blob: 87a8f339f63c636bd01b05a96be2a4b45bbcb493 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- CompleteChecks.cpp - Make run-time checks complete ----------------- --//
// The SAFECode Compiler
// This file was developed by the LLVM research group and is distributed under
// the University of Illinois Open Source License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This pass instruments loads and stores with run-time checks to ensure memory
// safety.
#define DEBUG_TYPE "safecode"
#include "poolalloc/RuntimeChecks.h"
#include "safecode/CheckInfo.h"
#include "safecode/CompleteChecks.h"
#include "safecode/Utility.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Statistic.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Constants.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Module.h"
#include <stdint.h>
namespace llvm {
char CompleteChecks::ID = 0;
static RegisterPass<CompleteChecks>
X ("compchecks", "Make run-time checks complete");
// Pass Statistics
namespace {
STATISTIC (CompLSChecks, "Complete Load/Store Checks");
// Method: getDSNodeHandle()
// Description:
// This method looks up the DSNodeHandle for a given LLVM value. The context
// of the value is the specified function, although if it is a global value,
// the DSNodeHandle may exist within the global DSGraph.
// Return value:
// A DSNodeHandle for the value is returned. This DSNodeHandle could either
// be in the function's DSGraph or from the GlobalsGraph. Note that the
// DSNodeHandle may represent a NULL DSNode.
CompleteChecks::getDSNodeHandle (const Value * V, const Function * F) {
// Get access to the points-to results.
EQTDDataStructures & dsaPass = getAnalysis<EQTDDataStructures>();
// Ensure that the function has a DSGraph
assert (dsaPass.hasDSGraph(*F) && "No DSGraph for function!\n");
// Lookup the DSNode for the value in the function's DSGraph.
DSGraph * TDG = dsaPass.getDSGraph(*F);
DSNodeHandle DSH = TDG->getNodeForValue(V);
// If the value wasn't found in the function's DSGraph, then maybe we can
// find the value in the globals graph.
if ((DSH.isNull()) && (isa<GlobalValue>(V))) {
// Try looking up this DSNode value in the globals graph. Note that
// globals are put into equivalence classes; we may need to first find the
// equivalence class to which our global belongs, find the global that
// represents all globals in that equivalence class, and then look up the
// DSNode Handle for *that* global.
DSGraph * GlobalsGraph = TDG->getGlobalsGraph ();
DSH = GlobalsGraph->getNodeForValue(V);
if (DSH.isNull()) {
// DSA does not currently handle global aliases.
if (!isa<GlobalAlias>(V)) {
// We have to dig into the globalEC of the DSGraph to find the DSNode.
const GlobalValue * GV = dyn_cast<GlobalValue>(V);
const GlobalValue * Leader;
Leader = GlobalsGraph->getGlobalECs().getLeaderValue(GV);
DSH = GlobalsGraph->getNodeForValue(Leader);
return DSH;
// Function: makeCStdLibCallsComplete()
// Description:
// Fills in completeness information for all calls of a given CStdLib function
// assumed to be of the form:
// pool_X(POOL *p1, ..., POOL *pN, void *a1, ..., void *aN, ..., uint8_t c);
// Specifically, this function assumes that there are as many pointer arguments
// to check as there are initial pool arguments, and the pointer arguments
// follow the pool arguments in corresponding order. Also, it is assumed that
// the final argument to the function is a byte sized bit vector.
// This function fills in this final byte with a constant value whose ith
// bit is set exactly when the ith pointer argument is complete.
// Inputs:
// F - A pointer to the CStdLib function appearing in the module
// (non-null).
// PoolArgs - The number of initial pool arguments for which a
// corresponding pointer value requires a completeness check
// (required to be at most 8).
// IsDebug - Flags that this is a debug version of the function.
CompleteChecks::makeCStdLibCallsComplete (Function *F,
unsigned PoolArgs,
bool IsDebug) {
assert(F != 0 && "Null function argument!");
assert(PoolArgs <= 8 && \
"Only up to 8 arguments are supported by CStdLib completeness checks!");
Value::use_iterator U = F->use_begin();
Value::use_iterator E = F->use_end();
// Hold the call instructions that need changing.
typedef std::pair<CallInst *, uint8_t> VectorReplacement;
std::set<VectorReplacement> callsToChange;
Type *int8ty = Type::getInt8Ty(F->getContext());
FunctionType *F_type = F->getFunctionType();
// Verify the type of the function is as expected.
// There should be as many pointer parameters to check for completeness
// as there are pool parameters. The last parameter should be a byte.
assert(F_type->getNumParams() >= PoolArgs * 2 && \
"Not enough arguments to transformed CStdLib function call!");
for (unsigned arg = PoolArgs; arg < PoolArgs * 2; ++arg)
assert(isa<PointerType>(F_type->getParamType(arg)) && \
"Expected pointer argument to function!");
// This is the position of the vector operand in the call.
unsigned vect_position;
if (IsDebug)
vect_position = F_type->getNumParams() - 4;
vect_position = F_type->getNumParams() - 1;
assert(F_type->getParamType(vect_position) == int8ty && \
"Unexpected parameter type where complete byte should be!");
// Iterate over all calls of the function in the module, computing the
// vectors for each call as it is found.
for (; U != E; ++U) {
CallInst *CI;
if ((CI = dyn_cast<CallInst>(*U)) &&
CI->getCalledValue()->stripPointerCasts() == F) {
uint8_t vector = 0x0;
// Get the parent function to which this instruction belongs.
Function *P = CI->getParent()->getParent();
// Iterate over the pointer arguments that need completeness checking
// and build the completeness vector.
CallSite CS (CI);
for (unsigned arg = 0; arg < PoolArgs; ++arg) {
bool complete = true;
// Go past all the pool arguments to get the pointer to check.
Value *V = CS.getArgument(PoolArgs + arg)->stripPointerCasts();
// Check for completeness of the pointer using DSA and
// set the bit in the vector accordingly.
DSNode *N;
if ((N = getDSNodeHandle(V, P).getNode()) &&
(N->isExternalNode() || N->isIncompleteNode() ||
N->isUnknownNode() || N->isIntToPtrNode() ||
N->isPtrToIntNode()) ) {
complete = false;
if (complete)
vector |= (1 << arg);
// Add the instruction and vector to the set of instructions to change.
callsToChange.insert(VectorReplacement(CI, vector));
// Iterate over all call instructions that need changing, modifying the
// final operand of the call to hold the bit vector value.
std::set<VectorReplacement>::iterator change = callsToChange.begin();
std::set<VectorReplacement>::iterator change_end = callsToChange.end();
while (change != change_end) {
Constant *vect_value = ConstantInt::get(int8ty, change->second);
CallSite CS (change->first);
CS.setArgument(vect_position, vect_value);
// Function: makeComplete()
// Description:
// Find run-time checks on memory objects for which we have complete analysis
// information and change them into complete functions.
// Inputs:
// M - A reference to the module to modify.
// CheckInfo - Information about the run-time check.
// Outputs:
// M - The module is modified so that incomplete checks are changed to
// complete checks if necessary.
CompleteChecks::makeComplete (Module & M, const struct CheckInfo & CheckInfo) {
// Get the run-time checking functions.
Function * Complete = M.getFunction (CheckInfo.completeName);
Function * Incomplete = M.getFunction (;
// If the incomplete function does not exist within the module, then don't
// do anything.
if (!Incomplete)
// If the complete version of the function does not exist, then create it.
if (!Complete) {
FunctionType * FT = Incomplete->getFunctionType();
Complete=cast<Function>(M.getOrInsertFunction (CheckInfo.completeName, FT));
// Scan through all uses of the run-time check and record any checks on
// complete pointers.
std::vector <CallInst *> toChange;
Value::use_iterator UI = Incomplete->use_begin();
Value::use_iterator E = Incomplete->use_end();
for (; UI != E; ++UI) {
if (CallInst * CI = dyn_cast<CallInst>(*UI)) {
if (CI->getCalledValue()->stripPointerCasts() == Incomplete) {
// Get the pointer that is checked by this run-time check.
Value * CheckPtr = CheckInfo.getCheckedPointer (CI);
// If the pointer is complete, then change the check.
Function * F = CI->getParent()->getParent();
if (DSNode * N = getDSNodeHandle (CheckPtr, F).getNode()) {
if (!(N->isExternalNode() ||
N->isIncompleteNode() ||
N->isUnknownNode() ||
N->isIntToPtrNode() ||
N->isPtrToIntNode())) {
toChange.push_back (CI);
// Update statistics. Note that we only assign if the value is non-zero;
// this prevents the statistics from being reported if the value is zero.
if (toChange.size())
CompLSChecks += toChange.size();
// Now iterate through all of the call sites and transform them to be
// complete.
for (unsigned index = 0; index < toChange.size(); ++index) {
toChange[index]->setCalledFunction (Complete);
// Function: makeFSParameterCallsComplete()
// Description:
// Finds calls to sc.fsparameter and fills in the completeness byte which
// is the last argument to such call. The second argument to the function
// is the one which is analyzed for completeness.
// Inputs:
// M - Reference to the the module to analyze
CompleteChecks::makeFSParameterCallsComplete(Module &M)
Function *sc_fsparameter = M.getFunction("__sc_fsparameter");
if (sc_fsparameter == NULL)
std::set<CallInst *> toComplete;
// Iterate over all uses of sc.fsparameter and discover which have a complete
// pointer argument.
for (Function::use_iterator i = sc_fsparameter->use_begin();
i != sc_fsparameter->use_end(); ++i) {
CallInst *CI;
CI = dyn_cast<CallInst>(*i);
if (CI == 0 || CI->getCalledFunction() != sc_fsparameter)
// Get the parent function to which this call belongs.
Function *P = CI->getParent()->getParent();
Value *PtrOperand = CI->getOperand(2);
DSNode *N = getDSNodeHandle(PtrOperand, P).getNode();
if (N == 0 ||
N->isExternalNode() ||
N->isIncompleteNode() ||
N->isUnknownNode() ||
N->isPtrToIntNode() ||
N->isIntToPtrNode()) {
// Fill in a 1 for each call instruction that has a complete pointer
// argument.
Type *int8 = Type::getInt8Ty(M.getContext());
Constant *complete = ConstantInt::get(int8, 1);
for (std::set<CallInst *>::iterator i = toComplete.begin();
i != toComplete.end();
++i) {
CallInst *CI = *i;
CI->setOperand(4, complete);
#if 0
// Method: getFunctionTargets()
// Description:
// This method finds all of the potential targets of the specified indirect
// function call.
CompleteChecks::getFunctionTargets (CallSite CS,
std::vector<const Function *> & Targets) {
EQTDDataStructures & dsaPass = getAnalysis<EQTDDataStructures>();
const DSCallGraph & callgraph = dsaPass.getCallGraph();
DSGraph* G = dsaPass.getGlobalsGraph();
DSGraph::ScalarMapTy& SM = G->getScalarMap();
// Scan through all targets of this call site within DSA's callgraph.
DSCallGraph::callee_iterator csi = callgraph.callee_begin(CS);
DSCallGraph::callee_iterator cse = callgraph.callee_end(CS);
for (; csi != cse; ++csi) {
// The DSCallGraph maps call sites to targets. However, each target can
// represent an entire strongly connected component (SCC) in the call
// graph. Therefore, we need to find all of the functions represented by
// the SCC.
const Function * SCCLeader = *csi;
Targets.push_back (SCCLeader);
DSCallGraph::scc_iterator sccii = callgraph.scc_begin(SCCLeader);
DSCallGraph::scc_iterator sccee = callgraph.scc_end(SCCLeader);
for (; sccii != sccee; ++sccii) {
Targets.push_back (*sccii);
const Function *F1 = CS.getInstruction()->getParent()->getParent();
// It's possible that the call instruction is within an SCC. Find the leader
// of the SCC and find which functions it can call.
F1 = callgraph.sccLeader(&*F1);
DSCallGraph::flat_iterator sccii = callgraph.flat_callee_begin(F1),
sccee = callgraph.flat_callee_end(F1);
for (; sccii != sccee; ++sccii) {
Targets.push_back (*sccii);
// Method: getFunctionTargets()
// Description:
// This method finds all of the potential targets of the specified indirect
// function call.
CompleteChecks::getFunctionTargets (CallSite CS,
std::vector<const Function *> & Targets) {
// Get the call graph.
CallGraph & CG = getAnalysis<CallGraph>();
// Get the call graph node for the function containing the call.
CallGraphNode * CGN = CG[CS.getInstruction()->getParent()->getParent()];
// Iterate through all of the target call nodes and add them to the list of
// targets to use in the global variable.
for (CallGraphNode::iterator ti = CGN->begin(); ti != CGN->end(); ++ti) {
// See if this call record corresponds to the call site in question.
const Value * V = ti->first;
if (V != CS.getInstruction())
// Get the node in the graph corresponding to the callee.
CallGraphNode * CalleeNode = ti->second;
// Get the target function(s). If we have a normal callee node as the
// target, then just fetch the function it represents out of the callee
// node. Otherwise, this callee node represents external code that could
// call any address-taken function. In that case, we'll have to do extra
// work to get the potential targets.
if (1) {
// Get the call graph node that represents external code that calls
// *into* the program. Get the list of callees of this node and make
// them targets.
CallGraphNode * ExternalNode = CG.getExternalCallingNode();
for (CallGraphNode::iterator ei = ExternalNode->begin();
ei != ExternalNode->end(); ++ei) {
if (Function * Target = ei->second->getFunction()) {
// Do not include intrinsics or functions that do not get emitted
// into the executable.
if ((Target->isIntrinsic()) ||
(Target->hasAvailableExternallyLinkage())) {
Targets.push_back (Target);
} else {
// Get the function target out of the node.
if (Function * Target = CalleeNode->getFunction()) {
if ((!Target->isIntrinsic()) ||
(!Target->hasAvailableExternallyLinkage())) {
Targets.push_back (Target);
// Method: fixupCFIChecks()
// Description:
// Search for all complete checks on indirect function calls and update the
// table of potential targets using DSA results. Note that we do this here
// because we don't have a complete call graph when analyzing individual
// compilation units.
// Preconditions:
// This method assumes that we have already converted incomplete checks to
// complete checks.
CompleteChecks::fixupCFIChecks (Module & M, std::string name) {
// See if this run-time check is used in this program. If not, do nothing.
Function * FuncCheck = M.getFunction (name);
if (!FuncCheck) return;
// Scan through all uses of the funccheck() function.
PointerType * VoidPtrType = getVoidPtrType(M.getContext());
Value::use_iterator UI = FuncCheck->use_begin();
Value::use_iterator E = FuncCheck->use_end();
for (; UI != E; ++UI) {
if (CallInst * CI = dyn_cast<CallInst>(*UI)) {
if (CI->getCalledValue()->stripPointerCasts() == FuncCheck) {
// Get the call instruction following this call instruction.
BasicBlock::iterator I = CI;
CallInst * ICI;
do {
assert (!isa<TerminatorInst>(I));
} while ((ICI = dyn_cast<CallInst>(I)) == 0);
// Get the list of potential function targets. Note that we have to
// do some silly things to get rid of the "const"-ness of the functions
// that we find.
std::vector<const Function *> Targets;
getFunctionTargets (ICI, Targets);
std::vector<Constant *> GoodTargets;
for (unsigned index = 0; index < Targets.size(); ++index) {
Constant * C = M.getFunction (Targets[index]->getName());
GoodTargets.push_back(ConstantExpr::getZExtOrBitCast(C, VoidPtrType));
GoodTargets.push_back (ConstantPointerNull::get (VoidPtrType));
// Create a new global variable containing the list of targets.
ArrayType * AT = ArrayType::get (VoidPtrType, GoodTargets.size());
Constant * TargetArray = ConstantArray::get (AT, GoodTargets);
Value * NewTable = new GlobalVariable (M,
// Install the new target list into the check.
NewTable = castTo (NewTable, VoidPtrType, ICI);
CI->setArgOperand (1, NewTable);
CompleteChecks::runOnModule (Module & M) {
// For every run-time check, go and see if it can be converted into a
// complete check.
for (unsigned index = 0; index < numChecks; ++index) {
// Skip this run-time check if it is the complete version.
if (RuntimeChecks[index].isComplete)
// Get a pointer to the complete and incomplete versions of the run-time
// check.
makeComplete (M, RuntimeChecks[index]);
// Iterate over the CStdLib functions whose entries are known to DSA.
// For each function call, do a completeness check on the given number of
// pointer arguments and mark the completeness bit vector accordingly.
const unsigned NumRuntimeChecks =
sizeof(RuntimeCheckEntries) / sizeof(RuntimeCheckEntries[0]);
for (unsigned EntryIndex = 0; EntryIndex < NumRuntimeChecks; ++EntryIndex) {
// Look for CStdLib function entries in the runtime check table.
if (RuntimeCheckEntries[EntryIndex].CheckKind == CStdLibCheck) {
unsigned PoolArgc = RuntimeCheckEntries[EntryIndex].PoolArgc;
std::string FuncName = RuntimeCheckEntries[EntryIndex].Function;
// Process the regular version of the function
if (Function * F = M.getFunction(FuncName)) {
makeCStdLibCallsComplete(F, PoolArgc, false);
// Process the debug version of the function
if (Function * F = M.getFunction(FuncName + "_debug")) {
makeCStdLibCallsComplete(F, PoolArgc, true);
// For every call to sc.fsparameter, fill in the relevant completeness
// information about its pointer argument.
// Fixup the targets of indirect function calls.
fixupCFIChecks(M, "funccheck");
fixupCFIChecks(M, "funccheck_debug");
return true;