, offset.toOffset(), old, target));
return true;
* Perform the actual read of the read barrier, returning the value as a raw Word.
* @param ref The object that has the Word field
* @param offset The offset from the ref
* @param location The index of the FieldReference
* @param mode The context in which the write is occurring
* @return the read value
public final Word wordRead(ObjectReference ref,
Word offset, Word location, int mode) {
return Magic.getWordAtOffset(ref.toObject(), offset.toOffset(), location.toInt());
* Perform the actual write of the write barrier, writing the value as a raw Address.
* @param ref The object that has the Address field
* @param target The value that the slot will be updated to
* @param offset The offset from the ref
* @param location The index of the FieldReference
* @param mode The context in which the write is occurring
public final void addressWrite(ObjectReference ref, Address target,
Word offset, Word location, int mode) {
Magic.setAddressAtOffset(ref.toObject(), offset.toOffset(), target, location.toInt());
* Perform the actual read of the read barrier, returning the value as a raw Address.
* @param ref The object that has the Address field
* @param offset The offset from the ref
* @param location The index of the FieldReference
* @param mode The context in which the write is occurring
* @return the read value
public final Address addressRead(ObjectReference ref,
Word offset, Word location, int mode) {
return Magic.getAddressAtOffset(ref.toObject(), offset.toOffset(), location.toInt());
* Attempt an atomic compare and exchange in a write barrier sequence.
* @param objref The object that has the Address field
* @param expected The old Address to be swapped out
* @param newValue the new Address
* @param offset The offset from the ref
* @param unused Unused
* @param mode The context in which the write is occurring
* @return True if the compare and swap was successful
public boolean addressTryCompareAndSwap(ObjectReference objref, Address expected, Address newValue, Word offset, Word unused, int mode) {
Address oldValue;
do {
oldValue = Magic.prepareAddress(objref, offset.toOffset());
if (oldValue != expected) return false;
} while (!Magic.attemptAddress(objref, offset.toOffset(), oldValue, newValue));
return true;
* Perform the actual write of the write barrier, writing the value as a raw Offset.
* @param ref The object that has the Offset field
* @param target The value that the slot will be updated to
* @param offset The offset from the ref
* @param location The index of the FieldReference
* @param mode The context in which the write is occurring
public final void offsetWrite(ObjectReference ref, Offset target,
Word offset, Word location, int mode) {
Magic.setOffsetAtOffset(ref.toObject(), offset.toOffset(), target, location.toInt());
* Perform the actual read of the read barrier, returning the value as a raw Offset.
* @param ref The object that has the Offset field
* @param offset The offset from the ref
* @param location The index of the FieldReference
* @param mode The context in which the write is occurring
* @return the read value
public final Offset offsetRead(ObjectReference ref,
Word offset, Word location, int mode) {
return Magic.getOffsetAtOffset(ref.toObject(), offset.toOffset(), location.toInt());
* Perform the actual write of the write barrier, writing the value as a raw Extent.
* @param ref The object that has the Extent field
* @param target The value that the slot will be updated to
* @param offset The offset from the ref
* @param location The index of the FieldReference
* @param mode The context in which the write is occurring
public final void extentWrite(ObjectReference ref, Extent target,
Word offset, Word location, int mode) {
Magic.setExtentAtOffset(ref.toObject(), offset.toOffset(), target, location.toInt());
* Perform the actual read of the read barrier, returning the value as a raw Extent.
* @param ref The object that has the Extent field
* @param offset The offset from the ref
* @param location The index of the FieldReference
* @param mode The context in which the write is occurring
* @return the read value
public final Extent extentRead(ObjectReference ref,
Word offset, Word location, int mode) {
return Magic.getExtentAtOffset(ref.toObject(), offset.toOffset(), location.toInt());
* Sets an element of an object array without invoking any write
* barrier. This method is called by the Map class to ensure
* potentially-allocation-triggering write barriers do not occur in
* allocation slow path code.
* @param dst the destination array
* @param index the index of the element to set
* @param value the new value for the element
public final void objectArrayStoreNoGCBarrier(Object[] dst, int index, Object value) {
dst[index] = value;
// TODO(ngeoffray): I don't think this is needed, the previous statement should not have
// had a GC barrier.
// Address base = ObjectReference.fromObject(dst).toAddress();
// Add 3 for the header, the class, and the length.
// Address slot = + 3) << LOG_BYTES_IN_ADDRESS));
//, ObjectReference.fromObject(value));