blob: c452038455b5813d3d4511d6289041cf6d141c84 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- PoolAllocator.h - Pool allocator runtime interface file --*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file was developed by the LLVM research group and is distributed under
// the University of Illinois Open Source License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file defines the interface which is implemented by the LLVM pool
// allocator runtime library.
#include "poolalloc/ADT/HashExtras.h"
#include "PoolCheck.h"
#include "splay.h"
#define AddrArrSize 2
#define POOLCHECK(x) x
typedef struct PoolTy {
// Ptr1, Ptr2 - Implementation specified data pointers.
void *Ptr1, *Ptr2;
// NodeSize - Keep track of the object size tracked by this pool
unsigned short NodeSize;
// FreeablePool - Set to false if the memory from this pool cannot be freed
// before destroy.
// unsigned short FreeablePool;
// Use the hash_set only if the number of Slabs exceeds AddrArrSize
hash_set<void*> *Slabs;
// The array containing the initial address of slabs (as long as there are
// fewer than a certain number of them)
unsigned SlabAddressArray[AddrArrSize];
// The number of slabs allocated. Large arrays are not counted
unsigned NumSlabs;
// Large arrays. In SAFECode, these are currently not freed or reused.
// A better implementation could split them up into single slabs for reuse,
// upon being freed.
void *LargeArrays;
void *prevPage[4];
unsigned short lastUsed;
POOLCHECK(Splay *splay;)
POOLCHECK(PoolCheckSlab *PCS;)
} PoolTy;
extern "C" {
void poolinit(PoolTy *Pool, unsigned NodeSize);
void poolmakeunfreeable(PoolTy *Pool);
void pooldestroy(PoolTy *Pool);
void *poolalloc(PoolTy *Pool, unsigned NumBytes);
void poolfree(PoolTy *Pool, void *Node);
void *poolrealloc(PoolTy *Pool, void *Node, unsigned NumBytes);
void *poolallocatorcheck(PoolTy *Pool, void *Node);
//Extra functions for poolcheck
void poolregister(PoolTy *Pool, void *allocadptr, unsigned NumBytes);