blob: 2fd54c714394be49335235e477a46ee0af303a9f [file] [log] [blame]
//===- PageManager.h - Allocates memory on page boundaries ------*- C++ -*-===//
// The SAFECode Compiler
// This file was developed by the LLVM research group and is distributed under
// the University of Illinois Open Source License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file defines the interface used by the pool allocator to allocate memory
// on large alignment boundaries.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <vector>
namespace llvm {
// Value used to initialize memory. We use zero because, when repeated, it
// maps to an unmapped virtual address on nearly any operating system.
static const unsigned initvalue = 0x00;
/// PageMultipler - This variable holds the ratio between physical pages and
/// the number of pages returned by AllocatePage.
/// NOTE:
/// The size of a page returned from AllocatePage *must* be under 64K. This
/// is because the pool slab using 16 bit integers to index into the slab.
#define PAGEMULT 16
static const unsigned int PageMultiplier=PAGEMULT;
/// NumToAllocate - This variable specifies the number of pages of size
/// PageMultipler to allocate at a time.
static const unsigned NumToAllocate = 8;
/// NumShadows - This variable specifies the number of shadows that should be
/// created automatically for every piece of memory created by AllocatePage().
static const unsigned int NumShadows=4;
/// InitializePageManager - This function must be called before any other page
/// manager accesses are performed. It may be called multiple times.
void InitializePageManager();
void *GetPages(unsigned NumPages);
/// PageSize - Contains the size of the unit of memory allocated by
/// AllocatePage. This is a value that is typically several kilobytes in size,
/// and is guaranteed to be a power of two.
extern "C" uintptr_t PageSize;
/// PPageSize - Contains the size of a single physical page. This is the
/// smallest granularity at which virtual memory operations can be performed.
extern uintptr_t PPageSize;
/// AllocatePage - This function returns a chunk of memory with size and
/// alignment specified by getPageSize().
void * AllocatePage();
// RemapObject - This function is used by the dangling pool allocator in order
// to remap canonical pages to shadow pages.
void * RemapObject(void* va, unsigned NumByte);
/// AllocateNPages - Allocates Num number of pages
void *AllocateNPages(unsigned Num);
// MProtectPage - Protects Page passed in by argument, raising an exception
// or traps at future access to Page
void MProtectPage(void * Page, unsigned NumPages);
// ProtectShadowPage - Protects shadow page that begins at beginAddr, spanning
// over NumPages
void ProtectShadowPage(void * beginPage, unsigned NumPPages);
// UnprotectShadowPage - Unprotects the shadow page in the event of fault when
// accessing protected shadow page in order to
// resume execution
void UnprotectShadowPage(void * beginPage, unsigned NumPPage);
/// FreePage - This function returns the specified page to the pagemanager for
/// future allocation.
void FreePage(void *Page);
// The set of free memory pages we retrieved from the OS.
typedef std::vector<void*> FreePagesListType;
extern FreePagesListType FreePages;