blob: 87fd3e202dac4efb7f1c99b65345891ac0426006 [file] [log] [blame]
//===----------- JavaJIT.cpp - Java just in time compiler -----------------===//
// The VMKit project
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
//#define DEBUG 0
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <cstring>
#include <llvm/IR/Constants.h>
#include <llvm/IR/DerivedTypes.h>
#include <llvm/IR/Function.h>
#include <llvm/IR/Instructions.h>
#include <llvm/IR/Module.h>
#include <llvm/IR/Type.h>
#include <llvm/Support/CFG.h>
#include "vmkit/JIT.h"
#include "vmkit/GC.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "JavaArray.h"
#include "JavaClass.h"
#include "JavaConstantPool.h"
#include "JavaObject.h"
#include "JavaJIT.h"
#include "JavaString.h"
#include "JavaThread.h"
#include "JavaTypes.h"
#include "JavaUpcalls.h"
#include "Jnjvm.h"
#include "Reader.h"
#include "j3/JavaLLVMCompiler.h"
#include "j3/J3Intrinsics.h"
using namespace j3;
using namespace llvm;
using namespace std;
void JavaJIT::updateStackInfo(Opinfo& info) {
if (stackSize()) {
if (!info.stack.size()) {
info.stack = stack;
} else {
int size = stack.size();
for (int i = 0 ; i < size; i++) {
info.stack.push_back(MetaInfo(stack[i].type, NOP));
bool JavaJIT::needsInitialisationCheck(Class* cl) {
if (cl->isReadyForCompilation() ||
(!cl->isInterface() && compilingClass->isSubclassOf(cl))) {
return false;
if (!cl->needsInitialisationCheck()) {
if (!cl->isReady()) {
return false;
return true;
void JavaJIT::checkYieldPoint() {
if (!TheCompiler->useCooperativeGC()) return;
Value* YieldPtr = getDoYieldPtr(getMutatorThreadPtr());
Value* Yield = new LoadInst(YieldPtr, "yield", currentBlock);
BasicBlock* continueBlock = createBasicBlock("afterSafePoint");
BasicBlock* yieldBlock = createBasicBlock("inSafePoint");
BranchInst::Create(yieldBlock, continueBlock, Yield, currentBlock);
currentBlock = yieldBlock;
CallInst::Create(intrinsics->conditionalSafePoint, "", currentBlock);
BranchInst::Create(continueBlock, currentBlock);
currentBlock = continueBlock;
bool JavaJIT::canBeInlined(JavaMethod* meth, bool customizing) {
if (inlineMethods[meth]) return false;
if (isSynchro(meth->access)) return false;
if (isNative(meth->access)) return false;
JavaAttribute* codeAtt = meth->lookupAttribute(JavaAttribute::codeAttribute);
if (codeAtt == NULL) return false;
Reader reader(codeAtt, meth->classDef->bytes);
/* uint16 maxStack = */ reader.readU2();
/* uint16 maxLocals = */ reader.readU2();
uint32 codeLen = reader.readU4();
uint32 start = reader.cursor;, Reader::SeekCur);
uint16 handlers = reader.readU2();
if (handlers != 0) return false;
reader.cursor = start;
JavaJIT jit(TheCompiler, meth, llvmFunction, customizing ? customizeFor : NULL);
jit.inlineMethods = inlineMethods;
jit.inlineMethods[meth] = true;
if (!jit.analyzeForInlining(reader, codeLen)) return false;
jit.inlineMethods[meth] = false;
return true;
bool JavaJIT::isThisReference(int stackIndex) {
return !overridesThis
&& (stack[stackIndex].bytecode == ALOAD_0)
&& !isStatic(compilingMethod->access);
void JavaJIT::invokeVirtual(uint16 index) {
JavaObject* source = 0;
llvm_gcroot(source, 0);
JavaConstantPool* ctpInfo = compilingClass->ctpInfo;
CommonClass* cl = 0;
JavaMethod* meth = 0;
ctpInfo->infoOfMethod(index, ACC_VIRTUAL, cl, meth);
bool canBeDirect = false;
Value* val = NULL; // The return from the method.
const UTF8* name = 0;
Signdef* signature = ctpInfo->infoOfInterfaceOrVirtualMethod(index, name);
bool customized = false;
bool thisReference =
isThisReference(stackSize() - signature->getNumberOfSlots() - 1);
if (thisReference && meth) {
isCustomizable = true;
if ((customizeFor != NULL)
&& customizeFor->isSubclassOf(cl)) {
meth = customizeFor->lookupMethodDontThrow(
meth->name, meth->type, false, true, NULL);
canBeDirect = true;
customized = true;
if (meth && ((cl && isFinal(cl->access)) ||
isFinal(meth->access) || isPrivate(meth->access))) {
canBeDirect = true;
if (meth && isInterface(meth->classDef->access)) {
// This can happen because we compute miranda methods before resolving
// interfaces.
return invokeInterface(index);
if (TheCompiler->isStaticCompiling()) {
Value* obj = objectStack[stack.size() - signature->nbArguments - 1];
source = TheCompiler->getFinalObject(obj);
if (source) {
canBeDirect = true;
CommonClass* sourceClass = JavaObject::getClass(source);
Class* lookup = sourceClass->isArray() ? sourceClass->super :
meth = lookup->lookupMethodDontThrow(name, signature->keyName, false,
true, 0);
CommonClass* unique = TheCompiler->getUniqueBaseClass(cl);
if (unique) {
canBeDirect = true;
Class* lookup = unique->isArray() ? unique->super : unique->asClass();
meth = lookup->lookupMethodDontThrow(name, signature->keyName, false,
true, 0);
assert((meth || !canBeDirect) && "Can't directly call a method we don't have");
Typedef* retTypedef = signature->getReturnType();
std::vector<Value*> args; // size = [signature->nbIn + 3];
LLVMSignatureInfo* LSI = TheCompiler->getSignatureInfo(signature);
llvm::FunctionType* virtualType = LSI->getVirtualType();
FunctionType::param_iterator it = virtualType->param_end();
llvm::Type* retType = virtualType->getReturnType();
bool needsInit = false;
if (canBeDirect && canBeInlined(meth, customized)) {
makeArgs(it, index, args, signature->nbArguments + 1);
if (!thisReference) JITVerifyNull(args[0]);
val = invokeInline(meth, args, customized);
} else if (canBeDirect &&
!TheCompiler->needsCallback(meth, customized ? customizeFor : NULL, &needsInit)) {
makeArgs(it, index, args, signature->nbArguments + 1);
if (!thisReference) JITVerifyNull(args[0]);
val = invoke(TheCompiler->getMethod(meth, customized ? customizeFor : NULL),
args, "", currentBlock);
} else {
BasicBlock* endBlock = 0;
PHINode* node = 0;
Value* indexes2[2];
indexes2[0] = intrinsics->constantZero;
bool nullChecked = false;
if (meth) {
LLVMMethodInfo* LMI = TheCompiler->getMethodInfo(meth);
Constant* Offset = LMI->getOffset();
indexes2[1] = Offset;
} else {
nullChecked = true;
GlobalVariable* GV = new GlobalVariable(*llvmFunction->getParent(),
intrinsics->constantZero, "");
BasicBlock* resolveVirtual = createBasicBlock("resolveVirtual");
BasicBlock* endResolveVirtual = createBasicBlock("endResolveVirtual");
PHINode* node = PHINode::Create(Type::getInt32Ty(*llvmContext), 2, "",
Value* load = new LoadInst(GV, "", false, currentBlock);
Value* test = new ICmpInst(*currentBlock, ICmpInst::ICMP_EQ, load,
intrinsics->constantZero, "");
BranchInst::Create(resolveVirtual, endResolveVirtual, test, currentBlock);
node->addIncoming(load, currentBlock);
currentBlock = resolveVirtual;
std::vector<Value*> Args;
Args.push_back(ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt32Ty(*llvmContext), index));
Value* targetObject = getTarget(signature);
targetObject = new LoadInst(targetObject, "", false, currentBlock);
if (!thisReference) JITVerifyNull(targetObject);
load = invoke(intrinsics->VirtualLookupFunction, Args, "", currentBlock);
node->addIncoming(load, currentBlock);
BranchInst::Create(endResolveVirtual, currentBlock);
currentBlock = endResolveVirtual;
indexes2[1] = node;
makeArgs(it, index, args, signature->nbArguments + 1);
if (!nullChecked && !thisReference) JITVerifyNull(args[0]);
Value* VT = CallInst::Create(intrinsics->GetVTFunction, args[0], "",
Value* FuncPtr = GetElementPtrInst::Create(VT, indexes2, "", currentBlock);
Value* Func = new LoadInst(FuncPtr, "", currentBlock);
Func = new BitCastInst(Func, LSI->getVirtualPtrType(), "", currentBlock);
val = invoke(Func, args, "", currentBlock);
if (endBlock) {
if (node) {
node->addIncoming(val, currentBlock);
val = node;
BranchInst::Create(endBlock, currentBlock);
currentBlock = endBlock;
if (retType != Type::getVoidTy(*llvmContext)) {
if (retType == intrinsics->JavaObjectType) {
JnjvmClassLoader* JCL = compilingClass->classLoader;
push(val, false, signature->getReturnType()->findAssocClass(JCL));
} else {
push(val, retTypedef->isUnsigned());
if (retType == Type::getDoubleTy(*llvmContext) || retType == Type::getInt64Ty(*llvmContext)) {
push(intrinsics->constantZero, false);
llvm::Value* JavaJIT::getMutatorThreadPtr() {
Value* FrameAddr = CallInst::Create(intrinsics->llvm_frameaddress,
intrinsics->constantZero, "", currentBlock);
Value* threadId = new PtrToIntInst(FrameAddr, intrinsics->pointerSizeType, "",
threadId = BinaryOperator::CreateAnd(threadId, intrinsics->constantThreadIDMask,
"", currentBlock);
threadId = new IntToPtrInst(threadId, intrinsics->MutatorThreadType, "MutatorThreadPtr", currentBlock);
return threadId;
llvm::Value* JavaJIT::getJavaThreadPtr(llvm::Value* mutatorThreadPtr) {
return new BitCastInst(mutatorThreadPtr, intrinsics->JavaThreadType, "JavaThreadPtr", currentBlock);
llvm::Value* JavaJIT::getIsolateIDPtr(llvm::Value* mutatorThreadPtr) {
Value* GEP[3] = { intrinsics->constantZero,
intrinsics->OffsetIsolateIDInThreadConstant };
return GetElementPtrInst::Create(mutatorThreadPtr, GEP, "isolateIDPtr", currentBlock);
llvm::Value* JavaJIT::getVMPtr(llvm::Value* mutatorThreadPtr) {
Value* GEP[3] = { intrinsics->constantZero,
intrinsics->OffsetVMInThreadConstant };
return GetElementPtrInst::Create(mutatorThreadPtr, GEP, "VMPtr", currentBlock);
llvm::Value* JavaJIT::getDoYieldPtr(llvm::Value* mutatorThreadPtr) {
Value* GEP[3] = { intrinsics->constantZero,
intrinsics->OffsetDoYieldInThreadConstant };
return GetElementPtrInst::Create(mutatorThreadPtr, GEP, "doYieldPtr", currentBlock);
llvm::Value* JavaJIT::getJNIEnvPtr(llvm::Value* javaThreadPtr) {
Value* GEP[2] = { intrinsics->constantZero,
intrinsics->OffsetJNIInJavaThreadConstant };
return GetElementPtrInst::Create(javaThreadPtr, GEP, "JNIPtr", currentBlock);
llvm::Value* JavaJIT::getJavaExceptionPtr(llvm::Value* javaThreadPtr) {
Value* GEP[2] = { intrinsics->constantZero,
intrinsics->OffsetJavaExceptionInJavaThreadConstant };
return GetElementPtrInst::Create(javaThreadPtr, GEP, "pendingExceptionPtr", currentBlock);
static llvm::Function* GetNativeCallee(JavaLLVMCompiler* TheCompiler,
JavaMethod* compilingMethod) {
LLVMSignatureInfo* LSI =
FunctionType* FTy = LSI->getNativeStubType();
string methName;
Function* callee = Function::Create(FTy,
compilingMethod->getName(methName, true),
std::vector<Value*> args;
Function::arg_iterator i = callee->arg_begin();
Value* nativeFunc = i;
for (Function::arg_iterator e = callee->arg_end(); i != e; i++) {
LLVMContext& llvmContext = TheCompiler->getLLVMContext();
BasicBlock* BB = BasicBlock::Create(llvmContext, "", callee);
Value* res = CallInst::Create(nativeFunc, args, "", BB);
if (callee->getFunctionType()->getReturnType() != Type::getVoidTy(llvmContext)) {
ReturnInst::Create(llvmContext, res, BB);
} else {
ReturnInst::Create(llvmContext, BB);
return callee;
llvm::Function* JavaJIT::nativeCompile(word_t natPtr) {
PRINT_DEBUG(JNJVM_COMPILE, 1, DARK_GREEN, "nativeCompile %s.%s\n",
bool stat = isStatic(compilingMethod->access);
FunctionType *funcType = llvmFunction->getFunctionType();
Type* returnType = funcType->getReturnType();
bool j3 = false;
const UTF8* jniConsClName = compilingClass->name;
const UTF8* jniConsName = compilingMethod->name;
const UTF8* jniConsType = compilingMethod->type;
sint32 clen = jniConsClName->size;
sint32 mnlen = jniConsName->size;
sint32 mtlen = jniConsType->size;
vmkit::ThreadAllocator allocator;
char* functionName = (char*)allocator.Allocate(
3 + JNI_NAME_PRE_LEN + ((mnlen + clen + mtlen) << 3));
if (!natPtr) {
natPtr = compilingClass->classLoader->nativeLookup(compilingMethod, j3,
if (!natPtr && !TheCompiler->isStaticCompiling()) {
currentBlock = createBasicBlock("start");
CallInst::Create(intrinsics->ThrowExceptionFromJITFunction, "", currentBlock);
if (returnType != Type::getVoidTy(*llvmContext)) {
ReturnInst::Create(*llvmContext, Constant::getNullValue(returnType), currentBlock);
} else {
ReturnInst::Create(*llvmContext, currentBlock);
PRINT_DEBUG(JNJVM_COMPILE, 1, COLOR_NORMAL, "end native compile %s.%s\n",
return llvmFunction;
Function* func = llvmFunction;
if (j3) {
Function* callee = Function::Create(llvmFunction->getFunctionType(),
TheCompiler->setMethod(callee, (void*)natPtr, functionName);
currentBlock = createBasicBlock("start");
std::vector<Value*> args;
for (Function::arg_iterator i = func->arg_begin(), e = func->arg_end();
i != e;
i++) {
Value* res = CallInst::Create(callee, args, "", currentBlock);
if (returnType != Type::getVoidTy(*llvmContext)) {
ReturnInst::Create(*llvmContext, res, currentBlock);
} else {
ReturnInst::Create(*llvmContext, currentBlock);
return llvmFunction;
currentExceptionBlock = endExceptionBlock = 0;
currentBlock = createBasicBlock("start");
endBlock = createBasicBlock("end block");
if (returnType != Type::getVoidTy(*llvmContext)) {
endNode = PHINode::Create(returnType, 0, "", endBlock);
// Allocate currentLocalIndexNumber pointer
Value* temp = new AllocaInst(Type::getInt32Ty(*llvmContext), "",
new StoreInst(intrinsics->constantZero, temp, false, currentBlock);
// Allocate oldCurrentLocalIndexNumber pointer
Value* oldCLIN = new AllocaInst(PointerType::getUnqual(Type::getInt32Ty(*llvmContext)), "",
Constant* sizeF = ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt32Ty(*llvmContext), sizeof(vmkit::KnownFrame));
Value* Frame = new AllocaInst(Type::getInt8Ty(*llvmContext), sizeF, "", currentBlock);
uint32 nargs = func->arg_size() + 1 + (stat ? 1 : 0);
std::vector<Value*> nativeArgs;
nativeArgs.push_back(NULL); // Will contain the callee
Value* jniEnv = getJNIEnvPtr(getJavaThreadPtr(getMutatorThreadPtr()));
jniEnv = new BitCastInst(jniEnv, intrinsics->ptrType, "", currentBlock);
uint32 index = 0;
if (stat) {
Value* cl = TheCompiler->getJavaClassPtr(compilingClass);
index = 2;
} else {
index = 1;
for (Function::arg_iterator i = func->arg_begin();
index < nargs; ++i, ++index) {
if (i->getType() == intrinsics->JavaObjectType) {
BasicBlock* BB = createBasicBlock("");
BasicBlock* NotZero = createBasicBlock("");
Type* Ty = PointerType::getUnqual(intrinsics->JavaObjectType);
PHINode* node = PHINode::Create(Ty, 2, "", BB);
Value* test = new ICmpInst(*currentBlock, ICmpInst::ICMP_EQ, i,
intrinsics->JavaObjectNullConstant, "");
node->addIncoming(Constant::getNullValue(Ty), currentBlock);
BranchInst::Create(BB, NotZero, test, currentBlock);
currentBlock = NotZero;
Instruction* temp = new AllocaInst(intrinsics->JavaObjectType, "",
if (i == func->arg_begin() && !stat) {
this->thisObject = temp;
if (TheCompiler->useCooperativeGC()) {
Value* GCArgs[2] = {
new BitCastInst(temp, intrinsics->ptrPtrType, "",
CallInst::Create(intrinsics->llvm_gc_gcroot, GCArgs, "",
new StoreInst(i, temp, false, currentBlock);
node->addIncoming(temp, currentBlock);
BranchInst::Create(BB, currentBlock);
currentBlock = BB;
} else {
Instruction* ResultObject = 0;
if (returnType == intrinsics->JavaObjectType) {
ResultObject = new AllocaInst(intrinsics->JavaObjectType, "",
if (TheCompiler->useCooperativeGC()) {
Value* GCArgs[2] = {
new BitCastInst(ResultObject, intrinsics->ptrPtrType, "", currentBlock),
CallInst::Create(intrinsics->llvm_gc_gcroot, GCArgs, "",
} else {
new StoreInst(intrinsics->JavaObjectNullConstant, ResultObject, "",
Value* nativeFunc = TheCompiler->getNativeFunction(compilingMethod, (void*)natPtr);
if (TheCompiler->isStaticCompiling()) {
Value* Arg = TheCompiler->getMethodInClass(compilingMethod);
// If the global variable is null, then load it.
BasicBlock* unloadedBlock = createBasicBlock("");
BasicBlock* endBlock = createBasicBlock("");
Value* test = new LoadInst(nativeFunc, "", currentBlock);
Type* Ty = test->getType();
PHINode* node = PHINode::Create(Ty, 2, "", endBlock);
node->addIncoming(test, currentBlock);
Value* cmp = new ICmpInst(*currentBlock, ICmpInst::ICMP_EQ, test,
Constant::getNullValue(Ty), "");
BranchInst::Create(unloadedBlock, endBlock, cmp, currentBlock);
currentBlock = unloadedBlock;
Value* res = CallInst::Create(TheCompiler->NativeLoader, Arg, "",
res = new BitCastInst(res, Ty, "", currentBlock);
new StoreInst(res, nativeFunc, currentBlock);
node->addIncoming(res, currentBlock);
BranchInst::Create(endBlock, currentBlock);
currentBlock = endBlock;
nativeFunc = node;
nativeArgs[0] = nativeFunc;
// Synchronize before saying we're entering native
if (isSynchro(compilingMethod->access)) {
nbHandlers = 1;
Value* Args4[3] = { temp, oldCLIN, Frame };
CallInst::Create(intrinsics->StartJNIFunction, Args4, "", currentBlock);
Function* callee = GetNativeCallee(TheCompiler, compilingMethod);
Value* result = llvm::CallInst::Create(callee, nativeArgs, "", currentBlock);
if (returnType == intrinsics->JavaObjectType) {
Type* Ty = PointerType::getUnqual(intrinsics->JavaObjectType);
Constant* C = Constant::getNullValue(Ty);
Value* cmp = new ICmpInst(*currentBlock, ICmpInst::ICMP_EQ, result, C, "");
BasicBlock* loadBlock = createBasicBlock("");
endNode->addIncoming(intrinsics->JavaObjectNullConstant, currentBlock);
BranchInst::Create(endBlock, loadBlock, cmp, currentBlock);
currentBlock = loadBlock;
result = new LoadInst(
result, "", false, currentBlock);
new StoreInst(result, ResultObject, "", currentBlock);
endNode->addIncoming(result, currentBlock);
} else if (returnType != Type::getVoidTy(*llvmContext)) {
endNode->addIncoming(result, currentBlock);
BranchInst::Create(endBlock, currentBlock);
currentBlock = endBlock;
Value* Args2[1] = { oldCLIN };
CallInst::Create(intrinsics->EndJNIFunction, Args2, "", currentBlock);
// Synchronize after leaving native.
if (isSynchro(compilingMethod->access))
BasicBlock* ifNormal = createBasicBlock("");
BasicBlock* ifException = createBasicBlock("");
Value* javaExceptionPtr = getJavaExceptionPtr(getJavaThreadPtr(getMutatorThreadPtr()));
Value* obj = new LoadInst(javaExceptionPtr, "", currentBlock);
Value* test = new ICmpInst(*currentBlock, ICmpInst::ICMP_NE, obj, intrinsics->JavaObjectNullConstant, "");
BranchInst::Create(ifException, ifNormal, test, currentBlock);
currentBlock = ifException;
// Clear exception.
new StoreInst(intrinsics->JavaObjectNullConstant, javaExceptionPtr,
CallInst::Create(intrinsics->ThrowExceptionFunction, obj, "", currentBlock);
new UnreachableInst(*llvmContext, currentBlock);
currentBlock = ifNormal;
if (returnType != Type::getVoidTy(*llvmContext))
ReturnInst::Create(*llvmContext, endNode, currentBlock);
ReturnInst::Create(*llvmContext, currentBlock);
PRINT_DEBUG(JNJVM_COMPILE, 1, COLOR_NORMAL, "end native compile %s.%s\n",
return llvmFunction;
llvm::Value* JavaJIT::objectToHeader(Value* obj) {
obj = new PtrToIntInst(obj, intrinsics->pointerSizeType, "", currentBlock);
Value* d = ConstantInt::get(intrinsics->pointerSizeType, gcHeader::hiddenHeaderSize());
obj = BinaryOperator::CreateSub(obj, d, "", currentBlock);
return new IntToPtrInst(obj, intrinsics->ObjectHeaderType, "objectHeader", currentBlock);
void JavaJIT::monitorEnter(Value* obj) {
Value* lockPtr = objectToHeader(obj);
Value* lock = new LoadInst(lockPtr, "", currentBlock);
Value* NonLockBitsMask = ConstantInt::get(intrinsics->pointerSizeType,
lock = BinaryOperator::CreateAnd(lock, NonLockBitsMask, "", currentBlock);
Value* threadId = getMutatorThreadPtr();
threadId = new PtrToIntInst(threadId, intrinsics->pointerSizeType, "",
Value* newValMask = BinaryOperator::CreateOr(threadId, lock, "",
// Do the atomic compare and swap.
Value* atomic = new AtomicCmpXchgInst(
lockPtr, lock, newValMask, SequentiallyConsistent, CrossThread,
Value* cmp = new ICmpInst(*currentBlock, ICmpInst::ICMP_EQ, atomic,
lock, "");
BasicBlock* OK = createBasicBlock("synchronize passed");
BasicBlock* NotOK = createBasicBlock("synchronize did not pass");
BranchInst::Create(OK, NotOK, cmp, currentBlock);
// The atomic CAS did not work.
currentBlock = NotOK;
CallInst::Create(intrinsics->AquireObjectFunction, obj, "", currentBlock);
BranchInst::Create(OK, currentBlock);
currentBlock = OK;
void JavaJIT::monitorExit(Value* obj) {
// obj should not be null if we are here.
BasicBlock* nonNullObjBlock = createBasicBlock("monitorExit_nonNullObj");
BasicBlock* EndBlock = createBasicBlock("monitorExit_End");
Value* test = new ICmpInst(*currentBlock, ICmpInst::ICMP_EQ, obj, intrinsics->JavaObjectNullConstant, "isObjectNull");
BranchInst::Create(EndBlock, nonNullObjBlock, test, currentBlock);
currentBlock = nonNullObjBlock;
Value* lockPtr = objectToHeader(obj);
Value* lock = new LoadInst(lockPtr, "", currentBlock);
Value* NonLockBitsMask = ConstantInt::get(
intrinsics->pointerSizeType, vmkit::ThinLock::NonLockBitsMask);
Value* lockedMask = BinaryOperator::CreateAnd(
lock, NonLockBitsMask, "", currentBlock);
Value* threadId = getMutatorThreadPtr();
threadId = new PtrToIntInst(threadId, intrinsics->pointerSizeType, "",
Value* oldValMask = BinaryOperator::CreateOr(threadId, lockedMask, "",
std::vector<Value*> atomicArgs;
// Do the atomic compare and swap.
Value* atomic = new AtomicCmpXchgInst(
lockPtr, oldValMask, lockedMask, SequentiallyConsistent, CrossThread,
Value* cmp = new ICmpInst(*currentBlock, ICmpInst::ICMP_EQ, atomic,
oldValMask, "");
BasicBlock* LockFreeCASFailed = createBasicBlock("Lock-Free CAS Failed");
BranchInst::Create(EndBlock, LockFreeCASFailed, cmp, currentBlock);
// The atomic cas did not work.
currentBlock = LockFreeCASFailed;
CallInst::Create(intrinsics->ReleaseObjectFunction, obj, "", currentBlock);
BranchInst::Create(EndBlock, currentBlock);
currentBlock = EndBlock;
void JavaJIT::beginSynchronize() {
Value* obj = 0;
if (isVirtual(compilingMethod->access)) {
assert(thisObject != NULL && "beginSynchronize without this");
obj = new LoadInst(
thisObject, "", false, currentBlock);
} else {
obj = TheCompiler->getJavaClassPtr(compilingClass);
obj = new LoadInst(obj, "", false, currentBlock);
void JavaJIT::endSynchronize() {
Value* obj = 0;
if (isVirtual(compilingMethod->access)) {
assert(thisObject != NULL && "endSynchronize without this");
obj = new LoadInst(
thisObject, "", false, currentBlock);
} else {
obj = TheCompiler->getJavaClassPtr(compilingClass);
obj = new LoadInst(obj, "", false, currentBlock);
static void removeUnusedLocals(std::vector<AllocaInst*>& locals) {
for (std::vector<AllocaInst*>::iterator i = locals.begin(),
e = locals.end(); i != e; ++i) {
AllocaInst* temp = *i;
unsigned uses = temp->getNumUses();
if (!uses) {
} else if (uses == 1 && dyn_cast<StoreInst>(*(temp->use_begin()))) {
static void removeUnusedObjects(std::vector<AllocaInst*>& objects,
J3Intrinsics* intrinsics, bool coop) {
for (std::vector<AllocaInst*>::iterator i = objects.begin(),
e = objects.end(); i != e; ++i) {
AllocaInst* temp = *i;
unsigned uses = temp->getNumUses();
if (!uses) {
} else if (uses == 1 && dyn_cast<StoreInst>(*(temp->use_begin()))) {
} else {
if (coop) {
Instruction* I = new BitCastInst(temp, intrinsics->ptrPtrType, "");
Value* GCArgs[2] = { I, intrinsics->constantPtrNull };
Instruction* C = CallInst::Create(intrinsics->llvm_gc_gcroot, GCArgs, "");
Instruction* JavaJIT::inlineCompile(BasicBlock*& curBB,
BasicBlock* endExBlock,
std::vector<Value*>& args) {
JavaAttribute* codeAtt = compilingMethod->lookupAttribute(JavaAttribute::codeAttribute);
Reader reader(codeAtt, compilingClass->bytes);
uint16 maxStack = reader.readU2();
uint16 maxLocals = reader.readU2();
uint32 codeLen = reader.readU4();
uint32 start = reader.cursor;, Reader::SeekCur);
LLVMAssessorInfo& LAI = TheCompiler->getTypedefInfo(
Type* returnType = LAI.llvmType;
endBlock = createBasicBlock("end");
currentBlock = curBB;
endExceptionBlock = endExBlock;
opcodeInfos = new Opinfo[codeLen];
memset(opcodeInfos, 0, codeLen * sizeof(Opinfo));
for (uint32 i = 0; i < codeLen; ++i) {
opcodeInfos[i].exceptionBlock = endExBlock;
BasicBlock* firstBB = llvmFunction->begin();
if (firstBB->begin() != firstBB->end()) {
Instruction* firstInstruction = firstBB->begin();
for (int i = 0; i < maxLocals; i++) {
intLocals.push_back(new AllocaInst(Type::getInt32Ty(*llvmContext), "", firstInstruction));
new StoreInst(Constant::getNullValue(Type::getInt32Ty(*llvmContext)), intLocals.back(), false, firstInstruction);
doubleLocals.push_back(new AllocaInst(Type::getDoubleTy(*llvmContext), "",
new StoreInst(Constant::getNullValue(Type::getDoubleTy(*llvmContext)), doubleLocals.back(), false, firstInstruction);
longLocals.push_back(new AllocaInst(Type::getInt64Ty(*llvmContext), "", firstInstruction));
new StoreInst(Constant::getNullValue(Type::getInt64Ty(*llvmContext)), longLocals.back(), false, firstInstruction);
floatLocals.push_back(new AllocaInst(Type::getFloatTy(*llvmContext), "", firstInstruction));
new StoreInst(Constant::getNullValue(Type::getFloatTy(*llvmContext)), floatLocals.back(), false, firstInstruction);
objectLocals.push_back(new AllocaInst(intrinsics->JavaObjectType, "",
// The GCStrategy will already initialize the value.
if (!TheCompiler->useCooperativeGC())
new StoreInst(Constant::getNullValue(intrinsics->JavaObjectType), objectLocals.back(), false, firstInstruction);
for (int i = 0; i < maxStack; i++) {
objectStack.push_back(new AllocaInst(intrinsics->JavaObjectType, "",
addHighLevelType(objectStack.back(), upcalls->OfObject);
intStack.push_back(new AllocaInst(Type::getInt32Ty(*llvmContext), "", firstInstruction));
doubleStack.push_back(new AllocaInst(Type::getDoubleTy(*llvmContext), "",
longStack.push_back(new AllocaInst(Type::getInt64Ty(*llvmContext), "", firstInstruction));
floatStack.push_back(new AllocaInst(Type::getFloatTy(*llvmContext), "", firstInstruction));
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < maxLocals; i++) {
intLocals.push_back(new AllocaInst(Type::getInt32Ty(*llvmContext), "", firstBB));
new StoreInst(Constant::getNullValue(Type::getInt32Ty(*llvmContext)), intLocals.back(), false, firstBB);
doubleLocals.push_back(new AllocaInst(Type::getDoubleTy(*llvmContext), "", firstBB));
new StoreInst(Constant::getNullValue(Type::getDoubleTy(*llvmContext)), doubleLocals.back(), false, firstBB);
longLocals.push_back(new AllocaInst(Type::getInt64Ty(*llvmContext), "", firstBB));
new StoreInst(Constant::getNullValue(Type::getInt64Ty(*llvmContext)), longLocals.back(), false, firstBB);
floatLocals.push_back(new AllocaInst(Type::getFloatTy(*llvmContext), "", firstBB));
new StoreInst(Constant::getNullValue(Type::getFloatTy(*llvmContext)), floatLocals.back(), false, firstBB);
objectLocals.push_back(new AllocaInst(intrinsics->JavaObjectType, "",
// The GCStrategy will already initialize the value.
if (!TheCompiler->useCooperativeGC())
new StoreInst(Constant::getNullValue(intrinsics->JavaObjectType), objectLocals.back(), false, firstBB);
for (int i = 0; i < maxStack; i++) {
objectStack.push_back(new AllocaInst(intrinsics->JavaObjectType, "",
addHighLevelType(objectStack.back(), upcalls->OfObject);
intStack.push_back(new AllocaInst(Type::getInt32Ty(*llvmContext), "", firstBB));
doubleStack.push_back(new AllocaInst(Type::getDoubleTy(*llvmContext), "", firstBB));
longStack.push_back(new AllocaInst(Type::getInt64Ty(*llvmContext), "", firstBB));
floatStack.push_back(new AllocaInst(Type::getFloatTy(*llvmContext), "", firstBB));
uint32 index = 0;
uint32 count = 0;
uint32 max = args.size();
Signdef* sign = compilingMethod->getSignature();
Typedef* const* arguments = sign->getArgumentsType();
uint32 type = 0;
std::vector<Value*>::iterator i = args.begin();
if (isVirtual(compilingMethod->access)) {
Instruction* V = new StoreInst(*i, objectLocals[0], false, currentBlock);
addHighLevelType(V, compilingClass);
thisObject = objectLocals[0];
for (;count < max; ++i, ++index, ++count, ++type) {
const Typedef* cur = arguments[type];
Type* curType = (*i)->getType();
if (curType == Type::getInt64Ty(*llvmContext)){
new StoreInst(*i, longLocals[index], false, currentBlock);
} else if (cur->isUnsigned()) {
new StoreInst(new ZExtInst(*i, Type::getInt32Ty(*llvmContext), "", currentBlock),
intLocals[index], false, currentBlock);
} else if (curType == Type::getInt8Ty(*llvmContext) || curType == Type::getInt16Ty(*llvmContext)) {
new StoreInst(new SExtInst(*i, Type::getInt32Ty(*llvmContext), "", currentBlock),
intLocals[index], false, currentBlock);
} else if (curType == Type::getInt32Ty(*llvmContext)) {
new StoreInst(*i, intLocals[index], false, currentBlock);
} else if (curType == Type::getDoubleTy(*llvmContext)) {
new StoreInst(*i, doubleLocals[index], false, currentBlock);
} else if (curType == Type::getFloatTy(*llvmContext)) {
new StoreInst(*i, floatLocals[index], false, currentBlock);
} else {
Instruction* V = new StoreInst(*i, objectLocals[index], false, currentBlock);
addHighLevelType(V, cur->findAssocClass(compilingClass->classLoader));
nbHandlers = readExceptionTable(reader, codeLen);
reader.cursor = start;
exploreOpcodes(reader, codeLen);
if (returnType != Type::getVoidTy(*llvmContext)) {
endNode = PHINode::Create(returnType, 0, "", endBlock);
reader.cursor = start;
compileOpcodes(reader, codeLen);
"--> end inlineCompile for %s.%s\n",
curBB = endBlock;
removeUnusedObjects(objectLocals, intrinsics, TheCompiler->useCooperativeGC());
removeUnusedObjects(objectStack, intrinsics, TheCompiler->useCooperativeGC());
delete[] opcodeInfos;
return endNode;
static char* setInstructionName(char *s, size_t maxlen, const char * format, ...)
va_list args;
va_start(args, format);
vsnprintf(s, maxlen, format, args);
return s;
llvm::Function* JavaJIT::javaCompile() {
PRINT_DEBUG(JNJVM_COMPILE, 1, DARK_CYAN, "javacompile for (%s.)%s.%s\n",
string methName, methNameLink;
DbgSubprogram = TheCompiler->getDebugFactory()->createFunction(
DIDescriptor(), compilingMethod->getName(methName, false),
compilingMethod->getName(methNameLink, true), DIFile(), 0,
TheCompiler->getDebugFactory()->createSubroutineType(DIFile(), DIArray()),
false, false, 0);
JavaAttribute* codeAtt = compilingMethod->lookupAttribute(JavaAttribute::codeAttribute);
if (!codeAtt) {
fprintf(stderr, "I haven't verified your class file and it's malformed:"
" no code attribute found for %s.%s!\n",
Reader reader(codeAtt, compilingClass->bytes);
uint16 maxStack = reader.readU2();
uint16 maxLocals = reader.readU2();
uint32 codeLen = reader.readU4();
uint32 start = reader.cursor;, Reader::SeekCur);
FunctionType *funcType = llvmFunction->getFunctionType();
Type* returnType = funcType->getReturnType();
Function* func = llvmFunction;
const size_t instNameLen = 4096;
char instName[instNameLen];
currentBlock = createBasicBlock("start");
endExceptionBlock = createBasicBlock("endExceptionBlock");
unifiedUnreachable = createBasicBlock("unifiedUnreachable");
opcodeInfos = new Opinfo[codeLen];
memset(opcodeInfos, 0, codeLen * sizeof(Opinfo));
for (uint32 i = 0; i < codeLen; ++i) {
opcodeInfos[i].exceptionBlock = endExceptionBlock;
Instruction* returnValue = NULL;
if (returnType == intrinsics->JavaObjectType &&
TheCompiler->useCooperativeGC()) {
returnValue = new AllocaInst(intrinsics->JavaObjectType, "returnValue",
Instruction* cast =
new BitCastInst(returnValue, intrinsics->ptrPtrType, "", currentBlock);
Value* GCArgs[2] = { cast, intrinsics->constantPtrNull };
CallInst::Create(intrinsics->llvm_gc_gcroot, GCArgs, "", currentBlock);
for (int i = 0; i < maxLocals; i++) {
intLocals.push_back(new AllocaInst(Type::getInt32Ty(*llvmContext), setInstructionName(instName, instNameLen, "int_%d", i), currentBlock));
new StoreInst(Constant::getNullValue(Type::getInt32Ty(*llvmContext)), intLocals.back(), false, currentBlock);
doubleLocals.push_back(new AllocaInst(Type::getDoubleTy(*llvmContext), setInstructionName(instName, instNameLen, "double_%d", i), currentBlock));
new StoreInst(Constant::getNullValue(Type::getDoubleTy(*llvmContext)), doubleLocals.back(), false, currentBlock);
longLocals.push_back(new AllocaInst(Type::getInt64Ty(*llvmContext), setInstructionName(instName, instNameLen, "long_%d", i), currentBlock));
new StoreInst(Constant::getNullValue(Type::getInt64Ty(*llvmContext)), longLocals.back(), false, currentBlock);
floatLocals.push_back(new AllocaInst(Type::getFloatTy(*llvmContext), setInstructionName(instName, instNameLen, "float_%d", i), currentBlock));
new StoreInst(Constant::getNullValue(Type::getFloatTy(*llvmContext)), floatLocals.back(), false, currentBlock);
objectLocals.push_back(new AllocaInst(intrinsics->JavaObjectType, setInstructionName(instName, instNameLen, "object_%d", i), currentBlock));
// The GCStrategy will already initialize the value.
if (!TheCompiler->useCooperativeGC())
new StoreInst(Constant::getNullValue(intrinsics->JavaObjectType), objectLocals.back(), false, currentBlock);
for (int i = 0; i < maxStack; i++) {
objectStack.push_back(new AllocaInst(intrinsics->JavaObjectType, setInstructionName(instName, instNameLen, "stack_object_%d", i), currentBlock));
addHighLevelType(objectStack.back(), upcalls->OfObject);
intStack.push_back(new AllocaInst(Type::getInt32Ty(*llvmContext), setInstructionName(instName, instNameLen, "stack_int_%d", i), currentBlock));
doubleStack.push_back(new AllocaInst(Type::getDoubleTy(*llvmContext), setInstructionName(instName, instNameLen, "stack_double_%d", i), currentBlock));
longStack.push_back(new AllocaInst(Type::getInt64Ty(*llvmContext), setInstructionName(instName, instNameLen, "stack_long_%d", i), currentBlock));
floatStack.push_back(new AllocaInst(Type::getFloatTy(*llvmContext), setInstructionName(instName, instNameLen, "stack_float_%d", i), currentBlock));
uint32 index = 0;
uint32 count = 0;
uint32 max = func->arg_size();
Function::arg_iterator i = func->arg_begin();
Signdef* sign = compilingMethod->getSignature();
Typedef* const* arguments = sign->getArgumentsType();
uint32 type = 0;
if (isVirtual(compilingMethod->access)) {
Instruction* V = new StoreInst(i, objectLocals[0], false, currentBlock);
addHighLevelType(V, compilingClass);
thisObject = objectLocals[0];
for (;count < max; ++i, ++index, ++count, ++type) {
const Typedef* cur = arguments[type];
Type* curType = i->getType();
if (curType == Type::getInt64Ty(*llvmContext)){
new StoreInst(i, longLocals[index], false, currentBlock);
} else if (cur->isUnsigned()) {
new StoreInst(new ZExtInst(i, Type::getInt32Ty(*llvmContext), "", currentBlock),
intLocals[index], false, currentBlock);
} else if (curType == Type::getInt8Ty(*llvmContext) || curType == Type::getInt16Ty(*llvmContext)) {
new StoreInst(new SExtInst(i, Type::getInt32Ty(*llvmContext), "", currentBlock),
intLocals[index], false, currentBlock);
} else if (curType == Type::getInt32Ty(*llvmContext)) {
new StoreInst(i, intLocals[index], false, currentBlock);
} else if (curType == Type::getDoubleTy(*llvmContext)) {
new StoreInst(i, doubleLocals[index], false, currentBlock);
} else if (curType == Type::getFloatTy(*llvmContext)) {
new StoreInst(i, floatLocals[index], false, currentBlock);
} else {
Instruction* V = new StoreInst(i, objectLocals[index], false, currentBlock);
addHighLevelType(V, cur->findAssocClass(compilingClass->classLoader));
// Now that arguments have been setup, we can proceed with runtime calls.
Value* arg = TheCompiler->getMethodInClass(compilingMethod);
llvm::CallInst::Create(intrinsics->PrintMethodStartFunction, arg, "",
nbHandlers = readExceptionTable(reader, codeLen);
if (nbHandlers != 0) {
jmpBuffer = new AllocaInst(ArrayType::get(Type::getInt8Ty(*llvmContext), sizeof(vmkit::ExceptionBuffer)), "", currentBlock);
jmpBuffer = new BitCastInst(jmpBuffer, intrinsics->ptrType, "exceptionSavePoint", currentBlock);
reader.cursor = start;
exploreOpcodes(reader, codeLen);
endBlock = createBasicBlock("end");
if (returnType != Type::getVoidTy(*llvmContext)) {
endNode = llvm::PHINode::Create(returnType, 0, "", endBlock);
if (isSynchro(compilingMethod->access)) {
if (TheCompiler->hasExceptionsEnabled() &&
!vmkit::System::SupportsHardwareStackOverflow()) {
// Variables have been allocated and the lock has been taken. Do the stack
// check now: if there is an exception, we will go to the lock release code.
currentExceptionBlock = opcodeInfos[0].exceptionBlock;
Value* FrameAddr = CallInst::Create(intrinsics->llvm_frameaddress,
intrinsics->constantZero, "", currentBlock);
FrameAddr = new PtrToIntInst(FrameAddr, intrinsics->pointerSizeType, "",
Value* stackCheck =
BinaryOperator::CreateAnd(FrameAddr, intrinsics->constantStackOverflowMask,
"", currentBlock);
stackCheck = new ICmpInst(*currentBlock, ICmpInst::ICMP_EQ, stackCheck,
intrinsics->constantPtrZero, "");
BasicBlock* stackOverflow = createBasicBlock("stack overflow");
BasicBlock* noStackOverflow = createBasicBlock("no stack overflow");
BranchInst::Create(stackOverflow, noStackOverflow, stackCheck,
currentBlock = stackOverflow;
throwRuntimeException(intrinsics->StackOverflowErrorFunction, 0, 0);
currentBlock = noStackOverflow;
reader.cursor = start;
compileOpcodes(reader, codeLen);
// This isn't a real requirement, although javac-produced bytcode does
// seem to adhere to it. However jython and similar (clojure, etc) don't
// always create bytecode that matches this, and AFAICT rejecting the
// code is incorrect.
//assert(stack.size() == 0 && "Stack not empty after compiling bytecode");
// Fix a javac(?) bug where a method only throws an exception and does
// not return.
pred_iterator PI = pred_begin(endBlock);
pred_iterator PE = pred_end(endBlock);
if (PI == PE && returnType != Type::getVoidTy(*llvmContext)) {
Instruction* I = currentBlock->getTerminator();
if (isa<UnreachableInst>(I)) {
BranchInst::Create(endBlock, currentBlock);
} else if (InvokeInst* II = dyn_cast<InvokeInst>(I)) {
currentBlock = endBlock;
if (returnValue != NULL) {
new StoreInst(endNode, returnValue, currentBlock);
if (isSynchro(compilingMethod->access)) {
Value* arg = TheCompiler->getMethodInClass(compilingMethod);
CallInst::Create(intrinsics->PrintMethodEndFunction, arg, "", currentBlock);
PI = pred_begin(currentBlock);
PE = pred_end(currentBlock);
if (PI == PE) {
} else {
if (nbHandlers != 0) {
BasicBlock* ifNormal = createBasicBlock("No exception was thrown");
BasicBlock* ifException = createBasicBlock("Rethrow Exception");
Value* javaExceptionPtr = getJavaExceptionPtr(getJavaThreadPtr(getMutatorThreadPtr()));
Value* obj = new LoadInst(javaExceptionPtr, "pendingException", currentBlock);
Value* test = new ICmpInst(*currentBlock, ICmpInst::ICMP_NE, obj, intrinsics->JavaObjectNullConstant, "");
BranchInst::Create(ifException, ifNormal, test, currentBlock);
currentBlock = ifException;
// Clear exception.
new StoreInst(intrinsics->JavaObjectNullConstant, javaExceptionPtr,
CallInst::Create(intrinsics->ThrowExceptionFunction, obj, "", currentBlock);
new UnreachableInst(*llvmContext, currentBlock);
currentBlock = ifNormal;
if (returnType != Type::getVoidTy(*llvmContext)) {
if (returnValue != NULL) {
Value* obj = new LoadInst(
returnValue, "", false, currentBlock);
ReturnInst::Create(*llvmContext, obj, currentBlock);
} else {
ReturnInst::Create(*llvmContext, endNode, currentBlock);
} else {
ReturnInst::Create(*llvmContext, currentBlock);
removeUnusedObjects(objectLocals, intrinsics, TheCompiler->useCooperativeGC());
removeUnusedObjects(objectStack, intrinsics, TheCompiler->useCooperativeGC());
delete[] opcodeInfos;
PRINT_DEBUG(JNJVM_COMPILE, 1, DARK_CYAN, "--> end of javacompile for %s.%s\n",
JavaAttribute* annotationsAtt =
if (annotationsAtt) {
Reader reader(annotationsAtt, compilingClass->bytes);
AnnotationReader AR(reader, compilingClass);
uint16 numAnnotations = reader.readU2();
for (uint16 i = 0; i < numAnnotations; ++i) {
const UTF8* name =
if (name->equals(TheCompiler->InlinePragma)) {
llvm::AttributeSet::FunctionIndex, llvm::Attribute::NoInline));
} else if (name->equals(TheCompiler->NoInlinePragma)) {
return llvmFunction;
void JavaJIT::compareFP(Value* val1, Value* val2, Type* ty, bool l) {
Value* one = intrinsics->constantOne;
Value* zero = intrinsics->constantZero;
Value* minus = intrinsics->constantMinusOne;
Value* c = new FCmpInst(*currentBlock, FCmpInst::FCMP_UGT, val1, val2, "");
Value* r = llvm::SelectInst::Create(c, one, zero, "", currentBlock);
c = new FCmpInst(*currentBlock, FCmpInst::FCMP_ULT, val1, val2, "");
r = llvm::SelectInst::Create(c, minus, r, "", currentBlock);
c = new FCmpInst(*currentBlock, FCmpInst::FCMP_UNO, val1, val2, "");
r = llvm::SelectInst::Create(c, l ? one : minus, r, "", currentBlock);
push(r, false);
void JavaJIT::loadConstant(uint16 index) {
JavaString* str = NULL;
llvm_gcroot(str, 0);
JavaConstantPool* ctpInfo = compilingClass->ctpInfo;
uint8 type = ctpInfo->typeAt(index);
if (type == JavaConstantPool::ConstantString) {
if (TheCompiler->isStaticCompiling() && !TheCompiler->useCooperativeGC()) {
const UTF8* utf8 = ctpInfo->UTF8At(ctpInfo->ctpDef[index]);
str = *(compilingClass->classLoader->UTF8ToStr(utf8));
Value* val = TheCompiler->getString(str);
push(val, false, upcalls->newString);
} else {
JavaString** str = (JavaString**)ctpInfo->ctpRes[index];
if ((str != NULL) && !TheCompiler->isStaticCompiling()) {
Value* val = TheCompiler->getStringPtr(str);
val = new LoadInst(val, "", currentBlock);
push(val, false, upcalls->newString);
} else {
// Lookup the constant pool cache
Type* Ty = PointerType::getUnqual(intrinsics->JavaObjectType);
Value* val = getConstantPoolAt(index, intrinsics->StringLookupFunction,
Ty, 0, false);
val = new LoadInst(val, "", currentBlock);
push(val, false, upcalls->newString);
} else if (type == JavaConstantPool::ConstantLong) {
push(ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt64Ty(*llvmContext), ctpInfo->LongAt(index)),
} else if (type == JavaConstantPool::ConstantDouble) {
push(ConstantFP::get(Type::getDoubleTy(*llvmContext), ctpInfo->DoubleAt(index)),
} else if (type == JavaConstantPool::ConstantInteger) {
push(ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt32Ty(*llvmContext), ctpInfo->IntegerAt(index)),
} else if (type == JavaConstantPool::ConstantFloat) {
push(ConstantFP::get(Type::getFloatTy(*llvmContext), ctpInfo->FloatAt(index)),
} else if (type == JavaConstantPool::ConstantClass) {
UserCommonClass* cl = 0;
Value* res = getResolvedCommonClass(index, false, &cl);
res = CallInst::Create(intrinsics->GetClassDelegateeFunction, res, "",
push(res, false, upcalls->newClass);
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "I haven't verified your class file and it's malformed:"
" unknown ldc %d in %s.%s!\n", type,
void JavaJIT::JITVerifyNull(Value* obj) {
if (TheCompiler->hasExceptionsEnabled()) {
if (nbHandlers == 0 && vmkit::System::SupportsHardwareNullCheck()) {
Value* indexes[2] = { intrinsics->constantZero, intrinsics->JavaObjectVTOffsetConstant };
Value* VTPtr = GetElementPtrInst::Create(obj, indexes, "", currentBlock);
Instruction* VT = new LoadInst(VTPtr, "", true, currentBlock);
VT->setDebugLoc(DebugLoc::get(currentBytecodeIndex, 1, DbgSubprogram));
} else {
Value* test = new ICmpInst(*currentBlock, ICmpInst::ICMP_EQ, obj, intrinsics->JavaObjectNullConstant, "");
BasicBlock* nullObjBlock = createBasicBlock("object is null");
BasicBlock* notNullObjBlock = createBasicBlock("object is not null");
BranchInst::Create(nullObjBlock, notNullObjBlock, test, currentBlock);
currentBlock = nullObjBlock;
throwRuntimeException(intrinsics->NullPointerExceptionFunction, 0, 0);
currentBlock = notNullObjBlock;
Value* JavaJIT::verifyAndComputePtr(Value* obj, Value* index,
Type* arrayType, bool doNullCheck) {
if (doNullCheck) {
if (index->getType() != Type::getInt32Ty(*llvmContext)) {
index = new SExtInst(index, Type::getInt32Ty(*llvmContext), "", currentBlock);
if (TheCompiler->hasExceptionsEnabled()) {
Value* size = arraySize(obj);
Value* cmp = new ICmpInst(*currentBlock, ICmpInst::ICMP_ULT, index, size,
BasicBlock* ifTrue = createBasicBlock("true verifyAndComputePtr");
BasicBlock* ifFalse = createBasicBlock("false verifyAndComputePtr");
BranchInst::Create(ifTrue, ifFalse, cmp, currentBlock);
currentBlock = ifFalse;
Value* args[2] = { obj, index };
throwRuntimeException(intrinsics->IndexOutOfBoundsExceptionFunction, args, 2);
currentBlock = ifTrue;
Constant* zero = intrinsics->constantZero;
Value* val = new BitCastInst(obj, arrayType, "", currentBlock);
Value* indexes[3] = { zero, intrinsics->JavaArrayElementsOffsetConstant, index };
Value* ptr = GetElementPtrInst::Create(val, indexes, "", currentBlock);
return ptr;
void JavaJIT::makeArgs(FunctionType::param_iterator it,
uint32 index, std::vector<Value*>& Args, uint32 nb) {
Args.reserve(nb + 2);
vmkit::ThreadAllocator threadAllocator;
Value** args = (Value**)threadAllocator.Allocate(nb*sizeof(Value*));
sint32 start = nb - 1;
for (sint32 i = start; i >= 0; --i) {
if (*it == Type::getInt64Ty(*llvmContext)
|| *it == Type::getDoubleTy(*llvmContext)) {
Value* tmp = pop();
Type* type = *it;
if (tmp->getType() != type) { // int8 or int16
convertValue(tmp, type, currentBlock, false);
args[i] = tmp;
for (uint32 i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
Value* JavaJIT::getTarget(Signdef* signature) {
int offset = 0;
Typedef* const* arguments = signature->getArgumentsType();
for (uint32 i = 0; i < signature->nbArguments; i++) {
if (arguments[i]->isDouble() || arguments[i]->isLong()) {
return objectStack[currentStackIndex - 1 - offset];
Instruction* JavaJIT::lowerMathOps(const UTF8* name,
std::vector<Value*>& args) {
JnjvmBootstrapLoader* loader = compilingClass->classLoader->bootstrapLoader;
if (name->equals(loader->abs)) {
const Type* Ty = args[0]->getType();
if (Ty == Type::getInt32Ty(*llvmContext)) {
Constant* const_int32_9 = intrinsics->constantZero;
Constant* const_int32_10 = intrinsics->constantMinusOne;
BinaryOperator* int32_tmpneg =
BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::Sub, const_int32_9, args[0],
"tmpneg", currentBlock);
ICmpInst* int1_abscond =
new ICmpInst(*currentBlock, ICmpInst::ICMP_SGT, args[0], const_int32_10,
return llvm::SelectInst::Create(int1_abscond, args[0], int32_tmpneg,
"abs", currentBlock);
} else if (Ty == Type::getInt64Ty(*llvmContext)) {
Constant* const_int64_9 = intrinsics->constantLongZero;
Constant* const_int64_10 = intrinsics->constantLongMinusOne;
BinaryOperator* int64_tmpneg =
BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::Sub, const_int64_9, args[0],
"tmpneg", currentBlock);
ICmpInst* int1_abscond = new ICmpInst(*currentBlock, ICmpInst::ICMP_SGT,
args[0], const_int64_10, "abscond");
return llvm::SelectInst::Create(int1_abscond, args[0], int64_tmpneg,
"abs", currentBlock);
} else if (Ty == Type::getFloatTy(*llvmContext)) {
return llvm::CallInst::Create(intrinsics->func_llvm_fabs_f32, args[0],
"tmp1", currentBlock);
} else if (Ty == Type::getDoubleTy(*llvmContext)) {
return llvm::CallInst::Create(intrinsics->func_llvm_fabs_f64, args[0],
"tmp1", currentBlock);
} else if (name->equals(loader->sqrt)) {
return llvm::CallInst::Create(intrinsics->func_llvm_sqrt_f64, args[0],
"tmp1", currentBlock);
} else if (name->equals(loader->sin)) {
return llvm::CallInst::Create(intrinsics->func_llvm_sin_f64, args[0],
"tmp1", currentBlock);
} else if (name->equals(loader->cos)) {
return llvm::CallInst::Create(intrinsics->func_llvm_cos_f64, args[0],
"tmp1", currentBlock);
} else if (name->equals(loader->tan)) {
return llvm::CallInst::Create(intrinsics->func_llvm_tan_f64, args[0],
"tmp1", currentBlock);
} else if (name->equals(loader->asin)) {
return llvm::CallInst::Create(intrinsics->func_llvm_asin_f64, args[0],
"tmp1", currentBlock);
} else if (name->equals(loader->acos)) {
return llvm::CallInst::Create(intrinsics->func_llvm_acos_f64, args[0],
"tmp1", currentBlock);
} else if (name->equals(loader->atan)) {
return llvm::CallInst::Create(intrinsics->func_llvm_atan_f64, args[0],
"tmp1", currentBlock);
} else if (name->equals(loader->atan2)) {
return llvm::CallInst::Create(intrinsics->func_llvm_atan2_f64,
args, "tmp1", currentBlock);
} else if (name->equals(loader->exp)) {
return llvm::CallInst::Create(intrinsics->func_llvm_exp_f64, args[0],
"tmp1", currentBlock);
} else if (name->equals(loader->log)) {
return llvm::CallInst::Create(intrinsics->func_llvm_log_f64, args[0],
"tmp1", currentBlock);
} else if (name->equals(loader->pow)) {
return llvm::CallInst::Create(intrinsics->func_llvm_pow_f64, args,
"tmp1", currentBlock);
} else if (name->equals(loader->ceil)) {
return llvm::CallInst::Create(intrinsics->func_llvm_ceil_f64, args[0], "tmp1",
} else if (name->equals(loader->floor)) {
return llvm::CallInst::Create(intrinsics->func_llvm_floor_f64, args[0],
"tmp1", currentBlock);
} else if (name->equals(loader->rint)) {
return llvm::CallInst::Create(intrinsics->func_llvm_rint_f64, args[0],
"tmp1", currentBlock);
} else if (name->equals(loader->cbrt)) {
return llvm::CallInst::Create(intrinsics->func_llvm_cbrt_f64, args[0], "tmp1",
} else if (name->equals(loader->cosh)) {
return llvm::CallInst::Create(intrinsics->func_llvm_cosh_f64, args[0], "tmp1",
} else if (name->equals(loader->expm1)) {
return llvm::CallInst::Create(intrinsics->func_llvm_expm1_f64, args[0],
"tmp1", currentBlock);
} else if (name->equals(loader->hypot)) {
return llvm::CallInst::Create(intrinsics->func_llvm_hypot_f64, args[0],
"tmp1", currentBlock);
} else if (name->equals(loader->log10)) {
return llvm::CallInst::Create(intrinsics->func_llvm_log10_f64, args[0],
"tmp1", currentBlock);
} else if (name->equals(loader->log1p)) {
return llvm::CallInst::Create(intrinsics->func_llvm_log1p_f64, args[0],
"tmp1", currentBlock);
} else if (name->equals(loader->sinh)) {
return llvm::CallInst::Create(intrinsics->func_llvm_sinh_f64, args[0],
"tmp1", currentBlock);
} else if (name->equals(loader->tanh)) {
return llvm::CallInst::Create(intrinsics->func_llvm_tanh_f64, args[0],
"tmp1", currentBlock);
return 0;
Instruction* JavaJIT::lowerFloatOps(const UTF8* name,
std::vector<Value*>& args) {
JnjvmBootstrapLoader* loader = compilingClass->classLoader->bootstrapLoader;
if (name->equals(loader->floatToRawIntBits)) {
return new BitCastInst(args[0], Type::getInt32Ty(*llvmContext), "", currentBlock);
} else if (name->equals(loader->intBitsToFloat)) {
return new BitCastInst(args[0], Type::getFloatTy(*llvmContext), "", currentBlock);
return NULL;
Instruction* JavaJIT::lowerDoubleOps(const UTF8* name,
std::vector<Value*>& args) {
JnjvmBootstrapLoader* loader = compilingClass->classLoader->bootstrapLoader;
if (name->equals(loader->doubleToRawLongBits)) {
return new BitCastInst(args[0], Type::getInt64Ty(*llvmContext), "", currentBlock);
} else if (name->equals(loader->longBitsToDouble)) {
return new BitCastInst(args[0], Type::getDoubleTy(*llvmContext), "", currentBlock);
return NULL;
Instruction* JavaJIT::invokeInline(JavaMethod* meth,
std::vector<Value*>& args,
bool customized) {
JavaJIT jit(TheCompiler, meth, llvmFunction, customized ? customizeFor : NULL);
jit.unifiedUnreachable = unifiedUnreachable;
jit.inlineMethods = inlineMethods;
jit.inlineMethods[meth] = true;
jit.inlining = true;
jit.DbgSubprogram = DbgSubprogram;
static int inlineNb = 0;
fprintf(stderr, "inline compile %d %s.%s%s from %s.%s (%d)\n", inlineNb++,
Instruction* ret = jit.inlineCompile(currentBlock,
currentExceptionBlock, args);
inlineMethods[meth] = false;
return ret;
void JavaJIT::invokeSpecial(uint16 index) {
JavaConstantPool* ctpInfo = compilingClass->ctpInfo;
JavaMethod* meth = 0;
Signdef* signature = 0;
const UTF8* name = 0;
const UTF8* cl = 0;
ctpInfo->nameOfStaticOrSpecialMethod(index, cl, name, signature);
LLVMSignatureInfo* LSI = TheCompiler->getSignatureInfo(signature);
FunctionType* virtualType = LSI->getVirtualType();
meth = ctpInfo->infoOfStaticOrSpecialMethod(index, ACC_VIRTUAL, signature);
bool thisReference =
isThisReference(stackSize() - signature->getNumberOfSlots() - 1);
Value* func = 0;
bool needsInit = false;
if (TheCompiler->needsCallback(meth, NULL, &needsInit)) {
if (needsInit) {
// Make sure the class is loaded before materializing the method.
uint32 clIndex = ctpInfo->getClassIndexFromMethod(index);
UserCommonClass* cl = 0;
Value* Cl = getResolvedCommonClass(clIndex, false, &cl);
if (cl == NULL) {
CallInst::Create(intrinsics->ForceLoadedCheckFunction, Cl, "",
func = TheCompiler->addCallback(compilingClass, index, signature, false,
} else {
func = TheCompiler->getMethod(meth, NULL);
std::vector<Value*> args;
FunctionType::param_iterator it = virtualType->param_end();
makeArgs(it, index, args, signature->nbArguments + 1);
if (!thisReference) JITVerifyNull(args[0]);
if (meth == compilingClass->classLoader->bootstrapLoader->upcalls->InitObject) {
llvm::Instruction* val = 0;
if (meth && canBeInlined(meth, false)) {
val = invokeInline(meth, args, false);
} else {
val = invoke(func, args, "", currentBlock);
Type* retType = virtualType->getReturnType();
if (retType != Type::getVoidTy(*llvmContext)) {
if (retType == intrinsics->JavaObjectType) {
JnjvmClassLoader* JCL = compilingClass->classLoader;
push(val, false, signature->getReturnType()->findAssocClass(JCL));
} else {
push(val, signature->getReturnType()->isUnsigned());
if (retType == Type::getDoubleTy(*llvmContext) ||
retType == Type::getInt64Ty(*llvmContext)) {
push(intrinsics->constantZero, false);
void JavaJIT::invokeStatic(uint16 index) {
JavaConstantPool* ctpInfo = compilingClass->ctpInfo;
Signdef* signature = 0;
const UTF8* name = 0;
const UTF8* className = 0;
ctpInfo->nameOfStaticOrSpecialMethod(index, className, name, signature);
LLVMSignatureInfo* LSI = TheCompiler->getSignatureInfo(signature);
FunctionType* staticType = LSI->getStaticType();
JnjvmBootstrapLoader* loader = compilingClass->classLoader->bootstrapLoader;
llvm::Instruction* val = 0;
if (className->equals(loader->stackWalkerName)) {
callsStackWalker = true;
JavaMethod* meth = ctpInfo->infoOfStaticOrSpecialMethod(index, ACC_STATIC,
uint32 clIndex = ctpInfo->getClassIndexFromMethod(index);
UserClass* cl = 0;
Value* Cl = getResolvedClass(clIndex, true, true, &cl);
if (!meth || (cl && needsInitialisationCheck(cl))) {
CallInst::Create(intrinsics->ForceInitialisationCheckFunction, Cl, "",
Value* func = 0;
bool needsInit = false;
if (TheCompiler->needsCallback(meth, NULL, &needsInit)) {
func = TheCompiler->addCallback(compilingClass, index, signature,
true, currentBlock);
} else {
func = TheCompiler->getMethod(meth, NULL);
std::vector<Value*> args; // size = [signature->nbIn + 2];
FunctionType::param_iterator it = staticType->param_end();
makeArgs(it, index, args, signature->nbArguments);
if (className->equals(loader->mathName)) {
val = lowerMathOps(name, args);
} else if (className->equals(loader->VMFloatName)) {
val = lowerFloatOps(name, args);
} else if (className->equals(loader->VMDoubleName)) {
val = lowerDoubleOps(name, args);
if (val == NULL) {
if (meth != NULL && canBeInlined(meth, false)) {
val = invokeInline(meth, args, false);
} else {
val = invoke(func, args, "", currentBlock);
Type* retType = staticType->getReturnType();
if (retType != Type::getVoidTy(*llvmContext)) {
if (retType == intrinsics->JavaObjectType) {
JnjvmClassLoader* JCL = compilingClass->classLoader;
push(val, false, signature->getReturnType()->findAssocClass(JCL));
} else {
push(val, signature->getReturnType()->isUnsigned());
if (retType == Type::getDoubleTy(*llvmContext) ||
retType == Type::getInt64Ty(*llvmContext)) {
push(intrinsics->constantZero, false);
Value* JavaJIT::getConstantPoolAt(uint32 index, Function* resolver,
Type* returnType,
Value* additionalArg, bool doThrow) {
// This makes unswitch loop very unhappy time-wise, but makes GVN happy
// number-wise. IMO, it's better to have this than Unswitch.
JavaConstantPool* ctp = compilingClass->ctpInfo;
Value* CTP = TheCompiler->getResolvedConstantPool(ctp);
Value* Cl = TheCompiler->getNativeClass(compilingClass);
std::vector<Value*> Args;
Args.push_back(ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt32Ty(*llvmContext), index));
if (additionalArg) Args.push_back(additionalArg);
Value* res = 0;
if (doThrow) {
res = invoke(intrinsics->GetConstantPoolAtFunction, Args, "",
} else {
res = CallInst::Create(intrinsics->GetConstantPoolAtFunction, Args,
"", currentBlock);
Type* realType =
if (returnType == Type::getInt32Ty(*llvmContext)) {
return new PtrToIntInst(res, Type::getInt32Ty(*llvmContext), "", currentBlock);
} else if (returnType != realType) {
return new BitCastInst(res, returnType, "", currentBlock);
return res;
Value* JavaJIT::getResolvedCommonClass(uint16 index, bool doThrow,
UserCommonClass** alreadyResolved) {
JavaConstantPool* ctpInfo = compilingClass->ctpInfo;
CommonClass* cl = ctpInfo->getMethodClassIfLoaded(index);
Value* node = 0;
if (cl && (!cl->isClass() || cl->asClass()->isResolved())) {
if (alreadyResolved) *alreadyResolved = cl;
node = TheCompiler->getNativeClass(cl);
// Since we only allocate for array classes that we own and
// only primitive arrays are already allocated, verify that the class
// array is not external.
if (TheCompiler->isStaticCompiling() && cl->isArray() &&
node->getType() != intrinsics->JavaClassArrayType) {
node = new LoadInst(node, "", currentBlock);
if (node->getType() != intrinsics->JavaCommonClassType) {
node = new BitCastInst(node, intrinsics->JavaCommonClassType, "",
} else {
node = getConstantPoolAt(index, intrinsics->ClassLookupFunction,
intrinsics->JavaCommonClassType, 0, doThrow);
return node;
Value* JavaJIT::getResolvedClass(uint16 index, bool clinit, bool doThrow,
Class** alreadyResolved) {
JavaConstantPool* ctpInfo = compilingClass->ctpInfo;
Class* cl = (Class*)(ctpInfo->getMethodClassIfLoaded(index));
Value* node = 0;
bool needsInit = true;
if (cl && cl->isResolved()) {
if (alreadyResolved) (*alreadyResolved) = cl;
node = TheCompiler->getNativeClass(cl);
needsInit = needsInitialisationCheck(cl);
} else {
node = getConstantPoolAt(index, intrinsics->ClassLookupFunction,
intrinsics->JavaClassType, 0, doThrow);
if (clinit && needsInit) {
if (node->getType() != intrinsics->JavaClassType) {
node = new BitCastInst(node, intrinsics->JavaClassType, "", currentBlock);
return invoke(intrinsics->InitialisationCheckFunction, node, "",
} else {
return node;
void JavaJIT::invokeNew(uint16 index) {
Class* cl = 0;
Value* Cl = getResolvedClass(index, true, true, &cl);
Value* VT = 0;
Value* Size = 0;
if (cl) {
VT = TheCompiler->getVirtualTable(cl->virtualVT);
LLVMClassInfo* LCI = TheCompiler->getClassInfo(cl);
Size = LCI->getVirtualSize();
bool needsCheck = needsInitialisationCheck(cl);
if (needsCheck) {
Cl = invoke(intrinsics->ForceInitialisationCheckFunction, Cl, "",
} else {
VT = CallInst::Create(intrinsics->GetVTFromClassFunction, Cl, "",
Size = CallInst::Create(intrinsics->GetObjectSizeFromClassFunction, Cl,
"", currentBlock);
VT = new BitCastInst(VT, intrinsics->ptrType, "", currentBlock);
Instruction* val = invoke(cl ? intrinsics->VTAllocateFunction :
Size, VT, "", currentBlock);
addHighLevelType(val, cl ? cl : upcalls->OfObject);
Instruction* res = new BitCastInst(val, intrinsics->JavaObjectType, "", currentBlock);
push(res, false, cl ? cl : upcalls->OfObject);
// Make sure to add the object to the finalization list after it has been
// pushed.
if (cl && cl->virtualVT->hasDestructor()) {
CallInst::Create(intrinsics->AddFinalizationCandidate, val, "", currentBlock);
Value* JavaJIT::ldResolved(uint16 index, bool stat, Value* object,
Type* fieldTypePtr, bool thisReference) {
JavaConstantPool* info = compilingClass->ctpInfo;
JavaField* field = info->lookupField(index, stat);
if (field && field->classDef->isResolved()) {
LLVMClassInfo* LCI = TheCompiler->getClassInfo(field->classDef);
LLVMFieldInfo* LFI = TheCompiler->getFieldInfo(field);
Type* type = NULL;
if (stat) {
type = LCI->getStaticType();
Value* Cl = TheCompiler->getNativeClass(field->classDef);
bool needsCheck = needsInitialisationCheck(field->classDef);
if (needsCheck) {
Cl = invoke(intrinsics->InitialisationCheckFunction, Cl, "",
CallInst::Create(intrinsics->ForceInitialisationCheckFunction, Cl, "",
object = TheCompiler->getStaticInstance(field->classDef);
} else {
object = new LoadInst(
object, "", false, currentBlock);
if (!thisReference) JITVerifyNull(object);
type = LCI->getVirtualType();
Value* objectConvert = new BitCastInst(object, type, "", currentBlock);
Value* args[2] = { intrinsics->constantZero, LFI->getOffset() };
Value* ptr = llvm::GetElementPtrInst::Create(objectConvert, args, "",
return ptr;
Type* Pty = intrinsics->arrayPtrType;
Constant* zero = intrinsics->constantZero;
Function* func = stat ? intrinsics->StaticFieldLookupFunction :
Type* returnType = NULL;
if (stat) {
returnType = intrinsics->ptrType;
} else {
returnType = Type::getInt32Ty(*llvmContext);
Value* ptr = getConstantPoolAt(index, func, returnType, 0, true);
if (!stat) {
object = new LoadInst(
object, "", false, currentBlock);
if (!thisReference) JITVerifyNull(object);
Value* tmp = new BitCastInst(object, Pty, "", currentBlock);
Value* args[2] = { zero, ptr };
ptr = GetElementPtrInst::Create(tmp, args, "", currentBlock);
return new BitCastInst(ptr, fieldTypePtr, "", currentBlock);
void JavaJIT::convertValue(Value*& val, Type* t1, BasicBlock* currentBlock,
bool usign) {
Type* t2 = val->getType();
if (t1 != t2) {
if (t1->isIntegerTy() && t2->isIntegerTy()) {
if (t2->getPrimitiveSizeInBits() < t1->getPrimitiveSizeInBits()) {
if (usign) {
val = new ZExtInst(val, t1, "", currentBlock);
} else {
val = new SExtInst(val, t1, "", currentBlock);
} else {
val = new TruncInst(val, t1, "", currentBlock);
} else if (t1->isFloatTy() && t2->isFloatTy()) {
if (t2->getPrimitiveSizeInBits() < t1->getPrimitiveSizeInBits()) {
val = new FPExtInst(val, t1, "", currentBlock);
} else {
val = new FPTruncInst(val, t1, "", currentBlock);
} else if (isa<PointerType>(t1) && isa<PointerType>(t2)) {
val = new BitCastInst(val, t1, "", currentBlock);
void JavaJIT::setStaticField(uint16 index) {
Typedef* sign = compilingClass->ctpInfo->infoOfField(index);
LLVMAssessorInfo& LAI = TheCompiler->getTypedefInfo(sign);
Type* type = LAI.llvmType;
Value* ptr = ldResolved(index, true, NULL, LAI.llvmTypePtr);
Value* val = pop();
if (type == Type::getInt64Ty(*llvmContext) ||
type == Type::getDoubleTy(*llvmContext)) {
val = pop();
if (type != val->getType()) { // int1, int8, int16
convertValue(val, type, currentBlock, false);
if (vmkit::Collector::needsNonHeapWriteBarrier() && type == intrinsics->JavaObjectType) {
ptr = new BitCastInst(ptr, intrinsics->ptrPtrType, "", currentBlock);
val = new BitCastInst(val, intrinsics->ptrType, "", currentBlock);
Value* args[2] = { ptr, val };
CallInst::Create(intrinsics->NonHeapWriteBarrierFunction, args, "", currentBlock);
} else {
new StoreInst(val, ptr, false, currentBlock);
void JavaJIT::getStaticField(uint16 index) {
JavaObject* val = 0;
llvm_gcroot(val, 0);
Typedef* sign = compilingClass->ctpInfo->infoOfField(index);
LLVMAssessorInfo& LAI = TheCompiler->getTypedefInfo(sign);
Type* type = LAI.llvmType;
Value* ptr = ldResolved(index, true, NULL, LAI.llvmTypePtr);
bool final = false;
JnjvmBootstrapLoader* JBL = compilingClass->classLoader->bootstrapLoader;
if (!compilingMethod->name->equals(JBL->clinitName)) {
JavaField* field = compilingClass->ctpInfo->lookupField(index, true);
if (field && field->classDef->isReady()) final = isFinal(field->access);
if (final) {
if (sign->isPrimitive()) {
const PrimitiveTypedef* prim = (PrimitiveTypedef*)sign;
if (prim->isInt()) {
sint32 val = field->getStaticInt32Field();
push(ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt32Ty(*llvmContext), val), false);
} else if (prim->isByte()) {
sint8 val = (sint8)field->getStaticInt8Field();
push(ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt8Ty(*llvmContext), val), false);
} else if (prim->isBool()) {
uint8 val = (uint8)field->getStaticInt8Field();
push(ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt8Ty(*llvmContext), val), true);
} else if (prim->isShort()) {
sint16 val = (sint16)field->getStaticInt16Field();
push(ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt16Ty(*llvmContext), val), false);
} else if (prim->isChar()) {
uint16 val = (uint16)field->getStaticInt16Field();
push(ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt16Ty(*llvmContext), val), true);
} else if (prim->isLong()) {
sint64 val = (sint64)field->getStaticLongField();
push(ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt64Ty(*llvmContext), val), false);
} else if (prim->isFloat()) {
float val = (float)field->getStaticFloatField();
push(ConstantFP::get(Type::getFloatTy(*llvmContext), val), false);
} else if (prim->isDouble()) {
double val = (double)field->getStaticDoubleField();
push(ConstantFP::get(Type::getDoubleTy(*llvmContext), val), false);
} else {
} else {
if (TheCompiler->isStaticCompiling() && !TheCompiler->useCooperativeGC()) {
val = field->getStaticObjectField();
JnjvmClassLoader* JCL = field->classDef->classLoader;
Value* V = TheCompiler->getFinalObject(val, sign->assocClass(JCL));
CommonClass* cl = vmkit::Collector::begOf(val) ?
JavaObject::getClass(val) : NULL;
push(V, false, cl);
} else {
// Do not call getFinalObject, as the object may move in-between two
// loads of this static.
Value* V = new LoadInst(ptr, "", currentBlock);
JnjvmClassLoader* JCL = compilingClass->classLoader;
push(V, false, sign->findAssocClass(JCL));
if (!final) {
JnjvmClassLoader* JCL = compilingClass->classLoader;
CommonClass* cl = sign->findAssocClass(JCL);
push(new LoadInst(ptr, "", currentBlock), sign->isUnsigned(), cl);
if (type == Type::getInt64Ty(*llvmContext) ||
type == Type::getDoubleTy(*llvmContext)) {
push(intrinsics->constantZero, false);
void JavaJIT::setVirtualField(uint16 index) {
Typedef* sign = compilingClass->ctpInfo->infoOfField(index);
LLVMAssessorInfo& LAI = TheCompiler->getTypedefInfo(sign);
Type* type = LAI.llvmType;
int stackIndex = currentStackIndex - 2;
if (type == Type::getInt64Ty(*llvmContext) ||
type == Type::getDoubleTy(*llvmContext)) {
Value* object = objectStack[stackIndex];
bool thisReference = isThisReference(stackIndex);
Value* ptr = ldResolved(index, false, object, LAI.llvmTypePtr, thisReference);
Value* val = pop();
if (type == Type::getInt64Ty(*llvmContext) ||
type == Type::getDoubleTy(*llvmContext)) {
val = pop();
pop(); // Pop the object
if (type != val->getType()) { // int1, int8, int16
convertValue(val, type, currentBlock, false);
if (vmkit::Collector::needsWriteBarrier() && type == intrinsics->JavaObjectType) {
ptr = new BitCastInst(ptr, intrinsics->ptrPtrType, "", currentBlock);
val = new BitCastInst(val, intrinsics->ptrType, "", currentBlock);
object = new LoadInst(object, "", false, currentBlock);
object = new BitCastInst(object, intrinsics->ptrType, "", currentBlock);
Value* args[3] = { object, ptr, val };
CallInst::Create(intrinsics->FieldWriteBarrierFunction, args, "", currentBlock);
} else {
new StoreInst(val, ptr, false, currentBlock);
void JavaJIT::getVirtualField(uint16 index) {
Typedef* sign = compilingClass->ctpInfo->infoOfField(index);
JnjvmClassLoader* JCL = compilingClass->classLoader;
CommonClass* cl = sign->findAssocClass(JCL);
LLVMAssessorInfo& LAI = TheCompiler->getTypedefInfo(sign);
Type* type = LAI.llvmType;
Value* obj = objectStack[currentStackIndex - 1];
bool thisReference = isThisReference(currentStackIndex - 1);
pop(); // Pop the object
Value* ptr = ldResolved(index, false, obj, LAI.llvmTypePtr, thisReference);
JnjvmBootstrapLoader* JBL = compilingClass->classLoader->bootstrapLoader;
bool final = false;
// In init methods, the fields have not been set yet.
if (!compilingMethod->name->equals(JBL->initName)) {
JavaField* field = compilingClass->ctpInfo->lookupField(index, false);
if (field) {
final = isFinal(field->access) && sign->isPrimitive();
if (final) {
Function* F = 0;
const PrimitiveTypedef* prim = (PrimitiveTypedef*)sign;
if (prim->isInt()) {
F = intrinsics->GetFinalInt32FieldFunction;
} else if (prim->isByte()) {
F = intrinsics->GetFinalInt8FieldFunction;
} else if (prim->isBool()) {
F = intrinsics->GetFinalInt8FieldFunction;
} else if (prim->isShort()) {
F = intrinsics->GetFinalInt16FieldFunction;
} else if (prim->isChar()) {
F = intrinsics->GetFinalInt16FieldFunction;
} else if (prim->isLong()) {
F = intrinsics->GetFinalLongFieldFunction;
} else if (prim->isFloat()) {
F = intrinsics->GetFinalFloatFieldFunction;
} else if (prim->isDouble()) {
F = intrinsics->GetFinalDoubleFieldFunction;
} else {
push(CallInst::Create(F, ptr, "", currentBlock), sign->isUnsigned(), cl);
if (!final) push(new LoadInst(ptr, "", currentBlock), sign->isUnsigned(), cl);
if (type == Type::getInt64Ty(*llvmContext) ||
type == Type::getDoubleTy(*llvmContext)) {
push(intrinsics->constantZero, false);
void JavaJIT::invokeInterface(uint16 index) {
// Do the usual
JavaConstantPool* ctpInfo = compilingClass->ctpInfo;
const UTF8* name = 0;
Signdef* signature = ctpInfo->infoOfInterfaceOrVirtualMethod(index, name);
bool thisReference =
isThisReference(stackSize() - signature->getNumberOfSlots() - 1);
LLVMSignatureInfo* LSI = TheCompiler->getSignatureInfo(signature);
FunctionType* virtualType = LSI->getVirtualType();
PointerType* virtualPtrType = LSI->getVirtualPtrType();
Type* retType = virtualType->getReturnType();
CommonClass* cl = 0;
JavaMethod* meth = 0;
ctpInfo->infoOfMethod(index, ACC_VIRTUAL, cl, meth);
Value* Meth = 0;
if (meth) {
Meth = TheCompiler->getMethodInClass(meth);
} else {
Meth = getConstantPoolAt(index, intrinsics->InterfaceLookupFunction,
intrinsics->JavaMethodType, 0, true);
uint32_t tableIndex = InterfaceMethodTable::getIndex(name, signature->keyName);
Constant* Index = ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt32Ty(*llvmContext),
Value* targetObject = getTarget(signature);
targetObject = new LoadInst(
targetObject, "", false, currentBlock);
if (!thisReference) JITVerifyNull(targetObject);
// TODO: The following code needs more testing.
#if 0
BasicBlock* endBlock = createBasicBlock("end interface invoke");
PHINode * node = PHINode::Create(virtualPtrType, "", endBlock);
BasicBlock* label_bb = createBasicBlock("bb");
BasicBlock* label_bb4 = createBasicBlock("bb4");
BasicBlock* label_bb6 = createBasicBlock("bb6");
BasicBlock* label_bb7 = createBasicBlock("bb7");
// Block entry (label_entry)
Value* VT = CallInst::Create(intrinsics->GetVTFunction, targetObject, "",
Value* IMT = CallInst::Create(intrinsics->GetIMTFunction, VT, "",
Value* indices[2] = { intrinsics->constantZero, Index };
Instruction* ptr_18 = GetElementPtrInst::Create(IMT, indices, "",
Instruction* int32_19 = new LoadInst(ptr_18, "", false, currentBlock);
int32_19 = new PtrToIntInst(int32_19, intrinsics->pointerSizeType, "",
Value* one = ConstantInt::get(intrinsics->pointerSizeType, 1);
Value* zero = ConstantInt::get(intrinsics->pointerSizeType, 0);
BinaryOperator* int32_20 = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::And, int32_19,
one, "", currentBlock);
ICmpInst* int1_toBool = new ICmpInst(*currentBlock, ICmpInst::ICMP_EQ,
int32_20, zero, "toBool");
BranchInst::Create(label_bb, label_bb4, int1_toBool, currentBlock);
// Block bb (label_bb)
currentBlock = label_bb;
CastInst* ptr_22 = new IntToPtrInst(int32_19, virtualPtrType, "", currentBlock);
node->addIncoming(ptr_22, currentBlock);
BranchInst::Create(endBlock, currentBlock);
// Block bb4 (label_bb4)
currentBlock = label_bb4;
Constant* MinusTwo = ConstantInt::get(intrinsics->pointerSizeType, -2);
BinaryOperator* int32_25 = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::And, int32_19,
MinusTwo, "", currentBlock);
PointerType* Ty = PointerType::getUnqual(intrinsics->JavaMethodType);
CastInst* ptr_26 = new IntToPtrInst(int32_25, Ty, "", currentBlock);
LoadInst* int32_27 = new LoadInst(ptr_26, "", false, currentBlock);
ICmpInst* int1_28 = new ICmpInst(*currentBlock, ICmpInst::ICMP_EQ, int32_27,
Meth, "");
BranchInst::Create(label_bb6, label_bb7, int1_28, currentBlock);
// Block bb6 (label_bb6)
currentBlock = label_bb6;
PHINode* ptr_table_0_lcssa = PHINode::Create(Ty, 2, "table.0.lcssa",
ptr_table_0_lcssa->addIncoming(ptr_26, label_bb4);
GetElementPtrInst* ptr_31 = GetElementPtrInst::Create(ptr_table_0_lcssa,
intrinsics->constantOne, "",
LoadInst* int32_32 = new LoadInst(ptr_31, "", false, currentBlock);
CastInst* ptr_33 = new BitCastInst(int32_32, virtualPtrType, "",
node->addIncoming(ptr_33, currentBlock);
BranchInst::Create(endBlock, currentBlock);
// Block bb7 (label_bb7)
currentBlock = label_bb7;
PHINode* int32_indvar = PHINode::Create(Type::getInt32Ty(*llvmContext),
"indvar", currentBlock);
int32_indvar->addIncoming(intrinsics->constantZero, label_bb4);
BinaryOperator* int32_table_010_rec =
BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::Shl, int32_indvar, intrinsics->constantOne,
"table.010.rec", currentBlock);
BinaryOperator* int32__rec =
BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::Add, int32_table_010_rec,
intrinsics->constantTwo, ".rec", currentBlock);
GetElementPtrInst* ptr_37 = GetElementPtrInst::Create(ptr_26, int32__rec, "",
LoadInst* int32_38 = new LoadInst(ptr_37, "", false, currentBlock);
ICmpInst* int1_39 = new ICmpInst(*currentBlock, ICmpInst::ICMP_EQ, int32_38,
Meth, "");
BinaryOperator* int32_indvar_next =
BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::Add, int32_indvar, intrinsics->constantOne,
"", currentBlock);
BranchInst::Create(label_bb6, label_bb7, int1_39, currentBlock);
int32_indvar->addIncoming(int32_indvar_next, currentBlock);
ptr_table_0_lcssa->addIncoming(ptr_37, currentBlock);
currentBlock = endBlock;
std::vector<Value*> Args;
Value* node = invoke(intrinsics->ResolveInterfaceFunction,
Args, "invokeinterface", currentBlock);
node = new BitCastInst(node, virtualPtrType, "", currentBlock);
std::vector<Value*> args; // size = [signature->nbIn + 3];
FunctionType::param_iterator it = virtualType->param_end();
makeArgs(it, index, args, signature->nbArguments + 1);
Value* ret = invoke(node, args, "", currentBlock);
if (retType != Type::getVoidTy(*llvmContext)) {
if (ret->getType() == intrinsics->JavaObjectType) {
JnjvmClassLoader* JCL = compilingClass->classLoader;
push(ret, false, signature->getReturnType()->findAssocClass(JCL));
} else {
push(ret, signature->getReturnType()->isUnsigned());
if (retType == Type::getDoubleTy(*llvmContext) ||
retType == Type::getInt64Ty(*llvmContext)) {
push(intrinsics->constantZero, false);
DebugLoc JavaJIT::CreateLocation() {
DebugLoc DL = DebugLoc::get(currentBytecodeIndex, 0, DbgSubprogram);
return DL;
Instruction* JavaJIT::invoke(Value *F, std::vector<llvm::Value*>& args,
const char* Name,
BasicBlock *InsertAtEnd) {
BasicBlock* ifException = NULL;
if (jmpBuffer != NULL) {
BasicBlock* doCall = createBasicBlock("Perform call");
ifException = createBasicBlock("Exception thrown");
Instruction* check = CallInst::Create(intrinsics->SetjmpFunction, jmpBuffer, "", currentBlock);
check = new ICmpInst(*currentBlock, ICmpInst::ICMP_EQ, check, intrinsics->constantZero, "");
BranchInst::Create(doCall, ifException, check, currentBlock);
currentBlock = doCall;
CallInst::Create(intrinsics->RegisterSetjmpFunction, jmpBuffer, "", currentBlock);
Instruction* res = CallInst::Create(F, args, Name, currentBlock);
DebugLoc DL = CreateLocation();
if (jmpBuffer != NULL) {
CallInst::Create(intrinsics->UnregisterSetjmpFunction, jmpBuffer, "", currentBlock);
BasicBlock* ifNormal = createBasicBlock("no exception block");
BranchInst::Create(ifNormal, currentBlock);
currentBlock = ifException;
CallInst::Create(intrinsics->UnregisterSetjmpFunction, jmpBuffer, "", currentBlock);
BranchInst::Create(currentExceptionBlock, currentBlock);
currentBlock = ifNormal;
return res;
Instruction* JavaJIT::invoke(Value *F, Value* arg1, const char* Name,
BasicBlock *InsertAtEnd) {
std::vector<Value*> args;
return invoke(F, args, Name, InsertAtEnd);
Instruction* JavaJIT::invoke(Value *F, Value* arg1, Value* arg2,
const char* Name, BasicBlock *InsertAtEnd) {
std::vector<Value*> args;
return invoke(F, args, Name, InsertAtEnd);
Instruction* JavaJIT::invoke(Value *F, const char* Name,
BasicBlock *InsertAtEnd) {
std::vector<Value*> args;
return invoke(F, args, Name, InsertAtEnd);
void JavaJIT::throwException(Value* obj, bool checkNull) {
if (checkNull) JITVerifyNull(obj);
if (nbHandlers == 0) {
CallInst::Create(intrinsics->ThrowExceptionFunction, obj, "", currentBlock);
new UnreachableInst(*llvmContext, currentBlock);
} else {
Value* javaExceptionPtr = getJavaExceptionPtr(getJavaThreadPtr(getMutatorThreadPtr()));
if (vmkit::Collector::needsNonHeapWriteBarrier()) {
Instruction* ptr = new BitCastInst(javaExceptionPtr, intrinsics->ptrPtrType, "", currentBlock);
Instruction* val = new BitCastInst(obj, intrinsics->ptrType, "", currentBlock);
Value* args[2] = { ptr, val };
CallInst::Create(intrinsics->NonHeapWriteBarrierFunction, args, "", currentBlock);
} else {
new StoreInst(obj, javaExceptionPtr, currentBlock);
BranchInst::Create(currentExceptionBlock, currentBlock);
void JavaJIT::throwRuntimeException(llvm::Function* F, Value* arg1) {
Value* args[1] = { arg1 };
throwRuntimeException(F, args, 1);
void JavaJIT::throwRuntimeException(llvm::Function* F, Value** args, uint32 nbArgs) {
Instruction* obj = CallInst::Create(F, ArrayRef<Value*>(args, nbArgs), "exceptionObject", currentBlock);
DebugLoc DL = CreateLocation();
throwException(obj, false);
/// Handler - This class represents an exception handler. It is only needed
/// when parsing the .class file in the JIT, therefore it is only defined
/// here. The readExceptionTable function is the only function that makes
/// use of this class.
struct Handler {
/// startpc - The bytecode number that begins the try clause.
uint32 startpc;
/// endpc - The bytecode number that ends the try clause.
uint32 endpc;
/// handlerpc - The bytecode number where the handler code starts.
uint32 handlerpc;
/// catche - Index in the constant pool of the exception class.
uint16 catche;
/// catchClass - The class of the exception: it must always be loaded before
/// reading the exception table so that we do not throw an exception
/// when compiling.
UserClass* catchClass;
/// tester - The basic block that tests if the exception is handled by this
/// handler. If the handler is not the first of a list of handlers with the
/// same range, than this block is the catcher block. Otherwise, it is the
/// destination of the catcher block and of the handlers that do not handler
/// the exception.
llvm::BasicBlock* tester;
/// javaHandler - The Java code that handles the exception. At this point, we
/// know we have caught and are handling the exception. The Java exception
/// object is the PHI node that begins this block.
llvm::BasicBlock* javaHandler;
unsigned JavaJIT::readExceptionTable(Reader& reader, uint32 codeLen) {
// This function uses currentBlock to simplify things. We save the current
// value of currentBlock to restore it at the end of the function
BasicBlock* temp = currentBlock;
sint16 nbe = reader.readU2();
sint16 sync = isSynchro(compilingMethod->access) ? 1 : 0;
nbe += sync;
vmkit::ThreadAllocator allocator;
// Loop over all handlers in the bytecode to initialize their values.
Handler* handlers =
(Handler*)allocator.Allocate(sizeof(Handler) * (nbe - sync));
for (uint16 i = 0; i < nbe - sync; ++i) {
Handler* ex = &handlers[i];
ex->startpc = reader.readU2();
ex->endpc = reader.readU2();
ex->handlerpc = reader.readU2();
opcodeInfos[ex->handlerpc].isReachable = true;
ex->catche = reader.readU2();
if (ex->catche) {
UserClass* cl =
// When loading the class, we made sure that all exception classes
// were loaded, so cl must have a value.
assert(cl && "exception class has not been loaded");
ex->catchClass = cl;
} else {
ex->catchClass = Classpath::newThrowable;
ex->tester = createBasicBlock("testException");
// Set the unwind destination of the instructions in the range of this
// handler to the test block of the handler. If an instruction already has
// a handler and thus is not the synchronize or regular end handler block,
// leave it as-is.
for (uint16 i = ex->startpc; i < ex->endpc; ++i) {
if (opcodeInfos[i].exceptionBlock == endExceptionBlock) {
opcodeInfos[i].exceptionBlock = ex->tester;
//opcodeInfos[i].handlerPC = ex->handlerpc;
// If the handler pc does not already have a block, create a new one.
if (!(opcodeInfos[ex->handlerpc].newBlock)) {
opcodeInfos[ex->handlerpc].newBlock = createBasicBlock("javaHandler");
// Set the Java handler for this exception.
ex->javaHandler = opcodeInfos[ex->handlerpc].newBlock;
opcodeInfos[ex->handlerpc].handler = true;
// Loop over all handlers to implement their tester.
for (sint16 i = 0; i < nbe - sync; ++i) {
Handler* cur = &handlers[i];
BasicBlock* bbNext = 0;
currentExceptionBlock = opcodeInfos[cur->handlerpc].exceptionBlock;
// Look out where we go if we're not the handler for the exception.
if (i + 1 != nbe - sync) {
Handler* next = &handlers[i + 1];
if (!(cur->startpc >= next->startpc && cur->endpc <= next->endpc)) {
// If there is no handler to go to (either one that has the same range
// or one that contains the range), then we jump to the end handler.
bbNext = endExceptionBlock;
} else {
// If there's a handler to goto, we jump to its tester block and record
// the exception PHI node to give our exception to the tester.
bbNext = next->tester;
} else {
// If there's no handler after us, we jump to the end handler.
bbNext = endExceptionBlock;
currentBlock = cur->tester;
assert(cur->catchClass &&
"Class not loaded when reading the exception table");
Value* VTVar = TheCompiler->getVirtualTable(cur->catchClass->virtualVT);
// Get the Java exception.
Value* javaExceptionPtr = getJavaExceptionPtr(getJavaThreadPtr(getMutatorThreadPtr()));
Value* obj = new LoadInst(javaExceptionPtr, "pendingException", currentBlock);
Value* objVT = CallInst::Create(intrinsics->GetVTFunction, obj, "objectVT",
uint32 depth = cur->catchClass->virtualVT->depth;
Value* depthCl = ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt32Ty(*llvmContext), depth);
Value* cmp = 0;
if (depth >= JavaVirtualTable::getDisplayLength()) {
Value* classArgs[2] = { objVT, VTVar };
if (TheCompiler->isStaticCompiling())
cmp = CallInst::Create(intrinsics->IsSecondaryClassFunction,
classArgs, "isSecondaryClass", currentBlock);
cmp = CallInst::Create(intrinsics->IsSecondaryClassFunctionInner,
classArgs, "isSecondaryClass", currentBlock);
} else {
Value* inDisplay = CallInst::Create(intrinsics->GetDisplayFunction,
objVT, "objectDisplay", currentBlock);
Value* displayArgs[2] = { inDisplay, depthCl };
Value* VTInDisplay = CallInst::Create(intrinsics->GetVTInDisplayFunction,
displayArgs, "objectVTInDisplay", currentBlock);
cmp = new ICmpInst(*currentBlock, ICmpInst::ICMP_EQ, VTInDisplay, VTVar,
// If we are catching this exception, then jump to the Java Handler,
// otherwise jump to our next handler.
BranchInst::Create(cur->javaHandler, bbNext, cmp, currentBlock);
currentBlock = cur->javaHandler;
// Restore currentBlock.
currentBlock = temp;
return nbe;
void JavaJIT::finishExceptions() {
pred_iterator PI = pred_begin(endExceptionBlock);
pred_iterator PE = pred_end(endExceptionBlock);
if (PI == PE) {
} else {
if (endNode) {
BranchInst::Create(endBlock, endExceptionBlock);
PI = pred_begin(unifiedUnreachable);
PE = pred_end(unifiedUnreachable);
if (PI == PE) {
} else {
new UnreachableInst(*llvmContext, unifiedUnreachable);
for (Function::iterator BI = llvmFunction->begin(), BE = llvmFunction->end();
BI != BE; BI++) {
PI = pred_begin(BI);
PE = pred_end(BI);
if (PI == PE) {
Instruction* insn = BI->begin();
PHINode* node = dyn_cast<PHINode>(insn);
if (node) {
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