blob: 17627908ff7535032e5974607e155eb0b4ce4f12 [file] [log] [blame]
//===------- CStdLib.h - CStdLib transform pass runtime helper functions -------===//
// The SAFECode Compiler
// This file was developed by the LLVM research group and is distributed under
// the University of Illinois Open Source License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file provides all external functions included by the CStdLib pass.
#ifndef _CSTDLIB_H
#define _CSTDLIB_H
#include "DebugReport.h"
#include "PoolAllocator.h"
#include <iostream>
#define TAG unsigned tag
#define SRC_INFO const char *SourceFile, unsigned lineNo
// Default versions of arguments to debug functions
#define DEFAULT_TAG 0
#define DEFAULT_SRC_INFO "<Unknown>", 0
#define SRC_INFO_ARGS SourceFile, lineNo
using namespace NAMESPACE_SC;
namespace {
// Various violation types
inline void
OOB_VIOLATION(const void *fault_ptr,
DebugPoolTy *handle,
const void *start,
size_t len,
OutOfBoundsViolation v;
v.type = ViolationInfo::FAULT_OUT_OF_BOUNDS;
v.faultPC = __builtin_return_address(0);
v.faultPtr = fault_ptr;
v.SourceFile = SourceFile;
v.lineNo = lineNo;
v.PoolHandle = handle;
v.objStart = start;
v.objLen = len;
v.dbgMetaData = NULL;
inline void
WRITE_VIOLATION(const void *fault_ptr,
DebugPoolTy *handle,
size_t dst_sz,
size_t src_sz,
WriteOOBViolation v;
v.type = ViolationInfo::FAULT_WRITE_OUT_OF_BOUNDS;
v.faultPC = __builtin_return_address(0);
v.faultPtr = fault_ptr;
v.SourceFile = SourceFile;
v.lineNo = lineNo;
v.PoolHandle = handle;
v.dstSize = dst_sz;
v.srcSize = src_sz;
v.dbgMetaData = NULL;
inline void
LOAD_STORE_VIOLATION(const void *fault_ptr,
DebugPoolTy *handle,
DebugViolationInfo v;
v.faultPC = __builtin_return_address(0);
v.faultPtr = fault_ptr;
v.dbgMetaData = NULL;
v.PoolHandle = handle;
v.SourceFile = SourceFile;
v.lineNo = lineNo;
inline void
C_LIBRARY_VIOLATION(const void *fault_ptr,
DebugPoolTy *handle,
const char *function,
CStdLibViolation v;
v.type = ViolationInfo::FAULT_CSTDLIB;
v.faultPC = __builtin_return_address(0);
v.faultPtr = fault_ptr;
v.SourceFile = SourceFile;
v.lineNo = lineNo;
v.PoolHandle = handle;
v.function = function;
v.dbgMetaData = NULL;
extern "C" {
inline size_t strnlen(const char *s, size_t maxlen) {
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < maxlen && s[i]; ++i)
return i;
inline size_t strnlen_opt(const char *s, size_t maxlen) {
const char *end = (const char *)memchr(s, '\0', maxlen);
return (end ? ((size_t) (end - s)) : maxlen);
* Optimized inline assembly implementation of strncpy that returns the number
* of characters copied (including \0)
* @param dst Destination string pointer
* @param src Source string pointer
* @param size Number of characters to copy
* @return Number of characters copied (including \0)
inline size_t
strncpy_asm(char *dst, const char *src, size_t size) {
long copied;
/*#if defined(i386) || defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86__)
__asm__ __volatile__(
"0: xorl %%ecx, %%ecx \n"
" cmpl %%edi, %%ecx \n"
" adcl $0, %%ecx \n"
" decl %%edi \n"
" testl %%ecx, %%ecx \n"
" je 1f \n"
" movsbl (%%edx), %%ecx \n"
" movb %%cl, (%%eax) \n"
" incl %%eax \n"
" incl %%edx \n"
" testl %%ecx, %%ecx \n"
" jne 0b \n"
"1: subl %%esi, %%eax \n"
: "=a"(copied)
: "a"(dst), "S"(dst), "d"(src), "D"(size)
: "%ecx", "memory"
strncpy(dst, src, size);
copied = strnlen(dst, size - 1);
return copied;
* Check for string termination.
* @param start This is a pointer to the start of the string.
* @param end The end of the object. String is not scanned farther than here.
* @param p Reference to size object. Filled with the length of the string if
* string is terminated, otherwised filled with the size of the object.
* @return Returns true if the string is terminated within bounds (ie.,
* if the nul terminator occurs between string and end, inclusive).
* Returns false if no nul terminator was found.
* Note that start and end should be valid boundaries for a valid object.
inline bool
isTerminated(const char *start, void *end, size_t &p) {
size_t max = 1 + ((char *)end - (char *)start), len;
len = strnlen((char *)start, max);
p = len;
if (len == max)
return false;
return true;
* Check for object overlap.
* @param ptr1Start The start of the first memory object
* @param ptr1End The end of the first memory object or the bound that writing
* operation actually touch.
* @param ptr2Start The start of the second memory object
* @param ptr2End The end of the second memory object or the bound that writing
* operation actually touch.
* @return Whether these 2 memory object overlaps
inline bool
isOverlapped(const void* ptr1Start,
const void* ptr1End,
const void* ptr2Start,
const void* ptr2End){
if( ((long int)ptr1Start>(long int)ptr2End && (long int)ptr1End>(long int)ptr2Start) ||
((long int)ptr1Start<(long int)ptr2End && (long int)ptr1End<(long int)ptr2Start) )
return false;
return true;
* Searches inside the given pool for the memory object associated with the
* the given address. If the memory object is found, it sets the poolBegin
* and poolEnd pointers to point to the first and last valid positions of
* the memory object, and returns true. If the memory object is not found in
* the pool, or the pool is NULL, it attemps to find the object in the external
* objects pool. When the object is not found in either pool, the function
* returns false.
* @param pool The pool handle which is expected to contain the object.
* @param address The address for which the bounding object is sought.
* @param poolBegin Reference to a pointer to set to the beginning of
* the memory object.
* @param poolEnd Reference to a pointer to set to the last valid address
* the memory object.
* @return Returns true if the object was found, false otherwise.
inline bool
pool_find(DebugPoolTy *pool, void *address, void *&poolBegin, void *&poolEnd) {
if (address == NULL)
return false;
// Retrieve memory area's bounds from pool handle.
if ((pool && pool->Objects.find(address, poolBegin, poolEnd)) ||
ExternalObjects.find(address, poolBegin, poolEnd))
return true;
return false;
/* Macros for determining the completeness of pointer arguments using the
completeness bitwise vector. */
#define ARG1_COMPLETE(c) ((bool) (c & 0x1))
#define ARG2_COMPLETE(c) ((bool) (c & 0x2))
* This function attempts to verify that given string pointer points to
* a valid string that is terminated within its memory object's boundaries.
* For strings that are marked complete, if the string is discovered to be
* not in its pool, or unterminated within memory object boundaries,
* the function reports a violation and returns false.
* For strings not marked complete, the function attempts to do the same
* checks as for complete pointers, except that it assumes the string was
* valid if the string's memory object is not found in the pool.
* The function returns true if no memory violations were discovered, and
* false when there was a violation.
* @param string The pointer to the string to be checked.
* @param pool The pool that should be searched for the memory object
* that contains the string.
* @param complete This is a boolean value which is true if the string
* pointer was reported complete by DSA, and false if not.
* If the string is incomplete, no errors are reported
* if it does not exist in the pool and is non-NULL.
* @param function The name of the C library function for debug reporting
* purposes.
* @param SRC_INFO Source and line info debug information.
* @return Returns true if no violations were discoverd, and false
* if the pointer does not point to a valid string and a
* memory violation was reported.
* Note that if the function returns true, the pointer may
* still not point to a valid string if the pointer was
* incomplete.
inline bool
validStringCheck(const char *string,
DebugPoolTy *pool,
bool complete,
const char *function,
void *objStart, *objEnd;
size_t len;
// Check if the string is NULL. If it is, report this as an error.
if (string == NULL) {
std::cout << "String pointer is NULL!\n";
C_LIBRARY_VIOLATION(string, pool, function, SRC_INFO_ARGS);
return false;
// Retrieve the string from the pool. If no string is found and the pointer
// is not complete, return true. Otherwise report an error and return false.
if (!pool_find(pool, (void *)string, objStart, objEnd)) {
if (complete) {
std::cout << "String not found in pool!\n";
return false;
return true;
// Do a termination check.
if (!isTerminated(string, objEnd, len)) {
std::cout << "String is not terminated within object bounds!\n";
C_LIBRARY_VIOLATION(string, pool, function, SRC_INFO_ARGS);
return false;
return true;
#endif // _CSTDLIB_H