blob: 2789e069921b7484a3d5a52d90a592b7e3338326 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <unistd.h>
#include "safecode/Runtime/BBRuntime.h"
#define TAG unsigned tag
using namespace NAMESPACE_SC;
extern "C" void
pool_register (DebugPoolTy *Pool, void * allocaptr, unsigned NumBytes) {
__sc_bb_src_poolregister(Pool, allocaptr, NumBytes, 0, NULL, 0);
extern "C" void
pool_register_debug (DebugPoolTy *Pool,
void * allocaptr,
unsigned int NumBytes, TAG,
const char* SourceFilep,
unsigned int lineno) {
__sc_bb_src_poolregister(Pool, allocaptr, NumBytes, tag, SourceFilep, lineno);
extern "C" void
pool_register_stack_debug(DebugPoolTy *pool,
void * allocaptr,
unsigned NumBytes, TAG,
const char* SourceFilep,
unsigned lineno) {
__sc_bb_src_poolregister_stack(pool, allocaptr, NumBytes, tag, SourceFilep, lineno);
extern "C" void
pool_register_global (DebugPoolTy *Pool,
void *allocaptr,
unsigned NumBytes) {
__sc_bb_poolregister_global(Pool, allocaptr, NumBytes);
extern "C" void
pool_register_global_debug (DebugPoolTy *Pool,
void *allocaptr,
unsigned NumBytes, TAG,
const char* SourceFilep,
unsigned lineno) {
__sc_bb_src_poolregister_global_debug(Pool, allocaptr, NumBytes, tag, SourceFilep, lineno);
extern "C" void
pool_unregister (DebugPoolTy *Pool, void * allocaptr) {
__sc_bb_poolunregister(Pool, allocaptr);
extern "C" void
pool_unregister_debug (DebugPoolTy *Pool,
void *allocaptr,
const char* SourceFilep,
unsigned lineno) {
__sc_bb_poolunregister_debug(Pool, allocaptr, tag, SourceFilep, lineno);
extern "C" void
pool_unregister_stack_debug (DebugPoolTy *Pool,
void *allocaptr,
const char* SourceFilep,
unsigned lineno) {
__sc_bb_poolunregister_stack_debug(Pool, allocaptr, tag, SourceFilep, lineno);
// Function: pool_reregister()
// Description:
// This is pool_register() for realloc() style allocators. It will unregister
// the previously existing object (if necessary) and register the newly
// allocated object.
extern "C" void
pool_reregister (DebugPoolTy *Pool,
void * newptr,
void * oldptr,
unsigned NumBytes) {
if (oldptr == NULL) {
// If the old pointer is NULL, then we know that this is essentially a
// regular heap allocation; treat it as such.
pool_register (Pool, newptr, NumBytes);
} else if (NumBytes == 0) {
// Allocating a buffer of zero bytes is essentially a deallocation of the
// memory; treat it as such.
pool_unregister (Pool, oldptr);
} else {
// Otherwise, this is a true reallocation. Unregister the old memory and
// register the new memory.
pool_unregister (Pool, oldptr);
pool_register(Pool, newptr, NumBytes);
extern "C" void
pool_reregister_debug (DebugPoolTy *Pool,
void * newptr,
void * oldptr,
unsigned NumBytes,
const char * SourceFilep,
unsigned lineno) {
if (oldptr == NULL) {
// If the old pointer is NULL, then we know that this is essentially a
// regular heap allocation; treat it as such.
pool_register_debug (Pool, newptr, NumBytes, tag, SourceFilep, lineno);
} else if (NumBytes == 0) {
// Allocating a buffer of zero bytes is essentially a deallocation of the
// memory; treat it as such.
pool_unregister_debug (Pool, oldptr, tag, SourceFilep, lineno);
} else {
// Otherwise, this is a true reallocation. Unregister the old memory and
// register the new memory.
pool_unregister_debug (Pool, oldptr, tag, SourceFilep, lineno);
pool_register_debug (Pool, newptr, NumBytes, tag, SourceFilep, lineno);
extern "C" void* __sc_fsparameter(void *pool, void *ptr, void *dest, unsigned char complete) {
return dest;
extern "C" void poolargvregister(int argc, char ** argv) {
__sc_bb_poolargvregister(argc, argv);