blob: 0714c5e51648aae253baad370b02fac80d9eb0f9 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only %s 2>&1| FileCheck %s
// Note that the error count below doesn't matter. We just want to
// make sure that the parser doesn't crash.
// CHECK: 15 errors
// PR7511
struct int_;
template<int,typename T1,typename>
struct ac
typedef T1 ae
template<class>struct aaa
typedef ac<1,int,int>::ae ae
struct state_machine
typedef aaa<int>::ae aaa;
int start()
struct region_processing_helper
struct In;
template<int my>
struct In<a::int_<aaa::a>,my>;
template<class Event>
int process(Event)
In<a::int_<0> > a;
template<class Event>
int ant(Event)
region_processing_helper<int>* helper;
int a()
state_machine<int> p;
// PR9974
template <int> struct enable_if;
template <class > struct remove_reference ;
template <class _Tp> struct remove_reference<_Tp&> ;
template <class > struct __tuple_like;
template <class _Tp, class _Up, int = __tuple_like<typename remove_reference<_Tp>::type>::value>
struct __tuple_convertible;
struct pair
template<class _Tuple, int = enable_if<__tuple_convertible<_Tuple, pair>::value>::type>
pair(_Tuple&& );
template <class> struct basic_ostream;
template <int>
void endl( ) ;
extern basic_ostream<char> cout;
int operator<<( basic_ostream<char> , pair ) ;
void register_object_imp ( )
cout << endl<1>;
// PR12933
namespacae PR12933 {
template<typename S>
template<typename T>
void function(S a, T b) {}
int main() {
function(0, 1);
return 0;
// A buildbot failure from libcxx
namespace libcxx_test {
template <class _Ptr, bool> struct __pointer_traits_element_type;
template <class _Ptr> struct __pointer_traits_element_type<_Ptr, true>;
template <template <class, class...> class _Sp, class _Tp, class ..._Args> struct __pointer_traits_element_type<_Sp<_Tp, _Args...>, true> {
typedef char type;
template <class T> struct B {};
__pointer_traits_element_type<B<int>, true>::type x;