blob: 3d6c2b3126671868536a313dc7e68b6f00d5433d [file] [log] [blame]
/*===- PoolCheck.h - Pool check runtime interface file --------------------===*/
/* */
/* The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure */
/* */
/* This file was developed by the LLVM research group and is distributed */
/* under the University of Illinois Open Source License. See LICENSE.TXT for */
/* details. */
/* */
/* */
/* */
#include "safecode/Config/config.h"
extern unsigned long __sva_save_iflag(void);
extern void __sva_restore_iflag(unsigned long enable);
static inline unsigned long
disable_irqs ()
unsigned long is_set;
is_set = __sva_save_iflag ();
__sva_restore_iflag (0);
return is_set;
static inline void
enable_irqs (unsigned long is_set)
__sva_restore_iflag (is_set);
typedef unsigned long __sva_rt_lock_t;
static inline void __sva_rt_lock (__sva_rt_lock_t * lock) {
*lock = disable_irqs();
static inline void __sva_rt_unlock (__sva_rt_lock_t * lock) {
#define PCLOCK() unsigned pc_i = disable_irqs();
#define PCLOCK2() pc_i = disable_irqs();
#define PCUNLOCK() enable_irqs(pc_i);
typedef struct MetaPoolTy {
/* A splay of Pools, useful for registration tracking */
void* Slabs;
/* A splay for registering global objects and heap objects */
void* Objs;
/* A splay for registering function pointers */
void * Functions;
/* A splay of rewritten Obj Pointers */
void* OOB;
/* Next invalid Ptr for rewriting */
void* profile;
/*cache space */
void* cache0;
void* cache1;
void* cache2;
void* cache3;
#if 1
unsigned int cindex;
unsigned char * start[4];
unsigned int length[4];
void * cache[4];
#ifdef SVA_IO
/* A splay for I/O objects */
void * IOObjs;
#ifdef SVA_MMU
unsigned TK;
} MetaPoolTy;
typedef struct funccache {
unsigned int index;
void * cache[4];
} funccache;
#ifdef __cpluscplus
extern "C" {
/* initialize library */
void pchk_init(void);
/* Registration functions */
/* These are written such that a weaker version (without MP) can be */
/* inserted in the kernel by the programer and we can trivial rewrite them */
/* to include the metapool */
void pchk_reg_slab(MetaPoolTy* MP, void* PoolID, void* addr, unsigned len);
void pchk_drop_slab(MetaPoolTy* MP, void* PoolID, void* addr);
void pchk_reg_obj(MetaPoolTy* MP, unsigned char * addr, unsigned len);
void pchk_drop_obj(MetaPoolTy* MP, unsigned char * addr);
void pchk_reg_pool(MetaPoolTy* MP, void* PoolID, void* MPLoc);
void pchk_drop_pool(MetaPoolTy* MP, void* PoolID);
void pchk_reg_pages (MetaPoolTy* MP, void* addr, unsigned order);
void pchk_drop_pages (MetaPoolTy* MP, void* addr);
/* Register and Deregister Integer State buffers */
void pchk_reg_int (void* addr);
void pchk_drop_int (void * addr);
/* check that addr exists in pool MP */
void * poolcheck (MetaPoolTy* MP, void* addr) __attribute__ ((pure));
void * poolcheck_i (MetaPoolTy* MP, void* addr) __attribute__ ((pure));
/* check that src and dest are same obj or slab */
void poolcheckarray(MetaPoolTy* MP, void* src, void* dest);
/* check that src and dest are same obj or slab */
/* if src and dest do not exist in the pool, pass */
void poolcheckarray_i(MetaPoolTy* MP, void* src, void* dest);
/* I/O Poolchecks */
void * poolcheckio (MetaPoolTy* MP, void* addr);
void * poolcheckio_i (MetaPoolTy* MP, void* addr);
/* if src is an out of object pointer, get the original value */
void* pchk_getActualValue(MetaPoolTy* MP, void* src);
/* check bounds and return result ptr, which may have been rewritten */
void* pchk_bounds(MetaPoolTy* MP, void* src, void* dest);
void* pchk_bounds_i(MetaPoolTy* MP, void* src, void* dest);
void * exactcheck(int a, int b, void * result) __attribute__ ((weak));
void * exactcheck2(signed char *base, signed char *result, unsigned size) __attribute__ ((weak));
void * exactcheck2a(signed char *base, signed char *result, unsigned size) __attribute__ ((weak));
void * exactcheck3(signed char *base, signed char *result, signed char * end)__attribute__ ((weak));
void funccheck (unsigned num, void *f, void *t1, void *t2, void *t3, void *t4, void * t5, void * t6) __attribute__ ((weak));
void funccheck_t (unsigned num, void * f, void ** table) __attribute__ ((weak));
void funccheck_g (MetaPoolTy * MP, void * f) __attribute__ ((weak));
void pchk_reg_ic (int s, int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, int f, void* ad);
void pchk_drop_ic (void* addr);
void pchk_iccheck (void * addr);
void * getBegin (void * node) __attribute__ ((weak));
void * getEnd (void * node) __attribute__ ((weak));
unsigned int pchk_check_int (void * addr);
void pchk_declarestack (void * MP, unsigned char * addr, unsigned size);
void pchk_releasestack (void * addr);
void * pchk_checkstack (void * addr, unsigned int * size);
void pchk_profile(MetaPoolTy* MP, void* pc, long time);
#ifdef __cpluscplus