blob: 7e8410f1f4e247a4d78b898e5aafd675f0f06567 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- FaultInjector.cpp - Insert faults into programs -----------------------//
// The SAFECode Compiler
// This file was developed by the LLVM research group and is distributed under
// the University of Illinois Open Source License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file implements a pass that transforms the program to add the following
// kind of faults:
#define DEBUG_TYPE "FaultInjector"
#include "dsa/DSGraph.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo.h"
#include "llvm/Constants.h"
#include "llvm/Instructions.h"
#include "llvm/IntrinsicInst.h"
#include "llvm/LLVMContext.h"
#include "llvm/Module.h"
#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
#include "llvm/Support/InstIterator.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Statistic.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
#include "llvm/Support/GetElementPtrTypeIterator.h"
#include "safecode/FaultInjector.h"
#include "SCUtils.h"
#include <cstdlib>
#include <limits.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace llvm;
char llvm::FaultInjector::ID = 0;
// Register the pass and tell a bad joke all at the same time.
// I know, I know; it's my own darn fault...
RegisterPass<FaultInjector> MyFault ("faultinjector", "Insert Faults");
// Command line options
InjectEasyDPFaults ("inject-easydp",
cl::desc("Inject Trivial Dangling Pointer Dereferences"));
InjectHardDPFaults ("inject-harddp",
cl::desc("Inject Non-Trivial Dangling Pointer Dereferences"));
InjectRealDPFaults ("inject-realdp",
cl::desc("Inject Only Dangling Pointer Dereferences"));
InjectBadSizes ("inject-badsize",
cl::desc("Inject Array Allocations of the Wrong Size"));
InjectBadIndices ("inject-badindices",
cl::desc("Inject Bad Indices in GEPs"));
InjectUninitUses ("inject-uninituses",
cl::desc("Inject Uses of Uninitialized Pointers"));
Seed ("seed", cl::init(1),
cl::desc("Seed Value for Random Number Generator"));
Frequency ("freq", cl::init(100),
cl::desc("Probability of Inserting a Fault"));
Funcs ("funcs",
cl::desc ("List of functions to process"));
// Basic LLVM Types
static const Type * Int32Type = 0;
namespace {
// Pass Statistics
STATISTIC (DPFaults, "Number of Dangling Pointer Faults Injected");
STATISTIC (BadSizes, "Number of Bad Allocation Size Faults Injected");
STATISTIC (BadIndices, "Number of Bad Indexing Faults Injected");
STATISTIC (UsesBeforeInit, "Number of Injected Uses Before Initialization");
STATISTIC (NumFuncs, "Number of Functions Examined");
// Threshold for determining whether a fault will be inserted
int threshold;
// Static Functions
// Function: doFault()
// Description:
// Uses random number generation to determine if a fault should be inserted.
// Return Value:
// true - A fault should be inserted.
// false - A fault should not be inserted.
// Pre-conditions:
// 1) The random number generator routines should have been seeded.
// 2) The threshold variable should have been calculated.
static inline bool
doFault () {
if (rand() < threshold)
return true;
return false;
// Function: typeContainsPointer()
// Description:
// This function determines whether the specified LLVM type is either a
// pointer type or a derived type that contains a pointer.
// Inputs:
// Ty - The type created by the allocation.
// Context - The LLVM Context in which to add integers.
// Outputs:
// Indices - A vector of indices that can be used to create a GEP to the
// pointer field of the type. This vector is *always* modified by
// this function, even if no pointer type is found.
// Return value:
// true - The type contains a pointer.
// false - This function could not prove that this type contains a pointer.
static inline bool
typeContainsPointer (const Type * Ty, std::vector<Value *> & Indices,
LLVMContext * Context) {
// If this is a pointer type, stop the recursion. We've found our pointer.
if (isa<PointerType>(Ty)) {
return true;
// If this is an array type or vector type, search within the type of
// element.
if (const ArrayType * AT = dyn_cast<ArrayType>(Ty)) {
Indices.push_back (ConstantInt::get (Int32Type, 0));
return typeContainsPointer (AT->getElementType(), Indices, Context);
if (const VectorType * VT = dyn_cast<VectorType>(Ty)) {
Indices.push_back (ConstantInt::get (Int32Type, 0));
return typeContainsPointer (VT->getElementType(), Indices, Context);
// If this is a structure type, search for a pointer within each element type
// of the structure.
if (const StructType * ST = dyn_cast<StructType>(Ty)) {
for (unsigned index = 0; index < ST->getNumElements(); ++index) {
Indices.push_back (ConstantInt::get (Int32Type, index));
if (typeContainsPointer (ST->getElementType(index), Indices, Context)) {
return true;
} else {
Indices.pop_back ();
// We don't know what this is. Say it doesn't contain a pointer.
return false;
// Function: printSourceInfo()
// Description:
// Print source file and line number information about the instruction to
// standard output.
static void
printSourceInfo (std::string errorType, Instruction * I) {
// Print out where the fault will be inserted in the source code.
// If we can't find the source line information, use a dummy line number and
// the function name by default.
std::string fname = I->getParent()->getParent()->getNameStr();
std::string funcname = fname;
uint64_t lineno = 0;
unsigned dbgKind = I->getContext().getMDKindID("dbg");
if (MDNode *Dbg = I->getMetadata(dbgKind)) {
DILocation Loc (Dbg);
fname = Loc.getDirectory().str() + Loc.getFilename().str();
lineno = Loc.getLineNumber();
std::cout << "Inject: " << errorType << ": "
<< funcname << ": " << fname << ": " << lineno << "\n";
static inline Function *
createFreeFunction (Module & M) {
const Type * VoidType = Type::getVoidTy(M.getContext());
return (Function *) M.getOrInsertFunction ("free",
// Function: getFunctionList()
// Description:
// Determine which functions should be processed.
getFunctionList (Module & M, std::vector<Function *> & List) {
// If no functions were listed on the command line, then process *all*
// functions within the module. Otherwise, create a list of only those given
// on the command line.
if (Funcs.size() == 0) {
for (Module::iterator F = M.begin(), E = M.end(); F != E; ++F) {
List.push_back (F);
} else {
for (unsigned index = 0; index < Funcs.size(); ++index) {
if (Function * F = M.getFunction(Funcs[index]))
List.push_back (F);
// Update the statistics on how many functions we'll examine.
NumFuncs += List.size();
// Method: insertEasyDanglingPointers()
// Description:
// Insert dangling pointer dereferences into the code. This is done by
// finding load/store instructions and inserting a free on the pointer to
// ensure the dereference (and all future dereferences) are illegal.
// Return value:
// true - The module was modified.
// false - The module was left unmodified.
// Notes:
// This code utilizes DSA to ensure that the pointer can pointer to heap
// memory (although the pointer is allowed to alias global and stack memory).
FaultInjector::insertEasyDanglingPointers (Function & F) {
// Ensure that we can get analysis information for this function.
if (!(TDPass->hasDSGraph(F)))
return false;
// Scan through each instruction of the function looking for load and store
// instructions. Free the pointer right before.
DSGraph * DSG = TDPass->getDSGraph(F);
for (Function::iterator fI = F.begin(), fE = F.end(); fI != fE; ++fI) {
BasicBlock & BB = *fI;
for (BasicBlock::iterator bI = BB.begin(), bE = BB.end(); bI != bE; ++bI) {
Instruction * I = bI;
// Look to see if there is an instruction that uses a pointer. If so,
// then free the pointer before the use.
Value * Pointer = 0;
if (LoadInst * LI = dyn_cast<LoadInst>(I))
Pointer = LI->getPointerOperand();
else if (StoreInst * SI = dyn_cast<StoreInst>(I))
Pointer = SI->getPointerOperand();
// Check to ensure that this pointer aliases with the heap. If so, go
// ahead and add the free. Note that we may introduce an invalid free,
// but we're injecting errors, so I think that's okay.
DSNode * Node = DSG->getNodeForValue(Pointer).getNode();
if (Node && (Node->isHeapNode())) {
// Avoid free'ing pointers that are trivially stack objects or global
// variables.
if (isa<GlobalValue>(Pointer->stripPointerCasts()) ||
isa<AllocaInst>(Pointer->stripPointerCasts())) {
// Skip if we should not insert a fault.
if (!doFault()) continue;
// Print information about where the fault is being inserted.
printSourceInfo ("Easy dangling pointer", I);
CallInst::Create (Free, Pointer, "", I);
return (DPFaults > 0);
// Method: insertHardDanglingPointers()
// Description:
// Insert dangling pointer dereferences into the code. This is done by
// finding instructions that store pointers to memory and free'ing those
// pointers before the store. Subsequent loads and uses of the pointer will
// cause a dangling pointer dereference.
// Return value:
// true - The module was modified.
// false - The module was left unmodified.
// Notes:
// This code utilizes DSA to ensure that the pointer can point to heap
// memory (although the pointer is allowed to alias global and stack memory).
FaultInjector::insertHardDanglingPointers (Function & F) {
// Ensure that we can get analysis information for this function.
if (!(TDPass->hasDSGraph(F)))
return false;
// Scan through each instruction of the function looking for store
// instructions that store a pointer to memory. Free the pointer right
// before the store instruction.
DSGraph * DSG = TDPass->getDSGraph(F);
for (Function::iterator fI = F.begin(), fE = F.end(); fI != fE; ++fI) {
BasicBlock & BB = *fI;
for (BasicBlock::iterator bI = BB.begin(), bE = BB.end(); bI != bE; ++bI) {
Instruction * I = bI;
// Look to see if there is an instruction that stores a pointer to
// memory. If so, then free the pointer before the store.
if (StoreInst * SI = dyn_cast<StoreInst>(I)) {
if (isa<PointerType>(SI->getOperand(0)->getType())) {
Value * Pointer = SI->getOperand(0);
// Check to ensure that the pointer aliases with the heap. If so, go
// ahead and add the free. Note that we may introduce an invalid
// free, but we're injecting errors, so I think that's okay.
DSNode * Node = DSG->getNodeForValue(Pointer).getNode();
if (Node && (Node->isHeapNode())) {
// Skip if we should not insert a fault.
if (!doFault()) continue;
// Print information about where the fault is being inserted.
printSourceInfo ("Hard dangling pointer", I);
CallInst::Create (Free, Pointer, "", I);
return (DPFaults > 0);
// Method: insertRealDanglingPointers()
// Description:
// Insert dangling pointer dereferences into the code. This is done by
// finding heap allocation instructions and adding code to free the allocated
// pointer. These errors will be more trivial than the hard dangling pointer
// injection method but will also be more accurate (i.e., it will only free
// heap objects and only cause dangling pointer errors; it will *not* insert
// other invalid free errors).
// Return value:
// true - The module was modified.
// false - The module was left unmodified.
FaultInjector::insertRealDanglingPointers (Function & F) {
// Scan through each instruction of the function looking for malloc
// instructions. Free the pointer immediently after the allocation.
#if 0
std::vector<MallocInst *> Worklist;
for (Function::iterator fI = F.begin(), fE = F.end(); fI != fE; ++fI) {
BasicBlock & BB = *fI;
for (BasicBlock::iterator bI = BB.begin(), bE = BB.end(); bI != bE; ++bI) {
Instruction * I = bI;
// Look to see if there is an instruction that stores a pointer to
// memory. If so, then free the pointer before the store.
if (MallocInst * MI = dyn_cast<MallocInst>(I)) {
// Skip if we should not insert a fault.
if (!doFault()) continue;
// Add the malloc instruction to the list of places to insert frees.
// We do this here to avoid iterator invalidation.
Worklist.push_back (MI);
// Insert a free after every malloc in the work list.
while (Worklist.size()) {
MallocInst * MI = Worklist.back();
BasicBlock::iterator InsertPt = MI;
// Print information about where the fault is being inserted.
printSourceInfo ("Real dangling pointer", MI);
// Insert a call to free to deallocate the allocated memory.
new FreeInst (MI, InsertPt);
return (DPFaults > 0);
return false;
// Method: insertBadAllocationSizes()
// Description:
// This method will look for allocations and change their size to be
// incorrect. It does the following:
// o) Changes the number of array elements allocated by alloca and malloc.
// Return value:
// true - The module was modified.
// false - The module was left unmodified.
FaultInjector::insertBadAllocationSizes (Function & F) {
// Worklist of allocation sites to rewrite
std::vector<AllocaInst * > WorkList;
for (Function::iterator fI = F.begin(), fE = F.end(); fI != fE; ++fI) {
BasicBlock & BB = *fI;
for (BasicBlock::iterator I = BB.begin(), bE = BB.end(); I != bE; ++I) {
if (AllocaInst * AI = dyn_cast<AllocaInst>(I)) {
if (AI->isArrayAllocation()) {
// Skip if we should not insert a fault.
if (!doFault()) continue;
while (WorkList.size()) {
AllocaInst * AI = WorkList.back();
// Print information about where the fault is being inserted.
printSourceInfo ("Bad allocation size", AI);
Instruction * NewAlloc = 0;
NewAlloc = new AllocaInst (AI->getAllocatedType(),
AI->replaceAllUsesWith (NewAlloc);
// Try harder to make bad allocation sizes.
for (Function::iterator fI = F.begin(), fE = F.end(); fI != fE; ++fI) {
BasicBlock & BB = *fI;
for (BasicBlock::iterator I = BB.begin(), bE = BB.end(); I != bE; ++I) {
if (AllocaInst * AI = dyn_cast<AllocaInst>(I)) {
// Determine if this is a data type that we can make smaller.
if (((TD->getTypeAllocSize(AI->getAllocatedType())) > 4) && doFault()) {
// Replace these allocations with an allocation of an integer and cast the
// result back into the appropriate type.
while (WorkList.size()) {
AllocaInst * AI = WorkList.back();
Instruction * NewAlloc = 0;
NewAlloc = new AllocaInst (Int32Type,
NewAlloc = castTo (NewAlloc, AI->getType(), "", AI);
AI->replaceAllUsesWith (NewAlloc);
return (BadSizes > 0);
// Methods: insertBadIndexing()
// Description:
// This method modifieds GEP indexing expressions so that their indices are
// (most likely) below the bounds of the object pointed to by the source
// pointer. It does this by modifying the first index to be -1.
// Return value:
// true - One or more changes were made to the program.
// false - No changes were made to the program.
FaultInjector::insertBadIndexing (Function & F) {
// Worklist of allocation sites to rewrite
std::vector<GetElementPtrInst *> WorkList;
// Find GEP instructions that index into an array. Add these to the
// worklist.
for (Function::iterator fI = F.begin(), fE = F.end(); fI != fE; ++fI) {
BasicBlock & BB = *fI;
for (BasicBlock::iterator I = BB.begin(), bE = BB.end(); I != bE; ++I) {
if (GetElementPtrInst * GEP = dyn_cast<GetElementPtrInst>(I)) {
// Skip if we should not insert a fault.
if (!doFault()) continue;
WorkList.push_back (GEP);
// Flag whether the program was modified
bool modified = (WorkList.size() > 0);
// Iterator through the worklist and transform each GEP.
while (WorkList.size()) {
GetElementPtrInst * GEP = WorkList.back();
// Print out where the fault will be inserted in the source code.
printSourceInfo ("Bad indexing", GEP);
// The index arguments to the new GEP
std::vector<Value *> args;
// Create a copy of the GEP's indices.
User::op_iterator i = GEP->idx_begin();
if (i == GEP->idx_end()) continue;
args.push_back (ConstantInt::get (Int32Type, INT_MAX, true));
for (++i; i != GEP->idx_end(); ++i) {
args.push_back (*i);
// Create the new GEP instruction.
Value * Pointer = GEP->getPointerOperand();
Twine name = GEP->getName() + "badindex";
GetElementPtrInst * NewGEP = GetElementPtrInst::Create (Pointer,
GEP->replaceAllUsesWith (NewGEP);
return modified;
// Method: insertUninitializedUse()
// Description:
// This method will insert uses of uninitialized pointers.
// Inputs:
// F - The function in which to inject errors.
// Return value:
// true - This method modified the given function.
// false - This method did not modify the given function.
// Pre-conditions:
// The seed value for the random number generator used to determine if we
// inject faults must already have been called.
// Post-conditions:
// The global statistics variable will have been updated to reflect the number
// of uninitialized uses added.
FaultInjector::insertUninitializedUse (Function & F) {
// Worklist of allocation sites to instrument
std::map<AllocaInst *, std::vector<Value *> > WorkList;
// Look for allocation instructions that allocate structures with pointers
// in them.
for (Function::iterator fI = F.begin(), fE = F.end(); fI != fE; ++fI) {
BasicBlock & BB = *fI;
for (BasicBlock::iterator I = BB.begin(), bE = BB.end(); I != bE; ++I) {
if (AllocaInst * AI = dyn_cast<AllocaInst>(I)) {
// Only inject a fault if the allocated memory has a pointer in it.
std::vector<Value *> Indices;
Indices.push_back (ConstantInt::get (Int32Type, 0));
if (typeContainsPointer (AI->getAllocatedType(),
&(F.getContext()))) {
// Skip if we should not insert a fault.
if (!doFault()) continue;
WorkList.insert(std::make_pair (AI, Indices));
// Flag whether we'll have modified something.
bool modified = (WorkList.size() > 0);
std::map<AllocaInst *, std::vector<Value *> >::iterator i;
for (i = WorkList.begin(); i != WorkList.end(); ++i) {
// Get the allocation instruction which we will use.
AllocaInst * AI = i->first;
// Get the set of indices that we found for accessing the pointer element
std::vector<Value *> Indices = i->second;
// Print information about where the fault is being inserted.
printSourceInfo ("Uninitialized pointer", AI);
// Find the insertion point; it should be the next instruction after the
// allocation.
BasicBlock::iterator InsertPt = AI;
// Insert a GEP expression for the pointer using the indices we found when
// we went searching for a pointer value.
GetElementPtrInst * GEP = GetElementPtrInst::Create (AI,
// Now load the uninitialized pointer.
LoadInst * BadPtr = new LoadInst (GEP, "badptr", InsertPt);
// Check to see if the type of the loaded pointer is a function pointer.
// If so, we cannot create a load from it.
const PointerType * PT = dyn_cast<PointerType>(BadPtr->getType());
assert (PT && "Load of non-pointer type!\n");
if (isa<FunctionType>(PT->getElementType())) continue;
// Now my evil plan is complete! Dereference this pointer and take the
// first step into oblivion!
new LoadInst (BadPtr, "shouldfault", true, InsertPt);
// Update the statistics.
return modified;
// Method: runOnModule()
// Description:
// This is where the pass begin execution.
// Return value:
// true - The module was modified.
// false - The module was left unmodified.
FaultInjector::runOnModule(Module &M) {
// Track whether anything has been modified
bool modified = false;
// Create needed LLVM types.
Int32Type = IntegerType::getInt32Ty(M.getContext());
// Get analysis results from DSA.
TDPass = &getAnalysis<TDDataStructures>();
// Get information on the target architecture for this program
TD = &getAnalysis<DataLayout>();
// Initialize the random number generator
srand (Seed);
// Calculate the threshold for when a fault should be inserted
threshold = (RAND_MAX / 100 * Frequency);
// Create the heap deallocation function
Free = createFreeFunction (M);
// List of functions to process
std::vector<Function *> FunctionList;
// Process each function
getFunctionList (M, FunctionList);
while (FunctionList.size()) {
Function * F = FunctionList.back();
// Insert dangling pointer errors
if (InjectEasyDPFaults) modified |= insertEasyDanglingPointers(*F);
if (InjectHardDPFaults) modified |= insertHardDanglingPointers(*F);
if (InjectRealDPFaults) modified |= insertRealDanglingPointers(*F);
// Insert bad allocation sizes
if (InjectBadSizes) modified |= insertBadAllocationSizes (*F);
// Insert incorrect indices in GEPs
if (InjectBadIndices) modified |= insertBadIndexing (*F);
// Insert uses of uninitialized pointers
if (InjectUninitUses) modified |= insertUninitializedUse (*F);
return modified;