blob: b78cbb8e49960b9c6568b63d9e160424ae0bd139 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--------- ObjectLocks.cpp - Object-based locks -----------------------===//
// The VMKit project
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include <cassert>
#include "vmkit/Cond.h"
#include "vmkit/Locks.h"
#include "vmkit/ObjectLocks.h"
#include "vmkit/Thread.h"
#include "vmkit/VirtualMachine.h"
#include "VmkitGC.h"
#include <cerrno>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include "../../j3/VMCore/JavaObject.h"
#include "../../j3/VMCore/JavaClass.h"
#include "../../j3/VMCore/UTF8.h"
namespace vmkit {
void ThinLock::overflowThinLock(gc* object, LockSystem& table) {
llvm_gcroot(object, 0);
FatLock* obj = table.allocate(object);
word_t ID = obj->getID();
// 1 because we start at 0, and 1 for this lock request.
obj->acquireAll(object, (ThinCountMask >> ThinCountShift) + 2);
word_t oldValue = 0;
word_t newValue = 0;
word_t yieldedValue = 0;
do {
oldValue = object->header();
newValue = obj->getID() | (oldValue & NonLockBitsMask);
assert(obj->associatedObject == object);
yieldedValue = __sync_val_compare_and_swap(&(object->header()), oldValue, newValue);
} while (((object->header()) & ~NonLockBitsMask) != ID);
assert(obj->associatedObject == object);
/// initialise - Initialise the value of the lock.
#if 0
// Disable fat lock deflation code in ObjectLocks.cpp
// Fixes occasional assertion failure when running on multi-core machine.
void ThinLock::removeFatLock(FatLock* fatLock, LockSystem& table) {
gc* object = fatLock->associatedObject;
llvm_gcroot(object, 0);
word_t ID;
word_t oldValue = 0;
word_t newValue = 0;
word_t yieldedValue = 0;
ID = fatLock->getID();
do {
oldValue = object->header();
newValue = oldValue & NonLockBitsMask;
yieldedValue = __sync_val_compare_and_swap(&object->header(), oldValue, newValue);
} while (oldValue != yieldedValue);
assert((oldValue & NonLockBitsMask) != ID);
fatLock->associatedObject = NULL;
FatLock* ThinLock::changeToFatlock(gc* object, LockSystem& table) {
llvm_gcroot(object, 0);
if (!(object->header() & FatMask)) {
FatLock* obj = table.allocate(object);
uint32 count = (object->header() & ThinCountMask) >> ThinCountShift;
obj->acquireAll(object, count + 1);
word_t oldValue = 0;
word_t newValue = 0;
word_t yieldedValue = 0;
word_t ID = obj->getID();
do {
oldValue = object->header();
newValue = ID | (oldValue & NonLockBitsMask);
assert(obj->associatedObject == object);
yieldedValue = __sync_val_compare_and_swap(&(object->header()), oldValue, newValue);
} while (((object->header()) & ~NonLockBitsMask) != ID);
return obj;
} else {
FatLock* res = table.getFatLockFromID(object->header());
assert(res && "Lock deallocated while held.");
assert(res->associatedObject == object);
return res;
void printDebugMessage(gc* object, LockSystem& table) {
gc* assObj = NULL;
llvm_gcroot(assObj, 0);
llvm_gcroot(object, 0);
"WARNING: [%p] has been waiting really long for %p (header = %p)\n",
FatLock* obj = table.getFatLockFromID(object->header());
if (obj != NULL) {
"WARNING: [%p] is waiting on fatlock %p. "
"Its associated object is %p. The owner is %p\n",
(void*)(assObj = obj->getAssociatedObject()),
void ThinLock::acquire(gc* object, LockSystem& table) {
llvm_gcroot(object, 0);
uint64_t id = vmkit::Thread::get()->getThreadID();
word_t oldValue = 0;
word_t newValue = 0;
word_t yieldedValue = 0;
if ((object->header() & System::GetThreadIDMask()) == id) {
assert(owner(object, table) && "Inconsistent lock");
if ((object->header() & ThinCountMask) != ThinCountMask) {
uint32 count = object->header() & ThinCountMask;
do {
oldValue = object->header();
newValue = oldValue + ThinCountAdd;
yieldedValue = __sync_val_compare_and_swap(&(object->header()), oldValue, newValue);
} while ((object->header() & ThinCountMask) == count);
} else {
overflowThinLock(object, table);
assert(owner(object, table) && "Not owner after quitting acquire!");
do {
oldValue = object->header() & NonLockBitsMask;
newValue = oldValue | id;
yieldedValue = __sync_val_compare_and_swap(&(object->header()), oldValue, newValue);
} while ((object->header() & ~NonLockBitsMask) == 0);
if (((object->header()) & ~NonLockBitsMask) == id) {
assert(owner(object, table) && "Not owner after quitting acquire!");
// Simple counter to lively diagnose possible dead locks in this code.
int counter = 0;
while (true) {
if (object->header() & FatMask) {
FatLock* obj = table.getFatLockFromID(object->header());
if (obj != NULL) {
if (obj->acquire(object, table)) {
assert((object->header() & FatMask) && "Inconsistent lock");
assert((table.getFatLockFromID(object->header()) == obj) && "Inconsistent lock");
assert(owner(object, table) && "Not owner after acquiring fat lock!");
if (counter == 1000) printDebugMessage(object, table);
while (object->header() & ~NonLockBitsMask) {
if (object->header() & FatMask) {
} else {
if ((object->header() & ~NonLockBitsMask) == 0) {
FatLock* obj = table.allocate(object);
do {
oldValue = object->header() & NonLockBitsMask;
newValue = oldValue | obj->getID();
assert(obj->associatedObject == object);
yieldedValue = __sync_val_compare_and_swap(&object->header(), oldValue, newValue);
} while ((object->header() & ~NonLockBitsMask) == 0);
if ((getFatLock(object, table) != obj)) {
assert((object->header() & ~NonLockBitsMask) != obj->getID());
} else {
assert((object->header() & ~NonLockBitsMask) == obj->getID());
assert(owner(object, table) && "Inconsistent lock");
assert(owner(object, table) && "Not owner after quitting acquire!");
/// release - Release the lock.
void ThinLock::release(gc* object, LockSystem& table, vmkit::Thread* ownerThread) {
llvm_gcroot(object, 0);
if (!ownerThread) ownerThread = vmkit::Thread::get();
assert((getOwner(object, table) == ownerThread) && "Not owner when entering release!");
uint64 id = ownerThread->getThreadID();
word_t oldValue = 0;
word_t newValue = 0;
word_t yieldedValue = 0;
if ((object->header() & ~NonLockBitsMask) == id) {
do {
oldValue = object->header();
newValue = oldValue & NonLockBitsMask;
yieldedValue = __sync_val_compare_and_swap(&object->header(), oldValue, newValue);
} while ((object->header() & ~NonLockBitsMask) == id);
} else if (object->header() & FatMask) {
FatLock* obj = table.getFatLockFromID(object->header());
assert(obj && "Lock deallocated while held.");
obj->release(object, table, ownerThread);
} else {
assert(((object->header() & ThinCountMask) > 0) && "Inconsistent state");
uint32 count = (object->header() & ThinCountMask);
do {
oldValue = object->header();
newValue = oldValue - ThinCountAdd;
yieldedValue = __sync_val_compare_and_swap(&(object->header()), oldValue, newValue);
} while ((object->header() & ThinCountMask) == count);
/// owner - Returns true if the current thread is the owner of this object's
/// lock.
bool ThinLock::owner(gc* object, LockSystem& table) {
llvm_gcroot(object, 0);
if (object->header() & FatMask) {
FatLock* obj = table.getFatLockFromID(object->header());
if (obj != NULL) return obj->owner();
} else {
bool res = false;
uint64 id = vmkit::Thread::get()->getThreadID();
res = ((object->header() & System::GetThreadIDMask()) == id);
if (res) return true;
return false;
vmkit::Thread* ThinLock::getOwner(gc* object, LockSystem& table)
llvm_gcroot(object, 0);
if (object->header() & FatMask) {
FatLock* obj = table.getFatLockFromID(object->header());
return (!obj) ? NULL : obj->getOwner();
} else {
uint64_t threadID = object->header() & System::GetThreadIDMask();
return vmkit::Thread::getByID(threadID);
/// getFatLock - Get the fat lock is the lock is a fat lock, 0 otherwise.
FatLock* ThinLock::getFatLock(gc* object, LockSystem& table) {
llvm_gcroot(object, 0);
if (object->header() & FatMask) {
return table.getFatLockFromID(object->header());
} else {
return NULL;
void FatLock::acquireAll(gc* object, word_t nb) {
llvm_gcroot(object, 0);
assert(associatedObject == object);
bool FatLock::owner() {
return internalLock.selfOwner();
vmkit::Thread* FatLock::getOwner() {
return internalLock.getOwner();
FatLock::FatLock(uint32_t i, gc* a) :
llvm_gcroot(a, 0);
assert(a != NULL);
firstThread = NULL;
index = i;
waitingThreads = 0;
lockingThreads = 0;
nextFreeLock = NULL;
word_t FatLock::getID() {
return (index << ThinLock::NonLockBits) | ThinLock::FatMask;
void FatLock::release(gc* obj, LockSystem& table, vmkit::Thread* ownerThread) {
llvm_gcroot(obj, 0);
assert(associatedObject && "No associated object when releasing");
assert(associatedObject == obj && "Mismatch object in lock");
#if 0
// Disable fat lock deflation code in ObjectLocks.cpp
// Fixes occasional assertion failure when running on multi-core machine.
if (!waitingThreads && !lockingThreads &&
internalLock.recursionCount() == 1) {
vmkit::ThinLock::removeFatLock(this, table);
/// acquire - Acquires the internalLock.
bool FatLock::acquire(gc* obj, LockSystem& table) {
llvm_gcroot(obj, 0);
if (this->associatedObjectIsDead()) {
// if (lockingThreads == 0)
// table.deallocate(this);
word_t methodIP = System::GetCallerAddress();
methodIP = System::GetIPFromCallerAddress(methodIP);
if (associatedObject != obj) {
return false;
assert(obj->header() & ThinLock::FatMask);
assert((obj->header() & ~ThinLock::NonLockBitsMask) == getID());
return true;
void LockSystem::deallocate(FatLock* lock) {
lock->associatedObject = NULL;
lock->nextFreeLock = freeLock;
freeLock = lock;
LockSystem::LockSystem(vmkit::BumpPtrAllocator& all) : allocator(all) {
assert(ThinLock::ThinCountMask > 0);
LockTable = (FatLock* **)
allocator.Allocate(GlobalSize * sizeof(FatLock**), "Global LockTable");
LockTable[0] = (FatLock**)
allocator.Allocate(IndexSize * sizeof(FatLock*), "Index LockTable");
currentIndex = 0;
freeLock = NULL;
FatLock* LockSystem::allocate(gc* obj) {
llvm_gcroot(obj, 0);
FatLock* res = 0;
// Try the freeLock list.
if (freeLock != NULL) {
res = freeLock;
freeLock = res->nextFreeLock;
res->nextFreeLock = 0;
assert(res->associatedObject == NULL);
} else {
// Get an index.
uint32_t index = currentIndex++;
if (index == MaxLocks) {
fprintf(stderr, "Ran out of space for allocating locks");
FatLock** &tab = LockTable[index >> BitIndex];
VirtualMachine* vm = vmkit::Thread::get()->MyVM;
if (tab == NULL) {
tab = (FatLock**)vm->allocator.Allocate(
IndexSize * sizeof(FatLock*), "Index LockTable");
// Allocate the lock.
res = new(vm->allocator, "Lock") FatLock(index, obj);
// Add the lock to the table.
uint32_t internalIndex = index & BitMask;
tab[internalIndex] = res;
assert(res->associatedObject == obj);
// Return the lock.
return res;
FatLock* LockSystem::getFatLockFromID(word_t ID) {
if (ID & ThinLock::FatMask) {
uint32_t index = (ID & ~ThinLock::FatMask) >> ThinLock::NonLockBits;
FatLock* res = getLock(index);
return res;
} else {
return NULL;
bool LockingThread::wait(
gc* self, LockSystem& table, struct timeval* info, bool timed) {
llvm_gcroot(self, 0);
assert(vmkit::ThinLock::owner(self, table));
FatLock* l = vmkit::ThinLock::changeToFatlock(self, table);
this->waitsOn = l;
vmkit::Cond& varcondThread = this->varcond;
if (this->interruptFlag != 0) {
this->interruptFlag = 0;
this->waitsOn = 0;
return true;
this->state = LockingThread::StateWaiting;
if (l->firstThread) {
assert(l->firstThread->prevWaiting && l->firstThread->nextWaiting &&
"Inconsistent list");
if (l->firstThread->nextWaiting == l->firstThread) {
l->firstThread->nextWaiting = this;
} else {
l->firstThread->prevWaiting->nextWaiting = this;
this->prevWaiting = l->firstThread->prevWaiting;
this->nextWaiting = l->firstThread;
l->firstThread->prevWaiting = this;
} else {
l->firstThread = this;
this->nextWaiting = this;
this->prevWaiting = this;
assert(this->prevWaiting && this->nextWaiting && "Inconsistent list");
assert(l->firstThread->prevWaiting && l->firstThread->nextWaiting &&
"Inconsistent list");
bool timeout = false;
while (!this->interruptFlag && this->nextWaiting) {
if (timed) {
timeout = varcondThread.timedWait(&l->internalLock, info);
if (timeout) break;
} else {
assert(vmkit::ThinLock::owner(self, table) && "Not owner after wait");
assert((!l->firstThread || (l->firstThread->prevWaiting &&
l->firstThread->nextWaiting)) && "Inconsistent list");
bool interrupted = (this->interruptFlag != 0);
if (interrupted || timeout) {
if (this->nextWaiting) {
assert(this->prevWaiting && "Inconsistent list");
if (l->firstThread != this) {
this->nextWaiting->prevWaiting = this->prevWaiting;
this->prevWaiting->nextWaiting = this->nextWaiting;
assert(l->firstThread->prevWaiting &&
l->firstThread->nextWaiting && "Inconsistent list");
} else if (this->nextWaiting == this) {
l->firstThread = NULL;
} else {
l->firstThread = this->nextWaiting;
l->firstThread->prevWaiting = this->prevWaiting;
this->prevWaiting->nextWaiting = l->firstThread;
assert(l->firstThread->prevWaiting &&
l->firstThread->nextWaiting && "Inconsistent list");
this->nextWaiting = NULL;
this->prevWaiting = NULL;
} else {
assert(!this->prevWaiting && "Inconsistent state");
// Notify lost, notify someone else.
notify(self, table);
} else {
assert(!this->prevWaiting && !this->nextWaiting &&
"Inconsistent state");
this->state = LockingThread::StateRunning;
this->waitsOn = NULL;
if (interrupted) {
this->interruptFlag = 0;
return true;
assert(vmkit::ThinLock::owner(self, table) && "Not owner after wait");
return false;
void LockingThread::notify(gc* self, LockSystem& table, vmkit::Thread* ownerThread) {
llvm_gcroot(self, 0);
if (!ownerThread) ownerThread = vmkit::Thread::get();
assert(vmkit::ThinLock::getOwner(self, table) == ownerThread);
FatLock* l = vmkit::ThinLock::getFatLock(self, table);
if (l == NULL) return;
LockingThread* cur = l->firstThread;
if (cur == NULL) return;
do {
if (cur->interruptFlag != 0) {
cur = cur->nextWaiting;
} else {
assert(cur->prevWaiting && cur->nextWaiting &&
"Inconsistent list");
if (cur != l->firstThread) {
cur->prevWaiting->nextWaiting = cur->nextWaiting;
cur->nextWaiting->prevWaiting = cur->prevWaiting;
assert(l->firstThread->prevWaiting &&
l->firstThread->nextWaiting && "Inconsistent list");
} else if (cur->nextWaiting == cur) {
l->firstThread = NULL;
} else {
l->firstThread = cur->nextWaiting;
l->firstThread->prevWaiting = cur->prevWaiting;
cur->prevWaiting->nextWaiting = l->firstThread;
assert(l->firstThread->prevWaiting &&
l->firstThread->nextWaiting && "Inconsistent list");
cur->prevWaiting = NULL;
cur->nextWaiting = NULL;
} while (cur != l->firstThread);
assert((vmkit::ThinLock::getOwner(self, table) == ownerThread) && "Not owner after notify");
void LockingThread::notifyAll(gc* self, LockSystem& table, vmkit::Thread* ownerThread) {
llvm_gcroot(self, 0);
if (!ownerThread) ownerThread = vmkit::Thread::get();
assert(vmkit::ThinLock::getOwner(self, table) == ownerThread);
FatLock* l = vmkit::ThinLock::getFatLock(self, table);
if (l == NULL) return;
LockingThread* cur = l->firstThread;
if (cur == NULL) return;
do {
LockingThread* temp = cur->nextWaiting;
cur->prevWaiting = NULL;
cur->nextWaiting = NULL;
cur = temp;
} while (cur != l->firstThread);
l->firstThread = NULL;
assert((vmkit::ThinLock::getOwner(self, table) == ownerThread) && "Not owner after notifyAll");
void FatLock::setAssociatedObject(gc* obj) {
llvm_gcroot(obj, 0);
vmkit::Collector::objectReferenceNonHeapWriteBarrier((gc**)&associatedObject, (gc*)obj);