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//===-- AST Bundle Class ----------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// High Level Virtual Machine (HLVM)
// Copyright (C) 2006 Reid Spencer. All Rights Reserved.
// This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
// under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at
// your option) any later version.
// This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
// more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with this library in the file named LICENSE.txt; if not, write to the
// Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
// MA 02110-1301 USA
/// @file hlvm/AST/Bundle.h
/// @author Reid Spencer <> (original author)
/// @date 2006/05/04
/// @since 0.1.0
/// @brief Declares the class hlvm::AST::Bundle
#include <hlvm/AST/Node.h>
#include <hlvm/AST/Constants.h>
#include <hlvm/AST/SymbolTable.h>
namespace hlvm
class Type;
class Linkable;
/// This type enumerates the intrinsic types. Intrinsic types are those which
/// are intrinsic to HLVM. They are well known, have immutable names, and are
/// generally fundamental in character.
/// @brief AST Intrinsic Types Enum
enum IntrinsicTypes {
NoIntrinsicType, ///< This is used for errors, etc.
boolTy, ///< The boolean type
FirstIntrinsicType = boolTy,
bufferTy, ///< The memory buffer type
charTy, ///< The UTF-8 character type
doubleTy, ///< 64-bit IEEE 754 double precision
f32Ty, ///< 32-bit IEEE 754 single precision
f44Ty, ///< 43-bit IEEE 754 extended single precision
f64Ty, ///< 64-bit IEEE 754 double precision
f80Ty, ///< 80-bit IEEE 754 extended double precision
f96Ty, ///< 96-bit IEEE 754 long extended double precision
f128Ty, ///< 128-bit IEEE 754 quad precision
floatTy, ///< 32-bit IEEE 754 single precision
intTy, ///< Signed 32-bit integer quantity
longTy, ///< Signed 64-bit integer quantity
octetTy, ///< Unsigned 8-bit integer quantity, not computable
qs16Ty, ///< Signed 16-bit rational quantity
qs32Ty, ///< Signed 32-bit rational quantity
qs64Ty, ///< Signed 64-bit rational quantity
qs128Ty, ///< Signed 8-bit rational quantity
qu16Ty, ///< Unsigned 16-bit rational quantity
qu32Ty, ///< Unsigned 32-bit rational quantity
qu64Ty, ///< Unsigned 64-bit rational quantity
qu128Ty, ///< Unsigned 8-bit rational quantity
r8Ty, ///< Range checked signed 8-bit integer quantity
r16Ty, ///< Range checked signed 16-bit integer quantity
r32Ty, ///< Range checked signed 32-bit integer quantity
r64Ty, ///< Range checked signed 64-bit integer quantity
s8Ty, ///< Signed 8-bit integer quantity
s16Ty, ///< Signed 16-bit integer quantity
s32Ty, ///< Signed 32-bit integer quantity
s64Ty, ///< Signed 64-bit integer quantity
s128Ty, ///< Signed 128-bit integer quantity
shortTy, ///< Signed 16-bit integer quantity
streamTy, ///< The I/O stream type
stringTy, ///< The UTF-8 string type
textTy, ///< The UTF-8 text type
u8Ty, ///< Unsigned 8-bit integer quantity
u16Ty, ///< Unsigned 16-bit integer quantity
u32Ty, ///< Unsigned 32-bit integer quantity
u64Ty, ///< Unsigned 64-bit integer quantity
u128Ty, ///< Unsigned 128-bit integer quantity
voidTy, ///< OpaqueType, 0-bits, non-readable, non-writable
LastIntrinsicType = u128Ty
/// This class is simply a collection of definitions. Things that can be
/// defined in a bundle include types, global variables, functions, classes,
/// etc. A bundle is the unit of linking and loading. A given compilation unit
/// may define as many bundles as it desires. When a bundle is loaded, all of
/// its definitions become active. Only those things defined in a bundle
/// participate in linking A Bundle's parent is always the AST node. Each
/// Bundle has a name and that name forms a namespace for the definitions
/// within the bundle. Bundles cannot be nested.
/// @brief AST Bundle Node
class Bundle : public Documentable
/// @name Types
/// @{
typedef std::vector<Type*> TypeList;
typedef TypeList::iterator tlist_iterator;
typedef TypeList::const_iterator tlist_const_iterator;
typedef SymbolTable<Type> TypeTable;
typedef TypeTable::iterator ttable_iterator;
typedef TypeTable::const_iterator ttable_const_iterator;
typedef std::vector<Constant*> ConstantList;
typedef ConstantList::iterator clist_iterator;
typedef ConstantList::const_iterator clist_const_iterator;
typedef SymbolTable<Constant> ConstantTable;
typedef ConstantTable::iterator ctable_iterator;
typedef ConstantTable::const_iterator ctable_const_iterator;
/// @}
/// @name Constructors
/// @{
: Documentable(BundleID), name(), tlist(), ttable(), clist(), ctable() {}
virtual ~Bundle();
/// @}
/// @name Accessors
/// @{
const std::string& getName() const { return name; }
static inline bool classof(const Bundle*) { return true; }
static inline bool classof(const Node* N) { return N->is(BundleID); }
/// @}
/// @name Mutators
/// @{
void setName(const std::string& n) { name = n; }
virtual void insertChild(Node* kid);
virtual void removeChild(Node* kid);
/// @}
/// @name Type Management
/// @{
/// Return the type of a program, named ProgramType
SignatureType* getProgramType();
/// Get the Intrinsic Id from the intrinsic's name
IntrinsicTypes getIntrinsicTypesValue(const std::string& name);
/// Get the standard name of one of the primitive types
void getIntrinsicName(IntrinsicTypes ty, std::string& name);
/// Get one of the intrinsic types directly by its identifier
Type* getIntrinsicType(IntrinsicTypes ty);
/// Get one of the intrinsic types by its name
Type* getIntrinsicType(const std::string& name);
/// Get a standard pointer type to the element type Ty.
PointerType* getPointerTo(const Type* Ty);
/// Resolve a type name into a Type and allow for forward referencing.
Type* getOrCreateType(const std::string& name);
/// Get an existing type by name or 0 if there is no such type
Type* getType(const std::string& n);
/// Get an existing constant by name or 0 if there is no such constant
Constant* getConst(const std::string& n) const;
/// @}
/// @name Iterators
/// @{
// Type Insertion Order Iteration
tlist_iterator tlist_begin() { return tlist.begin(); }
tlist_const_iterator tlist_begin() const { return tlist.begin(); }
tlist_iterator tlist_end () { return tlist.end(); }
tlist_const_iterator tlist_end () const { return tlist.end(); }
size_t tlist_size () const { return tlist.size(); }
bool tlist_empty() const { return tlist.empty(); }
/// Type Symbol Table Iteration
ttable_iterator ttable_begin() { return ttable.begin(); }
ttable_const_iterator ttable_begin() const { return ttable.begin(); }
ttable_iterator ttable_end () { return ttable.end(); }
ttable_const_iterator ttable_end () const { return ttable.end(); }
size_t ttable_size () const { return ttable.size(); }
bool ttable_empty() const { return ttable.empty(); }
/// Value Insertion Order Iteration
clist_iterator clist_begin() { return clist.begin(); }
clist_const_iterator clist_begin() const { return clist.begin(); }
clist_iterator clist_end () { return clist.end(); }
clist_const_iterator clist_end () const { return clist.end(); }
size_t clist_size () const { return clist.size(); }
bool clist_empty() const { return clist.empty(); }
/// Value Symbol Table Iteration
ctable_iterator ctable_begin() { return ctable.begin(); }
ctable_const_iterator ctable_begin() const { return ctable.begin(); }
ctable_iterator ctable_end () { return ctable.end(); }
ctable_const_iterator ctable_end () const { return ctable.end(); }
size_t ctable_size () const { return ctable.size(); }
bool ctable_empty() const { return ctable.empty(); }
/// @}
/// @name Data
/// @{
std::string name; ///< The name for this bundle
TypeList tlist; ///< The list of types
TypeTable ttable; ///< The list of types
TypeTable unresolvedTypes; ///< The list of forward referenced types
ConstantList clist; ///< The list of values in insertion order
ConstantTable ctable;
/// @}
friend class AST;
/// This class provides an Abstract Syntax Tree node that represents an Import
/// of one Bundle into another. An Import encapsulates two data items: the URI
/// of the Bundle that is to be imported, and a prefix by which items in that
/// Bundle can be referenced. For example, if Bundle "Fooness" contains a
/// definition named "foo" then another bundle specifying an import of "Fooness"
/// with prefix "F" can refer to "foo" in "Fooness" with "F:foo".
/// @see Bundle
/// @brief AST Import Node
class Import : public Documentable
/// @name Constructors
/// @{
Import() : Documentable(ImportID) {}
virtual ~Import();
/// @}
/// @name Accessors
/// @{
static inline bool classof(const Import*) { return true; }
static inline bool classof(const Node* N) { return N->is(ImportID); }
/// @}
/// @name Mutators
/// @{
void setPrefix(const std::string& pfx) { prefix = pfx; }
/// @}
/// @name Data
/// @{
std::string prefix;
/// @}
friend class AST;
} // end hlvm namespace