blob: 608c051d31c3ad815702333b0dba97da5de39462 [file] [log] [blame]
! Program to test the scalarizer
program testarray
implicit none
integer, dimension (:, :), allocatable :: a, b
integer n
allocate(a(6, 5), b(6, 5))
a = 0
do n = 1, 5
a(4, n) = n
end do
b(:, 5:1:-1) = a
a(1:5, 2) = a(4, :) + 1
! The following expression should cause loop reordering
a(:, 2:4) = a(:, 1:3)
do n = 1, 5
if (a(n, 3) .ne. (n + 1)) call abort
if (b(4, n) .ne. (6 - n)) call abort
end do
end program