blob: e68ee77f18b63e62ca703b74bcff74eea360be3b [file] [log] [blame]
//===- PoolSlab.h - --*- C++ -*--------------------------------------------===//
// The SAFECode Compiler
// This file was developed by the LLVM research group and is distributed under
// the University of Illinois Open Source License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file declares the interfaces of slabs which used by pool allocators.
// This uses the 'Ptr1' field to maintain a linked list of slabs that are either
// empty or are partially allocated from. The 'Ptr2' field of the PoolTy is
// used to track a linked list of slabs which are full, ie, all elements have
// been allocated from them.
#ifndef _POOLSLAB_H_
#define _POOLSLAB_H_
#include "../include/BitmapAllocator.h"
#include "../include/PageManager.h"
#include <cassert>
namespace llvm {
// PoolSlab implementation
// PoolSlab Structure - Hold multiple objects of the current node type.
// Invariants: FirstUnused <= UsedEnd
struct PoolSlab {
PoolSlab **PrevPtr, *Next;
bool isSingleArray; // If this slab is used for exactly one array
unsigned allocated; // Number of bytes allocated
PoolSlab * Canonical; // For stack slabs, the canonical page
// FirstUnused - First empty node in slab
unsigned short FirstUnused;
// UsedBegin - The first node in the slab that is used.
unsigned short UsedBegin;
// UsedEnd - 1 past the last allocated node in slab. 0 if slab is empty
unsigned short UsedEnd;
// NumNodesInSlab - This contains the number of nodes in this slab, which
// effects the size of the NodeFlags vector, and indicates the number of nodes
// which are in the slab.
unsigned int NumNodesInSlab;
// Size of Slab - For single array slabs, specifies the size of the slab in
// bytes from beginning to end (including slab header).
unsigned int SizeOfSlab;
// NodeFlagsVector - This array contains two bits for each node in this pool
// slab. The first (low address) bit indicates whether this node has been
// allocated, and the second (next higher) bit indicates whether this is the
// start of an allocation.
// This is a variable sized array, which has 2*NumNodesInSlab bits (rounded up
// to 4 bytes).
unsigned NodeFlagsVector[1];
bool isNodeAllocated(unsigned NodeNum) {
return NodeFlagsVector[NodeNum/16] & (1 << (NodeNum & 15));
void markNodeAllocated(unsigned NodeNum) {
NodeFlagsVector[NodeNum/16] |= 1 << (NodeNum & 15);
void markNodeFree(unsigned NodeNum) {
NodeFlagsVector[NodeNum/16] &= ~(1 << (NodeNum & 15));
void setStartBit(unsigned NodeNum) {
NodeFlagsVector[NodeNum/16] |= 1 << ((NodeNum & 15)+16);
bool isStartOfAllocation(unsigned NodeNum) {
return NodeFlagsVector[NodeNum/16] & (1 << ((NodeNum & 15)+16));
void clearStartBit(unsigned NodeNum) {
NodeFlagsVector[NodeNum/16] &= ~(1 << ((NodeNum & 15)+16));
void assertOkay (void) {
assert (FirstUnused <= UsedEnd);
assert ((UsedEnd == getSlabSize()) || (!isNodeAllocated(UsedEnd)));
assert ((FirstUnused == getSlabSize()) || (!isNodeAllocated(FirstUnused)));
// create - Create a new (empty) slab and add it to the end of the Pools list.
static PoolSlab *create(BitmapPoolTy *Pool);
// createSingleArray - Create a slab for a large singlearray with NumNodes
// entries in it, returning the pointer into the pool directly.
static void *createSingleArray(BitmapPoolTy *Pool, unsigned NumNodes);
// getSlabSize - Return the number of nodes that each slab should contain.
static unsigned getSlabSize(BitmapPoolTy *Pool) {
// We need space for the header...
unsigned NumNodes = PageSize-sizeof(PoolSlab);
// We need space for the NodeFlags...
// We unconditionally round up a byte. We should only do that if
// necessary.
unsigned NodeFlagsBytes = (NumNodes/Pool->NodeSize * 2 / 8) + 1;
NumNodes -= (NodeFlagsBytes+3) & ~3; // Round up to int boundaries.
// Divide the remainder among the nodes!
return NumNodes / Pool->NodeSize;
void addToList(PoolSlab **PrevPtrPtr) {
PoolSlab *InsertBefore = *PrevPtrPtr;
*PrevPtrPtr = this;
PrevPtr = PrevPtrPtr;
Next = InsertBefore;
if (InsertBefore) InsertBefore->PrevPtr = &Next;
void unlinkFromList() {
*PrevPtr = Next;
if (Next) Next->PrevPtr = PrevPtr;
unsigned getSlabSize() const {
return NumNodesInSlab;
// destroy - Release the memory for the current object.
void destroy();
// isEmpty - This is a quick check to see if this slab is completely empty or
// not.
bool isEmpty() const { return UsedEnd == 0; }
// isFull - This is a quick check to see if the slab is completely allocated.
bool isFull() const { return isSingleArray || (FirstUnused == getSlabSize()); }
// allocateSingle - Allocate a single element from this pool, returning -1 if
// there is no space.
int allocateSingle();
// allocateMultiple - Allocate multiple contiguous elements from this pool,
// returning -1 if there is no space.
int allocateMultiple(unsigned Num);
// getElementAddress - Return the address of the specified element.
void *getElementAddress(unsigned ElementNum, unsigned ElementSize) {
char *Data = (char*)&NodeFlagsVector[((unsigned)NumNodesInSlab+15)/16];
return &Data[ElementNum*ElementSize];
const void *getElementAddress(unsigned ElementNum, unsigned ElementSize)const{
const char *Data =
(const char *)&NodeFlagsVector[(unsigned)(NumNodesInSlab+15)/16];
return &Data[ElementNum*ElementSize];
// containsElement - Return the element number of the specified address in
// this slab. If the address is not in slab, return -1.
int containsElement(void *Ptr, unsigned ElementSize) const;
// freeElement - Free the single node, small array, or entire array indicated.
void freeElement(unsigned short ElementIdx);
// getSize --- size of an allocation
unsigned getSize(void *Node, unsigned ElementSize);
// lastNodeAllocated - Return one past the last node in the pool which is
// before ScanIdx, that is allocated. If there are no allocated nodes in this
// slab before ScanIdx, return 0.
unsigned lastNodeAllocated(unsigned ScanIdx);
// StackSlab implementation
// Structure: StackSlab
// Description:
// A stack slab is similar to a pool slab but simple and smaller. It is used
// for stack allocations that have been promoted to the heap.
struct StackSlab {
// Pointer to canonical address of stack slab
StackSlab * Canonical;
// Pointers for linking in the stack slab
StackSlab **PrevPtr, *Next;
// Top of stack
unsigned int * tos;
// Data for the stack
unsigned int data[1020];
static StackSlab *create (void * p) {
StackSlab *SS = (StackSlab*) p;
SS->tos = &(SS->data[0]);
return SS;
unsigned char * allocate (unsigned int size) {
// We will return a pointer to the current top of stack.
unsigned char * retvalue = (unsigned char *) (tos);
// Adjust the top of stack down to the next free object.
size = (size + 3) & (~3u);
unsigned int NumberOfInts = size / sizeof (unsigned int);
tos += NumberOfInts;
assert (tos < &(data[1020]));
return retvalue;
void clear (void) {
tos = data;
void addToList(StackSlab **PrevPtrPtr) {
StackSlab *InsertBefore = *PrevPtrPtr;
*PrevPtrPtr = this;
PrevPtr = PrevPtrPtr;
Next = InsertBefore;
if (InsertBefore) InsertBefore->PrevPtr = &Next;
void unlinkFromList() {
*PrevPtr = Next;
if (Next) Next->PrevPtr = PrevPtr;