blob: e34e80eb275a04cfb764f4e9087df1c7e40ed281 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (C) 1999, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# Please email any bugs, comments, and/or additions to this file to:
# This file defines procs for determining features supported by the target.
# Try to compile some code and return the messages printed by the compiler.
# BASENAME is a basename to use for temporary files.
# TYPE is the type of compilation to perform (see target_compile).
# CONTENTS gives the contents of the input file.
proc get_compiler_messages {basename type contents} {
global tool
set src ${basename}[pid].c
switch $type {
assembly { set output ${basename}[pid].s }
object { set output ${basename}[pid].o }
set f [open $src "w"]
puts $f $contents
close $f
set lines [${tool}_target_compile $src $output $type ""]
file delete $src
remote_file build delete $output
return $lines
proc current_target_name { } {
global target_info
if [info exists target_info(target,name)] {
set answer $target_info(target,name)
} else {
set answer ""
return $answer
# proc check_weak_available { }
# weak symbols are only supported in some configs/object formats
# this proc returns 1 if they're supported, 0 if they're not, or -1 if unsure
proc check_weak_available { } {
global target_triplet
global target_cpu
# All mips targets should support it
if { [ string first "mips" $target_cpu ] >= 0 } {
return 1
# All solaris2 targets should support it
if { [regexp ".*-solaris2.*" $target_triplet] } {
return 1
# DEC OSF/1/Digital UNIX/Tru64 UNIX supports it
if { [regexp "alpha.*osf.*" $target_triplet] } {
return 1
# Windows targets Cygwin and MingW32 support it
if { [regexp ".*mingw32|.*cygwin" $target_triplet] } {
return 1
# HP-UX 10.X doesn't support it
if { [regexp "hppa.*hpux10" $target_triplet] } {
return 0
# ELF and ECOFF support it. a.out does with gas/gld but may also with
# other linkers, so we should try it
set objformat [gcc_target_object_format]
switch $objformat {
elf { return 1 }
ecoff { return 1 }
a.out { return 1 }
mach-o { return 1 }
som { return 1 }
unknown { return -1 }
default { return 0 }
# proc check_visibility_available { what_kind }
# The visibility attribute is only support in some object formats
# This proc returns 1 if it is supported, 0 if not.
# The argument is the kind of visibility, default/protected/hidden/internal.
proc check_visibility_available { what_kind } {
global visibility_available_saved
global tool
global target_triplet
# On NetWare, support makes no sense.
if { [string match "*-*-netware*" $target_triplet] } {
return 0
if [string match "" $what_kind] { set what_kind "hidden" }
if { [info exists visibility_available_saved] } {
verbose "Saved result is <$visibility_available_saved>" 1
if { [ lsearch -exact $visibility_available_saved $what_kind ] != -1 } {
return 1
} elseif { [ lsearch -exact $visibility_available_saved "!$what_kind" ] != -1 } {
return 0
set lines [get_compiler_messages visibility object "
void f() __attribute__((visibility(\"$what_kind\")));
void f() {}
if [string match "" $lines] then {
set answer 1
lappend visibility_available_saved $what_kind
} else {
set answer 0
lappend visibility_available_saved "!$what_kind"
return $answer
# proc check_alias_available { }
# Determine if the target toolchain supports the alias attribute.
# Returns 2 if the target supports aliases. Returns 1 if the target
# only supports weak aliased. Returns 0 if the target does not
# support aliases at all. Returns -1 if support for aliases could not
# be determined.
proc check_alias_available { } {
global alias_available_saved
global tool
if [info exists alias_available_saved] {
verbose "check_alias_available returning saved $alias_available_saved" 2
} else {
set src alias[pid].c
set obj alias[pid].o
verbose "check_alias_available compiling testfile $src" 2
set f [open $src "w"]
# Compile a small test program. The definition of "g" is
# necessary to keep the Solaris assembler from complaining
# about the program.
puts $f "#ifdef __cplusplus\nextern \"C\"\n#endif\n"
puts $f "void g() {} void f() __attribute__((alias(\"g\")));"
close $f
set lines [${tool}_target_compile $src $obj object ""]
file delete $src
remote_file build delete $obj
if [string match "" $lines] then {
# No error messages, everything is OK.
set alias_available_saved 2
} else {
if [regexp "alias definitions not supported" $lines] {
verbose "check_alias_available target does not support aliases" 2
set objformat [gcc_target_object_format]
if { $objformat == "elf" } {
verbose "check_alias_available but target uses ELF format, so it ought to" 2
set alias_available_saved -1
} else {
set alias_available_saved 0
} else {
if [regexp "only weak aliases are supported" $lines] {
verbose "check_alias_available target supports only weak aliases" 2
set alias_available_saved 1
} else {
set alias_available_saved -1
verbose "check_alias_available returning $alias_available_saved" 2
return $alias_available_saved
# Returns true if --gc-sections is supported on the target.
proc check_gc_sections_available { } {
global gc_sections_available_saved
global tool
if {![info exists gc_sections_available_saved]} {
# Some targets don't support gc-sections despite whatever's
# advertised by ld's options.
if { [istarget alpha*-*-*]
|| [istarget ia64-*-*] } {
set gc_sections_available_saved 0
return 0
# Check if the ld used by gcc supports --gc-sections.
set gcc_spec [${tool}_target_compile "-dumpspecs" "" "none" ""]
regsub ".*\n\*linker:\[ \t\]*\n(\[^ \t\n\]*).*" "$gcc_spec" {\1} linker
set gcc_ld [lindex [${tool}_target_compile "-print-prog-name=$linker" "" "none" ""] 0]
set ld_output [remote_exec host "$gcc_ld" "--help"]
if { [ string first "--gc-sections" $ld_output ] >= 0 } {
set gc_sections_available_saved 1
} else {
set gc_sections_available_saved 0
return $gc_sections_available_saved
# Return true if profiling is supported on the target.
proc check_profiling_available { test_what } {
global profiling_available_saved
verbose "Profiling argument is <$test_what>" 1
# These conditions depend on the argument so examine them before
# looking at the cache variable.
# Support for -p on solaris2 relies on mcrt1.o which comes with the
# vendor compiler. We cannot reliably predict the directory where the
# vendor compiler (and thus mcrt1.o) is installed so we can't
# necessarily find mcrt1.o even if we have it.
if { [istarget *-*-solaris2*] && [lindex $test_what 1] == "-p" } {
return 0
# Support for -p on irix relies on libprof1.a which doesn't appear to
# exist on any irix6 system currently posting testsuite results.
# Support for -pg on irix relies on gcrt1.o which doesn't exist yet.
# See:
if { [istarget mips*-*-irix*]
&& ([lindex $test_what 1] == "-p" || [lindex $test_what 1] == "-pg") } {
return 0
# Now examine the cache variable.
if {![info exists profiling_available_saved]} {
# Some targets don't have any implementation of __bb_init_func or are
# missing other needed machinery.
if { [istarget mmix-*-*]
|| [istarget arm*-*-eabi*]
|| [istarget arm*-*-elf]
|| [istarget arm*-*-symbianelf*]
|| [istarget powerpc-*-eabi*]
|| [istarget strongarm*-*-elf]
|| [istarget xscale*-*-elf]
|| [istarget cris-*-*]
|| [istarget h8300-*-*]
|| [istarget mips*-*-elf]
|| [istarget *-*-windiss] } {
set profiling_available_saved 0
} else {
set profiling_available_saved 1
return $profiling_available_saved
# Return true if iconv is supported on the target. In particular IBM-1047.
proc check_iconv_available { test_what } {
global tool
global libiconv
set result ""
set src iconv[pid].c
set exe iconv[pid].x
verbose "check_iconv_available compiling testfile $src" 2
set f [open $src "w"]
# Compile a small test program.
puts $f "#include <iconv.h>\n"
puts $f "int main (void)\n {\n iconv_t cd; \n"
puts $f "cd = iconv_open (\"[lindex $test_what 1]\", \"UTF-8\");\n"
puts $f "if (cd == (iconv_t) -1)\n return 1;\n"
puts $f "return 0;\n}"
close $f
# If the tool configuration file has not set libiconv, try "-liconv"
if { ![info exists libiconv] } {
set libiconv "-liconv"
set lines [${tool}_target_compile $src $exe executable "libs=$libiconv" ]
file delete $src
if [string match "" $lines] then {
# No error messages, everything is OK.
set result [${tool}_load "./$exe" "" ""]
set status [lindex $result 0];
remote_file build delete $exe
verbose "check_iconv_available status is <$status>" 2
if { $status == "pass" } then {
return 1
return 0
# Return true if named sections are supported on this target.
# This proc does not cache results, because the answer may vary
# when cycling over subtarget options (e.g. irix o32/n32/n64) in
# the same test run.
proc check_named_sections_available { } {
verbose "check_named_sections_available: compiling source" 2
# APPLE LOCAL mainline 2006-02-13 radar 4373419
set answer [string match "" [get_compiler_messages named assembly {
int __attribute__ ((section("whatever"))) foo;
verbose "check_named_sections_available: returning $answer" 2
return $answer
# Return 1 if the target supports executing AltiVec instructions, 0
# otherwise. Cache the result.
proc check_vmx_hw_available { } {
global vmx_hw_available_saved
global tool
if [info exists vmx_hw_available_saved] {
verbose "check_hw_available returning saved $vmx_hw_available_saved" 2
} else {
set vmx_hw_available_saved 0
# Some simulators are known to not support VMX instructions.
if { [istarget powerpc-*-eabi] || [istarget powerpc*-*-eabispe] } {
verbose "check_hw_available returning 0" 2
return $vmx_hw_available_saved
# Set up, compile, and execute a test program containing VMX
# instructions. Include the current process ID in the file
# names to prevent conflicts with invocations for multiple
# testsuites.
set src vmx[pid].c
set exe vmx[pid].x
set f [open $src "w"]
puts $f "int main() {"
puts $f "#ifdef __MACH__"
puts $f " asm volatile (\"vor v0,v0,v0\");"
puts $f "#else"
puts $f " asm volatile (\"vor 0,0,0\");"
puts $f "#endif"
puts $f " return 0; }"
close $f
verbose "check_vmx_hw_available compiling testfile $src" 2
set lines [${tool}_target_compile $src $exe executable ""]
file delete $src
if [string match "" $lines] then {
# No error message, compilation succeeded.
set result [${tool}_load "./$exe" "" ""]
set status [lindex $result 0]
remote_file build delete $exe
verbose "check_vmx_hw_available testfile status is <$status>" 2
if { $status == "pass" } then {
set vmx_hw_available_saved 1
} else {
verbose "check_vmx_hw_availalble testfile compilation failed" 2
return $vmx_hw_available_saved
# GCC 3.4.0 for powerpc64-*-linux* included an ABI fix for passing
# complex float arguments. This affects gfortran tests that call cabsf
# in libm built by an earlier compiler. Return 1 if libm uses the same
# argument passing as the compiler under test, 0 otherwise.
# When the target name changes, replace the cached result.
proc check_effective_target_broken_cplxf_arg { } {
global et_broken_cplxf_arg_saved
global et_broken_cplxf_arg_target_name
global tool
# Skip the work for targets known not to be affected.
if { ![istarget powerpc64-*-linux*] } {
return 0
} elseif { [is-effective-target ilp32] } {
return 0
if { ![info exists et_broken_cplxf_arg_target_name] } {
set et_broken_cplxf_arg_target_name ""
# If the target has changed since we set the cached value, clear it.
set current_target [current_target_name]
if { $current_target != $et_broken_cplxf_arg_target_name } {
verbose "check_effective_target_broken_cplxf_arg: `$et_broken_cplxf_arg_target_name'" 2
set et_broken_cplxf_arg_target_name $current_target
if [info exists et_broken_cplxf_arg_saved] {
verbose "check_effective_target_broken_cplxf_arg: removing cached result" 2
unset et_broken_cplxf_arg_saved
if [info exists et_broken_cplxf_arg_saved] {
verbose "check_effective_target_broken_cplxf_arg: using cached result" 2
} else {
set et_broken_cplxf_arg_saved 0
# This is only known to affect one target.
if { ![istarget powerpc64-*-linux*] || ![is-effective-target lp64] } {
set et_broken_cplxf_arg_saved 0
verbose "check_effective_target_broken_cplxf_arg: caching 0" 2
return $et_broken_cplxf_arg_saved
# Set up, compile, and execute a C test program that calls cabsf.
set src cabsf[pid].c
set exe cabsf[pid].x
set f [open $src "w"]
puts $f "#include <complex.h>"
puts $f "extern void abort (void);"
puts $f "float fabsf (float);"
puts $f "float cabsf (_Complex float);"
puts $f "int main ()"
puts $f "{"
puts $f " _Complex float cf;"
puts $f " float f;"
puts $f " cf = 3 + 4.0fi;"
puts $f " f = cabsf (cf);"
puts $f " if (fabsf (f - 5.0) > 0.0001) abort ();"
puts $f " return 0;"
puts $f "}"
close $f
set lines [${tool}_target_compile $src $exe executable "-lm"]
file delete $src
if [string match "" $lines] {
# No error message, compilation succeeded.
set result [${tool}_load "./$exe" "" ""]
set status [lindex $result 0]
remote_file build delete $exe
verbose "check_effective_target_broken_cplxf_arg: status is <$status>" 2
if { $status != "pass" } {
set et_broken_cplxf_arg_saved 1
} else {
verbose "check_effective_target_broken_cplxf_arg: compilation failed" 2
return $et_broken_cplxf_arg_saved
proc check_alpha_max_hw_available { } {
global alpha_max_hw_available_saved
global tool
if [info exists alpha_max_hw_available_saved] {
verbose "check_alpha_max_hw_available returning saved $alpha_max_hw_available_saved" 2
} else {
set alpha_max_hw_available_saved 0
# Set up, compile, and execute a test program probing bit 8 of the
# architecture mask, which indicates presence of MAX instructions.
set src max[pid].c
set exe max[pid].x
set f [open $src "w"]
puts $f "int main() { return __builtin_alpha_amask(1<<8) != 0; }"
close $f
verbose "check_alpha_max_hw_available compiling testfile $src" 2
set lines [${tool}_target_compile $src $exe executable ""]
file delete $src
if [string match "" $lines] then {
# No error message, compilation succeeded.
set result [${tool}_load "./$exe" "" ""]
set status [lindex $result 0]
remote_file build delete $exe
verbose "check_alpha_max_hw_available testfile status is <$status>" 2
if { $status == "pass" } then {
set alpha_max_hw_available_saved 1
} else {
verbose "check_alpha_max_hw_availalble testfile compilation failed" 2
return $alpha_max_hw_available_saved
# Returns true iff the FUNCTION is available on the target system.
# (This is essentially a Tcl implementation of Autoconf's
proc check_function_available { function } {
set var "${function}_available_saved"
global $var
global tool
if {![info exists $var]} {
# Assume it exists.
set $var 1
# Check to make sure.
set src "function[pid].c"
set exe "function[pid].exe"
set f [open $src "w"]
puts $f "int main () { $function (); }"
close $f
set lines [${tool}_target_compile $src $exe executable ""]
file delete $src
file delete $exe
if {![string match "" $lines]} then {
set $var 0
verbose -log "$function is not available"
} else {
verbose -log "$function is available"
eval return \$$var
# Returns true iff "fork" is available on the target system.
proc check_fork_available {} {
return [check_function_available "fork"]
# Returns true iff "mkfifo" is available on the target system.
proc check_mkfifo_available {} {
if {[istarget *-*-cygwin*]} {
# Cygwin has mkfifo, but support is incomplete.
return 0
return [check_function_available "mkfifo"]
# Return 1 if we're generating 32-bit code using default options, 0
# otherwise.
# When the target name changes, replace the cached result.
proc check_effective_target_ilp32 { } {
global et_ilp32_saved
global et_ilp32_target_name
if { ![info exists et_ilp32_target_name] } {
set et_ilp32_target_name ""
# If the target has changed since we set the cached value, clear it.
set current_target [current_target_name]
if { $current_target != $et_ilp32_target_name } {
verbose "check_effective_target_ilp32: `$et_ilp32_target_name' `$current_target'" 2
set et_ilp32_target_name $current_target
if { [info exists et_ilp32_saved] } {
verbose "check_effective_target_ilp32: removing cached result" 2
unset et_ilp32_saved
if [info exists et_ilp32_saved] {
verbose "check-effective_target_ilp32: using cached result" 2
} else {
verbose "check_effective_target_ilp32: compiling source" 2
set et_ilp32_saved [string match "" [get_compiler_messages ilp32 object {
int dummy[(sizeof (int) == 4 && sizeof (void *) == 4 && sizeof (long) == 4 ) ? 1 : -1];
verbose "check_effective_target_ilp32: returning $et_ilp32_saved" 2
return $et_ilp32_saved
# Return 1 if we're generating 64-bit code using default options, 0
# otherwise.
# When the target name changes, replace the cached result.
proc check_effective_target_lp64 { } {
global et_lp64_saved
global et_lp64_target_name
if { ![info exists et_lp64_target_name] } {
set et_lp64_target_name ""
# If the target has changed since we set the cached value, clear it.
set current_target [current_target_name]
if { $current_target != $et_lp64_target_name } {
verbose "check_effective_target_lp64: `$et_lp64_target_name' `$current_target'" 2
set et_lp64_target_name $current_target
if [info exists et_lp64_saved] {
verbose "check_effective_target_lp64: removing cached result" 2
unset et_lp64_saved
if [info exists et_lp64_saved] {
verbose "check_effective_target_lp64: using cached result" 2
} else {
verbose "check_effective_target_lp64: compiling source" 2
set et_lp64_saved [string match "" [get_compiler_messages lp64 object {
int dummy[(sizeof (int) == 4 && sizeof (void *) == 8 && sizeof (long) == 8 ) ? 1 : -1];
verbose "check_effective_target_lp64: returning $et_lp64_saved" 2
return $et_lp64_saved
# Return 1 if the target supports hardware vectors of int, 0 otherwise.
# This won't change for different subtargets so cache the result.
proc check_effective_target_vect_int { } {
global et_vect_int_saved
if [info exists et_vect_int_saved] {
verbose "check_effective_target_vect_int: using cached result" 2
} else {
set et_vect_int_saved 0
if { [istarget i?86-*-*]
|| [istarget powerpc*-*-*]
|| [istarget x86_64-*-*]
|| [istarget sparc*-*-*]
|| [istarget alpha*-*-*]
|| [istarget ia64-*-*] } {
set et_vect_int_saved 1
verbose "check_effective_target_vect_int: returning $et_vect_int_saved" 2
return $et_vect_int_saved
# APPLE LOCAL begin mainline 2005-04-05 3972515
# Return 1 if the target supports hardware vector shift operation.
proc check_effective_target_vect_shift { } {
if { [istarget powerpc*-*-*] } {
set answer 1
} else {
set answer 0
verbose "check_effective_target_vect_shift: returning $answer" 2
return $answer
# APPLE LOCAL end mainline 2005-04-05 3972515
# Return 1 if the target supports hardware vectors of long, 0 otherwise.
# This can change for different subtargets so do not cache the result.
proc check_effective_target_vect_long { } {
if { [istarget i?86-*-*]
|| ([istarget powerpc*-*-*] && [check_effective_target_ilp32])
|| [istarget x86_64-*-*]
|| ([istarget sparc*-*-*] && [check_effective_target_ilp32]) } {
set answer 1
} else {
set answer 0
verbose "check_effective_target_vect_long: returning $answer" 2
return $answer
# Return 1 if the target supports hardware vectors of float, 0 otherwise.
# This won't change for different subtargets so cache the result.
proc check_effective_target_vect_float { } {
global et_vect_float_saved
if [info exists et_vect_float_saved] {
verbose "check_effective_target_vect_float: using cached result" 2
} else {
set et_vect_float_saved 0
if { [istarget i?86-*-*]
|| [istarget powerpc*-*-*]
|| [istarget mipsisa64*-*-*]
|| [istarget x86_64-*-*]
|| [istarget ia64-*-*] } {
set et_vect_float_saved 1
verbose "check_effective_target_vect_float: returning $et_vect_float_saved" 2
return $et_vect_float_saved
# Return 1 if the target supports hardware vectors of double, 0 otherwise.
# This won't change for different subtargets so cache the result.
proc check_effective_target_vect_double { } {
global et_vect_double_saved
if [info exists et_vect_double_saved] {
verbose "check_effective_target_vect_double: using cached result" 2
} else {
set et_vect_double_saved 0
if { [istarget i?86-*-*]
|| [istarget x86_64-*-*] } {
set et_vect_double_saved 1
verbose "check_effective_target_vect_double: returning $et_vect_double_saved" 2
return $et_vect_double_saved
# Return 1 if the target plus current options does not support a vector
# max instruction, 0 otherwise.
# This won't change for different subtargets so cache the result.
proc check_effective_target_vect_no_max { } {
global et_vect_no_max_saved
if [info exists et_vect_no_max_saved] {
verbose "check_effective_target_vect_no_max: using cached result" 2
} else {
set et_vect_no_max_saved 0
if { [istarget i?86-*-*]
|| [istarget x86_64-*-*]
|| [istarget sparc*-*-*]
|| [istarget alpha*-*-*] } {
set et_vect_no_max_saved 1
verbose "check_effective_target_vect_no_max: returning $et_vect_no_max_saved" 2
return $et_vect_no_max_saved
# Return 1 if the target plus current options does not support vector
# bitwise instructions, 0 otherwise.
# This won't change for different subtargets so cache the result.
proc check_effective_target_vect_no_bitwise { } {
global et_vect_no_bitwise_saved
if [info exists et_vect_no_bitwise_saved] {
verbose "check_effective_target_vect_no_bitwise: using cached result" 2
} else {
set et_vect_no_bitwise_saved 0
verbose "check_effective_target_vect_no_bitwise: returning $et_vect_no_bitwise_saved" 2
return $et_vect_no_bitwise_saved
# Return 1 if the target plus current options does not support a vector
# alignment mechanism, 0 otherwise.
# This won't change for different subtargets so cache the result.
proc check_effective_target_vect_no_align { } {
global et_vect_no_align_saved
if [info exists et_vect_no_align_saved] {
verbose "check_effective_target_vect_no_align: using cached result" 2
} else {
set et_vect_no_align_saved 0
if { [istarget mipsisa64*-*-*]
|| [istarget sparc*-*-*]
|| [istarget ia64-*-*] } {
set et_vect_no_align_saved 1
verbose "check_effective_target_vect_no_align: returning $et_vect_no_align_saved" 2
return $et_vect_no_align_saved
# APPLE LOCAL begin mainline 2005-04-18 3972875
# Return 1 if the target supports vector int multiplication, 0 otherwise.
proc check_effective_target_vect_int_mult { } {
global et_vect_int_mult_saved
if [info exists et_vect_int_mult] {
verbose "check_effective_target_vect_int_mult: using cached result" 2
} else {
set et_vect_int_mult_saved 0
if { [istarget powerpc*-*-*] } {
set et_vect_int_mult_saved 1
verbose "check_effective_target_vect_int_mult: returning $et_vect_int_mult_saved" 2
return $et_vect_int_mult_saved
# APPLE LOCAL end mainline 2005-04-18 3972875
# Return 1 if the target matches the effective target 'arg', 0 otherwise.
# This can be used with any check_* proc that takes no argument and
# returns only 1 or 0. It could be used with check_* procs that take
# arguments with keywords that pass particular arguments.
proc is-effective-target { arg } {
set selected 0
if { [info procs check_effective_target_${arg}] != [list] } {
set selected [check_effective_target_${arg}]
} else {
switch $arg {
"vmx_hw" { set selected [check_vmx_hw_available] }
"named_sections" { set selected [check_named_sections_available] }
"gc_sections" { set selected [check_gc_sections_available] }
default { error "unknown effective target keyword `$arg'" }
verbose "is-effective-target: $arg $selected" 2
return $selected
# Return 1 if the argument is an effective-target keyword, 0 otherwise.
proc is-effective-target-keyword { arg } {
if { [info procs check_effective_target_${arg}] != [list] } {
return 1
} else {
# These have different names for their check_* procs.
switch $arg {
"vmx_hw" { return 1 }
"named_sections" { return 1 }
"gc_sections" { return 1 }
default { return 0 }