blob: 3dc54212bc0594b1470c6a9b1f9f513dc17edb1b [file] [log] [blame]
//===- AllocatorInfo.h ------------------------------------------*- C++ -*----//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file was developed by the LLVM research group and is distributed under
// the University of Illinois Open Source License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// Define the abstraction of a pair of allocator / deallocator, including:
// * The size of the object being allocated.
// * Whether the size may be a constant, which can be used for exactcheck
// optimization.
#include "llvm/IR/Module.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Value.h"
#include "llvm/IR/DataLayout.h"
#include "llvm/Pass.h"
#include "safecode/Utility.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string>
namespace llvm {
/// AllocatorInfo - define the abstraction of a pair of allocator / deallocator.
class AllocatorInfo {
AllocatorInfo(const std::string & allocCallName,
const std::string & freeCallName) :
allocCallName(allocCallName), freeCallName(freeCallName) {}
virtual ~AllocatorInfo();
/// Test whether the size of a particular allocation site may be a constant.
/// This is used to determined whether SAFECode can perform an exactcheck
/// optimization on the particular allocation site.
/// For simple allocators such as malloc() / poolalloc(), that is always
/// true. However, allocators such as kmem_cache_alloc() put the size of
/// allocation inside a struct, which needs extra instructions to get the
/// size. We don't want to get into this complexity right now, even running
/// ADCE right after exactcheck optimization might fix the problem.
virtual bool isAllocSizeMayConstant(Value * AllocSite) const {
return true;
/// Return the size of the object being allocated
/// Assume the caller knows it is an allocation for this allocator
/// Return NULL when something is wrong
virtual Value * getAllocSize(Value * AllocSite) const = 0;
/// Return the size of the object being allocated; insert code into the
/// program to compute the size if necessary
virtual Value * getOrCreateAllocSize (Value * AllocSite) const = 0;
/// Return the pointer being freed
/// Return NULL when something is wrong
virtual Value * getFreedPointer(Value * FreeSite) const = 0;
/// Return the function name of the allocator, say "malloc".
const std::string & getAllocCallName() const { return allocCallName; }
/// Return the function name of the deallocator, say "free".
const std::string & getFreeCallName() const { return freeCallName; }
std::string allocCallName;
std::string freeCallName;
/// SimpleAllocatorInfo - define the abstraction of simple allcators /
/// deallocators such as malloc / free
class SimpleAllocatorInfo : public AllocatorInfo {
SimpleAllocatorInfo(const std::string & allocCallName,
const std::string & freeCallName,
uint32_t allocSizeOperand,
uint32_t freePtrOperand) :
AllocatorInfo(allocCallName, freeCallName),
allocSizeOperand(allocSizeOperand), freePtrOperand(freePtrOperand) {}
virtual Value * getAllocSize(Value * AllocSite) const;
virtual Value * getOrCreateAllocSize(Value * AllocSite) const;
virtual Value * getFreedPointer(Value * FreeSite) const;
uint32_t allocSizeOperand;
uint32_t freePtrOperand;
/// ReAllocatorInfo - define the abstraction of simple reallcators /
/// deallocators such as realloc / free
class ReAllocatorInfo : public SimpleAllocatorInfo {
ReAllocatorInfo(const std::string & allocCallName,
const std::string & freeCallName,
uint32_t allocSizeOperand,
uint32_t allocPtrOperand,
uint32_t freePtrOperand) :
allocPtrOperand(allocPtrOperand) {}
virtual Value * getAllocedPointer (Value * AllocSite) const;
uint32_t allocPtrOperand;
/// ArrayAllocatorInfo - define the abstraction of array allocators /
/// deallocators such as calloc / free
class ArrayAllocatorInfo : public SimpleAllocatorInfo {
// The index of the operand used for the number of elements to allocate
uint32_t allocNumOperand;
ArrayAllocatorInfo(const std::string & allocCallName,
const std::string & freeCallName,
uint32_t allocSizeOperand,
uint32_t allocNumOperand,
uint32_t freePtrOperand) :
SimpleAllocatorInfo (allocCallName, freeCallName, allocSizeOperand, freePtrOperand), allocNumOperand (allocNumOperand) {}
virtual Value * getAllocSize(Value * AllocSite) const {
return 0;
virtual Value * getOrCreateAllocSize(Value * AllocSite) const;
/// StringAllocatorInfo - define the abstraction of string allocator functions
class StringAllocatorInfo : public SimpleAllocatorInfo {
StringAllocatorInfo(const std::string & allocCallName,
const std::string & freeCallName,
uint32_t freePtrOperand) :
SimpleAllocatorInfo (allocCallName, freeCallName, 0, freePtrOperand) {}
virtual Value * getAllocSize(Value * AllocSite) const {
return 0;
virtual Value * getOrCreateAllocSize(Value * AllocSite) const;
// Pass: AllocatorInfoPass
// Description:
// This is a pass that can be queried to find information about various
// allocation functions.
class AllocatorInfoPass : public ImmutablePass {
typedef std::vector<AllocatorInfo *> AllocatorInfoListTy;
typedef AllocatorInfoListTy::iterator alloc_iterator;
typedef std::vector<ReAllocatorInfo *> ReAllocatorInfoListTy;
typedef ReAllocatorInfoListTy::iterator realloc_iterator;
// List of allocator/deallocator functions
AllocatorInfoListTy allocators;
// List of reallocator functions
ReAllocatorInfoListTy reallocators;
// Pass members and methods
static char ID;
AllocatorInfoPass() : ImmutablePass(ID) {
// Register the standard C library allocators.
static SimpleAllocatorInfo CPP1Allocator ("_Znwm", "_ZdlPv", 1, 1);
static SimpleAllocatorInfo CPP2Allocator ("_Znam", "_ZdaPv", 1, 1);
static SimpleAllocatorInfo CPP3Allocator ("_Znwj", "", 1, 1);
static SimpleAllocatorInfo CPP4Allocator ("_Znaj", "", 1, 1);
static SimpleAllocatorInfo MallocAllocator ("malloc", "free", 1, 1);
static ArrayAllocatorInfo CallocAllocator ("calloc", "", 1, 2, 1);
static ReAllocatorInfo ReAllocator ("realloc", "", 2, 1, 1);
static StringAllocatorInfo StrdupAllocator ("strdup", "", 1);
static StringAllocatorInfo GetenvAllocator ("getenv", "", 0);
// Add the standard C allocators
addAllocator (&MallocAllocator);
addAllocator (&CallocAllocator);
addReAllocator (&ReAllocator);
// Add the C++ allocators
addAllocator (&CPP1Allocator);
addAllocator (&CPP2Allocator);
addAllocator (&CPP3Allocator);
addAllocator (&CPP4Allocator);
// Add the string allocator functions
addAllocator (&StrdupAllocator);
addAllocator (&GetenvAllocator);
virtual bool runOnModule (Module & M) {
// Ensure that a prototype for strlen() exists.
DataLayout & TD = getAnalysis<DataLayout>();
M.getOrInsertFunction ("strlen",
TD.getIntPtrType(M.getContext(), 0),
return true;
virtual void getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU) const {
// Iterator methods
alloc_iterator alloc_begin() { return allocators.begin(); }
alloc_iterator alloc_end() { return allocators.end(); }
realloc_iterator realloc_begin() { return reallocators.begin(); }
realloc_iterator realloc_end() { return reallocators.end(); }
// Methods to add allocators
void addAllocator (AllocatorInfo * Allocator) {
allocators.push_back (Allocator);
void addReAllocator (ReAllocatorInfo * Allocator) {
reallocators.push_back (Allocator);
Value * getObjectSize(Value * V);