blob: 8e169d13a395f27aa73c4b4e9d79b599447736b0 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- PoolAllocatorBitMask.cpp - Implementation of poolallocator runtime -===//
// The SAFECode Compiler
// This file was developed by the LLVM research group and is distributed under
// the University of Illinois Open Source License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file is one possible implementation of the LLVM pool allocator runtime
// library.
// This uses the 'Ptr1' field to maintain a linked list of slabs that are either
// empty or are partially allocated from. The 'Ptr2' field of the BitmapPoolTy is
// used to track a linked list of slabs which are full, ie, all elements have
// been allocated from them.
#include "../include/BitmapAllocator.h"
#include "../include/PageManager.h"
#include "PoolSlab.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#define DEBUG(x)
using namespace llvm;
/// Helper functions
static void *
poolallocarray(BitmapPoolTy* Pool, unsigned Size);
static PoolSlab *
SearchForContainingSlab(BitmapPoolTy *Pool, void *Node, unsigned &TheIndex);
// Function: poolinit()
// Description:
// Initialize the specified pool descriptor. Pool descriptors are either
// global variables or alloca'ed memory created by instrumentation added by
// the SAFECode passes. This function initializes all of the fields of the
// pool descriptor.
poolinit(BitmapPoolTy *Pool, unsigned NodeSize) {
assert(Pool && "Null pool pointer passed into poolinit!\n");
DEBUG(printf("pool init %x, %d\n", Pool, NodeSize);)
// Ensure the page manager is initialized
// We must alway return unique pointers, even if they asked for 0 bytes
Pool->NodeSize = NodeSize ? NodeSize : 1;
// Initialize the splay tree
Pool->Ptr1 = Pool->Ptr2 = 0;
Pool->LargeArrays = 0;
Pool->StackSlabs = Pool->FreeStackSlabs = 0;
// For SAFECode, we set FreeablePool to 0 always
// Pool->FreeablePool = 0;
Pool->lastUsed = 0;
// Initialize the SlabAddressArray to zero
for (unsigned i = 0; i < BitmapPoolTy::AddrArrSize; ++i) {
Pool->SlabAddressArray[i] = 0;
Pool->NumSlabs = 0;
// pooldestroy - Release all memory allocated for a pool
// FIXME: determine how to adjust debug logs when
// pooldestroy is called
pooldestroy(BitmapPoolTy *Pool) {
assert(Pool && "Null pool pointer passed in to pooldestroy!\n");
if (Pool->NumSlabs > BitmapPoolTy::AddrArrSize) {
delete Pool->Slabs;
// Free any partially allocated slabs
PoolSlab *PS = (PoolSlab*)Pool->Ptr1;
while (PS) {
PoolSlab *Next = PS->Next;
PS = Next;
// Free the completely allocated slabs
PS = (PoolSlab*)Pool->Ptr2;
while (PS) {
PoolSlab *Next = PS->Next;
PS = Next;
// Free the large arrays
PS = (PoolSlab*)Pool->LargeArrays;
while (PS) {
PoolSlab *Next = PS->Next;
PS = Next;
// Function: poolalloc()
// Description:
// Allocate memory from the specified pool with the specified size.
// Inputs:
// Pool - The pool from which to allocate the memory.
// Size - The size, in bytes, of the memory object to allocate. This does
// *not* need to match the size of the objects found in the pool.
void *
poolalloc(BitmapPoolTy *Pool, unsigned NumBytes) {
void *retAddress = NULL;
assert(Pool && "Null pool pointer passed into poolalloc!\n");
// FIXME: Is it necessary?
// Ensure that we're always allocating at least 1 byte.
if (NumBytes == 0)
NumBytes = 1;
// Calculate the number of nodes within the pool to allocate for an object
// of the specified size.
unsigned NodeSize = Pool->NodeSize;
assert (NodeSize && "poolalloc: Node Size is zero!\n");
unsigned NodesToAllocate = (NumBytes + NodeSize - 1) / NodeSize;
// Call a helper function if we need to allocate more than 1 node.
if (NodesToAllocate > 1) {
if (logregs) {
fprintf(stderr, " poolalloc:848: Allocating more than 1 node for %d bytes\n", NumBytes); fflush(stderr);
// Allocate the memory.
retAddress = poolallocarray(Pool, NodesToAllocate);
assert (retAddress && "poolalloc(1): Returning NULL!\n");
return retAddress;
// Special case the most common situation, where a single node is being
// allocated.
PoolSlab *PS = (PoolSlab*)Pool->Ptr1;
if (__builtin_expect(PS != 0, 1)) {
int Element = PS->allocateSingle();
if (__builtin_expect(Element != -1, 1)) {
// We allocated an element. Check to see if this slab has been
// completely filled up. If so, move it to the Ptr2 list.
if (__builtin_expect(PS->isFull(), false)) {
return PS->getElementAddress(Element, NodeSize);
// Loop through all of the slabs looking for one with an opening
for (PS = PS->Next; PS; PS = PS->Next) {
int Element = PS->allocateSingle();
if (Element != -1) {
// We allocated an element. Check to see if this slab has been
// completely filled up. If so, move it to the Ptr2 list.
if (PS->isFull()) {
return PS->getElementAddress(Element, NodeSize);
// Otherwise we must allocate a new slab and add it to the list
PoolSlab *New = PoolSlab::create(Pool);
// Ensure that we're always allocating at least 1 byte.
if (NumBytes == 0)
NumBytes = 1;
if (Pool->NumSlabs > BitmapPoolTy::AddrArrSize)
Pool->Slabs->insert((void *)New);
else if (Pool->NumSlabs == BitmapPoolTy::AddrArrSize) {
// Create the hash_set
Pool->Slabs = new std::set<void *>;
Pool->Slabs->insert((void *)New);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < BitmapPoolTy::AddrArrSize; ++i)
Pool->Slabs->insert((void *)Pool->SlabAddressArray[i]);
else {
// Insert it in the array
Pool->SlabAddressArray[Pool->NumSlabs] = (void*) New;
int Idx = New->allocateSingle();
assert(Idx == 0 && "New allocation didn't return zero'th node?");
if (Idx) abort();
if (logregs) {
fprintf(stderr, " poolalloc:967: canonical page at 0x%p from underlying allocator\n", (void*)New);
return New->getElementAddress(0, 0);
// Function: poolcalloc()
// Description:
// This is a pool allocated version of calloc().
// Inputs:
// Pool - The pool from which to allocate the elements.
// Number - The number of elements to allocate.
// NumBytes - The size of each element in bytes.
// Return value:
// NULL - The allocation did not succeed.
// Otherwise, a fresh pointer to the allocated memory is returned, and the
// memory is zero'ed out.
void *
poolcalloc (BitmapPoolTy *Pool, unsigned Number, unsigned NumBytes) {
// Allocate the desired amount of memory.
void * New = poolalloc (Pool, Number * NumBytes);
// If the allocation succeeded, zero out the memory and do needed SAFECode
// operations.
if (New) {
// Zero the memory
bzero (New, Number * NumBytes);
return New;
// Function: poolstrdup()
// Description:
// Duplicate a string by allocating memory for a new string and copying the
// contents of the old string into the new string.
// Inputs:
// Pool - The pool in which the new string should reside.
// Node - The string which should be duplicated.
// Return value:
// 0 - The duplication failed.
// Otherwise, a pointer to the duplicated string is returned.
void *
poolstrdup (BitmapPoolTy *Pool, void *Node) {
if (Node == 0) return 0;
unsigned int NumBytes = strlen((char*)Node) + 1;
void *New = poolalloc (Pool, NumBytes);
if (New) {
memcpy(New, Node, NumBytes+1);
return New;
/// Helper functions
// Function: poolallocarray()
// Description:
// This is a helper function used to implement poolalloc() when the number of
// nodes to allocate is not 1.
// Inputs:
// Pool - A pointer to the pool from which to allocate.
// Size - The number of nodes to allocate.
// FIXME: determine whether Size is bytes or number of nodes.
static void *
poolallocarray(BitmapPoolTy* Pool, unsigned Size) {
assert(Pool && "Null pool pointer passed into poolallocarray!\n");
// check to see if we need to allocate a single large array
if (Size > PoolSlab::getSlabSize(Pool)) {
if (logregs) {
fprintf(stderr, " poolallocarray:694: Size = %d, SlabSize = %d\n", Size, PoolSlab::getSlabSize(Pool));
return PoolSlab::createSingleArray(Pool, Size);
PoolSlab *PS = (PoolSlab*)Pool->Ptr1;
// Loop through all of the slabs looking for one with an opening
for (; PS; PS = PS->Next) {
int Element = PS->allocateMultiple(Size);
if (Element != -1) {
// We allocated an element. Check to see if this slab has been
// completely filled up. If so, move it to the Ptr2 list.
if (PS->isFull()) {
return PS->getElementAddress(Element, Pool->NodeSize);
PoolSlab *New = PoolSlab::create(Pool);
// printf("new slab created %x \n", New);
if (Pool->NumSlabs > BitmapPoolTy::AddrArrSize)
Pool->Slabs->insert((void *)New);
else if (Pool->NumSlabs == BitmapPoolTy::AddrArrSize) {
// Create the hash_set
Pool->Slabs = new std::set<void *>;
Pool->Slabs->insert((void *)New);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < BitmapPoolTy::AddrArrSize; ++i)
Pool->Slabs->insert((void *)Pool->SlabAddressArray[i]);
else {
// Insert it in the array
Pool->SlabAddressArray[Pool->NumSlabs] = New;
int Idx = New->allocateMultiple(Size);
assert(Idx == 0 && "New allocation didn't return zero'th node?");
if (Idx) abort();
return New->getElementAddress(0, 0);
// Function: poolfree()
// Description:
// Mark the object specified by the given pointer as free and available for
// allocation for new objects.
// Inputs:
// Pool - The pool to which the pointer should belong.
// Node - A pointer to the beginning of the object to free. This pointer is
// allowed to be NULL.
// Notes:
// This routine should be resistent to several types of deallocation errors:
// o) Deallocating an object which does not exist within the pool.
// o) Deallocating an already-free object.
poolfree(BitmapPoolTy *Pool, void *Node) {
assert(Pool && "Null pool pointer passed in to poolfree!\n");
PoolSlab *PS;
int Idx;
if (logregs) {
fprintf(stderr, "poolfree: 1368: Pool=%p, addr=%p\n", (void*) Pool, Node);
fflush (stderr);
// If the pointer is NULL, that is okay. Just do nothing.
if (Node == 0) return;
// Canonical pointer for the pointer we're freeing
void * CanonNode = Node;
unsigned TheIndex;
PS = SearchForContainingSlab(Pool, CanonNode, TheIndex);
Idx = TheIndex;
// If no slab can be found, then the pointer we were given is invalid. Since
// we want to tolerate invalid frees, go ahead and return.
if (!PS) return;
assert (PS && "poolfree: No poolslab found for object!\n");
// If we could not find the slab in which the node belongs, then we were
// passed an invalid pointer. Simply ignore it.
if (!PS) return;
// If PS was full, it must have been in list #2. Unlink it and move it to
// list #1.
if (PS->isFull()) {
// Now that we found the node, we are about to free an element from it.
// This will make the slab no longer completely full, so we must move it to
// the other list!
PS->unlinkFromList(); // Remove it from the Ptr2 list.
// Do not re-use single array slabs.
if (!(PS->isSingleArray)) {
PoolSlab **InsertPosPtr = (PoolSlab**)&Pool->Ptr1;
// If the partially full list has an empty node sitting at the front of
// the list, insert right after it.
if ((*InsertPosPtr))
if ((*InsertPosPtr)->isEmpty())
InsertPosPtr = &(*InsertPosPtr)->Next;
PS->addToList(InsertPosPtr); // Insert it now in the Ptr1 list.
// Ok, if this slab is empty, we unlink it from the of slabs and either move
// it to the head of the list, or free it, depending on whether or not there
// is already an empty slab at the head of the list.
if ((PS->isEmpty()) && (!(PS->isSingleArray))) {
PS->unlinkFromList(); // Unlink from the list of slabs...
// If we can free this pool, check to see if there are any empty slabs at
// the start of this list. If so, delete the FirstSlab!
PoolSlab *FirstSlab = (PoolSlab*)Pool->Ptr1;
if (0 && FirstSlab && FirstSlab->isEmpty()) {
// Here we choose to delete FirstSlab instead of the pool we just freed
// from because the pool we just freed from is more likely to be in the
// processor cache.
// Pool->Slabs.erase((void *)FirstSlab);
// Link our slab onto the head of the list so that allocations will find it
// efficiently.
// SearchForContainingSlab - Do a brute force search through the list of
// allocated slabs for the node in question.
static PoolSlab *
SearchForContainingSlab(BitmapPoolTy *Pool, void *Node, unsigned &TheIndex) {
PoolSlab *PS = (PoolSlab*)Pool->Ptr1;
unsigned NodeSize = Pool->NodeSize;
// Search the partially allocated slab list for the slab that contains this
// node.
int Idx = -1;
if (PS) { // Pool->Ptr1 could be null if Ptr2 isn't
for (; PS; PS = PS->Next) {
Idx = PS->containsElement(Node, NodeSize);
if (Idx != -1) break;
// If the partially allocated slab list doesn't contain it, maybe the
// completely allocated list does.
if (PS == 0) {
PS = (PoolSlab*)Pool->Ptr2;
assert(Idx == -1 && "Found node but don't have PS?");
while (PS) {
assert(PS && "poolfree: node being free'd not found in allocation "
" pool specified!\n");
Idx = PS->containsElement(Node, NodeSize);
if (Idx != -1) break;
PS = PS->Next;
// Otherwise, maybe its a block within LargeArrays
if(PS == 0) {
PS = (PoolSlab*)Pool->LargeArrays;
assert(Idx == -1 && "Found node but don't have PS?");
while (PS) {
assert(PS && "poolfree: node being free'd not found in allocation "
" pool specified!\n");
Idx = PS->containsElement(Node, NodeSize);
if (Idx != -1) break;
PS = PS->Next;
TheIndex = Idx;
return PS;
// Function: __pa_bitmap_poolcheck()
// Description:
// Determine whether the specified pointer is located within the specified
// pool and, if so, what its beginning address is.
void *
__pa_bitmap_poolcheck (BitmapPoolTy * Pool, void * Node) {
// If there is no pool, do nothing.
if (!Pool)
return 0;
// Search for the object within the pool.
unsigned TheIndex;
if (PoolSlab * PS = SearchForContainingSlab (Pool, Node, TheIndex)) {
return PS->getElementAddress(TheIndex, Pool->NodeSize);
return 0;