blob: 0a6d42ab58a4111fc5444e69e1d525662e4a6b26 [file] [log] [blame]
##===- Count Lines Of Code in HLVM ---------------------------*- Python -*-===##
# High Level Virtual Machine
# This file was developed by Reid Spencer and is distributed under the
# Lesser General Public License.
# This script finds all the source code files in the source code directories
# (excluding certain things), runs "wc -l" on them to get the number of lines in
# each file and then sums up and prints the total.
# The script takes no arguments but does expect to be run from somewhere in
# the top llvm source directory.
# Note that the implementation is based on llvmdo. See that script for more
# details.
import os
from os.path import join, getsize
import glob;
import datetime;
suffixes = ['.h','.cpp','.cxx','.py','.rng','.in','.xsl','.sh','.pm','.hlx',
docsuffixes = ['.html','.css','.pod','.header','.footer','.intro']
filenames = ['SConscript', 'SConstruct','Makefiles' ]
notdirs = ['.svn','Release','Debug','Optimized','Profile','default']
total = 0
doctotal = 0
for root, dirs, files in os.walk('.'):
for name in files:
(basename,ext) = os.path.splitext(name)
if ext in suffixes or name in filenames:
lines = 0
for line in open(join(root,name),'r'):
lines += 1
print join(root,name), ":", lines
total += lines
if ext in docsuffixes:
lines = 0
for line in open(join(root,name),'r'):
lines += 1
doctotal += lines
for d in notdirs:
if d in dirs:
print "Lines Of Code in HLVM:",total
print "Lines Of Doc in HLVM:",doctotal
now =
then =,4,24)
days = now.toordinal() - then.toordinal()
print "Code Productivity:",total / ((days * 5) / 7),"loc/day"
print "Total Productivity:", (total+doctotal) / ((days * 5) / 7), "lines/day"