blob: e9b84f5e1c07e2a46d027fa337f04bad0563ebb7 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-------- Classpath.h - Configuration for classpath -------------------===//
// The VMKit project
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// Historically has been included here, keep it for now
#include "j3/jni.h"
#include "vmkit/System.h"
// GNU Classpath values
#define GNUClasspathLibs "@classpathlibs@"
#define GNUClasspathGlibj "@classpathglibj@"
#define GNUClasspathVersion "@classpathversion@"
#define ClasslibBootEnv GNUClasspathGlibj
#define ClasslibLibEnv GNUClasspathLibs
// OpenJDK values
#define OpenJDKPath "@openjdkpath@"
// Select which architecture directory name to use
#if ARCH_X86
#define OpenJDKArchComp "i386"
#elif ARCH_X64
#define OpenJDKArchComp "amd64"
#error "Unsupported architecture"
// Build various other paths from OpenJDKPath
// Done this way to make them compile-time constants.
#define OpenJDKJRE OpenJDKPath "/jre"
#define OpenJDKArchDir OpenJDKJRE "/lib/" OpenJDKArchComp
#define OpenJDKLibJava OpenJDKArchDir "/"
#define OpenJDKExtDirs OpenJDKJRE "/lib/ext"
// Search path for native library files
#define OpenJDKSystemLibPaths "/lib:/lib64:/usr/lib:/usr/lib64"
#define OpenJDKLibPath \
OpenJDKArchDir \
":" OpenJDKArchDir "/server/" \
":" OpenJDKSystemLibPaths
// Bootstrap path. Defined in JavaUpcalls.cpp to add VMString location.
extern const char * OpenJDKBootPath;
#define ClasslibBootEnv OpenJDKBootPath
#define ClasslibLibEnv OpenJDKLibPath
#endif // USE_OPENJDK