blob: 1ff8006de009824c5f60543f6b64510ef5cd7745 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! Tests the implementation of 13.14.13 of the f95 standard
! in respect of zero character and zero array length.
! Contributed by Paul Thomas <>
call test1 ()
call test2 ()
call test3 (0)
call test3 (1)
subroutine test1 ()
integer, pointer, dimension(:, :, :) :: a, b
allocate (a(2,0,2))
b => a
! Even though b is zero length, associated returns true because
! the target argument is not present (case (i))
if (.not. associated (b)) call abort ()
deallocate (a)
if(associated(a,a)) call abort()
allocate (a(2,1,2))
b => a
if (.not.associated (b)) call abort ()
deallocate (a)
end subroutine test1
subroutine test2 ()
integer, pointer, dimension(:, :, :) :: a, b
allocate (a(2,0,2))
b => a
! Associated returns false because target is present (case(iii)).
if (associated (b, a)) call abort ()
deallocate (a)
allocate (a(2,1,2))
b => a
if (.not.associated (b, a)) call abort ()
deallocate (a)
end subroutine test2
subroutine test3 (n)
integer :: n
character(len=n), pointer, dimension(:) :: a, b
allocate (a(2))
b => a
! Again, with zero character length associated returns false
! if target is present.
if (associated (b, a) .and. (n .eq. 0)) call abort ()
if ((.not.associated (b, a)) .and. (n .ne. 0)) call abort ()
deallocate (a)
end subroutine test3