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//===-- AST Arithemetic Operators Interface ---------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// High Level Virtual Machine (HLVM)
// Copyright (C) 2006 Reid Spencer. All Rights Reserved.
// This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
// under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at
// your option) any later version.
// This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
// more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with this library in the file named LICENSE.txt; if not, write to the
// Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
// MA 02110-1301 USA
/// @file hlvm/AST/Arithmetic.h
/// @author Reid Spencer <> (original author)
/// @date 2006/06/14
/// @since 0.2.0
/// @brief Declares the AST Arithmentic Operators
#include <hlvm/AST/Operator.h>
namespace hlvm
/// This class provides an Abstract Syntax Tree node that represents a negation
/// operator. The NegateOpID is a unary operator that negates its operand and
/// returns that value.
/// @brief AST Negate Operator Node
class NegateOp : public UnaryOperator
/// @name Constructors
/// @{
NegateOp() : UnaryOperator(NegateOpID) {}
virtual ~NegateOp();
/// @}
/// @name Accessors
/// @{
static inline bool classof(const NegateOp*) { return true; }
static inline bool classof(const Node* N) { return N->is(NegateOpID); }
/// @}
friend class AST;
/// This class provides an Abstract Syntax Tree node that represents a
/// complement operator. The ComplementOpID is a unary operator that complements
/// its operand and returns that value.
/// @brief AST Complement Operator Node
class ComplementOp : public UnaryOperator
/// @name Constructors
/// @{
ComplementOp() : UnaryOperator(ComplementOpID) {}
virtual ~ComplementOp();
/// @}
/// @name Accessors
/// @{
static inline bool classof(const ComplementOp*) { return true; }
static inline bool classof(const Node* N) { return N->is(ComplementOpID); }
/// @}
friend class AST;
/// This class provides an Abstract Syntax Tree node that represents a
/// pre-increment operator. The PreIncrOpID is a unary operator that increments
/// its operand and returns the incremented value.
/// @brief AST Pre-Increment Operator Node
class PreIncrOp : public UnaryOperator
/// @name Constructors
/// @{
PreIncrOp() : UnaryOperator(PreIncrOpID) {}
virtual ~PreIncrOp();
/// @}
/// @name Accessors
/// @{
static inline bool classof(const PreIncrOp*) { return true; }
static inline bool classof(const Node* N) { return N->is(PreIncrOpID); }
/// @}
friend class AST;
/// This class provides an Abstract Syntax Tree node that represents a
/// post-increment operator. The PostIncrOpID is a unary operator that returns
/// its operand and arranges for that operand to be incremented some time after
/// the value has been used.
/// @brief AST Post-Increment Operator Node
class PostIncrOp : public UnaryOperator
/// @name Constructors
/// @{
PostIncrOp() : UnaryOperator(PostIncrOpID) {}
virtual ~PostIncrOp();
/// @}
/// @name Accessors
/// @{
static inline bool classof(const PostIncrOp*) { return true; }
static inline bool classof(const Node* N) { return N->is(PostIncrOpID); }
/// @}
friend class AST;
/// This class provides an Abstract Syntax Tree node that represents a
/// pre-decrement operator. The PreDecrOp is a unary operator that decrements
/// the value of its operand and returns that decremented value.
/// @brief AST Pre-Decrement Operator Node
class PreDecrOp : public UnaryOperator
/// @name Constructors
/// @{
PreDecrOp() : UnaryOperator(PreDecrOpID) {}
virtual ~PreDecrOp();
/// @}
/// @name Accessors
/// @{
static inline bool classof(const PreDecrOp*) { return true; }
static inline bool classof(const Node* N) { return N->is(PreDecrOpID); }
/// @}
friend class AST;
/// This class provides an Abstract Syntax Tree node that represents a
/// post-decrement operator. The PostDecrOp is a unary operator that
/// returns the value of its operand and then arranges for that value to be
/// decremented after it has been used.
/// @brief AST Post-Decrement Operator Node
class PostDecrOp : public UnaryOperator
/// @name Constructors
/// @{
PostDecrOp() : UnaryOperator(PostDecrOpID) {}
virtual ~PostDecrOp();
/// @}
/// @name Accessors
/// @{
static inline bool classof(const PostDecrOp*) { return true; }
static inline bool classof(const Node* N) { return N->is(PostDecrOpID); }
/// @}
friend class AST;
/// This class provides an Abstract Syntax Tree node that represents a
/// SizeOf operator. The SizeOfOp is a unary operator that returns the size, in
/// bytes, of its operand. The value returned is a constant s32
/// @brief AST SizeOf Operator Node
class SizeOfOp : public UnaryOperator
/// @name Constructors
/// @{
SizeOfOp() : UnaryOperator(SizeOfOpID) {}
virtual ~SizeOfOp();
/// @}
/// @name Accessors
/// @{
static inline bool classof(const SizeOfOp*) { return true; }
static inline bool classof(const Node* N) { return N->is(SizeOfOpID); }
/// @}
friend class AST;
/// This class provides an Abstract Syntax Tree node that represents a
/// length operator. The LengthOp is a unary operator that returns the logical
/// length of its operand. The value returned is a u64. This operator may be
/// applied to any type of object. For most types, it returns 1. For arrays,
/// it returns the actual (dynamic) size of the array. Same for Text and String
/// type objects. For Structures it returns the number of fields.
/// @brief AST SizeOf Operator Node
class LengthOp : public UnaryOperator
/// @name Constructors
/// @{
LengthOp() : UnaryOperator(LengthOpID) {}
virtual ~LengthOp();
/// @}
/// @name Accessors
/// @{
static inline bool classof(const LengthOp*) { return true; }
static inline bool classof(const Node* N) { return N->is(LengthOpID); }
/// @}
friend class AST;
/// This class provides an Abstract Syntax Tree node that represents a
/// conversion operator. The ConvertOp is a binary operator that converts its
/// first operand to the type provided in its second operand (which must be
/// a reference operator to the type).
/// @brief AST Conversion Operator Node
class ConvertOp : public UnaryOperator
/// @name Constructors
/// @{
ConvertOp() : UnaryOperator(ConvertOpID) {}
virtual ~ConvertOp();
/// @}
/// @name Accessors
/// @{
static inline bool classof(const ConvertOp*) { return true; }
static inline bool classof(const Node* N) { return N->is(ConvertOpID); }
/// @}
friend class AST;
/// This class provides an Abstract Syntax Tree node that represents an operator
/// to add two quantities. The AddOp is a binary operator that
/// computes the sum of its two operands and returns that value.
/// @brief AST Add Operator Node
class AddOp : public BinaryOperator
/// @name Constructors
/// @{
AddOp() : BinaryOperator(AddOpID) {}
virtual ~AddOp();
/// @}
/// @name Accessors
/// @{
static inline bool classof(const AddOp*) { return true; }
static inline bool classof(const Node* N) { return N->is(AddOpID); }
/// @}
friend class AST;
/// This class provides an Abstract Syntax Tree node that represents an operator
/// to subtract two quantities. The SubractOp is a binary operator that
/// computes the difference of its two operands and returns that value.
/// @brief AST Subtract Operator Node
class SubtractOp : public BinaryOperator
/// @name Constructors
/// @{
SubtractOp() : BinaryOperator(SubtractOpID) {}
virtual ~SubtractOp();
/// @}
/// @name Accessors
/// @{
static inline bool classof(const SubtractOp*) { return true; }
static inline bool classof(const Node* N) { return N->is(SubtractOpID); }
/// @}
friend class AST;
/// This class provides an Abstract Syntax Tree node that represents an operator
/// to multiply two quantities. The MultiplyOp is a binary operator that
/// computes the product of its two operands and returns that value.
/// @brief AST Multiply Operator Node
class MultiplyOp : public BinaryOperator
/// @name Constructors
/// @{
MultiplyOp() : BinaryOperator(MultiplyOpID) {}
virtual ~MultiplyOp();
/// @}
/// @name Accessors
/// @{
static inline bool classof(const MultiplyOp*) { return true; }
static inline bool classof(const Node* N) { return N->is(MultiplyOpID); }
/// @}
friend class AST;
/// This class provides an Abstract Syntax Tree node that represents an operator
/// to divide two quantities. The DivideOp is a binary operator that
/// computes the dividend of its two operands and returns that value.
/// @brief AST Divide Operator Node
class DivideOp : public BinaryOperator
/// @name Constructors
/// @{
DivideOp() : BinaryOperator(DivideOpID) {}
virtual ~DivideOp();
/// @}
/// @name Accessors
/// @{
static inline bool classof(const DivideOp*) { return true; }
static inline bool classof(const Node* N) { return N->is(DivideOpID); }
/// @}
friend class AST;
/// This class provides an Abstract Syntax Tree node that represents a modulo
/// operator. The ModuloOp is a binary operator that computes the remainder
/// when its operands are divided and returns that value.
/// @brief AST Modulo Operator Node
class ModuloOp : public BinaryOperator
/// @name Constructors
/// @{
ModuloOp() : BinaryOperator(ModuloOpID) {}
virtual ~ModuloOp();
/// @}
/// @name Accessors
/// @{
static inline bool classof(const ModuloOp*) { return true; }
static inline bool classof(const Node* N) { return N->is(ModuloOpID); }
/// @}
friend class AST;
/// This class provides an Abstract Syntax Tree node that represents a bitwise
/// and operator. The BAndOp is a binary operator that computes a bitwise and on
/// its two operands and returns that value. BAndOp can only be used with
/// integral types.
/// @brief AST Bitwise And Operator Node
class BAndOp : public BinaryOperator
/// @name Constructors
/// @{
BAndOp() : BinaryOperator(BAndOpID) {}
virtual ~BAndOp();
/// @}
/// @name Accessors
/// @{
static inline bool classof(const BAndOp*) { return true; }
static inline bool classof(const Node* N) { return N->is(BAndOpID); }
/// @}
friend class AST;
/// This class provides an Abstract Syntax Tree node that represents a bitwise
/// or operator. The BOrOp is a binary operator that computes the bitwise or
/// of its two operands and returns that value.
/// @brief AST Bitwise Or Operator Node
class BOrOp : public BinaryOperator
/// @name Constructors
/// @{
BOrOp() : BinaryOperator(BOrOpID) {}
virtual ~BOrOp();
/// @}
/// @name Accessors
/// @{
static inline bool classof(const BOrOp*) { return true; }
static inline bool classof(const Node* N) { return N->is(BOrOpID); }
/// @}
friend class AST;
/// This class provides an Abstract Syntax Tree node that represents a bitwise
/// exclusive or operator. The BXorOp is a binary operator that computes the
/// bitwise exclusive or of its two operands and returns that value.
/// @brief AST Bitwise Exclusive Or Operator Node
class BXorOp : public BinaryOperator
/// @name Constructors
/// @{
BXorOp() : BinaryOperator(BXorOpID) {}
virtual ~BXorOp();
/// @}
/// @name Accessors
/// @{
static inline bool classof(const BXorOp*) { return true; }
static inline bool classof(const Node* N) { return N->is(BXorOpID); }
/// @}
friend class AST;
/// This class provides an Abstract Syntax Tree node that represents a bitwise
/// not or operator. The BNorOp is a binary operator that computes the
/// bitwise nor of its two operands and returns that value.
/// @brief AST Bitwise Nor Operator Node
class BNorOp : public BinaryOperator
/// @name Constructors
/// @{
BNorOp() : BinaryOperator(BNorOpID) {}
virtual ~BNorOp();
/// @}
/// @name Accessors
/// @{
static inline bool classof(const BNorOp*) { return true; }
static inline bool classof(const Node* N) { return N->is(BNorOpID); }
/// @}
friend class AST;
} // end hlvm namespace