blob: e63fa93e3a8547be3b92348aad3d854736607c58 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- StackSafety.h - ------------------------------------*- C++ -*---------=//
// The SAFECode Compiler
// This file was developed by the LLVM research group and is distributed under
// the University of Illinois Open Source License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file defines checks for stack safety.
#include "safecode/PoolHandles.h"
#include "dsa/DataStructure.h"
#include "dsa/DSGraph.h"
#include "dsa/DSNode.h"
#include "llvm/Pass.h"
#include <set>
namespace llvm {
ModulePass* createStackSafetyPass();
namespace CSS {
struct checkStackSafety : public ModulePass {
public :
static char ID;
checkStackSafety() : ModulePass ((intptr_t) &ID) {}
std::set<DSNode *> AllocaNodes;
const char *getPassName() const { return "Stack Safety Check";}
virtual bool runOnModule(Module &M);
virtual void getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU) const {
// Method: releaseMemory()
// Description:
// This method frees memory used by the pass; it should be called by the
// PassManager before the pass's analysis results are invalidated.
virtual void releaseMemory () {
// Clear the set of nodes
// Clear the set of reachable nodes; this may have items from the last
// execution lying around.
private :
// Tracks the DSNodes that have already been analyzed by an invocation of
// markReachableAllocas().
std::set<DSNode *> reachableAllocaNodes;
bool markReachableAllocas(DSNode *DSN, bool start=false);
bool markReachableAllocasInt(DSNode *DSN, bool start=false);