blob: dc44bc3af5866ee70270159443e58d4ef5f41a6c [file] [log] [blame]
//===- PoolSlab.cpp - -----------------------------------------*- C++ -*---===//
// The SAFECode Compiler
// This file was developed by the LLVM research group and is distributed under
// the University of Illinois Open Source License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file implements slabs of pool allocators.
#include "PoolSlab.h"
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
namespace llvm {
// create - Create a new (empty) slab and add it to the end of the Pools list.
PoolSlab *
PoolSlab::create(BitmapPoolTy *Pool) {
unsigned NodesPerSlab = getSlabSize(Pool);
#ifndef NDEBUG
unsigned Size = sizeof(PoolSlab) + 4*((NodesPerSlab+15)/16) +
assert(Size <= PageSize && "Trying to allocate a slab larger than a page!");
PoolSlab *PS = (PoolSlab*)AllocatePage();
assert(PS && "Allocating a page failed!");
memset(PS, 0, sizeof(PoolSlab));
PS->NumNodesInSlab = NodesPerSlab;
PS->isSingleArray = 0; // Not a single array!
PS->FirstUnused = 0; // Nothing allocated.
PS->UsedBegin = 0; // Nothing allocated.
PS->UsedEnd = 0; // Nothing allocated.
PS->allocated = 0; // No bytes allocated.
for (unsigned i = 0; i < PS->getSlabSize(); ++i)
// Add the slab to the list...
// printf(" creating a slab %x\n", PS);
return PS;
void *
PoolSlab::createSingleArray(BitmapPoolTy *Pool, unsigned NumNodes) {
// FIXME: This wastes memory by allocating space for the NodeFlagsVector
unsigned NodesPerSlab = getSlabSize(Pool);
assert(NumNodes > NodesPerSlab && "No need to create a single array!");
unsigned NumPages = (NumNodes+NodesPerSlab-1)/NodesPerSlab;
PoolSlab *PS = (PoolSlab*)AllocateNPages(NumPages);
assert(PS && "poolalloc: Could not allocate memory!");
if (Pool->NumSlabs > BitmapPoolTy::AddrArrSize)
else if (Pool->NumSlabs == BitmapPoolTy::AddrArrSize) {
// Create the hash_set
Pool->Slabs = new std::set<void *>;
Pool->Slabs->insert((void *)PS);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < BitmapPoolTy::AddrArrSize; ++i)
Pool->Slabs->insert((void *) Pool->SlabAddressArray[i]);
} else {
// Insert it in the array
Pool->SlabAddressArray[Pool->NumSlabs] = PS;
PS->allocated = 0xffffffff; // No bytes allocated.
PS->isSingleArray = 1;
PS->NumNodesInSlab = NodesPerSlab;
PS->SizeOfSlab = (NumPages * PageSize);
PS->FirstUnused = NumPages;
return PS->getElementAddress(0, 0);
PoolSlab::destroy() {
if (isSingleArray)
for (unsigned NumPages = FirstUnused; NumPages != 1;--NumPages)
FreePage((char*)this + (NumPages-1)*PageSize);
// allocateSingle - Allocate a single element from this pool, returning -1 if
// there is no space.
PoolSlab::allocateSingle() {
// If the slab is a single array, go on to the next slab. Don't allocate
// single nodes in a SingleArray slab.
if (isSingleArray) return -1;
unsigned SlabSize = getSlabSize();
// Check to see if there are empty entries at the end of the slab...
if (UsedEnd < SlabSize) {
// Mark the returned entry used
unsigned short UE = UsedEnd;
// If we are allocating out the first unused field, bump its index also
if (FirstUnused == UE) {
// Updated the UsedBegin field if necessary
if (UsedBegin > UE) UsedBegin = UE;
// Return the entry, increment UsedEnd field.
allocated += 1;
return UE;
// If not, check to see if this node has a declared "FirstUnused" value that
// is less than the number of nodes allocated...
if (FirstUnused < SlabSize) {
// Successfully allocate out the first unused node
unsigned Idx = FirstUnused;
// Increment FirstUnused to point to the new first unused value...
// FIXME: this should be optimized
unsigned short FU = FirstUnused;
do {
} while ((FU != SlabSize) && (isNodeAllocated(FU)));
FirstUnused = FU;
// Updated the UsedBegin field if necessary
if (UsedBegin > Idx) UsedBegin = Idx;
allocated += 1;
return Idx;
return -1;
// Method: allocateMultiple()
// Description:
// Allocate multiple contiguous elements from this pool.
// Inputs:
// Size - The number of *nodes* to allocate from this slab.
// Return value:
// -1 - There is no space for an allocation of this size in the slab.
// -1 - An attempt was made to use this method on a single array slab.
// Otherwise, the index number of the first free node in the slab is returned.
PoolSlab::allocateMultiple(unsigned Size) {
// Do not allocate small arrays in SingleArray slabs
if (isSingleArray) return -1;
// For small array allocation, check to see if there are empty entries at the
// end of the slab...
if (UsedEnd+Size <= getSlabSize()) {
// Mark the returned entry used and set the start bit
unsigned UE = UsedEnd;
for (unsigned i = UE; i != UE+Size; ++i)
// If we are allocating out the first unused field, bump its index also
if (FirstUnused == UE)
FirstUnused += Size;
// Updated the UsedBegin field if necessary
if (UsedBegin > UE) UsedBegin = UE;
// Increment UsedEnd
UsedEnd += Size;
// Return the entry
allocated += Size;
return UE;
// If not, check to see if this node has a declared "FirstUnused" value
// starting which Size nodes can be allocated
unsigned Idx = FirstUnused;
while (Idx+Size <= getSlabSize()) {
assert(!isNodeAllocated(Idx) && "FirstUsed is not accurate!");
// Check if there is a continuous array of Size nodes starting FirstUnused
unsigned LastUnused = Idx+1;
for (; (LastUnused != Idx+Size) && (!isNodeAllocated(LastUnused)); ++LastUnused)
// If we found an unused section of this pool which is large enough, USE IT!
if (LastUnused == Idx+Size) {
// FIXME: this loop can be made more efficient!
for (unsigned i = Idx; i != Idx + Size; ++i)
// This should not be allocating on the end of the pool, so we don't need
// to bump the UsedEnd pointer.
assert(Idx != UsedEnd && "Shouldn't allocate at end of pool!");
// If we are allocating out the first unused field, bump its index also.
if (Idx == FirstUnused) {
unsigned SlabSize = getSlabSize();
unsigned i;
for (i = FirstUnused+Size; i < UsedEnd; ++i) {
if (!isNodeAllocated(i)) {
FirstUnused = i;
if (isNodeAllocated(i))
FirstUnused = SlabSize;
// Updated the UsedBegin field if necessary
if (UsedBegin > Idx) UsedBegin = Idx;
// Return the entry
allocated += Size;
return Idx;
// Otherwise, try later in the pool. Find the next unused entry.
Idx = LastUnused;
while (Idx+Size <= getSlabSize() && isNodeAllocated(Idx))
return -1;
// getSize
unsigned PoolSlab::getSize(void *Ptr, unsigned ElementSize) {
if (isSingleArray) abort();
const void *FirstElement = getElementAddress(0, 0);
if (FirstElement <= Ptr) {
unsigned Delta = (char*)Ptr-(char*)FirstElement;
unsigned Index = Delta/ElementSize;
if (Index < getSlabSize()) {
//we have the index now do something like free
assert(isStartOfAllocation(Index) &&
"poolrealloc: Attempt to realloc from the middle of allocated array\n");
unsigned short ElementEndIdx = Index + 1;
// FIXME: This should use manual strength reduction to produce decent code.
unsigned short UE = UsedEnd;
while (ElementEndIdx != UE &&
!isStartOfAllocation(ElementEndIdx) &&
isNodeAllocated(ElementEndIdx)) {
return (ElementEndIdx - Index);
if (logregs)
fprintf(stderr, "PoolSlab::getSize failed!\n");
// Method: containsElement()
// Description:
// Return the element number of the specified address in this slab. If the
// address is not in slab, return -1.
PoolSlab::containsElement(void *Ptr, unsigned ElementSize) const {
const void *FirstElement = getElementAddress(0, 0);
// If the pointer is less than the first element of the slab, then it is
// not within the slab at all.
if (FirstElement <= Ptr) {
// Calculate the offet, in bytes, of the pointer from the beginning of the
// slab.
unsigned Delta = (char*)Ptr-(char*)FirstElement;
// If this array is a single array and the pointer is within the bounds of
// the slab, then simply return the offset of the pointer divided by the
// size of each element.
if (isSingleArray) {
if (Delta < SizeOfSlab) {
return Delta/ElementSize;
unsigned Index = Delta/ElementSize;
if (Index < getSlabSize()) {
if (Delta % ElementSize != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Freeing pointer into the middle of an element!\n");
return Index;
// The pointer is not within a slab.
return -1;
// freeElement - Free the single node, small array, or entire array indicated.
PoolSlab::freeElement(unsigned short ElementIdx) {
if (!isNodeAllocated(ElementIdx)) return;
// assert(isNodeAllocated(ElementIdx) &&
// "poolfree: Attempt to free node that is already freed\n");
#if 0
assert(!isSingleArray && "Cannot free an element from a single array!");
#if 0
if (isSingleArray) {
// Mark this element as being free!
// If this slab is not a SingleArray
assert(isStartOfAllocation(ElementIdx) &&
"poolfree: Attempt to free middle of allocated array\n");
// Free the first cell
// Free all nodes if this was a small array allocation.
unsigned short ElementEndIdx = ElementIdx + 1;
// FIXME: This should use manual strength reduction to produce decent code.
unsigned short UE = UsedEnd;
while (ElementEndIdx != UE &&
!isStartOfAllocation(ElementEndIdx) &&
isNodeAllocated(ElementEndIdx)) {
// Update the first free field if this node is below the free node line
if (ElementIdx < FirstUnused) FirstUnused = ElementIdx;
// Update the first used field if this node was the first used.
if (ElementIdx == UsedBegin) UsedBegin = ElementEndIdx;
// If we are freeing the last element in a slab, shrink the UsedEnd marker
// down to the last used node.
if (ElementEndIdx == UE) {
#if 0
printf("FU: %d, UB: %d, UE: %d FREED: [%d-%d)",
FirstUnused, UsedBegin, UsedEnd, ElementIdx, ElementEndIdx);
// If the user is freeing the slab entirely in-order, it's quite possible
// that all nodes are free in the slab. If this is the case, simply reset
// our pointers.
if (UsedBegin == UE) {
FirstUnused = 0;
UsedBegin = 0;
UsedEnd = 0;
} else if (FirstUnused == ElementIdx) {
// Freed the last node(s) in this slab.
FirstUnused = ElementIdx;
UsedEnd = ElementIdx;
} else {
UsedEnd = lastNodeAllocated(ElementIdx);
if (FirstUnused > UsedEnd) FirstUnused = UsedEnd;
assert(FirstUnused <= UsedEnd+1 &&
"FirstUnused field was out of date!");
PoolSlab::lastNodeAllocated(unsigned ScanIdx) {
// Check the last few nodes in the current word of flags...
unsigned CurWord = ScanIdx/16;
unsigned short Flags = NodeFlagsVector[CurWord] & 0xFFFF;
if (Flags) {
// Mask off nodes above this one
Flags &= (1 << ((ScanIdx & 15)+1))-1;
if (Flags) {
// If there is still something in the flags vector, then there is a node
// allocated in this part. The goto is a hack to get the uncommonly
// executed code away from the common code path.
//printf("A: ");
goto ContainsAllocatedNode;
// Ok, the top word doesn't contain anything, scan the whole flag words now.
while (CurWord != ~0U) {
Flags = NodeFlagsVector[CurWord] & 0xFFFF;
if (Flags) {
// There must be a node allocated in this word!
//printf("B: ");
goto ContainsAllocatedNode;
return 0;
// Figure out exactly which node is allocated in this word now. The node
// allocated is the one with the highest bit set in 'Flags'.
// This should use __builtin_clz to get the value, but this builtin is only
// available with GCC 3.4 and above. :(
assert(Flags && "Should have allocated node!");
unsigned short MSB;
MSB = 16 - ::__builtin_clz(Flags);
for (MSB = 15; (Flags & (1U << MSB)) == 0; --MSB)
assert((1U << MSB) & Flags); // The bit should be set
assert((~(1U << MSB) & Flags) < Flags);// Removing it should make flag smaller
ScanIdx = CurWord*16 + MSB;
return (ScanIdx+1);